• 4 months ago
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00:00 Rudy Berragon getting this assignment four rounds of action here scheduled
00:06 between Tijuana's Ashley Felix taking on the American in Lupita Medina.
00:14 TJ DeSantis along with Pearl Gonzalez live tonight here inside the Chumash Casino
00:18 Santa Inez California it is a sight of Tom Lafleur's Hollywood fight night.
00:26 Medina spends a ton of time Pearl working on her fight outfits and she was
00:32 excited to debut the color red tonight she says it's a strong color for her and
00:36 it's always fun to see the creativity of athletes come out in their their fight
00:41 way. Absolutely and to showcase that there's not you know aside from the
00:45 boxing skills how else do you display your personality and you do it through how people
00:49 view you and how you look and I love that that both ladies look beautiful
00:53 tonight both of them and this is what I believe really helps this sport when
00:57 they can showcase their personality like this and then come out here and start
01:02 to throw at the start of the bout.
01:06 You mentioned Felix really wanted to work at keeping this fight in the middle
01:12 of the ring kind of got pressed up against the ropes in her last fight so
01:16 so far so good she's keeping herself smack dab in the center of the boxing ring.
01:20 Yes both ladies are unwilling to take step backs to take a step back right now
01:25 as you can see and they're trading.
01:28 Nicely done there by Medina coming forward with power in combinations.
01:33 Beautiful right hands babyface has landed that right hand now a couple times
01:37 you can see that Ashley's eye is red and dotted up already.
01:43 Already past the halfway point of this opening round.
01:49 Working the body is Lupita.
01:52 Lupita did a great job of going to the body and Ashley did try but was answered by Lupita.
01:58 Nice right hand gets through for Medina.
02:05 And you know talking to the coaches Medina's coaches talked about the the
02:15 weight class and how the weight and the size difference tonight compared to
02:20 her last fight they believe that this fight there it's a much more even and
02:24 you can see that Lupita looks to be the stronger fighter but Felix right now is
02:29 setting the tone to end this round.
02:32 Yeah the action's fast and furious here to close out this first round we saw
02:36 Felix find a few punches in combination there.
02:40 Wow very nice work for both athletes here in this opening round.
02:46 It's a tough one to call I think we saw Medina do a lot of great work early in the round
02:52 but Felix tried to make a strong case an argument to sort of steal it away down the stretch and very close.
03:00 Absolutely Medina did find a good home for that right hand early on and throughout that.
03:09 And throughout the round but Medina.
03:12 Medina did a fantastic job of finding the home for that right hand but Ashley
03:32 Felix rallied through the end of that round to let Medina know she is not at
03:36 all phased or intimidated by her in this fight TJ.
03:40 Ladies in the ring and ladies in the commentary booth I'm now outnumbered here Pearl Gonzalez you want to introduce our guest?
03:48 Yes we have the beautiful the legendary Cecilia Brekus here with us I am honored to be sitting next to this woman, goat and legend in our sport.
03:58 Cecilia thank you so much for joining us.
04:00 Hey guys thank you so much for having me.
04:02 You picked a pretty great fight thus far to join us these these ladies have come to throw down
04:06 and they're doing that here in round number two.
04:08 Yeah I mean this is second round and I'm just you know my pulse is high.
04:14 This is a great great fight.
04:16 As it should be I mean these ladies are delivering and Pearl we've seen this time and time again
04:21 you can have a full car whether it be MMA or boxing when there's only one ladies fight
04:25 you got to like do the short list for fight of the night they always seem to steal the show.
04:29 Absolutely TJ the ladies bring the passion you know that both of these ladies right now as you can see
04:36 neither one wants to take a step back neither one of these ladies wants to to move backwards at all in this fight
04:43 they both are trying to take control and that is the beauty of this sport for women's boxing.
04:48 Yeah and they you know this is a high pace and they're both landing shots so this should be really interesting.
04:55 Uppercuts on the inside by Felix.
04:59 You know I know a lot of people like complaining about two minutes round but you know it just
05:10 it really sets another pace and it's just oh beautiful it's beautiful boxing here.
