Wanted Dead or Alive S02E13

  • 4 months ago
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00:35 (tires screeching)
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00:41 - Well, he hasn't gone far.
01:02 Fan out.
01:03 (dramatic music)
01:06 - What are you doing out here, Curry?
01:30 - They said give you this, Sheriff.
01:32 (gun clicking)
01:35 - What is it?
01:36 (gun firing)
01:40 - They're calling off the search.
01:44 - Why?
01:44 - There's no reason to go after him.
01:46 Even without a horse, he won't make more than a dozen miles.
01:49 - You mean just forget him?
01:50 - I mean just that.
01:51 Joe Hooker is a dead man.
01:54 - Pick out the fire.
01:56 (dramatic music)
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02:10 (explosion booming)
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03:18 - Howdy.
03:43 I just rolled into town, looking for a man.
03:46 I mean, you might be able to help me.
03:48 You know him?
03:52 Who are you?
03:59 - My name's Randy.
04:01 - Barney Hunter?
04:02 - Mm-hmm.
04:04 - He was here, but he's gone.
04:06 - How long?
04:07 - About five days.
04:09 Tried to hold up the bank.
04:12 - What do you mean, tried?
04:14 - He didn't get a dime.
04:15 Took a shot at the teller, Dodie Evans, though.
04:18 - You hit her?
04:19 - No, almost scared to death.
04:20 She passed out cold.
04:21 Yeah, I know.
04:24 They figure I should be out there
04:25 in this hot sun chasing him.
04:27 I took a posse out.
04:28 We lost him in the hills.
04:29 Called off the search.
04:31 Wasn't any need to waste county money.
04:33 He isn't going far, though.
04:34 - Why not?
04:35 Somebody shoot him?
04:37 - Might have been better for him if they had.
04:38 Old Avery's dog bit him while he was trying to get away.
04:42 Dog had rabies.
04:43 - See, you sure about this rabies business, huh?
04:50 - Well, last Doc Blake, he examined the animal himself.
04:52 He's right across the street.
04:53 I know the sheriff in Val Verde, Randall.
04:57 He's not that interested in Joe.
04:59 - Yeah?
05:01 Not what this poster says.
05:02 - Oh, don't tell me about the poster.
05:04 Sure, they want Joe a little bit,
05:05 but they want his brother Ben a lot more.
05:07 They figure Joe will be the key.
05:09 - You know this fella here, Joe Hooker, huh?
05:11 - And Ben, too.
05:14 There's a real killer for you.
05:16 One of the worst.
05:17 - Ben Hooker.
05:18 Ben Hooker.
05:20 Yeah, I remember him.
05:22 He was a fella who was mixed up in that massacre
05:23 up at San Remo three or four years ago.
05:25 - That's him.
05:27 Yeah, got shot up and dropped out of sight.
05:30 I feel sorry for the boy.
05:32 He was a nice kid,
05:33 but Ben always told him what to do and when to do it.
05:37 And they figure on using this young Joe Hooker here
05:39 to get through to his brother.
05:40 - Yeah, that's right.
05:42 - What makes them so sure he's gonna tell them where he is?
05:44 - They don't, but they're willing to pay $500
05:45 for the chance to try.
05:46 The boy lost his gun trying to get out of town.
05:49 He's somewhere up in those hills.
05:52 He's hurt and he's scared.
05:53 If you're as good as I hear,
05:55 you'll have no trouble tracking him.
05:57 Just remember, Randall, wherever Joe is,
05:59 that's where you'll find Ben.
06:01 - Yeah.
06:03 Something to think about, isn't it?
06:05 - And with Ben, you'll likely find more trouble
06:08 than you can handle.
06:09 - So long.
06:12 (dramatic music)
06:15 (dramatic music)
06:18 - Howdy. - Howdy.
06:40 - My name's Randall.
06:42 I wonder if I could speak to you for a couple of minutes.
06:43 - Yeah, come in, come in.
06:44 (door opens)
06:47 - What can I do for you?
06:48 - Well, Sheriff Cross-Street said that a man
06:50 got bit by the dog, Dog Head Ray.
06:52 - That's right, Mr. Randall.
06:54 What's your interest in him?
06:56 - Well, he's wanted in Val Verde.
06:57 He's got a price on his head.
06:59 I plan on bringing him in.
07:01 - Well, you won't bring him in alive.
07:02 Joe Hooker is as good as dead right now.
07:05 - Yeah?
07:07 No hope at all, huh?
07:10 - Oh, I didn't say that.
07:11 There's an army doctor up at Fort Lord
07:13 who could help him.
07:14 I was up there a few weeks ago
07:16 and I heard about a cure for rabies.
07:18 It's covered by a Frenchman by the name of Pas...
07:21 Oh, Pass something or other.
07:22 I can't remember the rest of it.
07:24 But he's worked out a series of inoculations.
07:27 Wait a minute.
07:28 I got something here about him.
07:42 - Yes, here it is.
07:44 I'll take your word for it.
07:45 Listen, is there any hope for him at all?
07:49 - Joe?
07:50 Well, I'd say about two weeks at the most.
