Power Book II - Ghost Season 4 Episode 1 - I Don't Die Easy

  • 3 months ago
Power Book II - Ghost Season 4 Episode 1 - I Don't Die Easy


00:00 [Music]
00:24 Previously on Ghost.
00:26 Mecca is dead. His drugs belong to me.
00:30 Seems y'all can't keep Noah happy so I'm your new boss now.
00:33 Nah, no.
00:34 You think Monet have happy kids.
00:36 When I brought it up to her she threatened to kill me.
00:38 What's stopping her from killing us too?
00:40 I found out last night. A sex work. I'm with the vets.
00:43 I'm sorry but I can't ask for protection for you now.
00:45 So what about Epi?
00:48 We broke up.
00:50 Epi Morales you are under arrest.
00:52 What? What for?
00:53 Attempted murder.
00:55 You stated that Miss Morales kidnapped you and pushed you into an icy river.
00:59 That is what you told me to say.
01:01 They played you. I'm pulling the plug. This is done.
01:04 Junior.
01:05 Mom?
01:06 This came for you in the mail.
01:08 It's from that lawyer Cooper Sachs.
01:09 It's time for Monet to go.
01:11 Dee what are you asking me right now?
01:13 Put two through the window and drive off.
01:15 I told you and Kane I never saw the killer's face.
01:17 [Gunshots]
01:21 You tried to kill our mother.
01:23 You almost killed me too.
01:25 I ain't covering for your daughter. I got people with eyes on them.
01:28 Perhaps you've flown too close to the sun love.
01:30 What the fuck did you do?
01:31 I told Noma that you were threatening her daughter.
01:33 Bitch.
01:34 Been wanting to do this for a long time.
01:36 [Gunshots]
01:41 I think I took one of those fuckers out.
01:42 Yo B what the fuck? How did you move?
01:44 An OB call. Something about green cards.
01:46 What do we do now?
01:47 I don't know. I think we just start a fucking war though.
01:50 [Music]
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03:30 They got away.
03:31 Your incompetence will anger Noma.
03:33 You gotta be overshadowed by your disloyalty.
03:35 My what?
03:36 I know about the green cards. That's why you allowed that kid-
03:38 [Gunshots]
03:41 What the fuck happened here?
03:42 They let Braden in.
03:44 And allowed Ebony and Ivory to get away.
03:46 Fuck.
03:47 These little shits are starting to annoy me.
03:49 [Music]
03:52 [Music]
03:59 Here, let me help you.
04:00 Get the fuck off me.
04:01 Where's my fucking gun at, huh?
04:03 Kate, you're bleeding really bad.
04:04 This nigga Tareem shot my mom. The motherfucker's dead.
04:07 [Music]
04:22 I cannot fucking believe we got away.
04:24 What's the plan?
04:25 These motherfuckers, man.
04:27 These motherfuckers set me up, man.
04:29 Fuck it.
04:30 Noma, hanging with fucking Drew, Diana,
04:33 a snake bitch, Effie.
04:35 And I know they all want to fuck themselves.
04:37 Hey, you're not hearing me, Reeve.
04:39 We need somewhere to go, okay?
04:41 I planned this as far as getting us out of here.
04:43 Yeah, well I ain't playing for a fucking war, B.
04:44 So what? That's it? We're fucked?
04:47 [Music]
04:50 Reek.
04:51 [Music]
04:55 Listen, I need everyone to be crystal clear about this.
04:58 My Tareek problem gets solved today.
05:01 He knows too much about me.
05:03 Diana, Drew, you should know a weak point to exploit.
05:06 If not, find one.
05:07 Cain.
05:08 Listen, lady, I don't need a fucking pep talk, okay?
05:10 Agreed.
05:11 You need a fucking doctor.
05:13 One will be at your penthouse shortly.
05:15 I need the casualties on their end, not mine.
05:17 I'll drive them.
05:18 Do that.
05:19 And afterwards, I want you out on the streets as well.
05:21 You are fucking Tareek, right?
05:25 Then yeah, you should be able to find him.
05:30 [Music]
05:33 Noma, our mother...
05:34 I know Monet is of concern, but this has to be your priority.
05:37 Understood?
05:38 Understood.
05:42 [Music]
05:50 [Door slams]
05:51 [Music]
05:56 [Door opens]
05:59 [Door closes]
06:00 [Door opens]
06:01 [Door closes]
06:02 [Door opens]
06:03 [Door closes]
06:04 [Door closes]
06:05 Got some bread stashing here?
06:07 I guess that's the next best thing.
06:10 Yep.
06:11 Got a place for us.
06:12 You listening?
06:13 I wasn't bluffing when I said I had eyes on Noma's daughter, Aimee.
06:16 What, you think Noma would bluffing?
06:19 I bet she had an army take her away.
06:20 It couldn't happen that fast.
06:22 Okay, well, then she has an army waiting to take her away.
06:24 I bought that idea.
06:25 Listen, man, an hour ago I had everything set for you.
06:27 Alright?
06:28 Life, school, my family was away safely.
06:31 I'm not letting nobody take that shit from me, B.
06:33 Now, if Aimee is the only thing that Noma gives a fuck about,
06:36 we take her and we take the upper hand.
06:38 That's it.
06:39 Wait, what?
06:40 You know that sounds fucking crazy, right?
06:43 You asked for a plan, B.
06:44 That's my fucking plan.
06:45 What, you have anywhere to go?
06:47 Do you have anyone in your family that can help us?
06:49 I thought so.
06:52 I thought so.
06:53 Fuck it.
06:57 Where's Anya?
06:58 Hey, Pinky.