05:16 It does it forces you to push the pedal to the metal you cannot take time to set up or look for you have to go
05:23 you only have two minutes to work. Exactly and you just have to go for it from the first second and you know
05:29 in this fight we have action. Non-stop action. Closing moments here round number two and it's been a great fight
05:36 I guess that's the argument guys for you know the ladies not getting the three minutes is they just don't have the time to work
05:43 and I would I mean that was a great round I would love another minute of that round if it means the fight ends up going the distance at the end
05:48 but you bring up a really great point the ebb and flow of the fight Cecilia it is something that you're forced to have a sprint
05:59 more action and when fighters are pressed to get into it quickly it turns up the heat and volume.
06:05 Well to be honest this is the kind of discussion we cannot cram it in in one minute because there's so many aspects and layers here
06:13 but shortly let's try to sum it up but of course women can do three minutes round yeah of course we can do it
06:18 but right now we do not have the foundation there's not enough female fighters we are not
06:24 we're excluding a lot of girls who don't maybe have the financial to do this full time to come in here and be the underdog
06:37 and have a shot against girls like Katie Taylor, Serrano and so.
06:44 It is on the rise though if there's never been a time for women's boxing women's boxing is on the rise
06:50 and you can see like Amanda Serrano who is who is going for and wanting to fight three minute rounds it's coming
06:57 and as the more women that step up and attempt it.
07:01 There's a cut there on the forehead of Felix and she was calling for an elbow this is a really bad cut guys.
07:08 Not exactly sure I mean it opened up quickly and fast and I mean I could I didn't see the elbow
07:17 but her complaining in the way that it's bleeding it might be.
07:21 I hope she has a good cut on her hip on it.
07:25 Medina coming alive now. She is. Going here in the clinch now separating.
07:31 Felix did a great job of closing out that last round but Lupita is here and she's now created some damage here
07:38 and she's putting the pressure on but Felix doing a great job of tying up when she needs to being ferocious when she needs to
07:44 and not taking a step back not allowing this cut at all to get in her way of this fight.
07:49 Past the halfway point here of this third round.
07:56 Medina coming forward with a combination.
08:00 Big uppercuts here. She's not giving up. Not at all. She is in the fight.
08:05 And she's leaking.
08:07 Take it to her back to the jab. Back to the jab.
08:10 Final 30 seconds here in round number three.
08:13 I'll say this TJ and I can say from first hand experience and very recently the blood can either freak you out or it can make you come alive
08:21 and it looks like the blood is making Ashley Felix come alive.
08:25 Definitely seeing her heart on display here as she lands a nice left hand.
08:31 Yes. Gorgeous combination.
08:33 Final 10 seconds here. I said it when the ladies are on the card guys they tend to steal the show and this one is delivering.
08:39 Another beautiful combination.
08:42 Three rounds down.
08:44 This one is shaping up to be a phenomenal bout.
08:48 We're going to stay in the corner here of Ashley Felix.
08:51 Cecilia you mentioned you hope she has a good cut man because he's going to have his hands full here.
08:57 Oh yeah. Absolutely.
08:59 Yeah.
09:01 That's the beauty of boxing that you get to have a cut man.
09:05 You get to choose your cut man as well in your corner.
09:08 And that brings a lot of reassurance a lot of confidence if this happens that you're going to be OK and be able to get closed up.
09:14 And there it was. I think it was a left elbow by Medina that opened her up.
09:19 Let's see.
09:21 It was at the beginning of that replay package and you could see Felix immediately responded to it.
09:28 But she did a good job Pearl. You mentioned you can't really let it get you off your game.
09:33 She complained and obviously motioned to the referee that it was an elbow but she never stopped fighting.
09:39 Never and never took a step back either to even touch the blood or clean her face.
09:45 Round four underway.
09:48 Again both these ladies young Medina 20.
09:57 Her opponent Ashley Felix 19.
10:01 I mean the next generation of women fighters are on fire.
10:06 I mean how beautiful is it Cecilia to know where you come from and you have.
10:11 You've been one of those women that have paved the way for these young ladies that are standing right in front of us tonight and fighting.
10:17 And to see where the sport has come and how much of a contribution that you've made to this.
10:21 How does that feel?
10:23 You know to be honest I'm almost a little bit getting a little bit teared up.
10:28 Like you.
10:31 This is a great fight.
10:34 It is.
10:37 It's a great time to have you Cecilia in the booth but this is a great fight.
10:42 It's almost hard to talk to you.
10:44 You know what let's just let the girl shine because this is a great great fight.
10:49 I believe that the girl that the woman that ends up winning is the one who throws more than two punch combinations.
