MILF Manor S2 Episode 8

  • 3 months ago
MILF Manor S2 Episode 8
00:00They don't know what they're in for.
00:02They don't.
00:03We're coming to get that.
00:05Here we come.
00:06We're here.
00:08What in the world?
00:10My name is Rebecca.
00:11I'm 48 years old.
00:12My name is Shauna.
00:13I'm 44.
00:14Shauna's a f***ing fat girl.
00:15That girl's a woman.
00:16Last night, I had the two hottest guys in the house interested in me.
00:17And I was like, you know what?
00:18You know what?
00:19You know what?
00:20You know what?
00:21You know what?
00:22You know what?
00:23You know what?
00:24You know what?
00:25You know what?
00:26You know what?
00:27You know what?
00:28You know what?
00:29You know what?
00:30You know what?
00:31You know what?
00:32So, I had the two hottest guys in the house interested in me.
00:33But now that the new girls just came in, Conner and Joey are literally drooling on the floor.
00:37You have really pretty eyes, by the way.
00:39Thank you.
00:40So do you.
00:41When I first walked in, definitely Anthony.
00:42It was a great first impression.
00:44But then, when I see Conner, I'm like oh.
00:48I know.
00:49I know.
00:50Lost for the sauce.
00:52Looking good.
00:53Smelling good.
00:54What's going on with you, Chicago?
00:55Look at- look at this sh**.
00:56Look at this sh**.
00:58How are we gonna have some problems, folks?
01:02Oh my God, are you kidding me?
01:04Look how beautiful you look.
01:07He's such an authentic, loving guy,
01:10and he makes me feel safe.
01:13Congratulations, Anthony and Joey!
01:19Now take a moment to decide which two lucky ladies
01:22you wanna take on a date tonight.
01:25My choice for my date is going to be Shauna, all right?
01:29And I'm gonna take Rebecca, all right!
01:34You guys have so much fun.
01:36All right.
01:37There was absolutely an expectation
01:39that if he won this challenge,
01:40he would want to spend time with me.
01:42I'm not good enough, I'm not pretty enough,
01:44I'm not thin enough, I'm not successful enough,
01:46I'm not enough.
01:56Why am I putting myself through this?
02:02Anthony and Joey won the challenge.
02:05Now Anthony's on a date with Rebecca,
02:07and of course Lynette feels like crap.
02:10That's fucked up.
02:12We're only reacting naturally to the things
02:15that we have experienced with men.
02:15That we've learned.
02:18A man with a penis will do what a man with a penis does.
02:20He will...
02:24The radar.
02:28We're not crazy.
02:30We're not irrational.
02:31We might be crazy.
02:33Well, that's true.
02:34And I'm definitely not regulated most of the time.
02:44What are we getting involved in now?
02:45I know, what's happening?
02:47Anthony and Joey chose Shauna and me.
02:51And I'm so excited I get to go on a date
02:53on my first night.
02:54Oh, I love it.
02:56Oh my God!
02:59Anthony, he's the cook, he's the Italian,
03:02he's fit, good personality.
03:04Oh, I'm looking at pink, I see pink.
03:05I love that, oh my God.
03:07And I can't wait to see where it goes.
03:10I'm so excited.
03:13Welcome to your double date.
03:15You are all about to unleash your creativity
03:18and connect with one another on a whole new level
03:21through the art of body painting.
03:26I'm starting to get nervous again
03:27because I'm starting to get flashbacks of tantric yoga.
03:29And it's starting to flow back into my thought process.
03:32So I was planning escape right out of this date
03:35because I cannot be rolling around with my dad again.
03:37No, no, no, it wasn't gonna happen.
03:40Go get changed into provided clothes.
03:43Oh my God.
03:44And time to use your bodies for art.
03:46This is exciting.
03:47All right.
03:48You ever do anything like this?
03:50I've never done it.
03:51This is a new date.
03:52I was like excited about it.
03:53Especially that you were on your own section
03:55and I was on my own section.
03:57We're a little uncomfortable, but we're like,
03:59you were focused on your canvas
04:00and I'm focused on my canvas.
04:02Yeah, that's so fun.
04:09Look at all this.
04:12We got it all set up.
04:13I love that, thanks.
04:15So let's get to know each other a little bit better.
04:18Enjoy some snacks.
04:20I can't tell if Joey has a thing for me or not.
