• last year
Wakil Menteri Keuangan, Thomas Djiwandono menyampaikan, bahwa rencana kerja program pengelolaan penerimaan negara tahun 2025, bertujuan untuk menghasilkan penerimaan negara yang optimal. Adapun postur sementara RAPBN 2025, tercatat target pendapatan negara adalah Rp3005,1 triliun atau 12,32% PDB, sementara rasio cost of collection terhadap pendapatan negara relatif rendah di bawah 1% pada 3 tahun terakhir.


00:00The Minister of Finance said that the plan for the 2025 state revenue management program
00:06aims to produce an optimal state revenue.
00:09According to Puno Postur, the state income target for the RAPBN 2025 is Rp3,005.1 trillion or 12.32% GDP.
00:20Meanwhile, the cost of collection ratio for the relatively low state income is below 1% in the last three years.
00:30In a meeting with the 11th DPRRI Commission,
00:35Minister of Finance Thomas A. M. Dwiwandono stated that the plan for the 2025 state revenue management program
00:43aims to produce an optimal state revenue.
00:47There is a target for the program achieved through the implementation of five main activities.
00:51The target of this program is to support the achievement of the state income target from year to year that continues to increase.
00:59According to Puno Postur, the state income target for the RAPBN 2025 is Rp3,005.1 trillion or 12.32% GDP.
01:10Meanwhile, the cost of collection ratio for the relatively low state income is below 1% in the last three years.
01:18In an effort to achieve the increasing state income target,
01:24the Ministry of Finance must make an extra effort by supporting sufficient resources.
01:30There is also an optimization of the state income that is carried out and continues to consider the investment climate in three state income sources,
01:39namely in the field of tax receipt, optimization is carried out through the strengthening of the Core Tax System implementation,
01:48the implementation of the Tax Regulation Harmonization Laws in order to be compatible with the global tax system,
01:56fiscal incentives for acceleration of investment, optimization of joint audit, joint analysis, joint investigation, joint collection, and joint intelligence activities,
02:08as well as the arrangement of organizational and tax obligations in the tax service office.
02:15There is also an optimization in the field of revenue and revenue optimization carried out through the strengthening of sales,
02:20the development of adaptive goods classification in supporting industry and trade,
02:25strengthening and development of monitoring and strengthening export services.
02:30Meanwhile, in the field of state supply, it is not the target of optimization through the reformation of the management of SDA and BNP,
02:38the development of Automatic Blocking System and SIMBARA,
02:41as well as the completion of the Regulations of the Law No. 8 of 2023 on BNPB.
