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Even prequels can have shocking moments. Welcome to MsMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the most jaw-dropping moments from “Young Sheldon.”


00:00 "Oh my god."
00:02 Welcome to Ms. Mojo, and today we're counting down our picks for the most jaw-dropping moments
00:08 from young Sheldon.
00:09 "I never talked to my father about what I saw that day, but from then on I added extra
00:13 knocks so people could get their pants on."
00:17 Number 10.
00:18 Mary hides the Caltech letter from Sheldon.
00:21 While looking for a flashlight, Sheldon finds a letter from Caltech in his mom's nightstand.
00:26 With some help from Missy, he learns that the university wants to enroll him.
00:30 "Now tell me what was in that letter."
00:32 "You're pretty cranky for a princess rodeo clown."
00:34 "Missy!"
00:35 "Caltech wants you to go to school there."
00:37 "Really?"
00:38 "They wanna talk to mom and dad about it."
00:41 It is quite appalling that Mary would keep such a big secret from her son.
00:46 Yes, he can be persistent when he sets his sights on something, but doesn't he have a
00:51 right to know?
00:52 "How could you not tell me that Caltech wants me to go to school there?"
00:55 "Because you're not going, so it doesn't matter."
00:57 "So I don't get a say in this?"
00:59 "Actually, no.
01:00 Which is why that letter is addressed to the parents of Sheldon Cooper."
01:04 Worse still, Mary doesn't even include George in the matter, and she's been hiding more
01:08 than one letter.
01:09 We understand that sending her baby away ignited her mama bear instincts, but where with George
01:14 on this?
01:15 "So you just wanna ship our baby boy off to California to live by himself?"
01:19 "I want to be included in decisions about his future.
01:22 If that means California, maybe I'll go with him."
01:24 No wonder Sheldon felt closer to his dad at this moment.
01:28 "I want dad."
01:30 "Come on, let's get you back in bed."
01:36 Number 9.
01:37 Sheldon chooses MIT.
01:39 Anyone who watched Big Bang knows that Sheldon Cooper is a staunch atheist and has no respect
01:44 for an MIT education.
01:45 "Hi, I'm Dr. Sheldon Cooper.
01:46 I'm the actual brains behind this project.
01:50 Also engineers aren't real scientists.
01:51 MIT is a trade school and the Death Star is from Star Wars, not Star Trek."
01:57 That's why we were astonished to learn he'd been baptized, and even more so that he'd
02:01 once considered enrolling in MIT.
02:04 Sheldon initially has a tough time narrowing down grad schools, but eventually whittles
02:08 it down to Caltech or MIT.
02:10 "I've narrowed it down to Caltech and MIT.
02:12 Geographically equidistant, so the travel time home would be about the same.
02:16 Caltech has Stephen Hawking, which is exciting, but he doesn't win a Nobel Prize, unlike Henry
02:19 Kendall of MIT, who recently did."
02:21 However, one look at the snowstorm outside Boston's airport and they're off to sunny
02:26 California.
02:27 "Caltech?"
02:28 "Caltech."
02:29 This was still a huge shock to the Big Bang Theory fans, who spent 12 seasons listening
02:34 to Sheldon disparage the university and its alumni.
02:37 After all those years of taunting, what would Howard have said if he knew the truth?
02:41 "Come on, you might have gone to school for a couple more years than me, but guess what?
02:45 Engineers are just as smart as physicists."
02:47 "You take that back."
02:49 "No."
02:50 Number 8.
02:51 George and Mary's explosive fight.
02:58 As Mary once told George, "Wake up, no marriage is a bed of roses."
03:03 While this is certainly true, this particular bed of roses has a lot of thorns.
03:08 After a stressful day at work, Mary comes home to even more chaos, leading to a fight
03:12 with George.
03:13 "It would be nice if I didn't have to come home after a long day at work and take care
03:17 of everything here."
03:19 "You didn't.
03:20 I was handling it, till you came and bulldozed right over me."
03:23 Unfortunately, when Georgie comes home, he accidentally reignites their argument and
03:27 gets stuck in the crossfire.
03:29 No one wants to get caught between their parents arguing, and this one's particularly nasty.
03:34 Mary berates George for not pulling enough weight at home.
03:37 He fires back, airing out all his grievances about how his life's turned out.
03:41 "Did I want to get stuck coaching high school football?
03:44 Did I want to live across the street from your mother?
03:46 Did I want to spend my evening getting yelled at by my daughter and my son and my wife?"
03:50 Then he drops the harshest truth that Mary couldn't care less about his feelings before
03:54 storming out.
03:55 "I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were so unhappy."
03:58 "Because you never bothered to ask."
04:05 Number 7.
04:06 Mary miscarries.
