Waking Up Pregnant Movie - TaTa Channel

  • 3 months ago
Waking Up Pregnant Movie
00:00:00 You used a condom, didn't you?
00:00:07 I can do this on my own.
00:00:08 Dawn!
00:00:09 I wonder who the father is.
00:00:12 Do you know how rich Isaac Stanton is?
00:00:16 I want to give you everything.
00:00:18 We don't know each other.
00:00:21 We're complete strangers.
00:00:22 But I plan on changing that.
00:00:23 Wow.
00:00:24 Isaac!
00:00:30 Who's this, darling?
00:00:34 Darling?
00:00:35 You have a girlfriend, Isaac?
00:00:37 No.
00:00:38 She and I are done.
00:00:39 I want to wake up to you every morning with our children playing.
00:00:44 Is it that hard to stay with me?
00:00:47 One time, I decided to have a flight.
00:00:59 And a string attached to my ass.
00:01:02 Hi.
00:01:03 I need to speak to Isaac Stanton.
00:01:06 Name?
00:01:07 Dawn Miller.
00:01:08 Um, but he's not expecting me.
00:01:11 Then I'm sorry you won't be able to see him.
00:01:14 I really need to talk to him.
00:01:17 Our CEO is a very busy and important man.
00:01:21 He does not have time to speak to whoever you are.
00:01:25 Besides, I doubt he'd be interested.
00:01:29 You're wrong.
00:01:31 Take another step and I will call security.
00:01:34 I just need a minute!
00:01:36 Disgusting!
00:01:43 No!
00:01:44 I'm so close.
00:01:45 God, why now?
00:01:47 Security, remove this woman at once.
00:01:52 What is going on here?
00:02:04 This woman needs help, not security.
00:02:14 Isaac.
00:02:19 Dawn?
00:02:27 What are you doing here?
00:02:29 What do you think?
00:02:40 The one time I decided to have a flight.
00:02:43 A string attached to my ass.
00:03:02 Do you have a name?
00:03:04 Or do I just call you mine?
00:03:08 You're mine.
00:03:34 Talk to me.
00:03:36 You used a condom, didn't you?
00:03:41 I meant to tell you.
00:03:43 Did you or did you not?
00:03:48 [Music]
00:04:09 Fuck!
00:04:13 Just because a condom broke doesn't mean it's the end of the world.
00:04:18 I have to tell her.
00:04:24 After that night, I called every single hotel, but you didn't give me a last name.
00:04:32 Yeah? So you could save yourself from this mess?
00:04:35 To find you.
00:04:37 I thought we could have more than one night together.
00:04:40 The baby, it's mine.
00:04:42 So what's the plan?
00:04:47 So what's the plan?
00:04:48 The plan?
00:04:52 You won't be a part of it.
00:04:53 I'm keeping the baby, but I don't expect anything from you.
00:04:58 Then why tell me?
00:05:00 Because you're the father.
00:05:02 You deserve to know.
00:05:04 But I don't want any money or child support or anything.
00:05:07 I can do this on my own.
00:05:09 Wait, no, I'm not going to let you do this on your own.
00:05:11 The baby's ours.
00:05:12 Isaac, I'm giving you an out.
00:05:15 Most men who knock up strangers would kill for this.
00:05:18 Just take it.
00:05:22 Well, fuck them.
00:05:24 I'm going to do right by you and our baby.
00:05:27 I am going to give you everything you need.
00:05:31 I looked everywhere for you that night.
00:05:34 I lost you once.
00:05:37 I won't lose you again.
00:05:45 Isaac!
00:05:53 I'm so sorry I'm late for lunch.
00:05:57 Darling, who is this?
00:05:59 Darling?
00:06:01 Wait, it's not what you think it is.
00:06:02 Linda, what are you doing here?
00:06:04 What do you mean?
00:06:05 I asked your assistant to pencil me in for lunch.
00:06:08 And while we're at it, we can go rake shopping.
00:06:12 I'm sorry, who are you again?
00:06:15 No one.
00:06:17 Just a stranger.
00:06:20 So much for doing right by me.
00:06:23 Dawn! Dawn, wait!
00:06:24 Isaac, I'm owed an explanation.
00:06:26 Who is she?
00:06:27 Isaac!
00:06:28 Dawn! Dawn!
00:06:29 What the hell, Isaac?
00:06:30 The woman's the mother of my child.
00:06:36 Mother of your--
00:06:37 We slept together two months ago.
00:06:38 Now she's pregnant.
00:06:41 I mean, are you sure it's yours?
00:06:42 That whore could have slept with anyone.
00:06:46 Can't we just make her disappear?
00:06:47 What are you implying?
00:06:49 I know we've only been dating for a month,
00:06:50 but I know you're the one for me.
00:06:52 We can buy that baby from that Roman,
00:06:54 raise it as our own, get married.
00:06:57 I'm not interested.
00:07:05 Besides, we both know that I'm not the one for you.
00:07:08 Isaac.
00:07:09 I heard everything.
00:07:11 I--
00:07:14 I heard everything.
00:07:16 I can't believe how long it took that piece of shit
00:07:18 to invite me to his house.
00:07:23 I also can't wait to redecorate this dump.
00:07:27 Oh, no, don't worry.
00:07:28 Isaac had to take an emergency call.
00:07:32 What?
00:07:33 Whatever it takes to get that standing money.
00:07:36 Soon enough it will be my money.
00:07:42 Isaac, don't do this.
00:07:44 We can be good together.
00:07:48 Do you seriously believe that slut?
00:07:50 He's clearly lying.
00:07:53 What about our-- our attractive friends next week?
00:07:58 Go by yourself.
00:08:01 We're done.
00:08:12 Tell me you got a last name.
00:08:14 Don Miller?
00:08:15 Good.
00:08:17 Clear my schedule for the rest of the week.
00:08:19 I don't care what you have to do.
00:08:24 I lost her once.
00:08:26 Won't happen again.
00:08:39 Oh, my God.
00:08:40 No.
00:08:51 Shameless hussy.
00:08:53 I wonder who the father is.
00:08:54 No idea.
00:08:56 Bet she doesn't know either.
00:09:02 That's like the third time this morning.
00:09:04 Have you been able to keep anything down?
00:09:08 I'm saying this in the nicest way possible, but you look like shit.
00:09:11 Thanks, Jake.
00:09:12 And people here are beginning to notice I'm the puke gang, not you looking like shit.
00:09:16 Probably.
00:09:19 Office gossip has been crazy and not very complimentary.
00:09:24 There's nothing I can do about that.
00:09:26 You can tell them who the baby daddy is or, better yet, get together with him.
00:09:31 Do you know how rich Isaac Stanton is?
00:09:33 Jake, shut up.
00:09:34 Okay?
00:09:35 I don't care about the gossip, and I don't care how rich he is.
00:09:39 I don't want his money.
00:09:40 That's my mom's obsession, not mine.
00:09:42 Besides, not to mention, I think he's already engaged.
00:09:47 Am I interrupting something?
00:09:49 Oh, no, Edgar.
00:09:51 We were just discussing the athletic out.
00:09:53 Right.
00:09:54 Miss Miller, we're going to need to discuss your future at this company.
00:09:58 Get to my office.
00:09:59 Now.
00:10:08 What exactly did you--
00:10:10 How long have you been with us, Miss Miller?
00:10:16 I've been with the company for a year, and then I was transferred to headquarters and this team two months ago.
00:10:24 Before the transfer happened, I was told to expect a promising individual with a flawless track record.
00:10:31 How the hell did I get this?
00:10:37 Sir?
00:10:38 Don't think I don't know.
00:10:40 The extra bathroom breaks, the talk.
00:10:44 You're unmarried and pregnant.
00:10:49 I don't understand how that affects my work.
00:10:52 We built our company's reputation on righteous, traditional values.
00:10:57 Values that you don't seem to fit anymore.
00:10:59 I suggest you do something about your situation!
00:11:10 Do what exactly?
00:11:16 Our conversation is done.
00:11:19 Leave.
00:11:24 I said get out!
00:11:26 Get out!
00:11:33 Where am I?
00:11:35 You're at the hospital. You collapsed at work.
00:11:38 Isaac?
00:11:39 What are you doing here?
00:11:40 I came because you collapsed.
00:11:42 How-- how did you know where to find me?
00:11:45 I found your socials and that you were close to one of your co-workers.
00:11:48 You asked Jake to spy on me?
