Mi Nombre es Farah Capitulo 80 (Audio Español)

  • 4 months ago
Mi Nombre es Farah Capitulo 80 (Audio Español)


01:30So, Vera has left everything to you.
01:59If you miss her, you can go find her. This time I won't stop you.
02:07My love, are you still angry about that?
02:11Orhan, if I were still angry, I wouldn't be talking to you.
02:18Come on, tell me what happened.
02:22There's nothing to tell you.
02:25But from now on, you, me and Gonul, our daughter, we're a family.
02:37We'll be fine.
02:40And you won't have any problems?
02:44For now, I don't see any problem.
02:49And Mehmed doesn't say anything? He knows you wanted to kill him.
02:54Okay, yes. He'll get over it.
02:58But what did you use him for?
03:02It wasn't for money. We've been living a normal life.
03:08That's right.
03:10If it wasn't for money, why was it?
03:13I can't control everything.
03:18I've created a monster.
03:21And now I'm not so sure if I can control it, you know?
03:29You'd better stay out of this.
03:36Come on, let's go.
03:39Dad, are you sure? What if Beknam knows you betrayed him?
03:42If you don't understand, I'll explain.
03:43Dad, why did she say she trusted you?
03:50How did you meet her?
03:54It's a long story.
04:13Beknam, can we talk?
04:26My daughter is as important as your son.
04:31Don't ever forget that.
04:43You've chosen a bad time to face me.
05:13What I wanted is over. I'll wait for you.
05:44Are you really going to leave me?
05:47They would never hurt you.
05:50I knew it.
07:44Come on, let's eat.
07:57Come on, let's eat.
08:00Aydar, sit down.
08:03Come on, let's eat.
08:06Aydar, sit down.
08:13Aydar, sit down.
08:18Enjoy your meal.
08:23Who made this?
08:26Gülsüm made it.
08:29Mom, have you been cooking?
08:31When you told me you were coming, I couldn't resist.
08:35It's delicious. I want that recipe.
08:43Gülsüm is a great cook.
09:00What would we do without you?
09:03If you don't mind, I'd like to say something.
09:06Go ahead, we're listening.
09:09You know, I was locked up.
09:16In that cell, I focused on an illusion.
09:26All I did was pray to see you again.
09:39But one night, your father came to my dreams.
09:44And he told me, write.
09:47Wherever you are, write your daughter's name.
09:57Write so you don't forget.
10:00Write to remember why you ended up here.
10:04That's the only way you can see her again.
10:09Write your daughter's name.
10:16That's why I wrote my daughter's name everywhere.
10:22And when I looked at it, my heart told me everything would be fine.
10:31Then you came.
10:34And you saw my daughter's name on the wall.
10:39And now I'm here.
10:54I owe you my life.
10:57Thank you, Tahir, for being with my daughter.
11:09To know that it was our fault for not knowing him.
11:15He has always saved us from bad men.
11:19My brave father.
11:32My love.
11:34He's just a little man.
11:36A little man.
11:38A little man.
11:39A little man.
11:40A little man.
11:57I'm having a hard time not crying, man.
11:59Well, cry, man.
12:02I'm already crying.
12:03Of course.
12:04Cry, man. Cry.
12:31Un hombre dijo
12:43Gracias a Dios hay muchos corderos
12:45Pero acaso esos corderos
12:47No necesitan un pastor
12:51Dios le escucho y le dijo
12:57Seras el pastor
13:01Pero yo digo que Dios
13:05Tambien le ha dado un amo a cada pastor
13:13Y las cosas se han hecho siempre asi
13:27Aqui tienes
13:29Te doy el arma mas valiosa que tengo
13:31Y la ultima bala que me queda
13:35No la malgastes
13:37Dicen que
13:39Un buen
13:43Distingue el cobre del oro
13:45Haces bien
13:47En darmela a mi
13:55Ahora dame la direccion
13:57Espero no malgastarla
14:15Como has podido Rakshan
14:19Por que lo has hecho
14:21Por favor no me preguntes
14:23Sabias que Pharah era hija de Volsima
14:27Por culpa de esta bruja
14:29Mi familia ha tenido que pasar por todo este calvario
14:33De que me estas acusando
14:35Esto es increible
14:39Has calumniado a Pharah por los celos
14:41Y la envidia que le tienes a Volsima
14:43Solo porque es su hija
14:49Les has arruinado la vida