04:23We were just making out last night
04:24and this new girl comes in.
04:25He all of a sudden wants to take her on a date.
04:28Like I'm like chopping the verse something.
04:30So now that Connor's here, like I'm moving on.
04:33Sorry, babe.
04:36So what made you like come back for a second time?
04:40The first time I went there with my son.
04:44I was like, you know what?
04:44I want to see if there's a connection and there was.
04:46And then nothing really happened outside of the house.
04:49So I've been single and I'm in such an amazing place.
04:53It's like, I'm ready to have a partner.
04:56And I'm drawn to younger men.
04:58Because I have a young spirit.
05:00I like to have fun.
05:01For sure.
05:02And I'm just like, I'm attracted to energy.
05:04I'm not just attracted by someone's looks.
05:07So you weren't just attracted by me
05:08showing up on the jet ski?
05:09I mean, you're super hot, so I'm not gonna lie.
05:11The initial attraction was there.
05:13Your eye contact, your energy.
05:15You have a lot of amazing things going for you, for sure.
05:22I'm here because I want to find love.
05:24Kelly definitely is attractive and she's got good energy.
05:28I'm a big believer in just energies.
05:30I think energies attract
05:32and I think that we could have a good time.
05:34So like, who, if you could like describe yourself,
05:37like who are you?
05:41I feel like, like a dreamer would be like
05:44a perfect way to put it
05:45because I just want to help the world
05:47become a better place.
05:49Like more on the health side,
05:51just because that's my calling.
05:52Like if that's what I'm good at,
05:53that's what I know how to do.
05:55I love that.
05:56That's amazing.
05:57I do like this Reese's though.
05:58Well, either way.
05:59Oh yeah.
06:00Connor's confidence is so sexy.
06:03It makes him look so mature and he's so hot.
06:10I feel like this could go somewhere.
06:15I like the confidence.
06:16The positivity that you bring to the house,
06:18it's like, it's dope.
06:20Thank you.
06:21I'm glad you see that.
06:22Yeah, for sure.
06:30Can I do a shout out for you?
06:32Okay, lay down.
06:34Say no more.
06:35What kind of question was that?
06:37Of course you can.
06:38When I tell you I did not see the connection
06:40with Chris coming, I mean for real.
06:43Like that just knocked me off my feet.
06:46I just, I...
06:48Luckily, I clean these counters,
06:49so I know that they're good.
06:51All right, baby, go for it.
07:02I ruled out Chris in the beginning
07:04because I just thought he was a type,
07:06but then I'm starting to realize he's very much my type.
07:10I want a shot.
07:12It feels great to be treated nicely
07:14by somebody who's aesthetically just gorgeous.
07:16Give me a kiss.
07:18You give me a kiss.
07:19Who has a sense of humor just like me.
07:24I love us.
07:25Oh, there's another one.
07:35I'm putting my hair up for this one.
07:36What color do you want?
07:39You choose.
07:41Give me a kiss first.
07:42Come on.
07:44I like Rebecca.
07:45She is hot and bubbly and fun.
07:47Close your lips.
07:49Pup, come on.
07:50Look at me.
07:53And I feel bad for Lynette.
07:55I love it.
07:56I love it.
07:57We have a strong connection,
07:58but let's see what else is out there.
08:03Joe, don't look over here, all right?
08:07Ooh, that looks like a kiss.
08:09That's a good one.
08:10So you gotta open your mouth.
08:11As intricate as you want.
08:13Joe, you hear me?
08:14Don't look over here.
08:15Hey, I'm not even listening to what you're saying right now,
08:16so you gotta do your thing.
08:19I don't wanna get you looking like,
08:20ooh, that's a good one.
08:21That's a good one.
08:24I never painted on somebody's body.
08:28Did you ever?
08:29I haven't.
08:30And I much rather would have done it without him there.
08:38Claim it.
08:40That's it.
08:41You're mine now.
08:42Oh, I'm not looking over.
08:43It's like a horse race when the horse has blinders on.
08:45Like, you can't look too far right, too far left.
08:48You just gotta do your own thing.
08:49Why, was I that bad?
08:52This is crazy.
08:53Yeah, this is really cool.
08:59Wait, our legs.
09:00Let's turn over.
09:01I'm rolling.
09:02Oh, stop.
09:03I'm rolling.
09:04I'm rolling.