00:11:53 I'm gonna kill him. I can't--
00:11:54 It needed to be done. You're not taking care of yourself.
00:11:56 I'm fine.
00:11:58 Hyperremesis Gravidarum. That's what the doctor says you have.
00:12:01 You can't keep anything down so you pass out from dehydration malnutrition.
00:12:05 You weigh less than the last time you saw the doctor for the pregnancy, two weeks ago.
00:12:10 You shouldn't know any of that.
00:12:14 Ah, I see your wife is awake.
00:12:17 I am not his wife.
00:12:20 Actually, she's my fiancƩ.
00:12:31 What the hell?
00:12:33 Maybe I should come back later.
00:12:35 Before I go, I just wanted to let you know that Miss Miller's vitals are looking better.
00:12:40 And so is the baby's.
00:12:42 If things continue like this, we should all have you home by morning.
00:12:50 Is this some kind of a sick joke?
00:12:53 You have a girlfriend, Isaac.
00:12:55 And it looks like you're gonna be a little bit more official than that.
00:12:59 How was ring shopping, by the way?
00:13:01 It didn't go.
00:13:03 Linda doesn't mean anything to me.
00:13:05 We dated for a few weeks, but that was long enough already.
00:13:08 She and I are done.
00:13:11 Yeah.
00:13:14 Then what is this?
00:13:17 I told you that I would do right by you and our baby.
00:13:19 I will give you everything.
00:13:27 I want you to marry me.
00:13:34 No, I won't marry you.
00:13:42 Could you give a little more thought before you give me an answer?
00:13:46 Can you at least tell me why not?
00:13:51 Why do you look so terrified of the thought of marrying me?
00:13:58 I'm out.
00:13:59 Told you prison can't hold me for long.
00:14:02 I'm not going to prison.
00:14:04 Shit.
00:14:05 Why now?
00:14:09 I know we started this as casual, meaningless sex, but I like Isaac a lot more than I thought I would.
00:14:19 And nothing can come out of it with mom free.
00:14:23 I know she's gonna come for me.
00:14:26 And Isaac can't be anywhere near me when she does.
00:14:30 I'm not scared.
00:14:32 I think the reason that I don't want to marry you is pretty obvious.
00:14:35 We don't know each other.
00:14:37 We're complete strangers.
00:14:40 Strangers that know what's under each other's clothes.
00:14:50 But you're right.
00:14:54 We don't know each other.
00:14:59 But I plan on changing that.
00:15:07 Right there.
00:15:09 How much is it?
00:15:11 I can split it with him.
00:15:14 It's taken care of.
00:15:15 No, I can pay for myself.
00:15:18 Dawn, let me do this for you.
00:15:22 We're out of the hospital.
00:15:23 You don't have to play concerned husband anymore.
00:15:25 You rejected my proposal.
00:15:27 So I'm going for concerned baby daddy.
00:15:35 Wait, wait, wait.
00:15:37 Where are you going?
00:15:39 Inside, obviously.
00:15:41 To do what exactly?
00:15:44 You Isaac Stanton?
00:15:46 Yeah.
00:15:51 Thanks.
00:15:53 Did you just buy me groceries?
00:15:57 I bought myself groceries.
00:16:00 By the way, I'm going to need to use your kitchen.
00:16:22 You know, you don't have to do all of this.
00:16:24 I can take care of myself.
00:16:27 Dehydration, malnutrition.
00:16:29 That, it's been a rough week at work.
00:16:34 So far.
00:16:35 Jake, I'm going to kill him.
00:16:41 Plot murder later.
00:16:44 And just relax and eat now.
00:17:00 Wow.
00:17:02 This is really good.
00:17:04 It's my mother's recipe.
00:17:07 I haven't had any appetite lately, but this.
00:17:12 Send her my compliments.
00:17:15 She loved to hear that.
00:17:21 She died when I was young.
00:17:24 Oh.
00:17:26 I'm sorry.
00:17:27 Don't.
00:17:28 I want us to get to know each other.
00:17:32 So what about your mom?
00:17:35 My mother?
00:17:39 I'm out.
00:17:41 Told your prison couldn't hold me for long.
00:17:45 Let's talk soon.
00:17:48 Um, she's complicated, but alive.
00:17:57 I really like that soup.
00:17:58 Yeah, I feel like I could eat this every day of my life.
00:18:03 What if you could?
00:18:06 I can make it for you every day.
00:18:08 Why not move in with me?
00:18:15 You seriously turned him down twice.
00:18:18 I'm not going to live with a guy just for some soup.
00:18:22 That was really good.
00:18:24 If not for the man's cooking, then what about escaping this cubicle farm?
00:18:28 Or your apartment with the leaky ceiling?
00:18:30 Or, better yet, getting the best doctors that money can buy for when your kid comes?
00:18:35 I still need to kill you for spying on me.
00:18:37 Isaac just asked me to look after you, which is a no-brainer to me since I'm your friend.
00:18:43 Where is he anyway?
00:18:46 Did he go back home?
00:18:48 Um, no, he's still in the city.
00:18:51 But he said he had some important business.
00:18:56 Didn't say what for, though.
00:19:07 God damn it! Where's Jake?
00:19:11 Whatever. You'll have to do.
00:19:13 Sir?
00:19:14 Get the athridge files and come with me.
00:19:16 Move!
00:19:21 Sir? What?
00:19:26 You're to keep your mouth shut.
00:19:28 Don't embarrass me.
00:19:30 And most importantly, hide your disgrace.
00:19:34 I'm barely even showing.
00:19:37 No one's going to be able to tell.
00:19:41 Sorry for the delay, gentlemen.
00:19:44 Especially for keeping our potential investors in the dark.
00:19:48 Especially for keeping our potential investor waiting.
00:20:08 Clumsy idiot!
00:20:10 I'm sorry.
00:20:13 Mr. Stanton, that's unnecessary.
00:20:16 You know, you apologized earlier for wasting my time.
00:20:18 I don't know why you continue wasting my time just sitting there.
00:20:23 Are you okay?
00:20:30 So this is your important business?
00:20:34 Well, anything concerning you is important business.
00:20:44 I changed my mind. Get out!
00:20:48 Why does the lovely lady need to leave?
00:20:55 Don Miller, is it?
00:20:57 I was told that you were transferred to the head of the office to look over the company's largest account.
00:21:02 That's true, Mr. Stanton.
00:21:05 And if I want to invest my considerable wealth, I would like to hear the source of profits from its expert.
00:21:14 Unless you have a problem with it.
00:21:16 Edgar.
00:21:20 Unless you have a problem with it.
00:21:21 Of course, Mr. Stanton.
00:21:23 I review Ms. Miller's reports constantly, so I also--
00:21:26 Enough wasting our time, Edgar.
00:21:29 Let's proceed, shall we?
00:21:31 Don, please have a seat.
00:21:32 Coffee first. Go get me a cup. Black.
00:21:44 Asshole.
00:21:52 Oh, Dawn, are you all right?
00:21:56 Dawn.
00:21:57 Oh, the smell, I can't--
00:21:59 Are you all right?
00:22:00 You're gonna have to excuse me.
00:22:01 Don't you even dare.
00:22:03 You're not excused, Ms. Miller.
00:22:08 What the hell is wrong with you? Can't you see that the woman is sick?
00:22:10 She's perfectly fine.
00:22:12 She's just finding out what happens when you whore yourself around.
00:22:17 Sir, that is completely inappropriate and out of line.
00:22:21 My personal life has nothing to do with you.
00:22:23 It does when you're constantly hiding in the bathroom and ducking out of work.
00:22:27 Just an excuse to be lazy.
00:22:28 That's enough.
00:22:31 Lazy? That's real rich coming from a man who's ordering a pregnant woman to get him coffee that's less than five feet away.
00:22:38 Oh, the VIP investor knows that you're pregnant.
00:22:42 I told you to hide it.
00:22:45 Just goes to show you what happens when you open your whore legs to the world--
00:22:48 What did you just say?
00:22:53 What did you just say?
00:22:55 That's enough. I'm sick and tired of your goddamn mouth.
00:22:58 You can't talk to me like that.
00:23:00 I can and I will.
00:23:03 I quit.
00:23:04 So you can take your holier-than-thou attitude and shove it up your ass.
00:23:08 Stay.
00:23:10 By her own words, the lady is unfortunately no longer working for our company.
00:23:16 She has no reason to be here.
00:23:18 I can get security to see her out.
00:23:20 She's wasted enough of your valuable time, sir.