07:13 Is that Aras or Anya?
07:14 Yeah, they're on the move.
07:16 She has luggage.
07:17 I'll keep following, but you better hurry before she's gone.
07:21 [knocking]
07:22 We just got publicly curb stomped and you want to ask for more?
07:28 You out your damn mind?
07:29 We can't give up.
07:30 Who gave up?
07:31 St. Patrick beat us at every turn.
07:33 The bosses want to cut their losses.
07:35 And Jenny abandoned ship to go chase mob guys.
07:38 It's over, Agent Young.
07:39 I found a new way in with Sax's jump drive.
07:42 Tariq, St. Patrick, and Councilman Tate
07:45 are connected to expedited green cards from an OVO cakey.
07:47 If this jump drive from crooked-ass Sax was solid,
07:51 it would have worked already.
07:52 Some work that I did on my own that I'm still doing
07:54 could reveal a bigger drug conspiracy.
07:56 Agent Young, do you think I'm happy we're letting a fucking killer walk?
08:00 It goes against every fiber of my being.
08:03 But this office is done with this case.
08:06 ¿Me oyes?
08:07 Ya se acabó.
08:08 And if you want a career that's worth a damn,
08:13 you'll be done with it too.
08:15 [♪♪♪]
08:18 Fuck it.
08:23 You're driving slow as shit. Make this left.
08:35 Can you calm the fuck down?
08:36 Just hurry up and drop me off so you can...
08:39 so you can do whatever it is you do like you always do.
08:41 Wow.
08:42 Whatever, bro. You are always on bullshit.
08:45 Is Effie always gonna look out for Effie right now?
08:47 Cain.
08:48 I know it was you that sent me that phone to warn me when I was locked up.
08:51 Yeah, you're fucking welcome.
08:53 I'm just not used to people looking out for me, okay?
08:57 You were trying to help me, and I pushed you away.
08:59 Is this you saying sorry?
09:01 Make this right up here.
09:02 This isn't the way to your place.
09:04 'Cause we're going to the fucking Westins.
09:06 Yo, what the fuck is you doing?
09:08 Are you fucking crazy? The Westins?
09:10 Listen, these motherfuckers are gonna tell me what dumb and dumb is that, all right?
09:13 Is you coming or what?
09:15 Fuck no.
09:16 This is what I thought. You're fucking welcome.
09:19 Cain.
09:20 Cain!
09:22 [♪♪♪]
09:37 [indistinct chatter]
09:39 [indistinct chatter]
09:44 [indistinct chatter]
09:46 [♪♪♪]
10:05 No.
10:06 No, hell no.
10:08 Hell no.
10:10 I ain't going out like this.
10:12 How the fuck did this happen?
10:14 'Cause you're slipping, Nene.
10:15 Well, you're not dead. Yet.
10:18 But I don't know what you're fighting it for.
10:21 I mean, your whole life has just been one fucked up decision after the next,
10:24 starting with leaving me.
10:26 Where the fuck am I?
10:28 You didn't tell yet, did you?
10:31 No. Figured we'd do that together.
10:34 You're dying, Mo.
10:36 And we get a front row seat.
10:38 That is some bullshit.
10:40 Fuck you and fuck you.
10:42 I didn't want life with your asses, and I damn sure don't want hell with you either.
10:45 Bitch, no fucking remorse.
10:49 Yeah, I don't know if that attitude is gonna help you, Mo.
10:51 Can you give us one reason, just one,
10:56 why you should live?
11:02 [phone ringing]
11:03 Okay.
11:06 Okay, yeah, thank you.
11:09 Ma's in surgery. They're gonna keep us updated.
11:15 And when Nene wakes up and starts asking questions, we're fucking dead.
11:20 It's either her or us.
11:22 Maybe we were wrong, Drew.
11:24 I knew some bullshit was going on with you.
11:27 Ma is in the hospital fighting for her life because she sacrificed herself to save me.
11:32 Forget about the fact she kept you in the fucking life,
11:34 and that's why that shit happened in the first place.
11:36 Forget about the fact she made me kill Gordo.
11:38 Forget all that shit.
11:40 She killed Poppy.
11:42 I know, Drew.
11:43 Wasn't it you who said she can't get away with that?
11:45 Tariq is the only one who knows what we did.
11:50 We take him out. That's it.
11:52 We have to get to him first.
11:53 I can't believe we're doing this.
11:55 She doesn't need to know she didn't kidnap him, right?
11:57 If Brayden wants his sister back, then he'll come to us.
12:00 And then we take out Tariq.
12:02 Hey, Diana.
12:03 Drew.
12:04 Becca, um, I'm sorry to tell you this, but Brayden's in trouble.
12:09 What do you mean? What happened?
12:12 He owes some money to some bad people, so he reached out to my brothers for help.
12:16 And now we're gonna go help him.
12:18 You should roll with us.
12:19 I-I better call my parents.
12:21 No.
12:22 It's better we fix this for Brayden before we get your family involved.
12:25 Yeah.
12:26 Come on, we just parked outside.
12:29 Okay.
12:30 Fuck.
12:45 There's no way we're getting hurt.
12:48 Let's get the fuck out of here.
12:49 And we'll be on the run for the rest of our fucking lives, B.
12:51 Look, we're outmanned and we're outgunned.
12:57 So that's why we gotta out-gank 'em.
12:59 I'm gonna check right there.
13:03 This is fucking crazy.
13:05 Fuck 'em.
13:06 Miss Covington?
13:17 There better be a manicurist on board or I'm losing my shit.
13:20 Well, unfortunately, your mother requested the jet last minute.
13:23 Hey, if you could just not...
13:25 Look, I just need...
