When Calls the Heart Season 11 Episode 10

  • 3 months ago
When Calls the Heart Season 11 Episode 10


00:00Previously on When Calls the Heart.
00:06I want to meet Dylan Parks.
00:07He's in Granville Prison.
00:08I still want to meet him.
00:10But he is my father.
00:11He's my family.
00:12I'm your family.
00:13What kind of trouble can I bail you out of this time, Jeanette?
00:16Actually, I'm here to bid on your resort.
00:18Dora Watson is better, and she's coming back for Lily.
00:22Oh, Molly, how am I gonna say goodbye?
00:27They're ready for more than we think they are, huh?
00:29That's how I've been told.
00:35There's no denying it.
00:37My little boy is growing up.
00:40With help from two very special people in our lives.
00:43Nathan and Bill are taking turns teaching Jack to ride.
00:46Not too fast.
00:47We got this, Mom.
00:49Yeah, we got this.
00:51As much as I miss rocking him in my arms when he was tiny,
00:55I feel excited as every day he takes another step
00:58toward becoming who he's meant to be.
01:01But I know there will be growing pains, too.
01:04Allie, come watch me ride.
01:07Maybe later, Jack.
01:15As I've watched Nathan struggle with how to tell Allie
01:18the truth about her birth father,
01:20I've seen how, as much as it pains us,
01:23sometimes we have to let our children hurt to help them grow.
01:27As for Nathan and me, Allie needs him right now,
01:31which I completely understand.
01:34So for now, all I can do is be here.
01:37For both of them.
01:40Shall we take a go?
01:43Hey, you two.
01:45You not going to the office today?
01:47Uh, no, not today.
01:50I'm going to stay home,
01:52and Goldie and I are going to have a special day together.
01:54Well, that sounds like a lot of fun.
01:56As long as it doesn't have anything to do with Montague.
02:02He was beaten within an inch of his life, Lee, because of me.
02:07Sweetheart, it was not because of you.
02:10The people of this town have a right to know
02:12that he was the frontrunner to build the resort.
02:15If anyone is to blame,
02:17it's Lucas for inviting him to bid in the first place.
02:19I know printing the truth was the right thing to do.
02:27It just doesn't ease the guilt.
02:34Looks like you got yourself a hundred yard stare there.
02:41Henry, you ever find yourself asking how you got here?
02:47Just about all the time.
02:54Thinking about New Orleans.
02:58When I first met Jeanette,
03:02she wasn't just beautiful.
03:04She existed on a plane above everyone else.
03:12I wanted that, too.
03:14Everything comes at a price.
03:18I realized that, and I got out.
03:21Or so I thought.
03:23Because here she is, back in my life.
03:28The only bidder left on the resort.
03:31I thought you were dead set against her bid.
03:34You really believe she's on the level?
03:36So far as I can tell.
03:41Because she's on her way.
03:44All right.
03:48I wonder who that could be.
03:50Excuse me, sweetheart.
03:56Bill, come on in.
03:58Morning, Lee.
04:01Rosemary, we need to talk.
04:03Bill, if this has to do with Montague, stop.
04:06What is the point?
04:07Well, I have more questions, don't you?
04:12Goldie, how about I read a book to you?
04:14Come here, sweetie pie.
04:16Oh, big girl. Come on.
04:19We couldn't have been more wrong.
04:21Montague had nothing to do with shooting Lucas.
04:24We're back to square one.
04:26We know two things.
04:27One, someone paid Clayton Pike to take the fall.
04:30And two, we know that it wasn't Montague.
04:33But we haven't the slightest clue who.
04:36Well, you're not giving up on me, are you?
04:38I might be. Yes.
04:40Rosemary, I need your brain power in order for us to figure this out.
04:48There is one other thing that we do know.
04:51Go on.
04:53Someone wanted us to think it was Montague.
04:57That's why they hired Pike.
04:59Because Pike had a connection to Montague already through his employment at Union City Holdings.
05:05Yes. Yes.
05:08They framed him because initially he was the prime suspect.