00:23:23 We have other reports and accounts that an investor like you would be interested in.
00:23:28 That won't be necessary.
00:23:30 I've already made up my mind.
00:23:36 I'm all in.
00:23:38 I'm all in.
00:23:43 What?
00:23:45 You're going to invest?
00:23:47 I would like majority stakes or the option to buy the entire company.
00:23:56 Proceeding that this man is fired for insulting the mother of my child.
00:24:01 The mother of your child?
00:24:04 Who?
00:24:06 The woman you just called a whore.
00:24:09 I didn't know.
00:24:11 You didn't tell me.
00:24:13 Yes, Edgar, I did.
00:24:15 None of your business.
00:24:21 Gentlemen, I'll leave the rest of the details to you.
00:24:27 Did you just buy a company because of me?
00:24:31 Did you just buy a company because of me?
00:24:34 Maybe.
00:24:35 I didn't ask you to do that.
00:24:37 I don't need your charity or your handouts.
00:24:39 It's not a charity or a handout.
00:24:42 You're carrying my baby.
00:24:45 Dawn, I know this has been tough on you.
00:24:48 We both know that's not a handout.
00:24:50 I just want to help you.
00:24:52 I would take it upon myself if I could.
00:24:55 It's my baby in there.
00:25:09 You're not going to be able to feel anything.
00:25:11 It's only ten weeks.
00:25:13 I just want to get close to you.
00:25:29 Holy shit, girl, did you hear?
00:25:32 Edgar got sacked.
00:25:33 He threw such a fit a bunch of guards had to drag him out.
00:25:36 Yeah, I heard about it.
00:25:38 And I passed my HR.
00:25:40 They're in tears.
00:25:42 Bigwig was yelling at them to throw together the craziest maternity leave package.
00:25:46 Called it.
00:25:47 And crazy to let you go.
00:25:51 Dawn?
00:25:52 One second.
00:25:53 I'm fine.
00:25:54 Just give me a second.
00:25:58 Obviously you're not fine.
00:25:59 You need to sit.
00:26:00 I said I'm fine!
00:26:03 Right, Dawn.
00:26:12 I'm sorry.
00:26:15 It's been one month.
00:26:17 When did you last?
00:26:18 She didn't.
00:26:25 Come on.
00:26:27 Okay, fine, you win.
00:26:30 I'll move in with you.
00:26:41 This better be worth the soup.
00:26:44 Wait a second.
00:26:48 You won't take my money, but you will demand for me to make you some soup?
00:26:53 It's different.
00:26:56 Now I want a croissant.
00:26:58 Pregnancy cravings?
00:27:00 Yeah.
00:27:01 They just started.
00:27:02 Well, let's take care of that first.
00:27:04 Then I'll make you all the soup.
00:27:06 Your heart desires.
00:27:10 Got a second date tonight.
00:27:13 You sound excited.
00:27:14 Guy's a corporate lawyer.
00:27:16 How much did they make again?
00:27:17 Half a mil?
00:27:18 Tops?
00:27:19 Probably.
00:27:20 Second rate trash.
00:27:22 If that bitch didn't show up, I wouldn't have to settle for the scraps.
00:27:28 I am going to go look for the bathroom, okay?
00:27:31 Okay, bye.
00:27:32 Sure, girl.
00:27:33 Okay.
00:27:39 Looks like I haven't lost my prize yet.
00:27:44 Follow me.
00:27:48 Oh, I'm sorry.
00:27:50 Oh, you're Linda, Isaac's ex.
00:27:54 And you're the walking incubator he left me for.
00:27:57 What?
00:28:02 Not so fast.
00:28:04 You both are insane.
00:28:06 I've been wanting to ask you since we met in Isaac's office, but you were in such a hurry.
00:28:10 How did she do it?
00:28:12 Did you drug him?
00:28:13 Did you poke holes in the condom?
00:28:15 Tell him you were on the pill.
00:28:17 Do you think I got pregnant on purpose?
00:28:20 I mean, look at you.
00:28:23 Your options are limited, sis.
00:28:26 I don't think I'm the reason that Isaac broke up with you.
00:28:29 Let go!
00:28:30 Hey, what the hell is going on here?
00:28:32 Isaac, you came just on time.
00:28:34 You have to stop her from hurting the baby.
00:28:40 What?
00:28:42 What?
00:28:43 I would never.
00:28:45 I saw you two together smoking in the ladies' room.
00:28:47 We tried to stop her.
00:28:49 They're full of shit. I've never smoked in my life.
00:28:53 What are you two trying to pull?
00:28:55 I'm telling the truth. Check her back.
00:29:14 I'm sorry.
00:29:25 Your hair. It smells like smoke.
00:29:29 I didn't do it. Linda set me up.
00:29:34 Don't fall for her lies. The evidence is crystal clear.
00:29:37 She is not fit to be the mother of your child.
00:29:39 I can draw my own conclusions.
00:29:44 I can draw my own conclusions.
00:29:50 I see you looking, baby.
00:29:53 I know what you want.
00:29:56 You're feeling the rising pressure.
00:29:59 The heat of the rush.
00:30:02 You're looking for a little bit of danger.
00:30:05 A little bit of honey with the chaser.
00:30:08 I don't think you're ready for this love.
00:30:18 I feel it heating up.
00:30:24 So, what's your conclusion?
00:30:28 You're a fantastic kisser.
00:30:30 You just figured that out now?
00:30:32 You taste amazing.
00:30:33 Am I missing something?
00:30:35 She's a cat ass bitch.
00:30:37 She just tried to harm your baby.
00:30:39 She doesn't taste like cigarettes.
00:30:42 What?
00:30:43 If what you said was true, her breath would smell like cigarettes.
00:30:47 But it doesn't.
00:30:48 You, on the other hand, you absolutely reek of it.
00:30:50 So, tell me.
00:30:52 Who harmed my child?
00:30:53 Because I'm gonna make them pay.
00:30:55 Because I'm gonna make them pay.
00:30:57 Shit.
00:31:03 Are you okay?
00:31:04 Yeah, I'm fine.
00:31:06 I just thought for a second that you were...
00:31:09 Actually believe them?
00:31:11 Not for a heartbeat?
00:31:15 You just made a goddamn mistake.
00:31:18 You're the one who made a mistake.
00:31:20 You choose that ugly bitch over me?
00:31:23 But when you're done fucking a whale, you know who to call.
00:31:27 I think even for Isaac, it would be hard to set up a booty call in jail.
00:31:32 What the hell do you mean?
00:31:33 What you two just did was assault.
00:31:36 It's my baby too.
00:31:37 Do you think I'm just gonna let you get away with endangering my child?
00:31:40 Linda, it was just a bit of smoke.
00:31:50 We'll let the police decide that.
00:31:55 But first, I gotta take you to the doctor.
00:31:58 Let's go.
00:32:07 Do you think the baby's gonna be okay?
00:32:10 I should have fought harder to get away.
00:32:12 I should have watched my surroundings better.
00:32:14 Don't say that.
00:32:16 It's not your fault. If anything, it's mine.
00:32:23 Is the baby gonna be alright?
00:32:25 Well, while secondhand smoke is harmful, I doubt you took in enough for it to do lasting harm.
00:32:34 But if you want, we can check his or her heart, just in case.
00:32:39 I'd like that.
00:32:41 Me too.
00:32:45 Okay, when you're ready, you can just scoot back and lie down.
00:32:48 Okay.
00:32:50 This may feel a little cold.
00:32:53 [Laughter]
00:33:21 Home sweet home.
00:33:24 Oh. At least until the baby is born.
00:33:29 Can you tell me where my room is? I really need to take a shower.
00:33:32 That's correct.
00:33:33 My, my, my.
00:33:36 More filth in my home.
00:33:40 This isn't your home, Stepmom. You moved out years ago.
00:33:44 You told me that. And the only reason why I left this house was because you stole it from me.
00:33:51 And you robbed my son of his rightful inheritance.
00:33:55 Not this again.
00:33:57 I told you to settle your grievances with the estate lawyers.
00:34:01 That was in Dad's will.
00:34:03 You're nothing but my dead husband's bastard.
00:34:07 A moment of weakness.
00:34:10 You never should have gotten one penny.
00:34:14 I know your husband screwed you over, but can you please pause your misplaced resentment for five minutes?
00:34:20 Some of us have things to do.
00:34:22 And now you bring the floozy in.
00:34:25 If that makes you feel any better, this is a temporary arrangement.