07:53 14 days from the time he was bitten.
07:55 - And he was bitten five days ago, huh?
07:57 - I hope you can find him, Mr. Randall.
08:00 I knew Joe as a boy.
08:02 He was an honest kid.
08:04 He didn't stand much of a chance with Ben around.
08:07 - Yeah, that's what I understand.
08:10 Listen, Doctor, I don't know much about this rabies.
08:11 What happens to a man?
08:13 - Well, first they get fidgety and restless,
08:16 like, well, like something was eating them.
08:19 And then their jaws get tender and they begin to hurt.
08:23 That's the beginning.
08:25 And their throat tightens up and they can't swallow.
08:28 And every muscle in them cries out for water,
08:30 but they can't drink.
08:32 And then there's a pain just like nothing
08:33 that they've ever felt before, but they still can't drink.
08:37 And they begin to drool.
08:40 And after that, the spine goes rigid.
08:43 And then convulsions.
08:45 - Phew, boy, it's a rough way to die.
08:48 - Let me give you a warning, Mr. Randall.
08:52 Joe's got rabies and you can get it from him.
08:54 Now, from the spittle, from drinking out of the same cup,
08:58 or from a bite.
09:00 Remember that when you go after him.
09:02 - Yes, sir, I sure will.
09:08 (dramatic music)
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09:16 (door slams)
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11:15 - Yeah, that's a smart mister.
11:18 (laughs)
11:20 I guess I'm not a dad.
11:21 - How many you got behind you?
11:23 - Nobody behind me.
11:24 - You're lying.
11:25 - I said there's nobody behind me.
11:28 You're, your name Joe Hooker?
11:32 - What's it to you?
11:35 - Well, this might sound kind of crazy to you right now,
11:37 but you need my help, boy.
11:40 - Yeah, sure.
11:41 - Leg bothering you a little bit?
11:49 How's that concern you?
11:50 - I'll tell you something that concerns you.
11:53 That dog bitch in town had rabies.
11:54 - What?
11:57 - The dog was mad.
11:58 - I don't believe you.
12:00 - Nevertheless, it's true.
12:01 And you had 14 days to get to a doctor and get treatment.
12:04 That leaves you less than a week.
12:06 - You're lying.
12:06 How many you got with you?
12:10 I know there's a posse.
12:12 I killed a woman back in a bank.
12:14 - You didn't kill her.
12:15 She just got scared and fainted.
12:17 - You don't give up, do you?
12:19 - Find it hard to swallow?
12:22 I don't know much about rabies,
12:24 but when you get 'em, they say you die on the ground
12:25 with convulsion.
12:26 - Shut up.
12:27 You sure must think I'm stupid.
12:29 Well, you're wrong.
12:31 Real wrong.
12:33 Now, where are they?
12:36 - I don't know what you're talking about.
12:40 - All right, that's the way you want it?
12:42 I mean, I'll be as smart as Ben, but I'm not stupid.
12:46 I know there's a posse.
12:48 And all this talk about a dog is just to scare me.
12:52 It won't work, you understand?
12:53 It won't work.
12:54 - I said my piece.
12:55 - And from here on, I'm doing the riding.
12:58 Put that around you.
13:03 Put your hands together.
13:16 - Where are we going?
13:19 - We're gonna go see Ben.
13:20 (dramatic music)
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13:42 (dramatic music)
13:45 - Ben?
14:11 Ben?
14:12 Who's he?
14:22 - Follow me all the way from Big Ben.
14:24 (dramatic music)
14:26 - Well, why'd you bring him here?
14:32 - I figured you'd know what to do with him, Ben.
14:36 - You couldn't even figure that out by yourself, could you?
14:41 - All right, I'll take care of it.
14:42 Did you get the money?
14:44 - Well, there was a little trouble, Ben.
14:47 - Where is it?
14:48 Where is it?
14:54 - I didn't get it.
14:57 It wasn't like you said.
14:58 The bank was changed, everything was different.
15:00 I barely made it out of that town without getting killed.
15:02 - This is the fourth job I've set up for you.
15:04 Banks a 10-year-old could take, and you bungled them.
15:07 (gun fires)
15:09 (Ben sighs)
15:11 - It was five years since you've been in that town.
15:13 Things were different.
15:14 It wasn't my fault.
15:16 - I was planning all that money.
15:18 We haven't got a dime between us.
15:19 We're broke, do you understand that?
15:21 - I'm sorry.
15:23 Everything was different.
15:24 It wasn't my fault.
15:25 - Oh, forget it.
15:26 First we'll take care of him,
15:30 and then we'll figure a way out of this mess.
15:32 (Ben sighs)
15:39 - Josh Randall.
15:40 - Bounty hunter?
15:44 - Yeah.
15:46 You bungled that bank job, Joey,
15:49 but you did all right bringing him here.
15:52 A real bonanza.
15:53 $1,000, that's what he's worth to us.
15:55 - Who's gonna give us $1,000 for him?
15:59 - Red Barrows.
16:00 Come on.
16:02 (dramatic music)
16:05 (dramatic music)
16:08 - He's come around, Ben.