05:12Well, who other than Montague would have a motive to shoot Lucas?
05:18Where are you going?
05:20Well, to think about that.
05:28You're really doing this?
05:31The train leaves at 1240.
05:33And I have just enough to buy a ticket.
05:36What exactly happened when you talked to the prison?
05:39I made a request to see my dad.
05:42So they said yes?
05:44Not yet.
05:46They have to. I'm his daughter.
05:51Allie, you have to tell your dad.
05:54I mean your other dad.
05:57I mean Mountie Nathan.
05:59Just say no.
06:01Don't worry. I'll be okay.
06:07I can't.
06:08Yes, you can. In case you need to stay at a hotel or something.
06:13Thank you.
06:15I'll pay you back.
06:16Just be careful.
06:20I will.
06:29Thank you.
06:30I love you.
06:31I love you too.
06:33I love you too.
06:57Special delivery.
06:59World's heaviest box of notebooks.
07:01Oh, good.
07:02Where do you want them?
07:03Just over there.
07:04This book inventory is becoming an annual tradition.
07:07My team of volunteers should be here shortly.
07:10Allie said she'd come.
07:12Oh, yeah?
07:13She's barely talking to me.
07:15Nathan, I'm so sorry.
07:17I don't know if I did the right thing.
07:19Telling her that Dylan was in prison?
07:21You think you had to?
07:22What's she supposed to do with that information?
07:24Well, unfortunately, that's something she'll have to work out for herself.
07:27So now I'm being the overprotective one?
07:29I didn't say that.
07:33It's hard to know the exact amount of protective to be.
07:38Here, I think it's stuck right here.
07:52Whatever you say.
07:55Hi, everyone. Thank you so much for coming.
08:02Aren't you hungry, Lily?
08:04Not really.
08:05When is Grandma coming?
08:07Uh, Aunt Faith says tomorrow afternoon.
08:10Lily, I was making your bed and Rufus asked me a question.
08:15He asked if he could go with you to daycare.
08:18And I said dogs aren't really allowed, but maybe today they'd make an exception.
08:22I want to come to the infirmary.
08:24But today's your last day to be with your friends.
08:26I want to be with you.
08:31Cherish today. It's God's gift.
08:36In that case, that is exactly what we'll do.
08:49Hi, Florence.
08:52Granville Prison.
08:54Uh, yeah, patch them through.
08:57Yes, this is Constable Grant. How can I help you?
09:02No, I wasn't aware of a request to see a prisoner.
09:08Allie is my daughter.
09:11She's my adopted daughter.
09:19I understand. Thank you. I'll look after that.
09:33Thank you for coming.
09:34Is that the best you can do?
09:36You called me, after all.
09:40Have a seat.
09:43We have been taking a second look at your bid for the resort.
09:47I wondered if that was what this was about.
09:50After I heard about that man, Montague,
09:53After I heard about that man, Montague being attacked.
09:57He took a battering, but he'll be all right.
10:00Lucas, if someone is beating up people who are bidding on your resort...
10:05We don't know that that's what it was about.
10:09Perhaps I should advise my investors to pull out.
10:12Let's not be so hasty, Jeanette.
10:17I'm all you've got left, aren't I?
10:24Hello, Michael. May.
10:26Oh, hi, Maisie.
10:28This is a surprise.
10:30Who thought I'd pop by and say hello?
10:32I'm early for a meeting with Mayor Coulter regarding the surge in crime.
10:36You mean Montague? It's awful, but I'd hardly call that a surge.
10:40I am not the sort to say, I told you so.
10:43No, not you. Never.
10:44But I have been proven right about this foolish resort making our streets unsafe.
10:48You don't know that, Maisie.
10:50You don't know that, Maisie.
10:51There's nothing to say that Montague being beaten up had anything to do with the resort.
10:55Well, according to the Valley Voice, he was in town on resort business.
10:59I rest my case.
11:01Oh, May, by the way, I've been telling my mother all about you.
11:05Oh, really?