13:27 There's a car coming at us!
13:38 Go!
13:39 Hold it right there.
13:41 I'm trying to start a fire!
13:42 Keep it just...
13:45 Hold it right there!
13:48 Hold it right there!
13:49 Listen to my words!
13:52 Listen to my words!
13:54 Listen to my words!
13:55 Don't let me know you're in my way!
13:58 Don't let me know you're in my way!
14:07 I don't need no super suit, I'm feeling great!
14:09 You'll be a hero, turn around and fuck a freak!
14:13 Wait, wait, wait!
14:14 Who in here trying to start a...
14:15 Bang!
14:16 Fuck, they got away with her.
14:19 Well, at least that's a few less motherfuckers than it does.
14:22 Who in here trying to start a...
14:29 What the fuck was that? Huh?
14:31 They almost got her.
14:33 They almost got her.
14:34 Get out.
14:40 Everyone!
14:41 Get the fuck out of my house!
14:43 Dickheads.
14:47 Hurry up!
14:48 And you'll be here any fucking minute.
14:53 Did you not fucking hear me?
14:58 This bloodshed has risked everything we've built.
15:00 Don't fucking lecture me on what I've built!
15:02 What I'm saying...
15:03 is that the situation has...
15:06 escalated.
15:07 I don't want you exposed.
15:10 What do you think I do? Huh?
15:12 You think I want to be exposed?
15:14 Mecca was supposed to be on the front lines for me.
15:18 But he's no longer available now, is he?
15:20 No.
15:21 What, you think I want to be here? Huh?
15:23 You think I want Anya in the middle of this shit?
15:25 I can't have those pisshats running around freely.
15:29 They've been privy to too much.
15:31 [sighs]
15:32 Fuck!
15:33 Let me take care of this for you.
15:35 You don't need to carry these burdens alone.
15:39 Mecca is long gone, but...
15:43 I'm here.
15:46 Hmm?
15:47 Let me help you.
15:50 Please.
15:52 Think with a head that's useful!
15:57 They went after my father.
16:00 They went after my fucking daughter!
16:02 Put 100,000 on Tariq and Brayden's heads.
16:05 Spread the word.
16:07 Now!
16:08 Fucking idiot.
16:11 Darling, sweetheart, you're here!
16:16 Yeah, first you say I have to get out of the city.
16:20 Then I get pulled off the runway and brought here.
16:23 Like, what the fuck, Mom?
16:24 Anya, some in this world wish--
16:26 Wish us harm, they envy us, danger, blah, blah, blah.
16:30 So you didn't see anything amiss today?
16:32 No.
16:34 They just kept rushing me around.
16:35 Well, that's for the best, darling.
16:37 Mom, what the hell is up?
16:40 Anya, you know what happened to your father.
16:42 How could I forget?
16:44 I can't get that image of his dead body
16:47 lying there alone with a bullet in his head.
16:50 Anya, don't be gruesome.
16:51 Mom, Daddy would not want me to live my life
16:53 like some scared little rabbit
16:55 surrounded by your monosyllabic bodyguards.
16:57 That is your choice, not mine.
16:59 I want a new start.
17:02 Dad wanted that for me.
17:04 Yeah, your father's trust fund.
17:05 You want to blow millions.
17:06 My money.
17:07 Not until you turn 21, dear.
17:09 Look, NYU was to be your focus.
17:11 Now if the choice is money or school,
17:13 I say focus on your studies.
17:14 Okay, so maybe don't pull me out of school
17:16 and ship me off somewhere for no reason.
17:18 Anya, there was a credible threat.
17:20 Who?
17:21 What? Why?
17:23 Why can't you just listen to me?
17:25 Look, I hear what you're saying,
17:29 but I wonder what you're not telling me.
17:32 What the fuck, man?
17:49 What the hell are you doing here?
17:51 That's just fucking-- what the fuck?
17:53 Oh, fuck!
17:54 No, no, stop!
17:55 Stop, please, stop, stop.
17:57 Please, stop.
17:58 Please.
17:59 At least someone in this fucked up family got some manners.
18:02 Get over here.
18:03 Get the fuck over here!
18:04 Where's Brady?
18:06 I don't know.
18:07 You don't fucking know?
18:08 Leave us out of whatever mess he's in.
18:11 I called the police, they're on their way.
18:13 Listen, figure out where he is
18:15 before I kill your other fucking son, you hear me?
18:17 You fucking hear me?
18:18 No, no, no!
18:19 Fuck, I'd tell you if I knew where he was,
18:21 but I don't, that's the truth.
18:23 Please!
18:24 Brayden's life has nothing to do with this.
18:27 Just leave us alone, get off my son!
18:29 Kate!
18:30 Killing them won't do shit
18:32 because they don't know where the fuck they are.
18:34 Do you?
18:36 No.
18:37 We don't.
18:38 Please.
18:41 Just go.
18:43 We won't tell the police anything.
18:47 We gotta get the fuck out of here.
18:49 We gotta get out of here.
18:52 Fine.
18:54 Fuck it.
18:56 Well, that shit didn't fucking work.
19:09 We gotta figure out our next plan, B.
19:11 Got enough bread to get out of town?
19:12 Nah.
19:14 You think Davis could help?
19:16 Possibly.
19:17 The motherfucker probably deals with shit like this all the time.
19:19 Hello?
19:23 Did he tell you why they're here?
19:24 He didn't say, I just know.
19:26 I mean, my family's been through enough,
19:27 and now Brayden's in trouble?
19:29 I don't really know how much money...
19:31 I know you hear that.
19:33 I got your sister.
19:34 We'll be at P90.
