• last year
00:25Come on Randall, it's cold out here
00:34Good evening, howdy
00:37Nothing quite so pleasant as a warm room in a cold night. He was beginning to believe that we'd never get here
00:46This is Doc Phillips, it's Birdman's Reno City
00:51Wanted for possession of stolen money $100 reward
00:55That's sort of small game for you, isn't it Josh you want a big fish you use a little fish for bait I
01:02Want clever fan it so does every lawman in the territory. He's worth $5,000
01:07Yeah, well when fan finds out his right-hand man's in jail, he's gonna come here and take a look see
01:11He's done it before but Phillips has wanted in Carson City. Why bring him here?
01:16For the one road going in one road going out. He's got to come in one or the other
01:21You've got a point
01:23I'll hold him
01:25You know, you may live to regret that sure of you to mr
01:28Randall you see I've been locked up before but I've never been brought to trial and
01:32Clell has been known to take a town like this apart
01:35We've had this before Randall. I don't want it happening again. Yes, sir. Tell me something. Mr
01:41Randall have you ever seen Clell fanon? Nope
01:43Well, then how do you know that he's not in town right now? I
01:49That that kind of puts you at a slight disadvantage doesn't it because you see he knows you
01:56Lock him up Jason. Yes
01:59Come on
02:01Do you mind sir? No good night. Oh and
02:05Have a good night's sleep. Mr
02:07And because when Clell does show up the first shot that he fires will be aimed directly at you. He's an excellent marksman. Excellent
02:15Good night, gentlemen. Get him out of here
02:17Come on
02:57Jason in it. Yeah
03:05To warm you up here's to a good night's sleep. Why not?
03:11How much do you know about this Clell fanon
03:14Well, he'd been busting open banks for about three years
03:17One every six months. Just like clockwork
03:19Very well planned. That's where they figured doc comes into the picture. I heard he's killed half a dozen men
03:25Mm-hmm, but you've never seen him before. Oh, I haven't
03:32Well, how do you expect to be able to take him then
03:35Well, he's a good shot. He's a good shot
03:37How do you expect to be able to take him then well from what I hear he wants me pretty bad
03:44You make it move
03:47Off a lot of strangers in town tonight
03:51Any one of them could be Clell fanon
03:55You know those two characters stand at the bar
04:02You don't mind if I sit here do you I don't like the idea of somebody shooting through me to get at you
04:08You don't think what I'm doing here makes much sense, do you?
04:12Even for $5,000. I don't think I'd volunteer to be a turkey in a turkey shoot
04:17There's a little bit more to it than that Jason. You see fanon killed a very close friend of mine. I
04:23Never quite got it out of my system. I got no argument when we start back that jail just keep far away from me
04:30This fanon may not be the good shot. He's talked up to be
04:34You keep thinking that way Jason and you're gonna live to be an old man
04:38Why does Clell want doc Phillips broken out of jail he didn't say did you talk to him? I got his message
04:44I don't like it. You don't have to like it. Just keep your mouth shut and do as you're told
04:50Why does Clell want doc Phillips broken out of jail he didn't say did you talk to him I got his message
04:56I don't like it. You don't have to like it. Just keep your mouth shut and do as you're told
05:13My breakfast I want my breakfast
05:16Come on, come on. Where's my breakfast? Look if you don't get his breakfast, he's gonna be yelling in there all morning
05:33You want something yes my breakfast
05:36Well, the county just went broke. We figured by your own. Oh, does that mean that you're going to let me out of here?
05:42In a manner of speaking, of course, you might get shot when you start through that door. Oh, I see
05:46Well in that case, I think I prefer to stay here
05:49Maybe you'll change your mind. Why should I want to do a thing like that?
05:53Well, I've been thinking mister and it stands to reason that a lot of people could get hurt when Clell Fannin comes to town
05:59There's one way you could avoid that, you know by letting me out of here. No, there's another way I
06:04Could shoot him first before the trouble starts true true indeed providing
06:08Of course that you know what he looks like and when he's due in town
06:10Well, that's what I'm gonna find out
06:17When's he coming in town well, no, that's a very good question, isn't it is he in town now?
06:23You know, my dad always said a good question deserved a courteous answer really
06:33Jason where's Fannin?