11:06Did you tell her that she's smart and funny and beautiful?
11:10No, he's biased.
11:12And she's a great cook.
11:13Well, I'm just learning.
11:15You know, my mother had all these amazing recipes and I've been trying them and I...
11:18Splendid. I can't wait to taste them all.
11:21Shall we say tomorrow night?
11:24Come again?
11:25Oh, I promised I'd bring Mother to see where you work.
11:27And to meet me.
11:28So, 7.30? Dinner?
11:30Well, I...
11:31Wonderful. See you both then.
11:35I've never met your mother and now I have to cook for her?
11:37Just one or two dishes?
11:48What's wrong?
11:49Where's Allie?
11:50She just went to pick up our sandwiches for lunch, but she should be back soon.
11:53Has anyone seen Allie?
11:55No, but I wish she'd get here.
11:57I'm hungry.
12:00Angela, do you know where Allie is?
12:02Um, she's, um...
12:06Angela, this is important. I need to talk to Allie.
12:09I promised.
12:11Honey, we just want to make sure that she's safe.
12:16She's taking the train.
12:18To where?
12:19To Granville Prison.
12:21It's leaving at 12.40.
12:25Thank you, everyone, for your help today.
12:27You can collect your sandwiches from Mrs. Canfield in the cafe.
12:30Nathan, how did you know?
12:32I got a call from Granville Prison.
12:34Apparently, Allie phoned them and requested a visit with Dylan.
12:37Oh, it gets worse.
12:38They were calling to say that Dylan's refusing to see her.
12:41What kind of a man...
12:42I know. We gotta stop.
12:45I know.
12:51Was that the train to Granville?
12:52Yes, sir.
12:53Did you see a young girl traveling alone?
12:55Yes, ma'am. She was in a hurry.
12:57When's the next train?
12:59Two hours.
13:00Thank you. We'll wait.
13:11What was Allie thinking?
13:13Well, she isn't thinking.
13:15She's just a bundle of emotions right now.
13:17I should have told her the truth about Dylan.
13:21To tell her that he was in Hope Valley and didn't want to see her?
13:25That would crush her.
13:26There's not one ounce of decency in that man.
13:31There must be something redeemable in him.
13:34To have a daughter like Allie.
13:36And for your sister to have loved him.
13:39I hope you're right.
13:50Don't worry.
13:52She's smart and resourceful.
13:54And she's going to be okay.
13:57When do you intend to announce we've won the bid?
14:01All in due course.
14:02You used to know better than to keep a girl waiting.
14:05Miss O'Quinn.
14:06We haven't met.
14:07Leland called her.
14:08A pleasure.
14:09What brings you to town?
14:10Hopefully, the governor will be making an announcement soon.
14:17An announcement?
14:18Yes, sir.
14:19The governor is going to make an announcement.
14:21An announcement soon.
14:25An announcement?
14:26Wait a second.
14:27Is Jeanette bidding on the resort?
14:29Listen, she's presented a viable bid.
14:31Backed by respectable investors.
14:33Henry's done his due diligence.
15:01What are you doing here?
15:03What do you want?
15:22More ice cream, Lily?
15:23No, thank you, Miss May.
15:25Are you sure?
15:26You always say I can only have one scoop.
15:30I know.
15:31But today is special.
15:32Because Grandma's coming to get me tomorrow?
15:35May, the pharmaceuticals finally arrived.
15:37Do you want me to put the...
15:39Why the long faces?
15:42Not us.
15:44You excited to see your grandma, Lily?
15:46Oh, she's coming back.
15:49I see, I see.
15:50Well, your grandma had us all pretty worried, Lily,
15:52so I'm glad she's feeling better.
15:54Me too.
15:56But how will I feel better?
16:06What are you saying to Rufus?
16:10I told Rufus to remind you every day
16:14how much I love you.
16:17Well, I don't know which is worse,
16:19this Montague being invited to bid on the resort
16:22or him being viciously attacked,
16:24right here in Hope Valley.
16:25I know.