19:36 You and Tariq show up, get Becca back.
19:38 No.
19:39 I'm killing her.
19:41 Drew!
19:43 What the fuck is going on?
19:44 Drew has Becca!
19:45 Shit.
19:46 Wait.
19:48 Think this shit through.
19:49 Alright? This could be a fucking setup, B.
19:51 I gotta get my sister, B.
19:52 Let's call Davis and see what he would do, Brayden.
19:54 We're at P90.
19:55 You getting it or not?
19:56 Come the fuck on, bro.
19:57 Think about this shit.
19:58 Brayden!
20:00 Brayden!
20:03 Fuck.
20:09 Fuck.
20:10 Davis, answer the fucking phone, man. Please.
20:18 Hey, been waiting on you to get this party started.
20:27 Alright, no phones.
20:28 I need all hands on deck.
20:30 So, how do you respond?
20:32 Your phone's been slain.
20:34 I'm gonna need you back, man.
20:37 Alright.
20:38 Let me wrap this up,
20:39 and then I'll wrap you two up.
20:42 I'm playing.
20:46 I need some fucking help.
20:47 Alright?
20:48 Noma, Effie, even the fucking Tahadas,
20:50 they're all working against me.
20:51 They turned on me.
20:52 Let me stop you right there,
20:53 my troubled young brother, with some bad news.
20:55 I'm no longer your lawyer.
20:57 What the fuck, Davis?
20:58 I got a letter today from the bar.
21:00 Apparently, I'm in some trouble.
21:01 I'm gonna need you to come with me.
21:03 I'm gonna need you to come with me.
21:04 Apparently, I'm in some trouble.
21:05 Just a sidestep,
21:07 but our representation is on hold
21:09 till I can clear it up.
21:10 Listen, Davis,
21:11 I don't need a fucking lawyer right now, alright?
21:13 You don't understand.
21:14 My attorney-client privileges have been suspended.
21:17 So, uh, anything you say right now...
21:20 Davis, I just need some fucking help!
21:22 I just need you to have my back!
21:23 This is me having your back, Tariq.
21:26 Be safe, little brother.
21:29 [car engine revving]
21:31 [grunts]
21:40 About fucking time.
21:42 Blend the bullet, not me.
21:45 This will make your arm numb for about an hour.
21:50 You won't be able to use it.
21:52 I'm concerned about your blood loss.
21:54 You need to stay in and rest, recuperate.
21:57 Yeah, I'll make sure I do that.
21:59 I'm not supposed to say too much
22:03 under these circumstances, but...
22:05 you're lucky to be alive.
22:07 Do you know what happens to most gunshot victims?
22:10 I mean, the odds of survival.
22:11 Hey, man, I know what fucking bullets do.
22:13 Alright, thank you, doctor.
22:14 Appreciate it.
22:18 [footsteps]
22:19 [sighs]
22:23 Your mom is tough as fuck.
22:30 She's gonna make it.
22:31 Yeah, and how you know that?
22:32 Because I know how stubborn you Tejadas are.
22:35 The bullets don't stand a chance.
22:38 [chuckles]
22:39 Yeah, right.
22:40 You know your lies don't match your face.
22:44 [phone ringing]
22:47 You saying that like being real is a bad fucking thing.
22:50 I'm not even gonna go there with you.
22:54 Thank you...
22:56 for, you know, getting me back here.
23:00 Don't read too deep into it.
23:02 I'm not.
23:04 I'm just...
23:06 [grunts]
23:08 What's wrong?
23:09 What is it?
23:11 It's my face matching with my lies.
23:14 Yeah, yeah.
23:15 You're a dumbass.
23:16 Why you acting like you don't care about me, huh?
23:20 [somber music]
23:24 The fuck was that?
23:28 This is stupid.
23:33 Yeah, so fucking stupid.
23:38 [somber music]
23:40 [kissing]
23:41 You trying to distract me?
23:50 You know we got a dead Tariq, right?
23:57 I know.
24:00 So let's go.
24:08 Hello?
24:09 What?
24:12 Yes, yes, I'll head to the hospital now.
24:16 Drew, my surgery has some complications.
24:19 We gotta get over there.
24:20 We can't. I'm hurt.
24:21 Drew, it's her mother.
24:23 You wanna go to the hospital so bad?
24:26 Take a fucking cab.
24:27 You a fucking asshole, you know that?
24:31 What's going on?
24:32 No, Mom's in the hospital.
24:34 I have to Uber to go somewhere.
24:35 You'll be fine.
24:36 Drew's got you.
24:37 [music playing]
24:38 Don't worry.
24:43 I'll make sure you get to Brayden.
24:44 You know what?
24:56 I'm just figuring this shit out.
24:59 Y'all in here to tell me lies about myself.
25:02 That I did this, that, and a third.
25:04 Y'all don't know shit about my life.
25:06 Your ass was in jail when I was holding it down.
25:08 And your ass was a mistake that made me a survivor.
25:11 Now I'm about to tune both of y'all dumb asses out.
25:14 I ain't dying today.
25:18 Stubborn-ass bitch right to the end, huh?
25:20 Same problem I had.
25:22 But your life is gonna get cut short
25:24 before you can right your wrongs.
25:26 Motherfucker, you killed Zeke.
25:27 That shit is unforgivable.
25:29 And you did what you always do.
25:31 Added hurt on hurt.
25:32 You took away your children's father.
25:35 Well, now, to be fair, so,
25:36 she has been hurting her kids since birth.
25:38 Got 'em losing their souls to these streets.
25:40 But I didn't get us in this street shit.
25:42 But I damn sure made us survive it.
