• last year


00:00 I didn't decide on Pawel, we had a set of balls like that, I knew that the first one could fit, maybe it was possible to change the set of balls, but somewhere I thought about Wiktor, because he was digging a bit in the equipment, he went in the direction we were thinking, and it turned out to be right.
00:22 It's like that, if the equipment doesn't fit, it's hard to find the right path, and I think that's why. There was no problem with the track, I think we have a bigger problem with motorcycles than with the track.
00:39 We assumed a win, we wanted to fight for a bonus, we always want to give 110%, but today the team from Gorzów turned out to be better, they found their way on our track, which shouldn't happen, and unfortunately we lost the first home game.
00:59 I don't know, we haven't analyzed the match yet, it's always best to do it in the cold, a day or even two after the match, and then we will definitely know more.
01:10 [XBOX SOUND]