00:34:30 Temporary. Temporary?
00:34:32 I know that you're carrying his baby.
00:34:36 Don't think I didn't miss the new nursery you built in my own home.
00:34:44 You built a nursery?
00:34:47 [Music]
00:34:49 [Music]
00:35:17 I sent Nadine away.
00:35:19 Look, I can explain.
00:35:22 Explain what, Isaac?
00:35:24 I agreed to move in with you until the baby was delivered.
00:35:27 And then the baby and I would move out.
00:35:29 There is no need for all of this.
00:35:32 You weren't supposed to find out like this.
00:35:34 So was it supposed to be a secret from me?
00:35:36 No. I just needed time to explain everything to you. Please.
00:35:42 You're going to try to get custody.
00:35:45 You're going to try to take my baby away from me.
00:35:47 No, it's not like that.
00:35:49 Stop.
00:35:51 Stay with me.
00:35:56 [Music]
00:36:08 I'm out.
00:36:10 I'm sorry. I, um, I can't.
00:36:13 I can't do this.
00:36:14 Tell me why.
00:36:16 How can I tell him about my mother?
00:36:18 About the hold she has over me?
00:36:20 Or how the second she knows about him, she'll latch on and bleed him dry?
00:36:26 Dawn.
00:36:27 Or how hard it is to resist my feelings for Isaac and let him go?
00:36:32 I'm sorry.
00:36:34 Can you just return everything?
00:36:38 No. I won't.
00:36:41 Then I'll pay you back for everything.
00:36:43 You don't have to, Dawn.
00:36:44 That's what I'm trying to explain to you.
00:36:46 Dawn.
00:36:49 As long as I'm the father of this child, this room will stay here.
00:36:53 I'm going to go take a shower.
00:36:55 This conversation isn't over.
00:36:58 Look at me. Breathe.
00:37:06 Stress isn't good for you or for the baby.
00:37:12 I just didn't want to show you the room until you warmed up to the idea.
00:37:19 I thought I made it clear in my marriage proposal.
00:37:21 Dawn, this isn't a temporary thing.
00:37:27 I don't want you to stay just until after the baby is born.
00:37:33 Can you imagine you and me raising this child in this house, in this room?
00:37:43 Is it that hard to stay with me?
00:38:03 [phone beeps]
00:38:07 How's the new housemate doing?
00:38:12 Quentin. Tell me you have more information on her.
00:38:15 Sounds like trouble in paradise.
00:38:17 Other than the fact that we know Dawn Miller isn't her real name, we've got nothing else.
00:38:21 Her personal files?
00:38:22 We'll get that in the next month or so when the deal closes.
00:38:25 It's not acceptable. I need the information faster. Find out that information.
00:38:29 You know, some people might find this intrusion into their personal lives kind of unnerving.
00:38:35 I know she has feelings for me.
00:38:42 Something is holding her back.
00:38:44 No, I won't marry you.
00:38:47 Something's terrifying her.
00:38:49 I'm sorry, I, um...
00:38:52 Whatever it is, I need to remove it.
00:38:57 [phone rings]
00:39:01 Mom?
00:39:14 Baby, you never called me like I asked you to.
00:39:18 Um, yeah, I've been...
00:39:21 Busy with work.
00:39:24 Too busy to call your poor, lonely mother?
00:39:28 I'm sorry.
00:39:30 You know you're the only person I have left. My one and only child.
00:39:33 You made certain of that.
00:39:36 At least tell me you found yourself a nice man while I was away.
00:39:39 Maybe someone rich enough to take care of your poor mother as well.
00:39:43 No, I'm not seeing anyone.
00:39:46 Are you sure?
00:39:48 Don't lie to me.
00:39:52 I, um...
00:39:54 I'm joking.
00:39:56 I doubt you'd be able to draw in any man with decent earning potential.
00:40:00 Your looks are just so unfortunate.
00:40:04 Hey, have you been following the news?
00:40:07 You know I don't follow that garbage. Why ask?
00:40:11 No reason.
00:40:21 Do you need some help?
00:40:25 It's already done.
00:40:28 Do you cook everything yourself?
00:40:31 You sound surprised.
00:40:33 Just figured you had a chef.
00:40:36 No. No chef.
00:40:40 I like cooking. It's the last thing I have to my mom.
00:40:44 I shouldn't.
00:40:47 I would like him too much.
00:40:50 Without knowing who he is.
00:40:54 Fine, I understand.
00:41:00 Isaac!
00:41:02 Isaac, wait!
00:41:04 I wanted to keep him at arm's length.
00:41:06 To keep distance between us.
00:41:08 For his own good.
00:41:10 But I didn't mean to hurt him.
00:41:14 Isaac.
00:41:19 Dawn.
00:41:21 I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be...
00:41:24 Wait, what are you sorry for?
00:41:26 Oh.
00:41:28 Nothing.
00:41:30 Well, if it's nothing, let's get back to dinner.
00:41:35 Can't let it get cold.
00:41:38 Why did you leave earlier?
00:41:46 Oh, right.
00:41:50 For this.
00:41:52 What's this?
00:41:54 Recipes?
00:42:01 My mom's.
00:42:03 She died when I was six.
00:42:05 And I don't remember much of her.
00:42:08 Except for the smells and the taste of her cooking.
00:42:14 So I found the recipe book when I was a teen.
00:42:18 It's the last thing I have of her.
00:42:21 After Nadine burned everything.
00:42:25 That's awful.
00:42:28 There's a lot more than recipes in here.
00:42:31 She writes a lot about you too.
00:42:35 Wish I could remember more of her.
00:42:43 I will do the same for our future child.
00:42:47 I will do the same for our future child.
00:42:50 I will write down her recipes and my own.
00:42:55 Something to remember me by.
00:42:59 There's no need. I can't do it.
00:43:02 I can't keep Isaac away from his own child.
00:43:07 I'll always be there for our baby.
00:43:14 I'll always be there for our baby.
00:43:16 I want to be there for the both of you.
00:43:24 I'm going to make a sandwich.
00:43:27 I'm going to make a sandwich.
00:43:30 I'm going to make a sandwich.
00:43:33 I'm going to make a sandwich.
00:43:36 I'm going to make a sandwich.
00:43:39 I'm going to make a sandwich.
00:43:42 I'm going to make a sandwich.
00:43:45 I'm going to make a sandwich.
00:43:48 I'm going to make a sandwich.
00:43:51 I'm going to make a sandwich.
00:43:54 Okay, that's fine.
00:43:58 What? Oh my God.
00:44:02 Jake? I'm freaking out.
00:44:05 I thought that I would be fine, but then I looked at the prices and Isaac just bought a $4,000 crib and a $1,500 bassinet.
00:44:12 Why?
00:44:14 Bougie tastes? I don't see the problem.
00:44:18 I'll never be able to pay him back.
00:44:20 Earth to Don, he doesn't need your money.
00:44:23 It's not for him, it's for me.
00:44:26 Remember how I told you how my mom used men?
00:44:28 And probably offed her last husband?
00:44:31 Yeah, it was like a game to her.
00:44:34 She would just push as far as she can go, see how much she could squeeze out of them.
00:44:41 I don't want to be like her.
00:44:43 You won't.
00:44:44 Yeah, as long as I pay Isaac back.
00:44:48 I really need a job.
00:44:52 Going somewhere?
00:44:57 Isaac!
00:44:59 Uh, you're still here.
00:45:01 Yeah, my meetings don't start until later today.
00:45:06 What are you off to?
00:45:09 Just out to an appointment.
00:45:12 To an appointment? I mean a doctor's appointment? Is everything alright? Is something wrong? I can cancel my meetings.
00:45:17 No, no, no. I'm just going to lunch with a friend.
00:45:20 Alright. If you need anything...
00:45:25 I'll be fine.
00:45:26 If you need anything, like a ride, someone to vent to, or emergency soup delivery...
00:45:33 Call me.
00:45:41 Have a great lunch.
00:45:43 What do you mean we've hit our withdrawal limit?
00:45:53 My husband, my late husband, made sure that we would be provided for.
00:45:59 What? You're saying that my son withdrew all the money?
00:46:07 That is preposterous! How dare you slander my baby? I'll sue!
00:46:14 Is everything alright, Mother?
00:46:16 You know, this is all your god damn bastard brother's fault.
00:46:23 Do you know that he had the gall to move his whore into our house while we're practically living in poverty?