09:06Let's go, Joey.
09:08You can look at this, bro.
09:10They would be absolutely great
09:11if my father wasn't next to me.
09:13Yeah, I'm sorry, Joe.
09:15You have to do a little therapy about that session.
09:18I already booked the appointment.
09:22Margie, right?
09:24That's gonna look good.
09:27That's good.
09:28All right.
09:29Okay, what are we gonna do with it?
09:30That's pretty cool.
09:31I like that, all right.
09:33Do some splatters.
09:34Splatter, oh my God, stop.
09:37Me being an artist, teaching all the time,
09:39this date is totally up my alley.
09:42Who's that tattoo?
09:43Of course, my dad's name.
09:45That's awesome.
09:47And my dad was an artist.
09:50I would watch him when I was younger, sketching pictures,
09:54you know, just watch him do marker art.
09:56Now we gotta do our hand first.
09:57Yeah, give me your hand.
09:59I'm gonna do your hand.
10:00But then, you know, when I was seven,
10:02he passed away and I started doing art.
10:05So art is my passion.
10:07Bang, yeah.
10:11I'm really liking Joy's vibe.
10:13He's such a gentleman, so respectful.
10:18I've never done this before, you know?
10:19I'm having a good time.
10:21I am too.
10:22Very creative.
10:24He's getting so into it,
10:25trying to support my artistic side, you know?
10:29I'm gonna make a big heart.
10:30And I want you to lay down.
10:32What, okay.
10:33In the same spot that you were, kinda?
10:35All right, copy.
10:36Yeah, it was a great date.
10:39You look good with a panel.
10:51So we got Ms. Confused over here.
10:53Christina is confused.
10:56What are you confused about?
10:57Sam and David.
10:59Oh, are you making a connection with Dave?
11:03You are?
11:05But I don't know him as long as I've known Sam either.
11:09In all fairness.
11:09But I also get the confusion of Sam being younger
11:12and Uncle David, like having career.
11:16Or age appropriate.
11:17Yeah, age appropriate and also he's established.
11:20The other side of that is,
11:21you got somebody to take care of you when you're old
11:23cause they're still young.
11:26Those are things that I was actually weighing out last night.
11:29I'm still on the fence with, you know, Sam and David.
11:31I think, you know, Sam has his qualities.
11:33Obviously physically I'm attracted to him
11:35and he's an old soul, you know, very competitive,
11:38which I love.
11:39You know, we just, we have that energy.
11:40I mean, David, obviously very good looking.
11:42You know, he's very mature
11:44and he's very successful and established.
11:46And you know, he's got a lot of great qualities too.
11:49So this has turned into a love triangle here.
11:53Okay, so woman to woman, you know which one you want.
11:57Exactly, which one?
11:59No, I really don't.
12:00You don't.
12:01So you don't have that.
12:02Come on now.
12:04I think David is Christina's type.
12:08I can just tell by the sparkle in her eyes.
12:12And I feel like Sam's just like,
12:15you know, I'm done for.
12:19That was crazy.
12:20Hey now, hey now.
12:22Oh wow, oh my goodness.
12:27We did body painting.
12:29You painted yourself.
12:31And then you rolled around on top of the canvas.
12:33We made a cool canvas.
12:34Like art.
12:36They're such great guys.
12:37It was fun being on the date with them.
12:39It was a good opportunity to kind of like,
12:41get to know each other.
12:42Roll around and paint.
12:43It was kind of uncomfortable with his dad.
12:45Right there you're uncomfortable,
12:46cause I cut the tail.
12:50Hey partner.
12:51Are you going in the hot tub?
12:55You are?
12:56Are we gonna rinse off so we can go in the hot tub?
12:57Yes, let's do it.
12:58I am not cool with this at all.
13:02Anthony's big thing is respect,
13:04but it's not very respectful to come in
13:07bright eyed and bushy tailed and excited about their date.
13:12I need to talk to him.
13:13I need to know what the deal is
13:15and where this is going, for sure.
13:21You got me?
13:23The minute I walked through the door,
13:24I could tell Lynette's not happy.
13:26You trust me?
13:27Until you give me a reason not to.
13:28It's either you or nobody.
13:32There's prettiest girls here,
13:33so they're all like threatened by you.
13:35I know my dad's having a good time right now,
13:36but don't like entertain two at the same time.
13:49I think we're jumping in the hot tub.