25:44 You've been telling yourself that lie for so long,
25:46 you're beginning to believe in your own bullshit.
25:48 Think about it.
25:50 I wasn't here when this drug operation really took off,
25:53 now was I?
25:54 This is all you.
25:56 But you wanted it all for yourself.
25:59 And you didn't give a fuck about your kids, now did you?
26:03 Everything I did, I did for our family.
26:05 Killing me, that was for our family.
26:09 Oh, and abandoning Zeke, that was totally for family.
26:12 I'm not dying today.
26:20 Fuck that, I'm not dying today.
26:22 You know what I'm gonna love the most about this?
26:25 Is that you don't get to hurt our kids anymore.
26:28 Looks like you're finally getting what you fucking deserve.
26:33 [police radio chatter]
26:35 So yeah, I'm trying to get this case off the ground.
26:48 Officially.
26:50 Yo no entiendo.
26:52 What makes this case so complicated?
26:54 I can loop all the players into conspiracy,
26:57 but my bosses won't touch it.
27:00 I have a plan to convince one of the targets
27:02 that his only hope of avoiding prison is to cooperate.
27:05 Isn't that a lie?
27:08 You can make the lie true if he flips.
27:10 To hell marry, but...
27:12 it's worth a shot to take our run at Tariq St. Patrick.
27:18 St. Patrick?
27:20 Are you serious?
27:22 Ma, I know what you're thinking.
27:23 No, you know what that family did to your aunt.
27:24 That's exactly why I won't let this go.
27:26 Please, baby.
27:27 You're all I have left.
27:30 I'm not going to do anything dangerous like the D'Angelo did, okay?
27:34 Te lo prometo.
27:36 Braden isn't far.
27:54 I'm just going to call my dad then.
27:58 What? No. No, no. Braden didn't want that.
28:01 Well, then I'll just call Braden.
28:03 Becca, don't... don't fucking...
28:05 What the fuck are you doing?
28:07 Stop. Okay, give me the fucking phone.
28:09 Get off me!
28:11 Fucking bitch!
28:19 Bitch!
28:20 Fuck!
28:32 Becca!
28:46 Fuck!
28:47 You okay?
28:48 I'm fine.
28:49 Where's Drew?
28:50 I don't know.
28:52 I don't know.
28:53 Fuck!
28:54 Fuck!
28:55 Fuck!
28:56 Fuck!
28:57 Fuck!
28:58 Fuck!
28:59 Fuck!
29:00 Fuck!
29:29 What the fuck is Mornay going to do when she figures out your little plan, huh?
29:32 What the fuck is Kane going to do?
29:38 Reed, get in the fucking car!
29:42 No pulse. We're losing her.
29:59 Do something. This is some bullshit.
30:02 Oh, my baby.
30:06 You broke my heart, Mornay.
30:08 I can't do this.
30:11 Not what you seek. I can't.
30:14 You never made it right between us.
30:16 Maybe I would have, but...
30:18 You died.
30:21 Before that.
30:22 It hurt like hell giving birth to you.
30:27 It hurt like hell giving you away.
30:28 But it was the right thing to do. I was so young.
30:32 Aye, aye, aye, aye.
30:33 It's all about you.
30:35 You used me.
30:37 That was your escape plan.
30:39 You should have just left me in North Carolina.
30:42 Baby, I got you caught up in all this shit, and I'm so sorry.
30:46 I'm so sorry. You know that, right?
30:49 What's that matter to me?
30:51 It matters to me.
30:53 It matters to me. Please.
30:56 Give me a second chance.
30:57 To do right by Cain, you, and Diana. Please, please.
31:00 You really think you deserve a second chance?
31:03 No. But I want one anyway.
31:06 Please let me do right by my kids.
31:09 Please.
31:11 It ain't up to me.
31:13 Can you forgive me?
31:16 Can you forgive me, Zeke? I'm so sorry.
31:21 [♪♪♪]
31:24 Multiple conflicts of interest?
31:35 That amounts to being a damn fucking good lawyer. And I am.
31:39 They can't take away my license for that.
31:42 Sacks was a snake in my grass. You know that.
31:45 And if he were alive, he'd be this barred.
31:49 No, no. I'm not letting anyone take away the license my brother sacrificed his fucking life for.
31:54 Not happening.
31:56 Look here. Something just popped up. I gotta go.
32:03 I see you know why I'm here.
32:13 You ain't the first motherfucker to run up in here with a gun.
32:17 [♪♪♪]
32:20 Why don't you make a profit for yourself by giving up Tariq St. Patrick?
32:27 I don't give up my clients.
32:29 How refreshing. A lawyer with a conscience.
32:33 You know, if my arm gets tied, I'm just gonna shoot you to end this shit.
32:37 You're being short-sighted here, love.
32:43 I could be your ally.
32:45 I'm really good to my friends.
32:47 Is that right?
32:49 Yeah.
32:51 Just give up the little guys?
32:53 Well, there's a hundred thousand dollar bounty on each of their heads.
32:55 Easiest return you'll ever have, sweetheart.
32:59 If you knew me, you'd know how much I hate to say this.
33:05 Fuck your money, love.
33:12 I hope this won't be a decision that you come to regret, Mr. McLean.
33:16 I won't do regrets. You all have a nice day.
33:20 Gotta change those fucking locks.
33:38 [♪♪♪]
33:40 God, what happened?
33:45 Dad, I'm okay. I'm okay.
33:47 Dad, I'm sorry this happened.
33:49 You're drug dealing. Is that it?
33:52 Look, I just want to go inside. Can we figure this out later?
33:54 It's settled already.
33:56 Leave. Don't ever come back.
33:59 Hey, don't say that to him.
