Berbagai aspek menjadi penentu dalam mendorong Indonesia menjadi negara maju pada tahun 2045. Menteri Keuangan (Menkeu) menjelaskan bahwa salah satu hal penting yang harus dimiliki untuk keluar dari Middle Income Trap adalah fokus kebijakan dan regulasi yang terkoordinasi.
00:00The Minister of Finance explained that one of the important things that must be had to get out of the middle-income trap is the focus on policy and coordinated regulation.
00:16One of the challenges in promoting Indonesia's vision of MAS in 2045 is the capacity for regulation and policy of a country.
00:24Sri Mulyani said that the transformation of the economy to become a developed country requires regulation and policy that can be relied on.
00:32Because the administration of the government is one of the three challenges that must be overcome by Indonesia before it becomes a developed country.
00:39For that, Indonesia must be brave enough to carry out a number of reforms and simplifications of regulations and carry out reforms on various structural issues.
00:48On the other hand, the government will continue to push for regulations that can drive an increase in future investment.
00:54And for that, various policies continue to be perfected in order to facilitate the transformation of the economy that Indonesia needs to become a developed country in the future.
01:03Increasing to high income is a situation where they can focus on policy, institutions, and regulations to become relatively focused and coordinated.
01:19Indonesia's challenge is perhaps also to see why many countries have stopped in the middle-income.
01:27Usually, the quality of the policy and regulation...