Bristolians Answer: Why has the number of teaching job vacancies increased?

  • 3 months ago
The number of empty teaching posts has more than doubled in the past three years - what do you think would make teachers stay? One school in London finishes at 1:40pm on a Friday for teacher wellbeing, would you support this in other schools - why/why not? Why do you think so many teachers are leaving the profession?


00:00So, the number of empty teaching posts has more than doubled in the past three years.
00:05What do you think would make teachers stay in the job?
00:10Better working conditions, less red tape, more money.
00:15Why do you think so many teachers are leaving the profession?
00:19From what I understand, there's more money to be had elsewhere. So you can go into the
00:26private sector and earn a lot more than you can as a teacher.
00:30It's a disgrace. I don't want to go into party politics, but I do feel this government
00:38has let the country down very badly in that respect.
00:42Can you tell me why you think it's a disgrace that there are so many free teaching positions?
00:50Education is one of the prime needs of everybody and it should be much higher on the agenda.