14:51No es eso calmate
14:53Por favor calmate Akbar
14:55Te lo ruego
14:57Por que no me lo contaste
14:59Por que me lo ocultaste
15:05Es que tanto te importa
15:11Esa mujer
15:13Aun sigues pensando en ella
15:23Oh Rakshan
15:29Que sepas
15:31Que para mi ya no existes
15:45Esos collares tan gordos
15:47No te pesan mucho
15:55Me ha copiado el estilo
15:57Pero se ha pasado de frenada
16:03El tuyo me gusta mucho mas
16:05A que si
16:07Yo tengo mucho estilo
16:09Lo ha dicho el
16:11Lo has oido alto y claro
16:13Claro que si cariño
16:15Quien dice que mi marido tenga mal gusto
16:19Quien va diciendo eso
16:21De tu marido
16:23Pues nadie
16:27Alguien lo dice
16:31Seguro que has sido tu
16:33Que va
16:35Yo creo que si
16:37Por que no te vas ya
16:39Aqui no haces nada
16:41Eso que me has dicho
16:43Es de muy mal gusto
16:49Esto funciona
16:51Podriamos poner algo de musica de fondo
16:57Sera posible
17:07Creia que hoy vendria Mehmet
17:09Pues si que queria venir
17:11Se ve que tiene algo importante que hablar contigo
17:17Parece que le surgio algo importante en el trabajo
17:19Vendra cuando termine
17:25Apaga la hombre
17:27No es el momento
17:39Saca todas las fotos posibles
17:41De acuerdo
17:43Eso es
17:49Y me revuelve el estomago
17:51Verte entre policias
17:57Lo fui
17:59Muchos han querido
18:01Y yo no
18:03Las huellas
18:05Etiquetame esto
18:07Lo fui muchos años
18:11Pero si ahora
18:13No quieres verme por aqui
18:17A trabajar
18:19Tras un año desaparecido
18:21He encontrado el cadaver de Ali Ghalib
18:25Llevaba la documentacion encima
18:29Han sido inteligentes
18:31Para venir aqui
18:33A enterrarlo
18:35Pero luego va
18:37Y se dejan un carnet
18:45Deben de ser aficionados
18:49Y ahora te toca
18:51A ti encontrar
18:53A sus asesinos
18:57Bueno pues
18:59Lo cargas tu
19:29¿Sabemos de que murio?
19:35Tenia esquirlas de cristal en el cuello
19:37Seguramente se corto el cuello con un cristal
19:43Vivir una vida rota
19:47Duele mas
19:53Que morir por el filo de un cristal
19:59Mira eso
20:03La pura imagen de la felicidad
20:07Estan para hacer un cuadro
20:09Ven a sentarte aqui tambien
20:11Pero primero
20:13Voy a inmortalizar el momento
20:17Ya la hago ya
20:19No, no hace falta
20:21Yo hago mejores fotos
20:23Vale, hazlo
20:25Venga yo os la hago
20:29Pero hazla bien
20:33Tahir, dáselo
20:35Toma, hazla bien
20:37Que si, claro
20:39Que salga bien
20:43Eh, oye
20:45Pues yo tambien quiero salir
20:47Claro, y nosotros
20:49Queremos salir
20:51Vale, preparaos
20:53Aqui Aidar
20:55Venga, sonreid, vale
20:59Una sonrisa
21:03Estas grabando?
21:05Han encontrado el cadaver de un famoso empresario
21:07Que llevaba un año desaparecido
21:09Ali Ghalib Akinji
21:49What are we going to do, Tahir?
21:52I have it very clear.
21:54We'll tell Mehmet everything.
22:00Are you sure?
22:02He was the one who killed his parents.
22:04I'm sure he's not stopping you for that.
22:06When he thought that Vietnam had his brother, he almost killed me.
22:10He's not going to put the law first.
22:12I think it's a good idea to tell him.
22:15Besides, he's back to his body and he'll have information.
22:21Let's see.
22:26Now, tell me what happened that day.
22:38Ali Ghalib.
22:40Tell me how you killed him.
22:44Considering that the body has been rotting in the ground for a year,
22:50there won't be much evidence.
22:53But it also depends on how you kill him.
22:58Ali Ghalib had given birth to a baby.
23:01He was strangling her.
23:04Then, with a blow...
23:13...she tripped and fell on the glass table.
23:20A piece of glass got stuck in her throat.
23:34For the new beginnings, my friend.
23:37With love, Orhan Kosalev.
23:39A broken glass?
23:42I took the glass out of her throat.
23:49And then she bled out in a minute.
23:53Okay, okay.
23:55Okay, okay.
23:58Conul was shocked.
24:00I asked Bade to take her from there.
24:02Then Berhnam came and caught me.
24:05Let's see.
24:08That piece...
24:10...of glass...
24:12...that was on her neck, did you destroy it?