16:26And before you start defending your pal, the governor,
16:29may I point out that this process has been shrouded
16:32in far too much secrecy.
16:34I agree.
16:36You do?
16:38I have to admit,
16:40the lack of transparency really is a problem.
16:43I have to admit,
16:44the lack of transparency really concerns me.
16:47And I am worried that the governor isn't getting
16:50the quality of bidder he was hoping for.
16:53Mayor Coulter, are you telling me that you are having doubts
16:56about moving forward with this resort?
16:58Yes, Mayor Hickam.
17:00That's exactly what I'm telling you.
17:03Leland, I think you better start calling me Maisie.
17:14Uh, excuse me?
17:16This is no place for you, young lady.
17:18Run along.
17:19But I'm here to see someone.
17:21My father.
17:22Your father.
17:23I don't suppose he works here.
17:25No, he... he's...
17:28What's his name?
17:30Dylan Parks.
17:33We got a visitor here for an inmate.
17:38Your name?
17:39I'm Allie.
17:41Allie Parks.
17:44Miss Allie Parks.
17:52I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
17:54I'm sorry.
17:55I'm sorry.
17:56I'm sorry.
17:57I'm sorry.
17:58I'm sorry.
17:59I'm sorry.
18:00I'm sorry.
18:02Hey, you got a minute?
18:06Sure, yes. I'm in.
18:09Look, um, I won't take much of your time.
18:11I just wanted to talk about the, uh...
18:16well, the resort.
18:17Well, Montague dropping out was certainly a setback.
18:20A setback. I see.
18:22Look, Lee, obviously, I'm disturbed by what's happened to him.
18:25But we don't know that that had any connection to the resort.
18:28Come on, Lucas.
18:29It happened right after Rosemary revealed Montague was a bidder.
18:32I'm doing everything in my power to make this process clean.
18:35I'm sure you are.
18:36But is that even possible right now?
18:39What are you trying to say, Lee?
18:41What I'm trying to say is that I really think it's time to cut our losses.
18:46To cut our losses?
18:48This isn't about you or me, Lee.
18:50This is about our town, our territory.
18:53It's about our children's futures.
18:55And if you're too small-minded to see that, then...
19:01Maisie and I can no longer offer you our support.
19:06You and Maisie?
19:08I have come to see things from her point of view.
19:11It would seem that the resort has already led to violence.
19:16Lucas, my friend, nothing good is going to come of this. I'm so sorry.
19:19If that's all, I have a resort to get built.
19:41What do you want?
19:42What are you doing here?
19:55I'm sorry.
20:20What are you thinking? I'm so worried about you.
20:22Are you okay?
20:23I'm sorry.
20:25I didn't listen to you.
20:28Dylan didn't want to see me.
20:35Look, you're okay. You're safe.
20:37That's all that matters.
20:39Can we go home now?
20:43Yeah, we can go.
20:45It was the best idea I heard all day.
20:47So, how was your day?
20:50I had just a lovely day at home today.
20:54But tomorrow, I'm ready to get back at it, clacking away on my typewriter.
21:00What's this?
21:02This is a marriage statement, written jointly by Maisie and me.
21:07You and Maisie, together?
21:09Yep. I just dropped off a copy of the marriage certificate.
21:12You and Maisie, together?
21:14Yep. I just dropped off a copy of the marriage certificate.
21:18There's still time to stop it if you disagree.
21:20Lee, are you sure about this?
21:22The obvious conclusion is usually the right one.
21:26The resort is taking Home Valley in the wrong direction.
21:31Well then, let's print it.
21:33Thanks, sweetheart.
21:36But my mom loves anything chicken.
21:38So, maybe your sesame chicken with broccoli?
21:39Okay, I'll just take out the chili paste.
21:42That's the best part.
21:44I really want her to like it.
21:46I really want her to like me.
21:48Are you kidding? Of course she will.
21:51You know, I can only imagine what it was like raising six kids.
21:55Growing up, it was just me and my brother.
21:57It was noisy.
21:59Sometimes annoying.
