Surya Pertiwi Bagi Dividen Rp67,5 Miliar

  • 3 months ago
Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS) PT Surya Pertiwi Tbk (SPTO) menyetujui pembagian total dividen sebesar Rp135 miliar untuk tahun buku 2023. Jumlah dividen itu setara 53% dari laba bersih tahun lalu yang mencapai Rp255 miliar.


00:00PT Surya Pertiwi TBK will share the 2023 cash dividend to investors worth 67.5 billion rupiahs.
00:08The amount of dividends shared by this SPTO listed emitter is 25 rupiahs per share.
00:18PT Surya Pertiwi TBK SPTO listed emitter will hold the 2023 cash dividend worth 67.5 billion rupiahs
00:28or equal to 25 rupiahs per share.
00:31Based on the information gathered by the annual shareholder or RPST,
00:35has agreed to share the 2023 cash dividend.
00:40Previously, this single distributor emitter, Toto Japan,
00:43has shared an interim dividend worth 67.5 billion rupiahs,
00:47where each shareholder of SPTO received 25 rupiahs per share.
00:52The total dividend distributed by SPTO for the year 2023 reached 135 billion rupiahs,
00:58or equal to 50 rupiahs per share.
01:00The payment of this 2023 cash dividend will be paid on June 28, 2024.
01:06As far as we know, SPTO reported net income throughout 2023 reached 2.63 trillion rupiahs,
01:12or 2.98% higher than last year.
01:17In terms of interest, the highest contribution of SPTO's income
01:20is obtained from emitter products worth 1.53 trillion rupiahs.
01:24The total fitting reached 1.23 trillion rupiahs
01:27and kitchen appliances worth 26.54 billion rupiahs
01:31are divided into sources for AIDA Action.
01:39And the shareholder of the information at the same time ended our meeting on the news screen this time.
01:44Thank you for your company and viewers.
01:46Because the future must be ahead,
01:48I am Investor Saham.
01:50I am Fajar Wayong. See you.
02:14Investor Saham
02:17Investor Wayong
02:20Investor Fajar Wayong
02:23Investor Fajar Wayong
02:26Investor Fajar Wayong
02:29Investor Fajar Wayong