00:46:31 He'll get what's coming to him soon enough. I'm off now.
00:46:37 Oh...
00:46:39 Oh, I hate that you have to work so hard.
00:46:45 But we will get everything back soon enough. We just have to wait a little bit longer.
00:46:52 I love you, son.
00:46:56 Yo, Marty! You got some balls calling me. Where's my money?
00:47:05 I got it. Just had to dip into my mother's account and sell some of her shit.
00:47:10 Jesus, man! Some son you are.
00:47:13 She'll be fine. Same place?
00:47:17 Nah, I'm at Freddy's.
00:47:19 Hot new bartender just started here.
00:47:24 Just works afternoons.
00:47:27 Maybe come and...
00:47:29 flash that Stanton Money and Name at the broad end.
00:47:33 You might be able to buy your way into her bed.
00:47:37 I think I will.
00:47:40 Surprise!
00:47:50 Isaac!
00:47:52 What are you doing here?
00:47:54 I got us reservations at that new Thai place. You said you were craving it.
00:47:59 Unless you got other plans?
00:48:01 Oh, um, I was going to go to the gym. I promised my friend that I'd be there.
00:48:07 Alright. Prior reservations take residence?
00:48:10 Yeah. Sorry.
00:48:13 I noticed that your tires are low. I'm going to refill them for you. I want you to take my car.
00:48:18 Alright. Thank you.
00:48:22 Going to the gym, huh?
00:48:30 What else are you hiding from me?
00:48:33 Quentin, I lent Dawn my car. I want you to keep tabs on her.
00:48:42 I'm not going to let you do that.
00:48:44 Quentin, I lent Dawn my car. I want you to keep tabs on her.
00:48:48 I just want to make sure that she's safe.
00:48:51 Miller, you're coming in Saturday night.
00:48:53 I can't. I told you when I applied I can only do afternoons.
00:48:57 It's the only way I can keep this job secret from Isaac.
00:49:00 Don't care.
00:49:03 Show up Saturday or don't you bother showing up again.
00:49:06 I'm taking my break.
00:49:08 You just got back and I still don't know where everything is.
00:49:11 Or does it look like I care?
00:49:13 Asshole.
00:49:17 Hey sweet cheeks.
00:49:19 My buddy wants the most expensive bottle Freddie's got. Neat.
00:49:23 And you know, go ahead and put yourself one too, gorgeous.
00:49:27 I can't drink on the job.
00:49:29 The last girl drank with us.
00:49:31 Probably why I'm here and she's not.
00:49:42 I insist.
00:49:45 I really can't.
00:49:49 You really can't refuse me.
00:49:52 Excuse me?
00:49:54 He's a stand sweet cheeks. Big name, big money, you know.
00:49:59 What he says goes around here.
00:50:02 You can't afford to displease me.
00:50:05 Enjoy your drinks, gentlemen.
00:50:10 Let me go!
00:50:12 Drink!
00:50:14 Open your mouth.
00:50:18 Messed around with the wrong woman, Marty.
00:50:24 Messed around with the wrong woman, Marty.
00:50:27 Isaac? What the fuck, you bastard? Get off me!
00:50:30 Not until you learn to touch what's mine.
00:50:32 What, yours?
00:50:33 She's... Hey, I didn't know that she was yours.
00:50:38 Isaac!
00:50:44 Are you alright?
00:50:46 No, I'm pissed.
00:50:47 We were just messing around with the new bartender.
00:50:49 Yeah, it was a joke.
00:50:52 You call this a joke?
00:50:55 A joke?
00:50:57 I must have dropped it when I was taking my vitamins earlier.
00:50:59 Then it shouldn't be a problem if you drink it.
00:51:05 Drink up, bro.
00:51:11 You know, actually I'm good. I think I should just...
00:51:13 Drink it or I'll call the cops for testing.
00:51:24 Happy?
00:51:25 To share the last name with a rapist? No.
00:51:28 It's vitamins.
00:51:29 You just gonna let him get away with this?
00:51:30 I'm not.
00:51:31 Quinton, call the police.
00:51:33 They should be able to get a sample of what fell on the ground.
00:51:35 On it.
00:51:36 The fuck? You said you wouldn't.
00:51:39 That you'd rape another woman?
00:51:40 No, I don't think so.
00:51:42 Your ugly whore was practically begging for it, so...
00:51:45 Hm. We'll see who's begging.
00:51:47 This is for me and my baby.
00:51:49 Baby?
00:51:51 Ow!
00:52:05 Probably tired.
00:52:06 You should go to bed early.
00:52:09 And you're not?
00:52:10 No.
00:52:12 You're angry?
00:52:15 Of course I'm angry.
00:52:17 I didn't track your car. Martin would've... fuck.
00:52:24 You're angry with me.
00:52:31 Why did you lie to me?
00:52:34 You wouldn't let me help you pay for the nursery.
00:52:37 I thought we already talked about this.
00:52:39 I saw how much everything costs.
00:52:41 It's too much. I can't accept it.
00:52:53 I didn't know who my father was until I was six.
00:52:58 My mom and I didn't have very much, but she did her best.
00:53:02 When she died, I found messages on her phone.
00:53:05 Linked them to him.
00:53:08 He didn't want to acknowledge me.
00:53:10 Only went until the proof was in his face.
00:53:13 He did.
00:53:14 The richest man on this side of the country.
00:53:17 And I had to fight for scraps.
00:53:19 Food, clothes, my education.
00:53:23 A place at his company.
00:53:25 I just wanted him to acknowledge me.
00:53:30 And tell me he was sorry for all the things that he did.
00:53:33 That he was proud of me.
00:53:35 That he loved me.
00:53:41 When the old fuck died, he loved me everything.
00:53:47 But he didn't say a word.
00:53:49 Isaac.
00:53:51 No, don't you understand?
00:53:54 I don't want my child to be anything like me.
00:54:01 I don't want my child to be anything like me.
00:54:06 They will be like you.
00:54:10 They're sweet, wonderful, kind.
00:54:16 I wanted to kill Martin.
00:54:18 What he was about to do to you.
00:54:20 I didn't say push on.
00:54:24 You're generous too.
00:54:27 Is it a fault?
00:54:29 To give everything and do everything for the ones you love?
00:54:32 Don Miller, I love you.
00:54:35 I want to give you everything.
00:54:40 But if it's going to make you unhappy.
00:54:52 What I want Isaac, is for you to take me to bed.
00:55:00 I'm sorry.
00:55:24 I won't argue with you about paying for the nursery anymore.
00:55:28 But I want to keep working.
00:55:33 I wasn't planning on stopping you.
00:55:37 I just don't like being in this big house doing nothing.
00:55:47 You're making a brand new human being inside of you.
00:55:53 I think you're doing enough already.
00:55:56 You know what I mean?
00:55:58 You can do whatever you want.
00:56:03 Just be safe.
00:56:06 Darling.
00:56:07 Mother.
00:56:08 Honey, sweet thing.
00:56:10 Child, I am sorry that it took so long for me to post bail.
00:56:14 But I had to sell some of my jewelry.
00:56:16 And then I realized that some of it went missing.
00:56:19 This is all that bastard Isaac's fault.
00:56:21 And his ugly whores.
00:56:29 They will pay for their slander, my darling.
00:56:32 And the false evidence will come to light soon enough.
00:56:36 Then she and Isaac and that disgusting parasite can all just rot in prison together.
00:56:44 She's pregnant?
00:56:46 Oh, right.
00:56:49 I remember now.
00:56:51 It's supposedly Isaac's.
00:56:53 But he refused to say if it was confirmed via opportunity test.
00:56:58 So the bastard makes a bastard.
00:57:02 He took something from us, Mother.
00:57:06 So why don't we take something from him?
00:57:10 [Dawn's room]
00:57:13 You.
00:57:22 Dawn, right?
00:57:24 I think we got off on the wrong foot the other day.
00:57:27 The wrong foot?
00:57:29 Open your mouth!
00:57:30 No!
00:57:31 You drugged me. Why aren't you in jail?
00:57:34 Toxicology hasn't gotten back yet, and I think that they will find that they were my associate's pills, not mine.
00:57:40 Unbelievable.
00:57:43 Let me fucking go!
00:57:47 Easy now.
00:57:50 I just think, since you could potentially be my future sister-in-law, we should get to know each other a little bit better.
00:57:58 Don't you think?
00:58:00 Don't you think?
00:58:05 You think I'm stupid enough to fall for your little game?