22:01And there was always a fight over the wishbone at Thanksgiving.
22:04But we did have our fun times.
22:06And you never lacked for company.
22:07Well, I like the sound of that.
22:09That's a relief.
22:11What do you mean?
22:13Well, I was trying to find the right way to tell you.
22:16Maisie called and she's bringing my other four sisters as well.
22:30Thank you so much for looking after little Jack.
22:32Oh, it's our pleasure.
22:34How did everything go in Granville?
22:37It was just heartbreaking.
22:40Allie's father refused to see her.
22:45Imagine a father rejecting his daughter.
22:48Especially one like Allie.
22:50And Nathan was in an impossible position.
22:52Wanting to protect Allie.
22:54Not wanting to hurt her by giving her the whole truth about Dylan.
22:58Thank goodness you were there.
23:01Well, I...
23:02I really care about Allie.
23:08That's not what I meant and you know it.
23:10Nathan needs you just as much as Allie.
23:14Perhaps even more.
23:18I need him too.
23:23The stars were right after all.
23:27I hope so.
23:29I hope so.
23:39I made you some breakfast.
23:41I'm not very hungry but...
23:49You want to talk about it?
23:52Or not.
23:55Whatever you want.
24:01I was right there.
24:06And he couldn't even be bothered to meet me.
24:12Look at me.
24:16That's his problem.
24:19It's not yours.
24:24I just don't get it.
24:25You know, maybe he was embarrassed.
24:28Or ashamed.
24:30Why would he feel like that?
24:34Because he knew that he let you down.
24:39So now you're defending him?
24:48I didn't know Dylan that well.
24:52But I can tell you this.
24:53But I can tell you this.
24:57He's a fool.
25:01For throwing away his chance at being your dad.
25:05Because his loss...
25:09Is my gain.
25:13Because I don't want to imagine what my life would be like...
25:18Without you in it.
25:24What would you tell your dumb jokes to?
25:34Watching you grow up has just...
25:39It's been the greatest joy of my life.
25:45I'm so proud of how...
25:48How smart and...
25:50Thoughtful and...
25:53Fearless you are.
25:56I mean, you get all that from your mother.
26:00I don't know.
26:03That sounds a lot like my dad.
26:26Have you seen this?
26:28I have. The question is, has Lucas seen it?
26:31Has the governor seen what?
26:36What is the circulation of this rag?
26:39Must be several hundred.
26:41I really wouldn't call it a rag.
26:43What's going on, gentlemen?
26:45Edwin, what's this?
26:46Edwin, what's this?
26:50I will speak to the mayor immediately about retracting this...
27:16What are you doing here?
27:19What do you want?
27:21I came to congratulate you, chéri.
27:23Governor Bouchard has a nice ring to it.
27:29Who's your friend?
27:32This is Mr. Chaud.
27:35He has some business he'd like to discuss.
27:38I'm sorry, this isn't the place or the time.
27:44I'm afraid Mr. Chaud insists.
28:03You were there.
28:06You were there.
28:09What are you talking about?
28:12You were there when I was shot.
28:17You were there, Jeanette.
28:20Don't try to deny it.
28:22In a way, I'm relieved you've remembered.
28:27That was such an awful night.
28:31Casimir Chaud,
28:34he forced me to take him to you.
28:40The Genghis Khan is dead.
28:42The Genghis Khan is dead.
28:44The gangster.
28:46I'm sorry.
28:48I didn't want to involve you.
28:51But when he found out about our personal connection,
28:58he threatened to kill me if I didn't help him.
29:02Help him do what?
29:04Pressure you to letting him run rums through the territory.
29:09But then,
29:11you grabbed the gun
29:14and it went off.
29:16Lucas, I'm so sorry.
29:19Is he still after you?
29:30The publicity around the shooting scared him off.
29:34He doesn't like that.
29:36He doesn't like that kind of exposure.
29:42Except what?
29:44When you announced the request for proposals for the resort,
29:48he got interested as a way to launder money.
