Managing Expectations for Kershaw's Innings in 2024 Season

  • 3 months ago
00:00I think he's going to top out somewhere around 70 innings this year, George, at most five
00:07innings just to get himself back so he can pitch in the postseason.
00:12If you've been hanging on all season long, are you still doing it?
00:14Like this, honestly, I hate to say it.
00:16This is one of the few guys that I think you made a mistake doing it.
00:19I just don't think he's going to give you enough to make a difference.
00:24I think you've already said a couple of things there and I agree with all of it, by the way.
00:27Now I do have Kershaw in my home league, but I wasn't going anywhere in my home league.
00:33I traded away 17 draft picks last year to win, so I took Kershaw so I could trade him
00:38by this year's deadline.
00:39I just need Kershaw to come back by our deadline and I'm trading it to somebody who's in it.
00:45He's only going to be a five.
00:46The Dodgers don't care about the regular season.
00:48Their next important game is October, so they want to get Kershaw ready for that.
00:53You already said it.
00:54It is more than likely.
00:55Who's coming out of this rotation?
00:56Last night, Yamamoto, Buehler, I know Buehler's been terrible, Paxton, Stone, Kershaw, may
01:02he'll be back.
01:03I mean, they're not going to push anybody.
01:06They don't have to push anybody.
01:08Where are the innings coming from?
01:09Where are your counting numbers coming from here?
01:11You might get your W, sure, I think Kershaw's going to be great in the role they're going
01:15to have him in, because I think you're right, he's going to be a five and fly guy, he'll
01:18be awesome, but he's not going to give you enough.
01:21One start per week, and I said 70 innings?
01:24That's probably over or under.
01:25It could easily be less than that.
01:26So I like Kershaw, I think he'll be great, but he won't give you enough.