00:58:09 I know your history with Isaac.
00:58:11 You and your twisted mother think he stole from you.
00:58:14 Now you want to take me from him.
00:58:16 He took something from us, Mother.
00:58:19 So why don't we take something from him?
00:58:22 Well, newsflash. I'm not some trophy to be won.
00:58:25 No, of course not.
00:58:27 And you're no prize either.
00:58:28 I can see why Isaac's dad chose him over you.
00:58:31 You fucking bitch.
00:58:33 Now get out of here before I call the cops again.
00:58:36 This isn't over.
00:58:42 It's your turn.
00:58:49 Whatever you do, don't leave Isaac's house today and don't look at the news either.
00:59:02 Billionaire Isaac Stanton is victim of an elaborate cuckolding scheme orchestrated by his pregnant girlfriend.
00:59:09 Her numbers at work were always impressive.
00:59:12 Suspiciously so.
00:59:14 Couldn't put it past her to be providing some extra customer service behind the scenes.
00:59:19 What?
00:59:20 You know?
00:59:21 That isn't true.
00:59:22 That woman came out of nowhere and claimed she was pregnant.
00:59:25 Of course Isaac couldn't leave her alone after hearing that.
00:59:29 Isaac wouldn't even entertain the idea of getting a paternity test.
00:59:34 She's got him wrapped around her little finger.
00:59:38 I wonder how many other guys she's been stringing along.
00:59:45 We need to talk.
00:59:51 Isaac, first let me explain.
00:59:54 None of this is true.
00:59:55 I know.
00:59:57 You do?
00:59:58 This has Martin and my stepmother written all over it.
01:00:00 Shareholders of Stanton Industries are now expressing concern whether Isaac's poor judgment will affect his business decisions as well.
01:00:08 Can they really do something to you?
01:00:10 No.
01:00:11 But it's possible.
01:00:12 Isaac, I don't like all this negative publicity.
01:00:14 Maybe we should put some distance between us.
01:00:16 Hell I will.
01:00:17 The best thing that ever happened to me.
01:00:19 I'm not letting it go this easily.
01:00:21 Hey, I can take care of this.
01:00:24 Nothing's going to happen to us.
01:00:26 Mom can't find out about Isaac. But at least she doesn't follow the news or know I have a new name.
01:00:34 What are you planning to do?
01:00:36 Well first, I'm going to have to pay my family a visit.
01:00:42 Then I'm coming with you.
01:00:45 After what Martin did to you?
01:00:47 You still call them your family. After how they treat you.
01:00:51 They're all the family that I have.
01:00:53 No, that's not true. That's why I'm coming to remind you.
01:00:58 Are you including yourself as part of my family?
01:01:01 But you never said the words back.
01:01:05 I love you.
01:01:10 Um...
01:01:16 Shit, one second.
01:01:19 Quentin, this better be important.
01:01:21 You need to come to the company right now.
01:01:23 Because?
01:01:24 Your shitty family's here and they brought a whole press conference with them.
01:01:30 Everyone knows my late husband was not in his right mind when he drafted his last will.
01:01:39 There's no reason why he would choose his affair child over his own legitimate son.
01:01:48 Yes, no other reason than the fact that your son is an imbecile with a gambling addiction as well as a would-be rapist.
01:01:56 Mr. Martin, is that true?
01:01:58 Martin will not be a topic of discussion.
01:02:01 I am the one who invited the press, therefore I will choose the topics.
01:02:07 Nadine, you should have never called the press.
01:02:11 Why not? I have a very important announcement to make.
01:02:14 I can no longer stand by and watch all my husband's good work given over to not one, but two fraudsters.
01:02:29 I am going to immediately contest my husband's will.
01:02:34 What?
01:02:35 You wretched bastard.
01:02:37 What are you laughing at?
01:02:40 Like I said, stepmother, you should have never called the press and you're about to find out why.
01:02:46 There is a very good reason why my father didn't leave you or Martin anything in the will.
01:02:53 Yeah, because you brainwashed him and robbed my son of his inheritance.
01:02:58 Correct.
01:03:00 Your son, but not my father's.
01:03:04 What? That is ridiculous.
01:03:09 It seems like before he died, he figured it out and he changed the will.
01:03:14 Mother, is this true?
01:03:16 No, this...
01:03:18 Oh, you know, it's really funny that you used to make fun of me for being a bastard child,
01:03:22 but Marty, you're actually one yourself.
01:03:32 Mr. Martin, do you know who your biological father is?
01:03:35 And now that you're revealed as a cheater, how do you plan on getting your husband's...
01:03:39 Shut up! Shut up!
01:03:41 I only did what any woman would do.
01:03:46 Just like that hot thing.
01:03:48 Hey, now leave Dawn out of this. She has nothing to do with it.
01:03:50 She's nothing like you.
01:03:52 Why don't you call her by her real name, Isaac?
01:03:56 What are you talking about?
01:03:58 Oh, you don't know?
01:04:01 She's just been playing you all along, hasn't she?
01:04:06 No, that's not true.
01:04:08 I know who you are. Diane Rosario.
01:04:14 You have quite a famous mother, don't you?
01:04:18 Rosario? You're that woman's daughter?
01:04:24 Dawn, excuse me, Diane Rosario.
01:04:27 Is it true you're related to Evelyn Rosario?
01:04:30 No, it's not.
01:04:31 My husband says your mother had to go through before being imprisoned by her last.
01:04:35 My mother was convicted of manslaughter, not murder.
01:04:37 Are you planning on following in her footsteps and offing Isaac Stanton?
01:04:41 How could you even say that?
01:04:42 Okay, that's enough. No more questions. Listen, everybody out.
01:04:45 Of course she is.
01:04:48 The apple doesn't fall too far from the tree.
01:04:52 Sorry, this is why I didn't want us to get too close.
01:05:00 Dawn?
01:05:04 Quentin, call an ambulance.
01:05:06 Yeah, I'm on it.
01:05:07 Just breathe. The baby's going to be okay.
01:05:12 Who cares if that parasite dies?
01:05:15 Mother?
01:05:16 You don't even know if it is.
01:05:18 Who says that I don't?
01:05:25 You two will never see a cent of the Stanton money.
01:05:32 Well, I still have the trust fund that your father gave me.
01:05:36 He didn't leave you anything. I created the trust.
01:05:38 And as of now, I'm revoking everything.
01:05:41 Anything left of you, property or cash, keep it.
01:05:44 And as of last time I checked, it wasn't very much.
01:05:48 Oh, Isaac.
01:05:51 I just made a big mistake.
01:05:55 I'm sorry.
01:05:57 Isaac, it's getting worse.
01:05:59 I'm going to have to drive. The ambulance is going to take too long.
01:06:02 Isaac, we're family.
01:06:04 You know, you made it clear that we're not.
01:06:07 I have a new one.
01:06:09 I choose her.
01:06:12 If anything happens to Don or the baby, believe me,
01:06:15 poverty will be the least of your worries.
01:06:17 Just breathe. Please just hold on.
01:06:19 Hold on.
01:06:33 Isaac.
01:06:36 The baby has--
01:06:38 Did the doctors say anything?
01:06:40 They ran tests and scans on you, but they haven't told me anything yet.
01:06:45 I'm sorry that I lied to you about my name.
01:06:47 You had your reasons.
01:06:49 Besides, I already knew.
01:06:51 I'll make sure my stuff is out by this weekend.
01:06:53 What are you talking about?
01:06:56 As if I care who your mother is.
01:06:58 Being associated with me has hurt your reputation enough--
01:07:01 As if I care about my reputation.
01:07:03 What about the company?
01:07:05 Fuck the company.
01:07:06 I don't need anything that's going to hold me back from the things that actually matter.
01:07:09 The only thing that matters in this life, Don,
01:07:13 is you and our baby.
01:07:15 You are the family that I choose.
01:07:18 Even after knowing my family?
01:07:21 You meant my family, right?
01:07:24 We can handle anything that comes our way.
01:07:27 My mother, she-- she's different.
01:07:33 Both of you are already sitting.
01:07:34 Excellent. I have news.
01:07:41 I have news.
01:07:43 Am I going to lose my baby?
01:07:45 Your placenta detached from the uterine wall.
01:07:47 If the separation were any worse, you would have.
01:07:50 Right now, it's only partial.
01:07:52 Uh, wait, how did this happen?
01:07:55 What can we do to make sure it doesn't get any worse?
01:07:58 High blood pressure can be a factor.
