Jessica Alves: I'm Finally Getting A Feminine Voice | HOOKED ON THE LOOK

  • 3 months ago

TRANSGENDER woman Jessica Alves witnesses the results of her vocal feminisation surgery for the very first time on camera. Three years ago, 39-year-old Jessica began her physical transformation into a female body. "I didn't know that I was transgender, but I knew that I was different. Other people knew that I was different, my family, friends, and the boys at school who used to physically bully me only because I was different", Jessica reflected. "I wasn't like these people, then I realised that I was transgender." She has spent over £800,000 modifying every inch of her body over the past 18 years, including a breast augmentation and gender reassignment surgery. However, her latest medical procedure is one of the most integral parts of her personal journey. In this episode, Jessica goes to Kamol Hospital in Bangkok, Thailand for facial and vocal feminisation surgery. She explained to Truly why this step was so important: "I'm just so excited about this surgery, today is the very last day of my life - that I'm actually going to sound and look like this." She will be supported by her friend Darcie, who is also a trans woman and underwent the same procedures at the clinic previously. "You are judged on your face and your voice. The results are life-changing", Darcie explained. Jessica will see the dramatic changes in her voice levels for the very first time and reveal how she feels about it to Darcie.

Videographer: Florian Witulski
Producers: Kate Moore, Nathalie Bonney, Yasmin Walker
Editor: Tani McDowell


00:00I didn't know that I was transgender but I knew that I was different.
00:04One year and a half ago I was here at this hospital for a gender reassignment surgery
00:10and now I came back to have a voice feminization surgery.
00:15I am nervous.
00:17Wow it's 223 hertz out of your voice.
00:21It's so insane.
00:23Growing up as a child I was always in touch with my feminine side.
00:27I didn't know that I was transgender but I knew that I was different.
00:31Other people knew that I was different.
00:34My family, friends, the boys at school who used to physically bully me only because I
00:39was different.
00:40I wasn't like them.
00:42These people realized that I was a transgender.
00:47I started my transition process three years ago.
00:51One year and a half ago I was here at this hospital for a gender reassignment surgery.
00:57And today Jessica has come back for a consultation regarding a face and voice feminization surgery.
01:08Doctor thank you again.
01:09It's wonderful to see you after one year.
01:12So I really want to have a obviously more feminine face and I would like you to really
01:19cut the bone and make here really small and on my chin pointy.
01:27Yeah shape here a lot like cut here so it becomes like this.
01:31And after the surgery, after cutting the bone here's going to become more shaggy look.
01:36Can you do a mid-face lift on the same day?
01:38Before we back up.
01:42Jessica is now back at the hospital ready for her surgery and has brought along her
01:47close friend Darcy for support.
01:50I met Darcy here at the Commonwealth Hospital facilities.
01:53Darcy is a transgender woman like myself.
01:56She's from England but she lives in Thailand and we became friends.
02:01We have a lot in common and she's very helpful.
02:04How are you feeling?
02:05Oh gosh Darcy I'm just so excited about this surgery.
02:10Today is the very last day of my life that I'm actually gonna be sound and look like this.
02:16The voice it's life-changing.
02:19I mean you can't talk for one week so you know it's a little bit difficult but you know you'll
02:25And then um face is a bit swollen but the results are just life-changing.
02:30Nobody sees the... nobody really sees breasts but rightly or wrongly you're judged on your
02:36face and your voice sound.
02:37Exactly yeah.
02:40I'm very nervous but at the same time very excited because I know that I'm very good
02:44hands in the hands of Dr Kamal for my face and voice surgery and my face lift.
02:49But also in the hands of Dr Jan who's going to perform my voice immunisation surgery.
02:56It has now been eight days since Jessica had her surgery
03:00and today is the first time that she is speaking with her new voice.
03:11It's wonderful to see you.
03:12Oh my god.
03:15So how does it sound?
03:17Oh my god.
03:18How does it sound?
03:19It sounds amazing.
03:20Oh my god.
03:21Oh so wonderful to see you.
03:23Come here sit next to me.
03:25So um I've had this surgery as well so I'm going to give you like a couple of tips okay.
03:32So what you need to do is find a level and you have to hum like
03:39because then the low range is now gone.
03:42You know you can't do the male range anymore so it's like you've got a like a new instrument
03:47and you have to kind of learn to use it.
03:51My name is Jessica.
03:55Kind of similar to that a little bit higher.
04:01My name is Jessica.
04:07Gosh that's strange.
04:09How do you feel?
04:11I feel amazing Darcy.
04:13I feel so feminine.
04:15Not only my appearance, my looks but I feel so much more female now.
04:22Where before my voice didn't match to my appearance.
04:28Since the transition it's a new life.
04:31My life has changed completely in every single way.
04:36And not just my appearance the way that I look and the way that I feel
04:40but everything around me has changed.
04:43Darcy so actually today is the first day that I'm going to be seeing the surgeon
04:48who performed the voice feminization surgery and I'd love you to come with me.
04:52Oh thank you.
04:54We have really helped each other a long way.
04:58I mean transition is quite a difficult process.
05:01You know you do a surgery and the results aren't instant.
05:04They're never instant and it's quite stressful.
05:09Hi Jessica.
05:10Lovely to see you.
05:12How are you?
05:13I'm okay.
05:15Can you sit here?
05:16Sure yeah.
05:16Darcy sit down.
05:19Right so today is the first day that I speak after our voice surgery.
05:27Wow Jessica.
05:28I think your voice is gonna be improved and the swelling process has resolved.
05:36Let's show Jessica.
05:38One, two, three.
05:40Over the hill.
05:41Over dale.
05:42Through bush.
05:44Through brier.
05:45Over park.
05:46Over pale.
05:47Through flood.
05:48Through fire.
05:49Wow it's 223 hertz of your voice frequency.
05:53It's so changed.
05:56Oh my god doctor I'm so happy with the results.
06:00It is a woman's voice.
06:01Yes the average of all the men's voice frequency is just around 100 to 120 hertz.
06:10And the average of the female's voice frequency is above 190 hertz to 220.
06:24My message to any transgender people is that there is no right age to transition.
06:31You can transition at any age but there is a right time in life.
06:35Transitioning it's not a choice.
06:38Transitioning it is a duty to yourself.