29:54Casimir Chaud is behind your bid.
29:58One of America's most wanted criminals.
30:03And he had Montague beaten to eliminate competition.
30:10You have to cooperate with him.
30:13If you don't,
30:15I'm as good as dead.
30:18And so are you.
30:29Good afternoon.
30:30How's Allie doing?
30:32She's all right, I think.
30:34I think so too.
30:36She's strong and she knows she'll always have you.
30:41Elizabeth, I...
30:44I don't know how we would have done this without you.
30:47So thank you.
30:49Well, I care about Allie.
30:52And I care about you.
30:54Allie needs me right now.
30:57I know.
30:59I'm here. I'm not going anywhere.
31:01She needs you too.
31:04Then I'm here for both of you.
31:07Well, I should get going. Lucas has to see me. Sounds important.
31:11Of course. Go.
31:17Why don't you and little Jack join us for dinner tonight?
31:20We would love that.
31:22What can I bring?
31:27Here's an idea. Why don't you both just come over to our house?
31:31Well, I thought you'd never ask.
31:37Mrs. Watson is expected any minute.
31:40Oh, Lily is just darling.
31:43And the children at the daycare adore her.
31:46Oh, poor Faith.
31:47She'll miss her so.
31:49We all will.
31:51Oh, here she is now.
31:57Mrs. Watson, you look so well.
32:00Better than when you last saw me, at least.
32:04Lily and Faith are in the parlor.
32:07Oh, hello. You must be Lily's grandmother.
32:10Yes, I'm Dora Watson.
32:14Aren't you a sad little girl?
32:17I'm sorry for sore eyes.
32:20Dr. Carter, how can I ever thank you?
32:23It's been my pleasure.
32:25Lily is very special.
32:27And I'm so glad that you're feeling better.
32:30Grandma, I've been having so much fun.
32:33We have ice cream, and we get our hair done, and I get to play with all the kids at daycare.
32:38That does sound like fun.
32:41Please, have a seat.
32:43And I'll bring Lily's favorite.
32:44Cinnamon buns! Yay!
32:47Except Lily doesn't like icing.
32:51Yes, I do. That's the best part.
32:54Minnie, no icing for Lily, thank you.
32:57Auntie Faith!
33:02Hey, any idea what this is about?
33:04I think I'm being called up on the carpet.
33:06Could you blame the governor after that wanton betrayal?
33:09Lee, you did the right thing.
33:11Thank you, sweetheart.
33:12Thank you, sweetheart.
33:14Uh, Lucas, before you say anything, I gave you fair warning on those marriage statements.
33:20You did. And I appreciate that, Lee.
33:23You know, it's at times like these where you realize who your true friends are.
33:28Rosemary, I owe you an apology.
33:32The way I reacted to your article about Montague.
33:35Lucas, are you alright?
33:38What's going on?
33:39I've canceled the resort. As of now, the project is dead.
33:43Have you lost your mind?
33:45Thank heavens.
33:47I'll expect an exclusive.
33:49And it will be yours.
33:51But why? And why now?
33:53Because certain information has come to light, and, well, unfortunately that's all I can say for the moment.
34:00Our readers will expect more than that.
34:02I will prepare a statement. Thank you, everyone.
34:05Alright, let's get to it.
34:09Gentlemen, I wonder if we could speak in Lucas' office for a moment.
34:14What is this about?
34:22This is where I have breakfast.
34:25And we read stories over there on the sofa.
34:28And my bedroom's upstairs.
34:30Isn't that nice?
34:32Lily, maybe your grandma will let you stay overnight sometimes.
34:36If that's alright.
34:37Of course.
34:40Well, here are Lily's things.
34:46I want to stay with you.
34:54We'll see each other lots, okay?
35:00Lily, I think I left my eyeglasses on the table. Run and get them.
35:13She's so happy with you.
35:15Watching you together.
35:19I've been worrying about what's best for her.
35:22That's all either of us wants.
35:24The thing is, with my heart the way it is, my energy isn't what it was.
35:30I'm not sure I can give her what she needs.