01:08:01 Miss Miller, have you been experiencing any unusual stress recently?
01:08:07 I'll prescribe something for you,
01:08:09 but you'll also need to be on constant bed rest for the rest of your pregnancy.
01:08:15 And avoid stress.
01:08:17 I'll ensure it.
01:08:19 If all goes well, Miss Miller, you and your baby girl will be fine.
01:08:24 Baby girl?
01:08:30 Baby girl?
01:08:33 Congratulations.
01:08:36 Dawn, we're going to have a daughter.
01:08:41 A little girl.
01:08:43 I'm going to have to redo the nursery.
01:08:45 What?
01:08:46 Uh, girls like pink, right? Maybe purple?
01:08:48 Isaac, the nursery is fine.
01:08:50 I'm going to buy her the best dollhouse.
01:08:52 Wait, what if she's not the girly type?
01:08:54 I'll get her a science set and a dollhouse.
01:08:56 Isaac.
01:08:57 We're going to have to come up with names.
01:09:01 Don't be silly.
01:09:02 You'll name her after me, of course.
01:09:05 Mom.
01:09:06 Diane, you awful thing.
01:09:08 I'm too young to be a grandmother.
01:09:11 But I see it comes with certain benefits.
01:09:15 How about you introduce us?
01:09:17 We're going to be family after all.
01:09:20 Mom, I go by Dawn now.
01:09:25 Too good for the name I gave you?
01:09:27 No, I just--
01:09:28 Diane, Dawn, it doesn't matter.
01:09:30 What matters is that you've been keeping secrets from me.
01:09:33 Your own mother.
01:09:35 Do you know how hurt I am?
01:09:36 Dawn's situation is delicate.
01:09:38 Isaac, it's okay.
01:09:40 If you came to bother her, I'll have you removed.
01:09:43 Isaac, of course.
01:09:47 But that's why I'm here.
01:09:49 My poor baby.
01:09:51 What's happened to you?
01:09:53 Don't you worry.
01:09:55 Mommy's here for you now, for good.
01:09:58 Hey, I've hired all the help that Dawn needs.
01:10:01 Nonsense.
01:10:02 Who else can provide better care for her daughter than her own mother?
01:10:07 Say yes, or I'll tell him the truth.
01:10:12 That you're a baby killer.
01:10:15 Yes, Mom.
01:10:16 You're right.
01:10:18 Wonderful.
01:10:20 So, when can I move in?
01:10:26 Oh, not bad.
01:10:29 Though I could use a bit more of.
01:10:31 I can't wait to redecorate.
01:10:34 Oh, no, no, no, that sofa has got to go.
01:10:40 Are you sure about this?
01:10:42 Yeah.
01:10:44 She's my mom.
01:10:46 She's not going to hurt you, right?
01:10:49 At least not physically.
01:10:52 I'll have eyes on her regardless.
01:10:55 Hire a nurse and home aide to look after you when I can.
01:10:59 Come with great references.
01:11:01 Okay.
01:11:07 Dora?
01:11:08 Sorry to bother you, I'm just making sure everything is okay with lunch.
01:11:12 Sorry, pumpkin, Dora isn't available.
01:11:15 Mom, what did you do?
01:11:19 I fired her.
01:11:21 What?
01:11:22 Oh, and your nurse too.
01:11:24 My valuables were found in their things.
01:11:26 Can you believe it?
01:11:28 People these days.
01:11:30 So now, it's just you and me.
01:11:39 This isn't my soup.
01:11:41 Oh, you mean the one on the stove?
01:11:42 I ate it all.
01:11:44 That's from a can I found in the cabinet.
01:11:46 Although, it looked a little old and dusty.
01:11:50 Isaac made me that soup.
01:11:52 Really, baby doll?
01:11:53 I'm impressed.
01:11:55 You tied down a man richer than God.
01:11:58 And he can cook?
01:11:59 So you did take after me.
01:12:02 No, I didn't trap Isaac.
01:12:04 I am nothing like you.
01:12:07 Still think you're better than me?
01:12:09 You and I are the same.
01:12:12 No, you're worse.
01:12:14 Mom, please, don't.
01:12:17 I bet he would have been so handsome.
01:12:20 How old would he be?
01:12:22 Eighteen?
01:12:23 He'd be graduating high school.
01:12:26 Wonder what college he would have picked.
01:12:28 Stop.
01:12:31 Stop.
01:12:33 Right.
01:12:34 No college for your little brother.
01:12:36 Because you killed him.
01:12:41 Mommy, mommy, look what I made.
01:12:45 Mommy, mommy, mommy.
01:12:52 If you hadn't have startled me that day, I wouldn't have fallen and miscarried.
01:12:55 So eat, before you cause another.
01:12:58 Fuck you, mom.
01:13:01 I'm sick and tired of being blamed for what happened to my brother.
01:13:04 It was an accident.
01:13:05 I was seven.
01:13:08 What happened when you were seven?
01:13:15 What's going on here?
01:13:17 Just a little mishap, dear.
01:13:20 Back to normal, unless you want Isaac to know everything.
01:13:24 Do you think he'd treat you the same if he knew?
01:13:27 Do you think he'd trust you with a baby?
01:13:30 Let you keep it once he knows you murdered another?
01:13:38 Everything's fine.
01:13:39 I'm just a little clumsy.
01:13:42 You're home early.
01:13:44 The credit card I gave you.
01:13:46 I'm surprised you're finally using it.
01:14:03 Dawn hasn't been feeling well.
01:14:05 I convinced her to indulge in a little retail therapy.
01:14:08 Is that so?
01:14:10 Just wanted to buy a few things, treat myself.
01:14:14 I'm glad. You deserve it.
01:14:17 Seems like you haven't had much to eat.
01:14:19 I'm going to go make you something else.
01:14:21 I'm going to go with you.
01:14:22 The doctor said I should be taking some walks.
01:14:25 Besides, there's a smell in here that's bothering me.
01:14:33 Mom, can you clean all this up?
01:14:35 Me?
01:14:37 You expect me to clean?
01:14:39 Didn't you say you wanted to help your daughter?
01:14:41 You fired everyone else.
01:14:42 Who else is going to do it?
01:14:58 She fired my staff.
01:15:00 She can't do that.
01:15:02 She said one of them stole something.
01:15:05 She would have found a reason to get rid of them anyway.
01:15:08 Why could everyone have severance check?
01:15:10 I think letting her stay here was a mistake.
01:15:12 She's my mom.
01:15:23 You never mentioned that you had a brother.
01:15:25 I was supposed to, but my mom had a miscarriage at six months.
01:15:32 I don't like to talk about him.
01:15:34 All right.
01:15:38 I need you to look into Evelyn Rosario's past.
01:15:40 Find out everything.
01:15:42 Job history, education, medical records.
01:15:45 And find out who her OB was 20 years ago.
01:15:48 The one who treated her when she was pregnant.
01:15:58 Do I even want to know what this is?
01:16:00 Me helping you.
01:16:02 You need to leverage yourself better, considering your newly limited capabilities.
01:16:09 You gave me a whole binder filled with below job tips?
01:16:13 Oh, hand and boob jobs too.
01:16:16 I personally bookmarked the techniques that I had the most success with.
01:16:21 Oh, what the hell, mom?
01:16:23 When's the last time you fucked that man?
01:16:25 We are not having this conversation.
01:16:27 I'm doing it for you, sweetheart.
01:16:30 Men have needs.
01:16:31 You mean you're doing this for you?
01:16:33 Isaac is nothing but a meal ticket to you.
01:16:35 He's our meal ticket.
01:16:37 And I'm not going to let you mess this up by letting him stray.
01:16:43 So get second, sweetheart.
01:16:45 Hope you have good gag control.
01:16:47 You're disgusting.
01:16:50 I'm not having this conversation with you.
01:16:52 I'm going out.
01:16:53 I can't even stand to look at you right.
01:16:57 You're going to regret this.
01:17:01 It's not like I can fuck him myself.
01:17:06 Or can I?
01:17:08 [laughs]
01:17:10 Perfect.
01:17:17 [phone rings]
01:17:18 Something's holding me up at the office.
01:17:19 I'll be home late.
01:17:25 Welcome home.
01:17:29 Oh, it's you.
01:17:31 What the fuck?
01:17:33 You're back earlier than expected.
01:17:35 This is for Isaac, isn't it?
01:17:38 Are you insane?
01:17:40 Do you actually think that you could seduce him wearing my negligee?