34:01 This is how and whom he wants to live like.
34:04 Then go be that.
34:06 I need help.
34:07 I don't think you get it.
34:09 Your brother was near beaten to death because those thugs came here looking for you.
34:13 Wait, what? They came here?
34:15 Look at your sister.
34:17 Those jungle bunnies turned you into a fucking little white monkey.
34:21 You're not my son.
34:23 You're a fucking racist piece of shit.
34:25 Dad, that's your son.
34:27 Not anymore.
34:29 Okay, fuck this fucking family.
34:32 [♪♪♪]
34:38 Get the fuck out of New York.
34:40 Now you want to talk?
34:42 What can I say? I got a soft spot for the underdog.
34:44 Norma put a hundred K on your head.
34:46 A hundred K?
34:48 Each.
34:50 Your problem got bigger.
34:52 Fuck.
34:54 You need to fucking run.
34:55 You got any money stashed away?
34:57 You mean I got a bag I stand for I can go grab?
35:00 Get gone and call me when you're somewhere safe.
35:02 All right. Good looking, Davis.
35:04 Stay alive, little brother.
35:06 [SIGHS]
35:08 This fucking bitch Norma put a hundred K on our heads, bro.
35:12 Each.
35:14 I got a bag I stand for we can go grab.
35:21 They could be there waiting for us.
35:23 Yes, that's possible, but...
35:25 it'd be just the only fucking chance we got.
35:28 We get the money, we get the fuck out of here and...
35:30 What?
35:32 What?
35:34 Nothing.
35:36 Fuck me. I'm sorry I got you into this.
35:47 I came back for you.
35:49 I'm talking about everything.
35:51 All this bullshit, this fucking game, bro.
35:54 I mean, you was right. You should've wanted to be me, bro.
35:57 I didn't mean that, Rick.
35:58 I mean, just think about it for one fucking second.
36:00 Just imagine life outside of this game, man, we're fucking stuck in.
36:04 Just imagine us just living like two normal college kids for once.
36:09 Where like finals and fucking would be our only worries?
36:13 Yeah, shit like that, bro.
36:15 Hey, doesn't that sound so fucking good right now?
36:18 [SIGHS]
36:20 Facts.
36:22 [SIGHS]
36:25 [SIGHS]
36:26 Rick.
36:32 Fuck what happened before.
36:35 You're the only family I got left, for real.
36:39 Where you go, I go. That's it.
36:42 I feel like if there was ever a time for the handshake, it'd be now.
36:51 I mean, I know you feel it too, like...
36:53 [SIGHS]
36:54 We're gonna get the fuck out of this shit, man.
37:01 Fucking right we are.
37:22 I got the bullets out, but Monet is in a coma.
37:25 You know what to do if she wakes up. Smother her ass with a fucking pillow.
37:29 True.
37:31 We got to see it our way through, Diana.
37:32 Becca got away, Tariq got away.
37:34 He said he will tell Monet everything when she wakes up.
37:38 If you kill her, let's always have a fucking problem.
37:42 [SIREN]
37:43 [GUNSHOT]
37:50 [SIREN]
37:52 What's up, fellas?
38:11 You okay?
38:12 Fuck you then, too. Hope y'all having a bad day.
38:14 What's up with that shit?
38:16 Excuse me. Hey, um, have you seen Tariq Sanpatrick?
38:19 Uh, yeah, I don't...
38:20 White girl, don't point the police to a black man.
38:23 What makes you think I'm a cop?
38:25 I mean, is there anything about you that doesn't say cop?
38:28 All right, whatever you say.
38:32 Mm-hmm. Thought so.
38:34 How would you know?
38:35 You got to learn how to read these motherfuckers, girl.
38:38 Let's go.
38:40 Can you teach me?
38:41 Look at this.
38:45 Nine and K each for Tariq and Brayden.
38:47 Need the money for your school shit, right?
38:49 Hey, Effie, is, uh, Tariq in trouble or something?
38:51 I don't know.
38:53 Well, the cops was just asking about him, but I ain't tell him that he was here.
38:57 Tariq's here?
39:00 Yeah, uh, you're Diana's brother, right?
39:03 Gotta go.
39:05 Why do I even bother being polite to rude-ass motherfuckers?
39:09 Check this out. That 200K?
39:11 It's ours. I'm letting no one know.
39:37 [rapping]
39:39 [rapping]
39:41 [rapping]
39:43 [rapping]
39:45 [rapping]
39:47 White boy bag the stats of niggas change again, but it ain't your mainest way better playing the friends if I hit it and I hit it with a change of plans
39:53 Before I'm jumping in the audience
39:55 I'm gonna go with a couple judges, let the service go to tardiness
39:57 My target often turn to a toss up, but every broad I pick up
39:59 Staring up a fucking dozen, busting in the audience
40:01 Ah, wash it down with crowd, drowning down the town
40:03 Counting down the miles, boxing out your self
40:05 Alpha, Proud, with lies, like an LCL
40:07 Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah
40:09 I can't show you what's up in my mind, I can only tell you what I'm talking 'bout
40:13 I can't show you what's up in my mind, I can only tell you what I'm talking 'bout
40:17 I can't show you what's up in my mind, I can only tell you what I'm talking 'bout
40:21 I can't show you what's up in my mind, I can only tell you what I'm talking 'bout
40:25 I can't show you what's up in my mind, I can only tell you what I'm talking 'bout
40:33 I can't show you what's up in my mind, I can only tell you what I'm talking 'bout
40:41 [Music]
40:49 [Music]
40:59 [Music]
41:09 [Music]
41:19 [Music]
41:29 [Music]
41:39 [Music]
41:49 [Music]
41:53 Shit! What is it? They're here and there's fucking more on the way
41:57 Okay, we make a run for it. We don't know what we're running into, B
42:01 I mean, fuck it, it's them or us, right? Come on
42:08 [Music]
42:20 [Music]
42:24 Drake St. Patrick
42:26 Who's asking?