24:16I never stopped to think about the fingerprints on the glass.
24:21If they find it near the body, I'm finished.
24:24Okay, calm down.
24:31Let's do the following.
24:34Forget what I said before.
24:37For now, this is between us.
24:40We won't tell Mehmet.
24:46Yes, I also wonder.
24:49Why won't you tell me?
24:56Why won't you tell me?
25:03And what is more important?
25:06What won't you tell me?
25:14You're finally here. Why did it take you so long?
25:17What are you doing here at this hour? Why did you make me come?
25:21I made you come.
25:36Aren't you going to hug me?
25:42Are you also one of those who don't like seeing me?
25:48Don't talk to me like that, Dad.
25:50Where have you been all this time?
25:55You left us alone when we needed you the most and you didn't even want to call.
25:59Because I didn't want to, daughter. Because I couldn't.
26:03Your Russian lover didn't give you time.
26:06Russian lover? What?
26:08That's a lie.
26:12Honey, there was no other woman, not even to talk.
26:16I was worried about my own life.
26:20And I was also protecting you.
26:23What were you protecting us from?
26:26Let's see.
26:28The mafia infiltrated the police force when I was about to finish them off.
26:34They all came for me.
26:37And since I didn't know who to trust anymore,
26:41what I did was disappear.
26:43I see.
26:44Honey, you see?
26:46Your father has become a hero.
26:52I've been hiding to protect you.
26:56Dad, did you really do that?
26:59Now give your father a hug.
27:10Don't be like your brother.
27:21What did he do?
27:23He let his brother's criminal trap me.
27:31Apparently, I shot him.
27:39Think that I was the one who wanted to kill him.
27:43After what I did for him.
27:46What brother?
27:49Tahir Lekesis.
27:53That man is...
27:55Mehmet's brother.
27:59Didn't he tell you?
28:04And you trust him?
28:10I swear, he's lost his mind.
28:13He doesn't just hate me.
28:15He hates us all.
28:30Very well.
28:35Very well.
28:37Aren't you going to answer me?
28:41What are you hiding from me?
28:46Now that you've heard us, we have no choice.
28:59My old enemies, led by Beknam, attacked me.
29:07I wasn't sure if I should tell you.
29:15Who was it? Give me names.
29:17Hey, I'm fine.
29:19You see, nothing happened.
29:21Nothing happened to you? What if you were injured?
29:24It doesn't matter as much as Ali Ghalib's corpse.
29:27Tell us about it.
29:33So, have you found out?
29:36We know the corpse has appeared.
29:39We were hoping you could give us more details.
29:44I've been given the case.
29:47And we already know more than details.
29:50For example, who committed the murder.
29:59Who was it?
30:01He had crystals in the wound on his neck.
30:09Just as Orhan told me.
30:12So Orhan is alive?
30:14Yes, he's as healthy as an apple.
30:19Today he showed up at the police station as if nothing had happened.
30:24And he left as if he hadn't broken a plate.
30:27But that can't be.
30:30It is.
30:32And all for those who incline the balance of justice in his favor.
30:42And there's more.
30:45Orhan was the one who found Ali Ghalib's corpse.
30:51Then he approached me.
30:54And he told me with all his face that I had to find the murderer.
30:59He thinks he can get rid of her as usual.
31:03But this time it won't work.
31:06Sooner or later I'll prove he's guilty.
31:09What if the culprit is someone else?
31:12Who would it be? It was him.
31:20Hours before I found the corpse he gave me a clue.
31:25Living a broken life hurts more...
31:30...than dying for a crystal.
31:33Hey, Tahir.
31:35What do you think?
31:39It's obvious Orhan doesn't have a good idea.
31:42We'll see what he's up to and we'll punish the culprit.
31:49Well, that's what we'll do.
31:52Yes, that's what we'll do.
31:54What did I just say?
32:04I'm going to see Kerim Shah and my mother.
32:10It's been a long night.
32:12You need to rest.
32:14Go to bed. I'll show you the room.
32:17For God's sake.
32:19You're offering me a room in this palace?
32:22Thank you.
32:23What do you mean, I'm offering you a room?
32:26This is your house.
32:28Yeah, right.
32:32But calling it a house is belittling it.
32:35It's a palace.
32:38Again with that?
32:40Don't think I'm going to forget.
32:42Or talk.
32:44Do you know who I work for?
32:46Have you seen it?
32:49What does it say here?
32:51Inspector of the organized crime unit.
32:54Didn't you remember?
32:56An inspector of the organized crime unit...
32:58...doesn't sleep at his brother's house.
33:00As you wish.
33:02I'm sorry I invited you.
33:04But don't do it again, okay?
