VP Kamala Harris' 'Kimmel' Interview Interrupted by Palestine Protesters | TMZ Live

  • 4 months ago
Here's what you didn't see when Vice President Kamala Harris' sat down with Jimmy Kimmel -- an activist group infiltrated the audience and called her out for supporting Israel, screaming and chanting as security dragged them out.


00:00 If you saw Kimmel last night, you didn't see all of Kimmel,
00:03 because Kamala Harris, our vice president, was on,
00:07 and everything looked copacetic.
00:09 They had a nice chat.
00:11 Audience was applauding.
00:14 They were fine.
00:15 On what you saw on the air.
00:18 But what happened off the air, a very different situation.
00:21 Totally different situation.
00:23 Protesters who had somehow infiltrated the audience.
00:27 Remember, there is security.
00:28 And remember, the vice president is there,
00:30 so Secret Service did a whole sweep.
00:32 Yet, there were a number of people, several people--
00:35 By the way, this is really an interesting point.
00:37 Several people who got into the audience
00:40 and were ready to protest over Israel's war against Hamas
00:45 and the bombings in Gaza.
00:48 This is how they interrupted, repeatedly
00:51 interrupted, the vice president.
00:52 Stop the genocide!
00:55 15,000 children died because of you.
00:58 Stop the genocide!
01:00 You're a murderer!
01:02 15,000 children died!
01:05 Kamala Harris!
01:06 It's good to have you back.
01:10 Stop.
01:13 Not thinking, but nobody pays the price.
01:16 They're interrupting my flow.
01:19 Stop the genocide.
01:24 Stop.
01:25 Oh, [BLEEP]
01:26 All right.
01:27 Anybody else?
01:27 [BLEEP]
01:28 If anyone else has anything to say, this is the time.
01:31 1.9 million people are shot.
01:37 Oh, it's interesting.
01:38 And then the band starts--
01:39 The band started playing Stevie Wonder's "Sign,
01:41 Seal, Deliver It, I'm Yours," while security
01:44 was trying to wrangle everyone.
01:45 They kept popping up in the crowd.
01:47 You could hear Jimmy Kimmel trying to make--
01:50 Well, at first, he tried to just keep it going.
01:53 Right.
01:53 And then realized that there's no way--
01:55 I thought it was very funny when he said,
01:57 anyone else is the time.
01:58 That's not how protesters work.
02:00 They're not doing it on your time table.
02:01 Although, it was a good tactic, because they
02:04 didn't know it would air or not.
02:06 Well, so actually, I think it was actually a good tactic.
02:09 Well, and here's what the interesting tactic is.
02:11 It was a very coordinated effort,
02:12 because when there was first a disruptor,
02:14 the security would address it.
02:15 And then while they were addressing one disruptor,
02:17 someone else would pop up.
02:18 So they always had something like a game of Whack-A-Mole
02:20 Harvey, where they always had someone protesting so
02:22 that they get their full message out.
02:24 And this organization called Code Pink
02:26 is apparently behind this.
02:27 And they're known for these sort of very loud protests,
02:30 where they're able to sort of infiltrate studios and get
02:33 lots of media attention.
02:34 Well, the other thing is backstage--
02:36 see, they took a lot of the protesters away,
02:38 because they wanted to get them off the set.
02:40 And they took them backstage.
02:40 Right, so they could continue the taping.
02:42 So they're backstage--
02:43 Now, this is weird.
02:44 --where the security guards--
02:46 and I don't think they're not Secret Service,
02:47 from what I can tell.
02:48 But they informed the protesters--
02:50 I'm not sure.
02:50 By the way, I'm not sure he could be.
02:52 He could be.
02:52 They informed the protesters that they
02:54 were going to be arrested, to which they said,
02:56 how are you going to arrest me?
02:57 You're just a security guard.
02:58 Well, they were also--
02:59 well, and I think that guy is Secret Service.
03:02 He had that--
03:02 Yeah, that guy, the last guy that came over.
03:04 But if they're invited in, they're not really trespassing.
03:08 Right.
03:09 And I'm not sure what they did.