16:18 - A long walk, wouldn't it, Hooker?
16:22 - I told my brother what you said.
16:23 He says you're lying.
16:25 - About what?
16:26 - About that dog.
16:27 That dog that bit me.
16:29 - Scaring a kid ain't gonna help you none, Randall.
16:31 That dog had rabies.
16:33 (door thuds)
16:35 - Why don't you stop lying?
16:37 Here's what you was after.
16:39 $500.
16:40 - Listen to me, Joe.
16:46 They don't want you, they want your brother.
16:49 You go ahead into Fort Lord, turn yourself in,
16:52 and you'll get maybe a year in prison.
16:54 If you don't, you're gonna die, boy.
16:58 - You're trying to save your own neck.
17:01 - Yeah.
17:02 And yours.
17:04 - Hey, shut up.
17:05 Come on, boy, eat your dinner.
17:09 Here.
17:09 You'll get a chance to do a lot of talking, Randall.
17:18 To Red Barrows.
17:20 You remember him, don't you?
17:23 - Yeah.
17:25 - You ought to.
17:25 You helped put him in that Yuma territorial prison.
17:29 - Yeah, I remember.
17:30 - Yuma territorial prison.
17:32 He's out now.
17:33 He's been wanting to see you.
17:35 I heard Red say he'd pay $1,000
17:39 just for the privilege of meeting you again.
17:41 (dramatic music)
17:44 - I don't feel so good, man.
17:55 - Ah, it's your imagination.
17:58 - What imagination?
18:00 - Rabies.
18:00 - Will you listen to me, mister?
18:12 If I thought Joe needed a doctor, I'd see he got one.
18:15 (dramatic music)
18:18 - It ain't Joe you're thinking about, it's yourself.
18:42 We'll be in Presidio by Wednesday.
18:45 That's just how long you got to live, Mr. Randall.
18:48 (dramatic music)
18:51 (dramatic music)
18:53 (dramatic music)
18:56 (dramatic music)
18:59, (dramatic music)
19:04 (dramatic music)
19:06 - No sign of anybody out there.
19:29 (door opening)
19:32 - I told you there was no posse.
19:38 Now come on, eat.
19:39 Long ride to Presidio.
19:41 - I'm not hungry, Ben.
19:42 - You're letting Randall get to you.
19:46 - I just don't feel like eating, that's all.
19:49 I got a headache.
19:50 - If you keep listening to him,
19:51 he'll have you dead and buried.
19:53 He's lying, I tell you.
19:55 He's only thinking of his own skin.
19:57 (dramatic music)
20:00 - I'm going out and saddle the horses.
20:03 I don't want to hear any more talk about that dog.
20:06 You like bothering Joe?
20:19 - Shut up.
20:22 - You always do what your brother tells you to do?
20:27 - Ben raised me.
20:28 There was nobody else after my folks died.
20:31 - It must have been kind of rough on you.
20:33 - I can't tell you how rough it was, mister.
20:35 After the war, we were nothing.
20:39 We were traitors.
20:40 We lost the war.
20:43 - That was a long time ago.
20:45 Old hates die.
20:46 - No, they don't.
20:48 They live for a long time.
20:51 My brother, he was a big man once.
20:55 He could plow an acre in a day.
20:57 He'd be the liveliest man in town on a Saturday night.
21:01 Look how he walks now.
21:03 Yankee mini ball did that to him.
21:06 - And what he told you?
21:09 - That's what happened.
21:10 - Listen to me, Joe.
21:13 Your brother got shot in the leg at the San Remo massacre.
21:15 Him and a bunch of his friends were on horseback,
21:16 running down farmers, cutting them to pieces.
21:18 That's why he can't ride a horse very well anymore.
21:20 That's why you carry a gun for him.
21:22 Like right now, Joe, your life is on the block, not his.
21:26 - You're lying.
21:26 - Maybe, but if I'm not,
21:29 now you figure this out for yourself.
21:31 Who loses?
21:32 - No, Ben's right.
21:38 You're trying to save your neck.
21:40 - You don't seem to understand, Joe.
21:41 Those men in town weren't following you
21:42 because they weren't even worried about you.
21:44 As far as they were concerned, you're a dead man,
21:46 and if you don't get to a doctor in three days,
21:47 they're gonna be right.
21:49 - Even if you're telling the truth,
21:50 we'll be in Presidio by Wednesday.
21:52 Ben can talk to a doctor then.
21:54 - Joe, by Tuesday, you'll be dead.
21:56 (dramatic music)
22:02 (guns firing)
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22:43 (guns firing)
22:52 (dramatic music)
22:58 - Where are we headed, Rattle?
23:05 - Fort Lord.
23:07 - Come on, you got the gun.
23:09 You don't have to lie anymore.
23:11 - How's that Fort Lord?
23:12 - You don't believe him, do you, kid?
23:17 - Think we'll make it to Fort Lord in time, Rattle?
23:22 - I don't know, boy, but I'm sure you're gonna try.
23:25 - Go on ahead.
23:28 (dramatic music)
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24:19 (audience cheering)