42:27 I'm not asking, I know who you are. You're Brayden Weston
42:31 [Music]
42:33 I have a few questions about green cards for the Okeke family
42:36 Green cards? I know shit about no green cards
42:40 We're actually late, so if you'll excuse us
42:42 Sorry, I traced your connection to Obi Okeke and Okeke's connection to a woman named Noma Asadu
42:48 The piece we couldn't nail before
42:50 I'm guessing she's your connect
42:53 I really don't know what the fuck you're talking about
42:56 You reading my rights?
42:58 Jack, do you think you're smart or shit?
43:01 Take after my aunt, Angela Valdez
43:05 Angela Valdez was your aunt?
43:07 Who the fuck is Angela Valdez?
43:09 Federal prosecutor. She was my dad's bitch
43:13 [Music]
43:21 This axe kept a file of everything
43:25 And after I got into the green cards, I was able to fill in the rest
43:29 You leave now, I get an arrest warrant for the large quantities of drugs you're moving for Noma's criminal network
43:35 I know
43:36 Oh shit!
43:37 Take your weapon!
43:47 [Gunshots]
43:54 [Music]
44:02 [Music]
44:30 [Gunshots]
44:33 [Music]
44:43 [Gunshots]
44:44 Hey, hey, hey
44:46 Put that gun down, you're in enough trouble
44:51 Tariq, what the fuck?
44:53 Put the fuck down, B
44:54 He's buffing, I ain't got no fucking woman
44:56 And feds never roll the roll
44:58 That's still, what are you gonna do? Kill a federal agent?
45:02 I got a plan
45:03 Yeah, well I'd love to fucking hear it
45:05 I take this hard drive
45:08 Go get the phone off Noma's guy
45:11 Take his fucking phone!
45:12 Okay, okay
45:13 Fuck
45:14 Come on, come on, come on
45:16 Who the fuck are you?
45:17 There's fucking blood everywhere
45:19 Fuck
45:20 Okay, what's the plan?
45:21 We about to get some fucking leverage
45:23 Call Noma
45:25 [Phone ringing]
45:27 We have a problem
45:30 Yeah, well that's typical for today
45:32 What is it?
45:33 Hey yo Noma, you see this fuck right here?
45:35 This the federal agent that's been digging in your business
45:37 Show your badge, you wanna flash your shit, right?
45:39 Show your fucking badge!
45:40 No idea what you're talking about
45:43 Well I'm betting on you to play the cautious game
45:45 Because if you wanna stay off the federal fucking radar
45:47 This motherfucker has to go
45:49 I can make it happen for you, but
45:51 I need a truce between us for that to happen
45:53 I'm not entertaining this bullshit, fuck off
45:55 Listen, I can't have this evidence uploaded to you, Asa
45:57 So you can see for yourself
45:59 And I promise you Noma, if this fuck is alive
46:02 You lose everything
46:03 I mean that
46:04 Shut the fuck up! Shut the fuck up!
46:06 Why isn't he dead?
46:09 We should accept his truce
46:11 Are you mad?
46:12 If we don't
46:13 We kill a college student
46:15 On his campus
46:16 While a federal agent is either kidnapped or killed
46:19 All of law enforcement will be after us
46:22 How is this fucking possible?
46:24 I've been so careful
46:25 With the authorities looking into Lombardi's murder
46:28 We can't risk going back to Italy, no can we?
46:31 All we have is right here
46:35 Can we risk it?
46:38 He went after my daughter
46:41 Now that shit is unforgivable
46:43 But this kid won't be my undoing
46:47 And when the smoke settles
46:49 I want him
46:50 And everything he loves
46:52 Killed
46:53 You can live for the time being, Tariq
46:59 But I never want to hear of you moving product
47:02 Not as much as a fucking aspirin
47:04 Now that's the price for this truce
47:07 Alright, it's done!
47:08 Listen, we gotta find a way to clean this shit up, B
47:13 Yeah, how?
47:14 It's a fucking mess, Tariq
47:15 Listen, I got this, alright?
47:16 Keep your gun on the loop, come on
47:18 I got my prints on the feds gun so it looks like I took out the shooter
47:20 Call in the shooter
47:22 And ditch the guns
47:23 And the money before this fucking place is full of cops, alright?
47:26 Bep, I used Kappa's phone
47:29 I'll take care of this motherfucker
47:32 I'll meet you in the car, go
47:34 Please, Tariq, you don't want to do this
47:39 Now you know your Aunt Angela was the worst fucking thing that ever happened to my dad
47:43 Now obviously he wasn't too good for her either
47:46 Or for you
47:47 (Gunshot)
47:48 Hi, yes
48:04 Yeah, I want to report someone with a weapon on campus
48:07 Yeah, I couldn't make out their face but they had a gun
48:12 Yeah, I heard gunshots
48:14 Please hurry, I'm scared, send police
48:16 We're in the south lot
48:17 Thank you
48:20 Fuck!
48:36 How long am I going to let this motherfucker off the hook?
48:39 Oh, fuck that
48:46 She must have a good reason for giving up the price on the tent
48:49 Fuck if I care
48:50 I'm going to act like I didn't get the fucking text
48:53 Hey, that's...
48:55 No one's fucking crazy, we only need to...