04:07 In season 2, Mary learns that she and George are expecting another child.
04:12 "Well?"
04:13 "Well what?"
04:14 "I'm trying to say it."
04:15 "You woke me up.
04:16 Spill it or I'm going back to bed.
04:18 I'm pregnant.
04:19 I'm awake now."
04:22 George is completely caught off guard, but he steps up to ensure their growing family
04:26 will be taken care of.
04:27 "Are you kidding me?"
04:30 "Keep your voice down?"
04:31 "Are you kidding me?"
04:33 "Look, I was a little thrown too, but Pastor Jeff said-"
04:36 "Pastor Jeff?
04:37 Pastor Jeff knows before me?"
04:39 With the financial worries eased, he can finally get excited over the new arrival.
04:43 However, just as he prepares to share his news with Mary, she drops a devastating revelation
04:49 of her own.
04:50 "I lost the baby."
04:51 "Oh."
04:56 We felt like we were right there with George, soaking in the shock.
05:00 Considering Sheldon never mentioned a third sibling in Big Bang, we had to assume that
05:04 something like this might have happened.
05:06 Even so, our hearts shattered into a million pieces for the couple.
05:10 "It turns out I don't need that raise."
05:12 "What happened?
05:13 You win the lottery?"
05:17 "No."
05:18 "Oh, George.
05:20 I am so sorry."
05:24 Number 6.
05:26 Connie gets arrested.
05:27 We were as stunned as the rest of the Coopers when Georgie and his mema got arrested at
05:31 the Mexican border.
05:32 "Georgie and I ran into a little problem at the border."
05:35 "What border?"
05:36 "The Mexican one.
05:37 We got arrested."
05:38 "What?"
05:39 "We got arrested."
05:40 "What?"
05:41 "Who is it?"
05:44 But that was nothing compared to the time the cops caught Connie trying to evade arrest
05:49 when they came snooping around her business.
05:51 Yes, she had been running an illegal gambling room, but Officer Rutledge had promised to
05:56 look the other way in exchange for a share of the profits.
05:59 Nevertheless, he's the one who blabs.
06:01 "That greedy rat of a cop I was paying off."
06:05 "Rutledge?
06:06 He's the one who flipped on you."
06:07 "Son of a b*tch.
06:08 You can't even trust a dirty cop these days."
06:11 Connie ends up on house arrest and loses her entire livelihood.
06:15 Fortunately for her, barring one weekend, when the judge is out of town, she manages
06:19 to avoid jail time.
06:21 Luckily, Connie Tucker is one tough cookie.
06:23 "Will it give her a little zap?"
06:25 "No."
06:26 "Well, how's she gonna learn?"
06:27 "Will it beep if I kill him?"
06:29 "As long as it's within 50 yards, go for it."
06:33 Number 5.
06:34 Dr. Sturgis has a breakdown
06:36 Airing in tandem with the Big Bang Theory finale, where Sheldon and Amy receive their
06:40 Nobel Prize, this Young Sheldon episode takes a more somber tone.
06:45 In it, Dr. Sturgis, triggered by the upcoming Nobel announcements, experiences an episode
06:50 of emotional distress.
06:52 Connie initially learns about his past mental health challenges from Dr. Linkletter and
06:56 later finds him on the roof doing Tai Chi.
06:58 "What kind of struggle are we talking about?"
07:00 "The Connery's had to be hospitalized."
07:03 "Well, he never said anything about that to me."
07:07 "Well, I certainly wouldn't fabricate such a story."
07:10 Only in his grief, he starts to imagine neutrinos and the like floating around him.
07:15 "Tomorrow, somebody will win the Nobel Prize about these particles.
07:21 Not me.
07:24 But I'm experiencing them first hand."
07:28 We were as thrown as Connie to see him so upset, and we definitely felt for him.
07:32 We really hope that knowing he was right about Sheldon brings him some comfort in the future.
07:37 "It was my dream to win the Nobel, and I'm not going to.
07:43 I bet Sheldon will."
07:49 Number 4.
07:50 Connie's house gets destroyed.
07:52 The season 6 finale had us on the edge of our seats as a tornado tore through Madford.
07:57 "Oh, for f***s sake.
07:59 Everybody, follow me.
08:00 Come on."
08:01 "Are we all gonna fit in there?"
08:02 "Maybe God will provide a miracle."
08:04 Georgie and Mandy seek shelter with her parents, Pastor Jeff joins Connie and others in the
08:09 gambling room, and Missy and George take cover on the roadside.
08:13 We were relieved when the storm lightened up and everyone was okay.
08:16 However, as Connie and Dale drove down the road to check out the damage, they were in
08:20 for a major shock.
08:22 "Mary's house looked okay."
08:23 "Why, it was a big one.