06:35Where's Fannin, what do you think you're doing? I'm questioning the prisoner get out of here
06:51We're sure I
06:53Don't like interfering in your business. But if I were you I get rid of that deputy of yours
06:57It's gonna cause you some trouble one of these days
07:07Yes, sir
07:09Your father was a friend of mine. That's the reason I gave you this job
07:13Remember this you're paid to enforce the law not to violate it. I won't have any prisoner in this jail mistreated. You understand I
07:20Guess I'd have to be pretty stupid not to understand that
07:24Go get yourself some breakfast. I'll take over here. Yes
07:28While you're out you might spread the word that four gunmen are headed this way out of Reno
07:32They've all been known to ride with clout Fannin
07:35I'd like the women and children off the streets. Listen, John. I don't think they're gonna hit the jail before dark
07:40They might figure that way and then again, they may not either way. I want to be ready for them
07:45You do as I tell you. Yes
07:47You mind if I join you? No, come on
07:57I've been asking myself a question. I've only been working here for six months
08:00But that dr. Phillips is the first happy man. I've ever seen in jail
08:03You start to think about the only charge you got against me possession of stolen money and claims and won that poker game
08:08Yeah, but if I was in jail and somebody was gonna break me out
08:11I sure wouldn't tell the sheriff in advance
08:12If you'd like to break into a bank you think how convenient it'll be if the laws the other end of the town projection
08:17the jailhouse I
08:19Never thought of that. I think Fennin has
08:22Well, let's get at it. You go over there now going over here, huh?
08:27But I'm still thinking
08:31The fan gangs on the way let's clear out
08:45The fan and gangs on the way
09:00Come on get up. We've only got about an hour's daylight left clouds message said he'd see us at full dark
11:00Think that I don't know. Let's get him to the doctor
11:46Mr. Nichols
11:48We're here as representatives of the citizens of this town. We demand you turn doc Phillips loose
11:55The whole town knows you're only holding him to catch clel Fannin
11:59Go catch Fannin someplace else. We mean to see that there'll be no killing in the streets
12:05Sheriff Holmes is already dead
12:07Mr. Randall's been badly wounded. They were trying to uphold the law. That's exactly what I'm talking about
12:12Well, I'm glad to hear you say that. Mr. Metcalf. Raise your right hand, please. Well, certainly
12:17Why I'm gonna swear you in as a deputy and then you can help protect this town
12:21No, no, you're the one who's getting paid for keeping the peace. You'll get paid two dollars a day
12:26Hold on a minute Nichols you're forgetting one thing. You're only here in a temporary capacity and
12:34There's going to be an election coming up soon
12:36I know it and I'm gonna write you an amen as candidate for sheriff. I hope you win it
12:40I'm warning you up until election time. This is gonna be my office
12:44Sheriff Holmes tried to keep this place clean. You might find a little dried mud on the floor
12:48But up until now, we've never had any trouble with snakes cockroaches and skunks
12:53We will not have innocent people exposed to gunfire in the streets
12:56Then you tell them to stay off of the streets now you get out of here
13:25By the way, I wish you'd tell the cook about those eggs. She boiled them too long cooks a he will then tell him
13:31I'll make a point of it. Oh, mr. Nichols, isn't it?
13:35You know, I hate eavesdroppers, but I couldn't help overhearing the conversation that was outside your office and I gather that public sentiment is in my favor
13:42I thought you would so when you're gonna get me out of here
13:46Well as soon as I find the key to your cell, I keep losing it. That's a bad habit to get into losing things
13:51Well, I've got loads of time here while you're trying to remember where you put them I got time to I
13:58Wouldn't be too sure about that. I understand that you got four men in that raid all identified yet
14:03None of them was Claire Fanon. It seems that Fanon is smarter than to let himself get shot at I
14:08See and you think that you're smart enough to catch him. Is that it?
14:13Well, my dad always said you never know what she can do you try. Oh
14:17Don't forget not to tell the cook about those eggs, will you?
14:27Don't you think you're hitting up that jug a little too much chase not that I blame you but my money good here
14:33Well, sure it is. You don't even need money here, but come on up boys and have a drink on me
14:39But you listen to me a minute chase
14:43You know why they won't have a drink on me I'll tell you
14:48Because I'm the only man in this town that has seen Claire Fanon face-to-face and he knows
14:57Give him half a chance and he's gonna kill me
15:02That's why these brave citizens won't come near me
15:07Not even for a free drink
15:11Look chase I've known you for a long time. I've never seen you this way before
15:17What would you do if you thought somebody was gonna shoot you in the back
15:23Well, I think I'd get drunk
15:26You have just answered my question
15:35You can all go home
15:37If there's any gunfire
15:40I'll be the only target
15:46Pleasant dreams
16:32Stay right there
16:46No, hello Jason even doctor well, you don't look so drunk to me
16:57What made you think I was
16:58five people dropped in to tell me to turn out my lights and not go out on the street because you were loaded for a
17:03Big game and headed for a shootout with Fanon
17:06Still got your lights on I'm still busy
17:10How's that bounty hunter coming along? I?