35:34I'm sorry, I don't understand.
35:37You remind me so much of my daughter, her mother.
35:43It's so much to ask.
35:46What is?
35:49Doctor, can Lily stay with you?
35:54Stay with me?
35:58Yes, yes, yes, of course.
36:07Grandma, I couldn't find them.
36:12What's wrong?
36:17Lily, your grandma said that you can live here if that's what you really want.
36:23Thank you, grandma.
36:28We'll see each other all the time. Maybe for Sunday supper?
36:32It's a standing date.
36:33Good. No offense, but grandma cooks way better than you.
36:40No offense taken.
36:45Casimir Shaw. He shot you when Jeanette was there?
36:49So Shaw paid Pike to take the fall?
36:52Shaw's been using Jeanette to get to me and then get his claws into the resort.
36:56He was behind Jeanette's bid from the beginning.
36:59Well, now that we have you as a witness, we can put him behind bars for shooting you.
37:01Not so fast. There are other things to consider.
37:06Lucas has concerns about Jeanette's safety.
37:09She was terrified of what Shaw would do to her if I killed the resort.
37:13Well, what about your safety?
37:15Do you think Shaw could come after you here at Home Valley?
37:17It's possible. And that's why I'm bringing you two in on this.
37:20Well, shouldn't Lee be here for this? I mean, he's mayor now and Rosemary knows this case inside and out.
37:25I don't want Rosemary involved for her own protection.
37:28I at least want to talk to Jeanette and see what she knows.
37:29I'm going to ask you to please leave that with me.
37:32For now, this stays amongst us.
37:38Come on, everyone. Mustn't keep May waiting.
37:41Ah, there she is.
37:43Hello. Welcome.
37:45Nice to meet all of you.
37:48It's okay. They're just like this when they're hungry.
37:51Mom, meet May Sue.
37:53Meet May Sue.
37:55Such a pleasure. I've heard so many wonderful things about you.
37:59Likewise, Mrs. Hickam.
38:01Oh, call me Mom. Everyone does.
38:05Well, let's eat. Don't want the food going cold after May went through all that trouble.
38:11Fingers crossed.
38:24Mmm. Really good.
38:29Seems everyone loves your food.
38:32And they love you.
38:35And so do I.
38:41Oh, Mike.
38:45I love you, too.
38:54May I have some more chicken, please?
38:59Here you go.
39:01Wow, you're eating like a horse tonight, Jack.
39:03No, like a pony.
39:05Somehow, I think Pal would be more interested in your salad.
39:09Well, Teen Nathan, can you give me another riding lesson tomorrow?
39:14Well, yeah, I'd love to, but I'm busy.
39:17I have to go.
39:18Can you give me another riding lesson tomorrow?
39:21Well, yeah, I'd love to, but I'm pretty sure it's Bill's turn.
39:26It is. And aren't you lucky to have two teachers.
39:30Can I come watch Jack?
39:32Sure, you can have a turn riding him.
39:34Oh, I think I'm probably too big for Pal.
39:37Want to help me brush from that alley?
39:39Now that sounds fun. And then after, maybe we can get ice cream?
39:44Ice cream? Yay!
39:46What's for dessert, Mom?
39:48Banana bread.
39:55Do you mind telling me where we're going?
39:58Pull over here.
40:06So, what's so special about this spot?
40:10It's the edge of town. This is where we say goodbye, Jeanette.
40:17Lucas, you've always had a flair for the dramatic, but really…
40:22I've cancelled the resort.
40:26Lucas, you don't want to mess with Shaw.
40:31I have protection, and I'm trying to protect you too.
40:34You need to go someplace and disappear.
40:37It's that or I'll have to have you arrested as an accomplice for shooting me.
40:41I told you, Shaw forced me to be there.
40:44Find someplace safe and stay there.
40:48Do you want to know why I agreed to front the resort bid?
40:54Because I was looking out for you.
40:58Like I always do.
41:00Then consider us even.
41:02Goodbye, Jeanette.