03:10 Ultimately, they were not arrested.
03:12 And you saw there was this physical altercation
03:14 that broke out.
03:17 But eventually, they just let them out.
03:18 And they went out onto Hollywood Boulevard.
03:21 They continued protesting outside the theater.
03:23 This is a harbinger of what's to come,
03:25 because it's pretty clear--
03:28 If you're in the administration and you're
03:30 making a public appearance--
03:31 This is going to happen.
03:32 This is going to happen.
03:32 I mean, as the song goes, school's out for summer.
03:35 So it's not going to happen on the campuses with the way
03:39 it did during the last semester.
03:41 But now they're going to move it.
03:43 Look, what everybody's wondering now--
03:45 and this really is interesting--
03:48 is that the Democratic Convention is in Chicago.
03:52 And if you are old enough, which you probably aren't, but I am,
03:56 to remember 1968, there was chaos on the streets in Chicago.
04:02 And it may have cost the Democrats the election
04:05 as a result of that.
04:06 So this is something that's clearly
04:09 on the minds of the Biden administration.
04:12 And I think it really kind of sets the stage for Chicago.
04:16 I think you're exactly right.
04:17 I mean, campuses are hard to control,
04:19 and conventions are hard to control.
04:20 But I did expect more security at the Jimmy Kimmel show.
04:23 I mean, someone brought in a flag.
04:25 They could have not let them in.
04:27 This is a show, a late night talk show.
04:28 How are they getting in with all these implements?
04:31 But how does the Secret Service say, you've got a flag,
04:34 you can't come in?
04:35 It doesn't align, necessarily.
04:37 Do you know what I mean?
04:38 Yeah, I mean, I guess I understand
04:39 because she's a public figure.
04:40 So it would be a bad look to not let her into the show.
04:42 Well, it's also-- the Biden administration
04:44 is walking that line of free speech versus hate speech.
04:47 And if they start denying people who have a flag,
04:51 I think it becomes problematic for the administration.
04:54 The other thing that's going--
04:55 as you said, because this is campaign season,
04:58 other members of the administration,
04:59 including the vice president and the president,
05:01 they're going to do these talk shows.
05:03 They intentionally go out to these talk shows.
05:06 And campaign stumps.
05:08 Yeah, and campaign stumps.
05:09 But going on these talk shows becomes an issue now
05:12 for the studios that are putting together these shows.
05:18 Your security.
05:18 And you kind of need to have a plan on how--
05:21 like, you should just expect it's going to happen, right?
05:23 Well, especially now.
05:24 Right, you expect it's going to happen.
05:25 You've got to have a game plan.
05:26 What are we going to do?
05:27 What's the band going to play?
05:29 Maybe not Stevie Wonder's "Signed, Sealed, Delivered."
05:31 I'm yours.
05:32 Or you have a song.
05:34 No, I don't have one in mind, but--
05:35 Hit the road, Jack.
05:36 Hit the road, Jack.
05:37 It's the classic one.
05:38 Yeah, get out of here.
05:40 Hey, guys, thanks for having me.
05:41 I'm Nicholas Kushner, and I'm from San Diego, California.
05:44 So I understand why some people might not
05:47 think that a Jimmy Kimmel taping was the time or place
05:49 for something like this.
05:51 But when else would these people have
05:53 had a chance to be face to face with the Vice
05:55 President of the United States?
05:57 Could they have done this in a better way?
05:59 Totally.
06:00 And I'm not disagreeing with that.
06:01 But we have 30,000 innocent Palestinian civilians
06:05 who have died so far.
06:07 And that number is growing every single day.
06:09 The public is horrified with what's going on.
06:12 We were horrified on October 7, and we're still horrified now.
06:15 But it's also very important to keep in mind
06:18 that what Hamas did does not represent all of Palestine.
06:22 The people want the remaining Israeli hostages back home,
06:25 but not like this.
06:26 There has to be a better way.
06:27 Enough is enough.
06:28 The people are calling for a ceasefire.
06:30 Fair.
06:31 OK.
06:32 Well said.
06:36 (upbeat music)