01:17:45 All men are dogs, honey.
01:17:47 Not Isaac.
01:17:48 So naive.
01:17:50 I thought I raised you better.
01:17:53 Darn it.
01:17:54 Now I have to edit this out and redo everything before he gets back.
01:17:58 You're recording?
01:18:00 Were you planning on blackmailing him?
01:18:02 Even if he didn't fuck me, I would have figured out something else.
01:18:06 I'm doing this for us, pumpkin.
01:18:10 Having a baby is wonderful, but child support ends at 18.
01:18:14 You need to do more to keep your man collared.
01:18:17 And I'm willing to do anything.
01:18:21 No, Mom.
01:18:23 If you won't stop, I'll make you stop.
01:18:34 So Evelyn was never pregnant.
01:18:36 Never.
01:18:38 Her doctor never treated her for any pregnancy.
01:18:40 Although he did falsify her records and put together bogus sonograms with her name.
01:18:45 Around the time when she was supposedly pregnant with Dawn's brother.
01:18:49 Dawn's real mother?
01:18:50 Uncertain.
01:18:51 I need more time to track her down.
01:18:53 So what happened to Eve's last husband and his death?
01:18:57 She claimed it was self-defense.
01:18:58 She submitted photos of bruises and medical records to the court.
01:19:03 Dope.
01:19:04 Same guy who falsified her medical records.
01:19:06 Suspicious, right?
01:19:08 I need to go.
01:19:11 Dawn isn't safe.
01:19:16 No, Mom.
01:19:17 If you don't stop, I'll make you stop.
01:19:23 Now is not the time to develop a backbone.
01:19:26 Remember how you owe me.
01:19:29 What you took from me.
01:19:31 That wasn't my fault.
01:19:33 You killed your brother.
01:19:35 Ruined my body.
01:19:36 Preventing me from having any other children.
01:19:38 Making you my only child.
01:19:42 So now, you're all I have.
01:19:46 Just like I'm all you have.
01:19:49 Wrong.
01:19:50 I have Isaac now.
01:19:51 And I won't let you manipulate him.
01:19:53 I'll tell him.
01:19:55 Go ahead!
01:19:57 Tell him whatever you want.
01:20:02 Even if he takes the baby.
01:20:03 Let him.
01:20:06 But that's the opposite of what you want, isn't it?
01:20:09 Losing access to Isaac.
01:20:11 So you're willing to give up your baby?
01:20:13 Just like that?
01:20:14 If it means she'll never meet you?
01:20:15 Yes.
01:20:17 The cards are finally in my hands now, Mom.
01:20:21 You need me to get to him.
01:20:25 Now I want you to take your shit.
01:20:27 Get the fuck out of my life.
01:20:30 That's not wrong, Jenny.
01:20:32 I have other options.
01:20:35 I don't need you, necessarily.
01:20:39 [screams]
01:20:41 You're awake.
01:20:55 I was worried I hit you too hard.
01:20:57 You tied me up?
01:20:59 I needed time to research.
01:21:01 Research what, you insane bitch?
01:21:03 How not to go back to prison for this?
01:21:06 It looks like if I hit you right here,
01:21:09 I could cause permanent brain damage.
01:21:11 With the least likelihood of death.
01:21:13 Isn't that nice, dear?
01:21:15 Just one or two good whacks will put you right into a catatonic state.
01:21:19 Before you know it, the baby will be here.
01:21:21 Grandma will welcome her with open arms.
01:21:24 You're psychotic.
01:21:26 This is your fault, you know.
01:21:33 If you'd only listened to me, we wouldn't have to do this.
01:21:37 Hi, you are trying to reach Dawn Miller.
01:21:41 I'm not able to get to the phone right now.
01:21:43 Please leave a message after the tone.
01:21:45 I don't like this. Why is she not answering?
01:21:48 Hold on!
01:21:50 Stay still.
01:21:54 I wouldn't want to hit you in the wrong place.
01:21:57 [screams]
01:21:59 Damn it!
01:22:01 Fuck you, mom.
01:22:03 You expect me to clean?
01:22:06 Fuck!
01:22:09 Bitch!
01:22:12 God damn it, bitch!
01:22:19 Mom, don't do this!
01:22:30 You need one piece.
01:22:32 You'd risk the baby?
01:22:35 Look at this.
01:22:37 A grieving mother bonding with the man that should have been her son-in-law over sheer loss.
01:22:41 You just need to die first.
01:22:43 Not happening.
01:22:45 [screams]
01:22:46 Shit!
01:22:48 God damn it!
01:22:50 Oh my God, the baby.
01:22:59 [grunts]
01:23:01 This could have been easier, Diane.
01:23:04 [grunts]
01:23:06 This is all on you.
01:23:11 This is all on you.
01:23:15 [screams]
01:23:18 Fuck, Dawn.
01:23:22 Are you okay?
01:23:24 Yeah, but the baby.
01:23:26 There's no blood.
01:23:28 You're gonna be okay.
01:23:30 Holy shit.
01:23:32 Quentin, call the police. Tell them we need an ambulance.
01:23:34 Okay.
01:23:35 Hurry!
01:23:37 I...
01:23:39 You said you were gonna be late. I didn't think you were gonna make it.
01:23:41 I'm sorry. I got here as fast as I could.
01:23:44 You don't have a brother.
01:23:47 What?
01:23:48 Evelyn was never pregnant.
01:23:50 She's, uh...
01:23:52 She's not your mother.
01:23:54 [laughs]
01:23:56 Thank God.
01:24:03 'Cause the thought of being called Grandma made me sick.
01:24:07 Why pretend?
01:24:11 Why all these lies? What is all of this for?
01:24:14 Why else?
01:24:16 The money.
01:24:18 She's a liar. You can't believe her.
01:24:21 At least tell me about my brother.
01:24:23 My dear,
01:24:25 Sweet Henry wanted a baby so badly,
01:24:27 so I faked it.
01:24:29 Still had the imaginary baby problem.
01:24:32 Good thing I had you,
01:24:34 the perfect skin-cut.
01:24:36 So all this time,
01:24:40 the guilt made you so easy to work with.
01:24:44 You know what?
01:24:46 This is for everyone you hurt.
01:24:48 Me and my baby.
01:24:50 I hope you rot in prison.
01:24:53 It's okay. Hey.
01:24:58 [sobs]
01:25:01 I...
01:25:14 I didn't mean to fall asleep.
01:25:18 I can't blame you.
01:25:20 After everything that Dave got done,
01:25:23 I should have been there for you.
01:25:26 I'm okay, Isaac.
01:25:28 The baby is okay.
01:25:31 Evelyn's gonna pay for this.
01:25:33 She's not gonna get a light sentence.
01:25:35 We found a recording in our room.
01:25:37 They caught everything.
01:25:39 God, the things she said.
01:25:42 What you said.
01:25:46 Was it that easy to leave me?
01:25:49 No.
01:25:51 It killed me saying that.
01:25:53 But if I had to choose between staying
01:25:56 and keeping you and the baby safe,
01:25:59 I would always choose the second option.
01:26:01 I'm the one that's supposed to protect you,
01:26:03 not the other way around.
01:26:04 You've protected me enough.
01:26:06 It's time for me to return the favor.
01:26:09 I love you, Isaac.
01:26:14 [soft music]
01:26:17 I'm really getting sick of being in these hospital rooms.
01:26:25 Well, it seems to be our thing.
01:26:29 How did that get there?
01:26:33 Isaac.
01:26:35 I know it's not the dream proposal,
01:26:38 but you are my dream.
01:26:42 I want to wake up to you every morning
01:26:46 with our children playing.
01:26:49 Dawn, will you marry me?
01:26:54 Yes.
01:26:57 The beginning of our love story had a rocky start
01:27:07 and an even rockier middle.
01:27:09 Shh, don't look. Your mommy's on her way.
01:27:12 But it's the ending that matters,
01:27:15 an end that led me to Isaac and my baby girl.
01:27:19 Predictably, Isaac and I didn't name her
01:27:22 after my quote-unquote "mother."
01:27:25 Instead, we named her after his.
01:27:28 Dearly beloved, we're gathered here today
01:27:30 to celebrate the union of Dawn Miller and Isaac Stanton.
01:27:35 This better be worth all the soup.
01:27:38 [soft music]
01:27:41 It's not a perfect story,
01:27:51 but it's our story.
01:27:54 [music fades]
01:27:57 [BLANK_AUDIO]
