Mum who quit £50k a year sales job now DJing Glastonbury

  • 12 days ago
A self-taught DJ who quit her £50,000 a year job to follow her dream will perform at Glastonbury.

Sammy Dean, 50, was a sales manager at a newbuild property developer for more than 20 years when she decided to re-learn how to mix songs in lockdown.

After playing at a few festivals, she jacked in her job to pursue her passion of playing house music full-time.

And after performing at Glastonbury Festival in Pilton, Somerset, last year, she's been invited back to play for the second time.

Mum-of-two Sammy said: "I played in one of the bars and I was really grateful to have that opportunity.

"When I started playing, there was only around 40 or 50 people but by the end of my two-hour set, it was absolutely rammed and you couldn't get in.

"It proper went off - it was so good.

"I've managed to get myself another set and play again so I'm just working my way up.

"It's so difficult to even play at a bar at Glastonbury because everyone wants to play, whether it's in a bar or a stage."

Sammy taught herself to DJ when she was a teenager and would play at small venues, but she stopped when she had her daughters Maddox, 21, and Rhea, 18.

But she still had the vinyl decks in her house in Warrington, Cheshire, so decided to re-teach herself how to play the music during lockdown.

She said: "I taught myself how to mix but I only ever really played at house parties and then I played at a few small venues in London in the nineties.

"But I never pushed myself to be a DJ so I missed the boat really and then I had children.

"Everyone was saying I should DJ again but I didn't have time, and then we went into lockdown so I had the time to pick it up again."

Sammy decided to leave her old job, where she earned around £50,000 a year, because she didn't have enough holidays to keep going to different festivals.

She says 'everybody said she was mental' when she told them her plans - but she wanted to do it because she realised her life could be 'cut short' at any point.

Sammy said: "I was going to different festivals and was using my holidays and then I would go to another and that was another week off work.

"I was like 'I've not got enough annual leave to do this' and if I'm going to do it, then I knew I would have to leave my job.

"I'm a bit impulsive and I was going to Ibiza and I was like 'right I can't do a job as well, I'm going to have to quit' and everybody said I was mental.

"I wasn't thinking 'I'm going to be a superstar DJ' - I just realised that my life can be cut short at any time."

Sammy, who now also works a freelance estate agent, plans to release another track in this summer and also hopes to perform at more festivals this year.

She says she enjoys playing for the crowds because it's 'a really good feeling' and 'there's not many other jobs that give you that.'

Sammy said: "When you get a really good crowd and you can see people dancing to the music your playing, then it's a good job satisfaction.

"And you can see people vibing