10:56 If they come back with two, three, four punches they end up landing and finding much more success with that.
11:02 Good right hand.
11:06 Felix still though throwing back in kind.
11:09 And not stepping back TJ.
11:11 Yeah I mean she mentioned the focal point of this fight was to stand in the middle and trade and trading she is.
11:16 She's doing just that.
11:17 These uppercuts are finding a home.
11:24 And you can see the confidence growing on Ashley Felix's face as she throws and lands these uppercuts in this foam booth here.
11:32 She's gaining confidence.
11:39 Cut open and bloody is Ashley Felix but undeterred as she continues on in this fight.
11:45 Solid round of action again between both ladies.
11:49 Man it's only the second fight of the night guys and this is setting the bar high for everyone else in the car to come out and shine.
11:55 Ladies are delivering for sure.
11:58 Fun night of boxing TJ.
12:00 It's a fun night for boxing.
12:02 Cecilia tell me how you got into the world of boxing.
12:05 What led you to pursuing this as a career?
12:09 Well you know I started when I was 16 years old with kickboxing actually.
12:15 And then went over to boxing but you know this was a time where women wasn't allowed into the boxing gyms.
12:22 And we weren't put on TV.
12:26 We were not promoted by promoters.
12:29 It's such, it's unreal to think back to what we were going through at that time.
12:37 Well it's interesting you look at boxing which has been around a lot longer than mixed martial arts.
12:41 It's done a great job at promoting women and elevating their side of the sport.
12:45 Boxing has a little bit of catching up to do and I think Tom Laughler this is a great example of allowing the women to shine.
12:51 Good placement on a big card and these ladies are making the most of every moment they have here inside the ring.
12:56 Absolutely and you see when, if you just let, give the women a chance you know they're going to take it.
13:01 Nice left hand there by Lupita.
13:05 Working inside the clinch here.
13:07 And it's interesting because when we talked to these ladies, Ashley and her team said they would not go to the ropes.
13:14 And Lupita and their team said she likes to go to the ropes so that is the game plan to put her on the ropes.
13:19 So great job by Babyface here making adjustments in this fight.
13:23 She thought she would have a longer, lengthier, more range in her fight.
13:27 But she's been forced to fight in the center of the ring, in the phone booth and she's making adjustments as we go.
13:32 And that is the, that's one beautiful thing about her is you constantly see her improving right before our eyes.
13:38 Yeah, she has a great arsenal you know.
13:41 If one thing doesn't work she has, you know, she has some other tools in her toolbox.
13:46 She also has a great footwork too so this is really good boxing for both of the women.
13:51 Inside the final minute of this fifth round again scheduled for six.
13:56 Ooh, nice right hand by the Mexican Lance.
14:00 Those uppercuts have been the punch of the fight for Ashley Felix.
14:05 They've been landing beautifully all night long.
14:08 We mentioned that cut obviously happened early in the fight.
14:14 And Felix has done, you know, really well at dealing with it, not allowing it to get her off her game.
14:20 And thankfully it's not impairing her vision.
14:22 Not at all fazed by the blood. You know the blood's in her eyes.
14:26 And it may be impairing her vision but she is not at all fazed by this.
14:30 In fact she's going head forward in her phone booth here and fighting.
14:35 Rubbing her face in blood all over her opponent.
14:38 A few moments here in the fifth.
14:41 Five down, one to go.
14:46 Competitive fight here throughout and obviously we're going to have a winner after this next round.
14:51 But I think both ladies have done a phenomenal job.
14:53 There's no loser in this fight. Both these ladies going to walk out one with their hand raised.
14:57 But both I think with their heads held up high as they're both gaining a lot of fans tonight.
15:02 Oh absolutely.
15:04 It's a great display for these women here.
15:06 And this is the future. They're so young.
15:08 They have such a bright future ahead of them.
15:10 And to put on a performance like this where neither women, neither one of these women want to lose.
15:16 Neither one of these women want to take a step back and give in to the other.
15:20 It shows so much courage. It shows so much resilience in these women tonight.
15:26 You have to believe that only bright futures are ahead for both of these young women.
15:31 Win or lose.
15:33 Abel Mejia in the house tonight.
15:36 We've seen him shine inside the 360 Promotions ring.
15:40 Excited to see him here at Chumash.
15:42 Alright final round between these ladies.
15:44 Lupita Medina taking on Ashley Felix.
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