08:28 Oh, Connie, I'm so sorry."
08:33 Yes, it is just things, and luckily no one was home.
08:37 But seeing your home totally destroyed is undoubtedly a devastating blow.
08:42 Even more so for Connie, who realizes her hidden stash of cash is among the ruins.
08:46 "And money."
08:47 "I don't know.
08:48 All my money."
08:49 "Calm down."
08:50 "Don't tell me to calm down.
08:51 Help me pick it up."
08:52 "All right, all right."
08:57 Number 3.
08:58 The script gets flipped on Sheldon's three knocks.
09:00 In Season 10 of The Big Bang Theory, Sheldon reveals the origins of his three knocks to
09:05 Penny.
09:06 "I heard a sound coming from my parents' bedroom.
09:09 When I opened the door, I saw my father having relations with another woman."
09:15 While it was a shocking revelation at the time, it just didn't sound like the George
09:19 we'd come to know and love on Young Sheldon.
09:21 Still, George's relationship with his neighbor Brenda Sparks seemed to be building in that
09:25 direction.
09:26 So, we waited to see how this would all play out.
09:29 What we didn't expect was for the writers to reinterpret the whole thing.
09:33 Instead of George straying, they hit us with a major plot twist, spinning it all as a colossal
09:38 misunderstanding on Sheldon's part.
09:40 "Are you sure your wife won't come home?"
09:44 "Uh-uh, I'm sure.
09:46 Yeah, yeah."
09:48 "Oh, hell, girl."
09:51 We definitely didn't see it coming, but kudos to the writers for their creative retconning
09:55 skills.
09:56 "I never talked to my father about what I saw that day, but from then on, I added
10:00 extra knocks so people could get their pants on."
10:03 Number 2.
10:04 Mary Breaks Down
10:05 Unfortunately, there is one Big Bang storyline they couldn't write their way out of.
10:10 George's fate.
10:11 "He, uh, he had a hard time."
10:16 "He's okay, right?"
10:19 "He's gone."
10:22 We knew it was coming, so the first two times George suffered heart attacks in the series
10:26 set our pulse racing.
10:27 Sadly, the third time turns out to be fatal.
10:30 Mary spends most of the subsequent episode processing her loss and taking care of preparations
10:35 for the funeral, but mostly keeping her emotions at bay.
10:38 However, when she gets up to speak in front of the mourners, everything she'd been holding
10:42 back comes spilling out, and it's heart-wrenching.
10:44 "George and I had our ups and downs, but we were finally in such a good place.
10:50 And then he left.
10:53 He left all of us.
10:56 How could you do that?"
10:59 We're so used to seeing Mary so in control, so seeing her break down this way makes us
11:03 hurt inside too.
11:05 "I'm so mad at him.
11:07 I'm mad at God.
11:08 I'm mad at myself for not trying harder while he was here.
11:14 This wasn't supposed to happen."
11:19 Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
11:23 Mary and Audrey baptize Cece.
11:25 PSA, making decisions for someone else's child behind their back?
11:29 Not cool.
11:38 Sheldon falls behind his classmates.
11:40 We never thought we'd see the day that Sheldon Lee Cooper would be dubbed "Class Doomcop."
11:44 "He forgot to consider the Calabi-Yau manifold."
11:47 "Thank you, Mr. Ziegler."
11:49 "Wait, what's the Calabi-Yau manifold?"
11:54 Georgie proposes to Mandy.
11:56 Who wouldn't be taken aback by a spontaneous proposal?
12:13 Marlene cheats on Coach Wayne Wilkins.
12:16 But they seem so happy, so in love.
12:29 Sheldon taunts Paige.
12:31 It's not that we're condoning violence or anything, but he kinda had this one coming.
12:39 Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified
12:49 about our latest videos.
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13:01 Mandy tells Georgie she's pregnant.
13:04 Georgie and Mandy first meet at the laundromat and hit it off right away.
13:07 Only one problem, they've both lied about their age.
13:11 Fudging a few years is one thing, but claiming to be over 18 when you're not is like opening
13:16 Pandora's box.
13:25 Of course, she's horrified to learn the truth and kicks him out.
13:28 When he tries to apologize again, she hits him with some life-altering news.
13:44 This isn't the first time Georgie's dealt with a pregnancy scare, but he's so stunned
13:48 that he immediately goes into denial.
13:51 He can ask Mandy to take all the pregnancy tests he wants, but it still doesn't change
13:55 the reality.
13:56 They're going to be parents.
14:07 Which Young Sheldon moment was so shocking that you're still trying to pick your jaw
14:10 up off the floor?
14:12 Let us know in the comments.
14:16 Do you agree with our picks?
14:17 Check out this other recent clip from Ms. Mojo.
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14:25 Thanks for watching!
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