Brausi (Cic), ‘35mila cause contro i medici italiani ogni anno’

  • 3 months ago
(Adnkronos) - “Nel 96% dei casi i procedimenti finiscono in un nulla di fatto, ma si fa sempre più ricorso alla medicina difensiva”. Sono le parole di Maurizio Brausi, presidente del Collegio Italiano dei Chirurghi (Cic), in occasione del convegno 'La colpa medica, le linee guida e il ruolo delle società scientifiche’' promosso a Roma dal Cic con il patrocinio dell’Università degli Studi Roma Tor Vergata.


00:00We know that the number of cases attempted by surgeons is almost 35,000 per year, but we also know that more than 96-97% of these cases will exist and nothing will be done.
00:20What does this mean? It means an exaggerated increase in costs for the national health system and also a very important aspect, the aspect of defensive medicine that each surgeon tends to perform.
00:41In other words, defensive medicine can be performed in two ways. The first way is in excess, that is, to ask for exams that should not be asked, to ask for consultations that should not be asked, or in a negative way, that is, not to hospitalize patients at risk,
00:59or not to operate on people who have very significant comorbidities and so as not to run into these contentious.
01:1280% of surgeons, at least once, have performed a defensive medicine procedure, such as not writing in the list of things more than due, has not operated on patients at risk, or has not recovered or has recovered patients who could well be treated even in the ambulance and so on.
01:42So, at the moment, we can say that 80% of surgeons perform a defensive medicine procedure. This, you understand, has an exaggerated impact on the national health system as costs, which have increased by 12 billion.
02:01We must act on three points. The first point is the surgeon himself, that is, the surgeon must absolutely adhere to the guidelines, which can be national but also international.
02:15Second, he must have a very important medical-patient relationship, that is, he must explain exactly to the patient the procedures that are performed, he must explain the possible complications, he must explain the possible follow-up that the patient must perform.
02:36Furthermore, it is very important the relationship with the relatives, because even the relatives must be involved in this visit, the first visit that the patient performs in the ambulance, and if the relative is present, even the relative must listen to what the patient's problems are and what the therapeutic, surgical and non-therapeutic possibilities are.