48:57 Shh
48:58 There go the motherfucker right there
49:06 (Music)
49:08 Hello
49:18 Noma just agreed on a truce and this nigga Kane is following me
49:21 If he gets too close, I'm telling him exactly what you had planned for Mornay
49:24 You better fucking not
49:26 Alright, so he's the only one I'm gonna know, stop the nigga
49:28 I know you're on campus, I'll be at the South Park in a while
49:31 Fuck
49:33 (Music)
49:35 He's not meant to go to pull through
49:51 That's not my place to say sorry
49:55 It's best you spend some time with her
49:58 (Music)
50:00 I miss you, Ma
50:26 (Music)
50:28 Ma?
50:38 Nurse
50:39 Nurse, nurse, I need help, she's waking up
50:42 Ma, I'm right here, please stay right here, stay with me
50:46 (Music)
50:49 (Footsteps)
50:51 So I saw him go down, I got the guy's gun and I had to stop the shooting
51:05 So what you're saying is you were able to get the agent's gun after he went down
51:10 And then return fire on the gunman?
51:12 Yeah, it happened so fast I just...
51:15 Think about it, I just know that guy had to be stopped
51:18 Stand down, gang
51:22 Just spoke to Diana, she said it wasn't Tariq who shot Mornay
51:26 How the fuck?
51:27 Diana said she saw Tariq do it
51:29 And what the fuck happened to your face?
51:31 She's saying she made a mistake
51:35 Ask her when we get to the hospital, alright?
51:39 Mornay just woke up
51:41 This is bullshit, you know it
51:43 You know it
51:44 Don't worry about it, we'll get to the bottom of it
51:47 We're getting almost messaged, it's just all over
51:49 We got the message, Drew
51:50 Yeah, we just basically, we walked through there and saw all the commotion
51:55 We didn't really know what was going on, so
51:57 I gotta go to the hospital
52:00 (Music)
52:03 (Music)
52:05 She's still sleeping
52:17 Doctor thinks she's gonna make it
52:19 Perfect
52:22 It's better this way
52:23 You know, I'm not gonna forget you didn't walk through on this
52:25 Drew, it's done, okay?
52:27 We all have to move on as a family
52:30 (Footsteps)
52:32 So, some other skinny, big head ass niggas shot moms?
52:37 I made a mistake, Kane
52:38 And I don't feel like fighting while Mornay's recovering
52:40 (Laughs)
52:41 (Coughs)
52:43 What the fuck?
52:44 (Sighs)
52:45 What the fuck?
52:48 I love y'all
52:51 I love you too, ma
52:53 You gangsta though, we knew you'd come through
52:56 Yeah, we need you
52:58 And you'll be back to your old self in no time
53:00 Everything will be like it was before
53:02 Who did this shit?
53:06 We don't know
53:10 Find out
53:12 What the fuck are we gonna do now that we can't move Prada?
53:20 I don't know, bro
53:22 Maybe it's a good thing
53:23 What the fuck do you mean a good thing, B?
53:26 You know Noma could just be waiting for us, right?
53:28 Waiting for the right time to fucking kill us
53:30 Or my mom
53:31 And look what just happened to your family
53:33 Yeah, you're right
53:36 And if Mornay recovers
53:38 Who knows what kind of shit that's gonna stir up
53:40 That's exactly what I'm talking about
53:42 These motherfuckers killed us and left us breathing, bro
53:44 That means no money, no get back, nothing
53:46 We're fucked, man
53:51 What the fuck are we gonna do?
53:53 What the fuck are we gonna do?
53:54 Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned
54:16 Like the book of Ephesians warns
54:20 I'm filled with bitterness, wrath, and anger
54:23 Have you acted on this anger?
54:27 No
54:32 No, I hold close to my faith
54:36 I know how much pain you've been in since you lost your wife
54:41 Denise was not lost
54:44 She was murdered
54:48 I'm sorry
54:49 I know
54:51 Have you given yourself enough time to heal?
54:55 Did you go back to work too soon?
55:00 The task force keeps me busy
55:06 Motivated
55:09 It's the only thing that makes me feel
55:18 Right?
55:19 I know that Denise would like that I'm making the streets safer
55:25 That's a lot to take on, son
55:30 He doesn't give us more than we can handle
55:35 Detective Carter
55:45 Boss, what's wrong?
55:47 My son, Junior, Angel
55:52 He was murdered
55:55 I'm sorry
56:03 He had just joined the DEA, right?
56:06 What happened?
56:11 His office is buying some bullshit story about a school shooter
56:16 They got closed the case, but I know they're wrong
56:20 He was investigating to retake Patrick and other dealers
56:25 They killed him
56:30 I know it
56:32 I know it, please help me
56:34 I got you
56:37 [sobs]
56:39 I will nail whoever took your son
56:45 I promise
56:49 [music]
56:52 [music]
56:55 [music]
56:58 [music]
57:00 [music]
57:03 [music]
57:06 [music]
57:09 [music]
57:12 [music]
57:15 [music]
57:18 [music]
57:21 [music]
57:25 way home, drilled on my shit on my own, like I'm in a zone, then I'm the only one decided to build this shit like it's my home, we on.
57:31 I said you don't wanna be the one that everybody sees, face up in the church a victim to your enemy.
57:38 I get light up, I get right up, 4-5 like I got my height up, flip 6 like I got my 9 up, got clips like I'm ready for a line up.
57:44 I said you don't wanna be the one that everybody sees, face up in the church a victim to your enemy.
57:52 I get light up, I get right up, 4-5 like I got my height up, flip 6 like I got my 9 up, got clips like I'm ready for a line up.
57:59 Let's go.
58:00 [music]
58:08 [music]
58:12 [music]