13:51Well, we gotta get this off of us, you know?
13:54All right, off we go.
13:55You got me?
14:03The minute I walked through the door,
14:04I could tell Lynette's not happy.
14:07Earlier, Rebecca and I were on a date.
14:10It was very, I wouldn't say erotic,
14:12but it was passionate.
14:15But yeah, Lynette and I have this great connection
14:19and it hurts me to see her upset.
14:21I gotta talk to her.
14:22I gotta talk to her.
14:23I gotta talk to her.
14:24I gotta talk to her to clear the air.
14:27I just, you trust me?
14:34Until you give me a reason not to.
14:38You know, I'm still, we're here to meet people.
14:42I'm not here to meet anybody else.
14:45I'm not.
14:46Like, I am not vibing with anybody else.
14:49I'm not interested in anybody else.
14:51So it's either you or nobody.
14:53I'm putting all my eggs in one basket.
14:56I don't normally do that.
14:59Do you know what I'm saying?
15:00I get it, yeah.
15:02I just, are you cool with like trying to figure this out?
15:08I don't want to stop things with you.
15:12I have this feeling for you, like I legit have something.
15:19And then, you know, I met you first
15:23and I have a connection.
15:24And then, you know, I met her
15:25and a tie-in in me that feels guilty doing that.
15:28You know, you just get like, but anyway, forget about that.
15:30I just don't want to just be like, I don't want to end it.
15:33Yeah, we'll still hang out.
15:35I mean, now you make the bitch a pizza.
15:36We're going to have a problem.
15:38I honestly don't know if Anthony's just telling me
15:41what I want to hear or what he thinks I want to hear.
15:43Or maybe I'm just hearing what I want to hear.
15:46I don't know.
15:48I mean, I'm not normally so trusting or vulnerable
15:51because I've been hurt too many times.
15:54But with Anthony, it's just different.
15:56I've never really felt this way
15:59about somebody like this so quickly.
16:02And it's a whole new perspective on men.
16:07Good, I'm glad we had this talk.
16:09Go take a shower.
16:10Okay, thank you.
16:11I feel gross.
16:16Get out of here.
16:21Darren and I have been getting to know one another
16:24and it's definitely a strong connection.
16:28But so far we have not kissed or progressed to the next level.
16:32So I planned something very special for him.
16:36A night together because I really want him to kiss me.
16:45You look nice.
16:46Look at you.
16:47I know.
16:49You look nice.
16:51Look at you.
16:52That's a thing.
16:53You gotta get up there.
16:53Look at you looking at me, looking at you.
16:56Would you like me to get up?
16:57Yes, please.
16:59I'm gonna take my exit, people.
17:03I don't even need the crutches right now.
17:04I got a third leg.
17:06Yes, sir.
17:07So awkward.
17:09That's not appropriate.
17:10I'm never going to in front of my parents,
17:13children, whatever I have,
17:15I'm never gonna go, oh yeah, don't worry,
17:16I got a third leg.
17:17You've never said anything in front of myself
17:19or your mother that you wish you had never said.
17:23I didn't say that,
17:24but I definitely wasn't talking about a third appendage.
17:31That's so good.
17:32And this is exactly how you and I like it,
17:35just you and I.
17:37And I don't want you to hold back
17:39where we are in our life,
17:41the challenges and the adversities and the past.
17:45I believe that they were all set up
17:48to where we need to be today.
17:51And for me, I've done many firsts already with you
17:55and I want to continue to do many firsts with you.
17:59I feel safe.
18:00Oh, thank you.
18:02That touches me deeply that you said that.
18:05I know we've connected, I know we've talked,
18:07but this is
18:15sorry, it makes me emotional, very emotional.
18:24I've had myself closed off for a long time.
18:28I made sure I was there ready to build walls
18:30if someone got too close because I didn't want to get hurt.
18:34That I had decided a little while back
18:37that I was not going to put up those walls anymore.
18:40And when I woke up this morning
18:42and you were the first thing on my mind.
18:48Yeah, I just, I don't, I wasn't prepared for this.
18:55Thank you.
18:56Aw, baby.
19:03The bath was a perfect way for us to connect.
19:07Darren and I actually finally kissed.
19:10Life is about taking chances
19:12and I believe that he was worth taking the chance.
19:25Good first day.
19:26Great first day, yeah.
