• last year
Emiten properti dan hotel PT Pudjiadi Prestige Tbk (PUDP) akan membagikan dividen tunai sebesar Rp10 per lembar atas 329.560.000 saham.

Hal itu tertuang dalam Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Tahunan (RUPST) Tahun Buku 2023.


00:00 Pujiadi Prestige, a PUDP-coded emitter, will distribute the cash dividend of Rp3.29 billion.
00:07 The dividend will be taken from the 2023 clean-up fund,
00:11 and added to the reserve fund with the allocation of unused funds not yet determined.
00:15 And later, the investors will receive a dividend of Rp10 per share.
00:19 Pujiadi Prestige, a PUDP-coded emitter, will distribute the cash dividend of Rp3.29 billion.
00:29 The dividend will be taken from the 2023 clean-up fund,
00:33 and added to the reserve fund with the allocation of unused funds not yet determined.
00:37 And later, the investors will receive a dividend of Rp10 per share.
00:41 Next, the value of Rp5 million from the 2023 clean-up fund will be set as the reserve fund,
00:48 then as big as 8% or the value of Rp29.36 million from the clean-up fund,
00:53 will be given as a guarantee to the members of the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Trustees.
00:59 The plan to distribute the dividend is in accordance with the General Meeting of the Annual Stockholders on June 6, 2024.
01:05 And the details of the schedule of the cash dividend distribution to the investors are as follows.
01:11 The Regular Market and Negotiation Market Dividend on Friday, June 14, 2024.
01:17 Ex-Dividend Cash Market Regular and Negotiation Market on Wednesday, June 19, 2024.
01:23 The Cash Market Dividend on Thursday, June 20, 2024.
01:27 Ex-Dividend Cash Market on Friday, June 21, 2024.
01:31 Register of shareholders' holdings on cash dividends,
01:34 aka recording debt on Thursday, June 20, 2024.
01:38 Payment of cash dividends on Thursday, June 27, 2024.
01:41 The policy of the dividend distribution is based on the financial data of December 31, 2023,
01:48 where throughout last year, the cash flow recorded a clean-up fund of Rp366.78 million.
01:54 The total equity is Rp516.62 billion.
01:58 The total assets are Rp532.35 billion.
02:02 [MUSIC]
