Coalition to dump Australia's 2030 climate target, arguing it is unachievable

  • 4 months ago
The federal coalition has committed to dumping a key climate target should it win the next election. The opposition would abandon Australia’s 2030 emissions reduction target, arguing 43% by the end of the decade is unachievable. Dropping the target would threaten Australia’s place in the Paris Climate Agreement.


00:00 Calling time on a key climate ambition.
00:04 The 43% target by 2030 is unachievable.
00:09 That is a statement of fact.
00:11 The Federal Coalition says it would abandon Australia's 2030 emissions target.
00:16 The only way now Labor can achieve its 2030 target is to collapse industry.
00:21 We will not have a bar of it from the Coalition.
00:24 Under the UN's Paris Agreement, Australia has committed to reducing emissions by 43%
00:29 on 2005 levels by the end of the decade.
00:32 Dumping the target would mean pulling out of the agreement.
00:36 Not being in the Paris Accord would mean that Australia becomes an international pariah
00:40 and an investment wasteland.
00:41 We will not accept from Labor an ongoing dishonesty, trying to tell the Australian people that
00:47 everything's going well.
00:49 This is turning into a train wreck for our economy.
00:52 The Coalition is still putting together its nuclear policy, arguing it is the key to reaching
00:57 net zero by 2050.
01:00 While reactors are being built, it would rely more heavily on gas to power Australia.
01:05 We do need renewables working together with gas and zero emissions nuclear energy over
01:11 time.
01:13 Only with a balanced mix can we achieve net zero.
01:16 We need to slash climate pollution now.
01:18 Later is too late.
01:20 So a recipe for nuclear is a recipe for more climate pollution.
01:24 Climate advocates argue the country is building momentum in cutting emissions.
01:28 And the hard work can't be kicked down the road.
01:31 Climate damage is here and the only way forward to a safe, liveable climate is to reduce emissions
01:37 this decade.
01:38 Walking back climate ambition is a political gamble.
01:41 Climate policy was a central issue at the last election and played a hand in the loss
01:45 of some key Liberal seats.
01:47 The Coalition is betting that won't be the case next time.
01:51 The pushback to renewables and concerns about reliability will work in their favour.
01:55 For its part, Labor seems happy to take on the fight.