19:27Great day.
19:31I'm digging Shawna for sure right now.
19:33She's a beautiful, confident woman
19:35and I take it as a compliment when someone like that's into me.
19:38So I'm happy.
19:39So I'm happy about it.
19:43So what's your opinion of the people in here so far?
19:46The two of us are kind of like,
19:48well, those are the two new girls.
19:50So they're kind of like,
19:51kind of we are like not in with them or something.
19:54They feel threatened by you.
19:56And plus you're the prettiest girls here.
19:58So they're all like,
19:59just watch this. Aw, thanks, Anthony.
20:03My dad and Lynette have a thing going on.
20:04They're both super into each other.
20:06And I think Lynette's better for my dad.
20:08And I say that because Lynette is very pure.
20:11She has a very good heart.
20:12She loves everyone.
20:15And I think Rebecca's a little more like stuck in her 20s.
20:24You can tell you're like a sincere,
20:26like just loving family guy.
20:28But she's definitely hot.
20:31And I know my dad's having a good time right now.
20:33I got all your moves already.
20:34I'm starting to figure you out.
20:35Right, exactly.
20:37So I would say, look, do your thing, move on,
20:39make new connections,
20:40but don't like,
20:42I wouldn't entertain two at the same time.
20:44I don't think these girls are okay with that.
20:47I love you.
21:10Listen up everybody.
21:11I got a text message.
21:15So it's time for our next challenge.
21:18Girls, there is an incredibly romantic solo date
21:20on the line today.
21:23You definitely don't want to miss this one, okay?
21:26Gentlemen, for this challenge,
21:28you'll need to change into the sexiest pair
21:29of underwear you own.
21:34I think I got a pair of thongs.
21:38I would love to win this challenge
21:39so we can get out of the house and go on a date.
21:41Our connection is very real and strong.
21:44And I obviously have seen a side of Chris that's very goofy,
21:47but I would hope that getting time with him,
21:50I would be able to see another layer of him.
21:52So, you know, I'm trying to slowly peel his onion.
21:57When everybody's ready, head out to the backyard.
22:01All right, all right.
22:04Sexy pair of underwear.
22:05Let's get it.
22:07You trying to make this so fun.
22:11Let's go!
22:15Let's go!
22:16Let's go!
22:17Let's go!
22:19What we got going on here today?
22:22Tara, you look sharp.
22:23Thank you, sir.
22:24Oh, there's peaches on there.
22:25What is that?
22:26This is a glory hole.
22:27Holy s***, actually, it is a glory hole.
22:30I hope that these men have to put their junk in the hole,
22:34and all of us are going to have to guess whose junk it is.
22:36Oh, we got blindfolds.
22:38Oh, my God.
22:40And I hope there's tape measures, because, well,
22:43also, it's very cold outside today, so.
22:46Welcome, welcome, welcome.
22:48Who's ready for your next challenge?
22:52I will be your host, and since I can't stand very long,
22:56I will not be participating.
22:58That said, women are known to have excellent intuition,
23:02and for today's challenge, we will be putting that to the test.
23:07At the start of the challenge, the men will get behind the wall,
23:12drop trowels.
23:14Drop trowels.
23:17And stick their butts through the holes.
23:23Oh, yeah.
23:28Drop these bullets.
23:29Come on, let's go.
23:32We got some air flow back there.
23:34Oh, man, that is one hairy one.
23:37That's a plumper.
23:39These are all, you guys all do a great job on your asses.
23:42There's a lot of suspense involved on our side of, like,
23:45what exactly are they going to do?
23:47Barbie, that ass.
23:48Go get in there, girls.
23:55Ladies, you will have to use all five of your senses
23:59to help identify whose butt belongs to who.
24:02All five?
24:03Five senses?
24:04I'm not sniffing booty.
24:07The woman who correctly identifies the most butts
24:11will win today's Cheeky Challenge.
24:14And ladies, you will really want to win
24:17because there is a super romantic solo date on the line.
24:21Steak and lobster?
24:24I really, really want to win.
24:26I want to get a chance to go out with Stacey
24:28because at this point, it's like I'm just itching to get him alone
24:32so we can talk and we can make a stronger connection
24:36and maybe he can see something in me
24:39in a more private setting than he has in the house.
24:43Gentlemen, get behind the wall and assume the position.
24:51Let's get it, baby.