17:13Don't know yet. Oh, I understand that you made a public announcement that you were the only man in town that knew Fanon I
17:20Must have been drinking at the time. Are you getting tired of living son?
17:24No, sir. I'm not
17:27But I'll tell you the truth doctor I'm getting tired of living around a few people here I could name
17:32You should take a look at the list of people who owe me money. I'm still here in the morning. I'll be glad to
17:36What's this for well, I've five dollars there's the last money I'm holding I've still got a month's pay coming from the town
17:43What's it for? Well, if I'm wrong and what I think
17:47You're gonna have another customer between now and in the morning and it'll probably be me. I
17:52Don't want to be beholden to you doctor
17:54My dad always said if you can't afford to lose don't play
17:58Two days ago, I wouldn't have done this, but they already got sheriff Holmes and
18:02Josh Randall said there's only one way to smoke out fanning
18:05So I'm volunteering to be a turkey in a turkey shoot Jason. You don't need to do this. I that's my last $5 doctor
18:12You got it
18:13He got my last month's pay, too
18:16Now I guessed wrong. Why likely you hear some shooting
18:20I'd appreciate it if you could just give me a little more time to think about it
18:23I guess wrong. Why likely you hear some shooting
18:27I'd appreciate it if you come because chances are I'll I'll need some medical attention
19:41Dog you're crazy to get this close to me. Nobody in this community wants to take that chance
19:47Well, maybe you're just real smart
19:51Fannin must have heard I know his face
19:55That stands to reason he's in this town someplace
19:59But why hadn't he tried to kill me
20:02He said a handful of chances, huh? Why hadn't he tried to do something doggy?
20:10He had it up and it's just one reason
20:14He had it up and it's just one reason
20:19Yes, sir, just one reason why old clel Fannin hadn't ordered me any flowers
20:27Hey doggy, you look hungry I got some business to attend to and then I'm gonna get us some breakfast
20:34How do you like your eggs
20:50Wait right here dog. I'll be back
21:02You know, that's one thing I love about your jail complete privacy at all times morning 12
21:09You know, you should get a little more sleep young fella
21:14Look very tired. Now. Why don't you get me my horse? Let me out of here, huh?
21:18Well, that'll be a pretty short journey. Mr. Fannin
21:21I'm gonna try to have the gallows built right outside
21:23The name is Phillips. I
21:26Walked the streets all last night waiting to get shot at and nothing happened
21:31What now is not just too bad. Well gave me a lot of time to think I find that very difficult to believe
21:37Took me a while to figure out that clel Fannin was someone you made up
21:41It's pretty hard to hang a man that never existed. I got a hand it to you doc. You're smart
21:57You wouldn't like to try to tell that to a court would you no, but you will
22:08Might not know it doc, but you're the only prisoner in this jail
22:12Front door is locked and sheriff Holmes is dead
22:14Has nobody to stop me now now you just start talking
22:26Understand you feeling better
22:29A fourth time for me each time seems to get a little bit closer
22:39What's this for it's a $5,000 bounty money uncle Fannin why give it to me I
22:45Didn't bring him in. Yes, you did, but you didn't know it
22:49Fannin's name doc Phillips made up to keep from being tried for murder
22:53No wonder he was so happy to be put in jail. That's what got me to thinking and
22:59Doc Phillips and I had a friendly little talk
23:05After this is yours
23:09You earned it. Oh, yeah, I figured that comes to two thousand five hundred dollars
23:14So sure be a help till I learn the business
23:17What business is that? Well, I plan to become a bounty hunter
23:21This is more money and I could make in three years as a deputy sheriff
23:25If I'm gonna get shot, I might as well get paid for it a little bit more to it tonight Jason
23:30Well, I figure I can pick it up by traveling with you
23:33Traveling with me. Yeah, my dad always said if you want to learn something
23:38Pick a good teacher
23:41Doctor says you'll be able to travel in a couple of weeks. I'll be ready