33:07Okay, let's go.
33:15Tahir, I'm going with him.
33:17I'll take care of you tomorrow.
33:19Thank you.
33:20I don't know how to thank you.
33:22It's easy.
33:23Pay him with gold bars.
33:25Wait a minute.
33:26I'll explain.
33:29I don't understand, dad.
33:31Why do you think you wanted to kill him?
33:35I don't understand either, daughter.
33:39You know he doesn't have my blood.
33:42But I love him more than my own life.
33:45I adopted him without hesitation.
33:48And look what he does.
33:52And look what he does.
33:58Luckily, justice has been served today.
34:02And the evidence has ended up exonerating me.
34:07...some mafia men were following you.
34:10Have you returned because there is no danger anymore?
34:12Not quite.
34:14But almost.
34:16I have been appointed police advisor.
34:20And very soon...
34:22...I plan to bring all those traitors to justice.
34:31Just as I started doing tonight.
34:36But what have you done?
34:37I have collected and evaluated the reports that those traitors had covered.
34:44In addition...
34:46I found Ali Ghali Pakinji's body.
34:55Now you will see how to do a good job.
35:03I will find the murderer in no time.
35:09Well, what are we doing here?
35:11Let's go home, right?
35:13Let's go, let's go, honey.
35:30You can't leave like this. You will listen to me.
35:37I have not spent a single penny of that gold, I promise you.
35:42It was a life insurance.
35:44So that they would not shoot me.
35:46I did not do it for pleasure.
35:48And where does this house come from then?
35:51Do you pay it with your pension?
35:53Or does the insurance cover it?
35:55Wasn't a normal house enough for you?
35:57I used to have a house.
35:59I left the business in turmoil, but...
36:01...to be able to continue clean, which you did not trust...
36:04...I sold my house and rented this one.
36:08You think this house is a luxury.
36:10But for me, with Beknam out there...
36:12...the luxury is to have a normal house.
36:15To protect my family...
36:17...I need a house like this...
36:20...that serves us as a refuge.
36:22Do you understand?
36:29Man, you don't even ask or listen.
36:31You only judge.
36:41Okay, yes, I get it.
36:47I'm sorry, okay?
36:51It's just that today...
36:53...when I saw that they let Arhan leave Rositas...
36:56...I lost my nerves.
37:01You say you're not involved in those things anymore, right?
37:05You trust me.
37:07I'm not interested anymore.
37:09When I wanted to leave him last year...
37:12...I didn't have a brother or a police officer to please.
37:15Don't say that about pleasing me.
37:22Have you really left him?
37:25Yes, completely.
37:29I'm telling you the truth.
37:31I'm going to lead a normal life.
37:36What a good brother you are.
37:43You know...
37:45...what scares me the most in life...
37:48...is disappointing you...
37:50...or putting you in the spotlight.
37:53Don't forget that.
38:25Mom, can I sleep in your bed?
38:28Of course you can, come here.
38:36Come here.
38:42When you were a baby, you slept in my arms.
38:50Sometimes I wish I hadn't lost my innocence...
38:53...and kept being a baby.
38:56The night before I sent you to Turkey...
38:59...we spent the night together in bed.
39:03Do you remember what I told you then?
39:06Now I begin to remember things...
39:09...that I had already forgotten.
39:12You told me it didn't matter where life took me...
39:15...that if my compass was me, I would never get lost.
39:22But you have gotten lost, haven't you?
39:30I can see it in your eyes, daughter.
39:33I can see sadness and regret in them.
39:41...I'm not saying this to upset you.
39:48...comes from clinging to the innocence we thought we had lost.
39:56Maybe that's why I'm so ashamed.
40:00I've lost my innocence because I don't regret what I did, Mom.
40:11I think I know what you mean.
40:25You mean Merjan's kidnapping.
40:30Actually, I wanted to talk to you about that, you know?
40:35I have something really important to tell you.
40:44What are you doing here without me?
40:47You're awake. I was going to bring you with me...
40:50...but I didn't want to wake you up.
40:52Come here, my king.
40:54The bed is huge. We can all fit in here.
41:03Pretty on the right...
41:06...and pretty on the left.
41:08I'm so lucky, Mom.
41:11Mom, have you seen how many pimples I have?
41:17I wish you all the best, darling.
41:20May your mother and you take care of her.
41:24Thank you, Grandma.
41:26You always pray for us, don't you?
41:29Pray that we don't separate and that we're always happy.
41:33Of course.
41:35From now on, no one will be able to separate us again.
41:39I hope so.
41:50To be continued...
42:20To be continued...
42:50To be continued...
43:20To be continued...