24:53Ladies, as you identify each butt,
24:56you'll write that name on the peach.
24:58When you're not playing, you'll be wearing these blindfolds.
25:04That's tight.
25:05Oh, my God, my ponytail.
25:07I can't see s***.
25:09All right, you ready?
25:10We're going.
25:11Drop these butts.
25:12Come on, let's go.
25:14Go ahead and assume position.
25:16You got some air flow back there.
25:18Chris got the whole breeze.
25:19Ooh, yeah, baby!
25:21Ladies, when I call your name,
25:23you may remove your blindfold.
25:29Oh, my God, I feel blind.
25:31I would love to win this challenge
25:33because I already went on a date with Anthony,
25:35but I figured this would be like something new to win
25:37to go on a date with Connor because I'm so attracted to him.
25:40I feel like he would be my next interest
25:43and I want to get to know him.
25:45Oh, the pickles.
25:47Ooh, that's a nice one.
25:50Okay, whose is that?
25:52I like that one.
25:53When you think you know whose butt it is,
25:56write that name on the peach above that hole.
25:58All right.
25:59Ooh, this one's good too.
26:01They are good.
26:03I might have to bite this one.
26:05Ooh, sorry.
26:09Having my butt coming through a hole with my uncle
26:13was something that I've never thought of doing in my life,
26:16so it was definitely different.
26:19There's a lot of suspense involved on our side
26:21of like what exactly are they going to do?
26:23This is a biter.
26:24Yeah, this is a biter.
26:26It was a little awkward.
26:27Yeah, 100%.
26:28I was like...
26:32That's a good one.
26:33These are all good.
26:35Oh, my God.
26:37I know I have a nice butt.
26:39I mean, my butt is, that thing jiggles.
26:41You know, I know how to shake it, and it's definitely fun.
26:47Oh, man.
26:49That is one hairy one.
26:52That's a hairy coolie.
26:54But it's still firm.
26:56Okay, this one is a little bit smaller.
27:01I don't really, I don't like my butt grabbed, number one,
27:04but I know Rebecca and Kelly are going to compete to grab my ass,
27:08but I don't really know where it's going to go.
27:11That's a plumper.
27:16You guys all do a great job on your asses.
27:20Wait, who am I missing?
27:25It's going to be a tough game to win,
27:28because there's a lot of hard asses.
27:35Let's go, Lynette!
27:36I want to win this challenge
27:38because I want to go on a date with Anthony,
27:40and I'm thinking maybe if we spend some more time together,
27:43we can decide if there's a real connection here or not.
27:47Holy s***!
27:51Connor, Stacy, Tony, Anthony.
27:55This has got to be him.
27:58I can't tell, they all look the same.
28:01Really, that's who you think that butt belongs to?
28:04I know exactly which butt up there belongs to my son
28:07because he has black at booty.
28:09It wasn't the pickles that gave it away?
28:11This poor young man couldn't wear jeans in high school
28:15because his booty was too big.
28:17He had to wear sweatpants every day.
28:20And our next contestant is Kelly Mack.
28:27Let's stretch Kelly out of her comfort zone.
28:31Forgive me!
28:33Forgive me.
28:34I come from a very traditional and conservative background,
28:38but who cares?
28:40This one's a youthful butt.
28:42This one is really hairy.
28:45Thank you, baby.
28:46This one has to be that.
28:50And this is a nice arm butt.
28:53All right.
28:54To watch Kelly Mack feeling up my son's butt,
28:57it was a little strange.
28:59I think I pulled back a little bit from some of my commentary
29:02when it came to when she was touching your butt.
29:06So I don't need to ever see it again.
29:09Christina, you are up.
29:12There's some hot buns out there.
29:14I think, you know, both Sam and David
29:17are definitely up there in the category of, you know,
29:20some hot buns.
29:21This is firm as hell.
29:23Whoever's ass is this.
29:25This is a firm ass.
29:30Oh, I'm tickling it.
29:35I'm so sorry.
29:36I'm a ticklish guy,
29:37so when girls got those long-ass nails
29:39and they're, like, rubbing up on my silk bottom,
29:41it's ticklish.
29:43They are juicy.
29:44This one's juicy.
29:47I know this butt.
29:48Feel that butt.
29:49Pinch it.
29:50I think it might be Joey.
29:55Payback's a bitch, Joey.
29:56I'm gonna bruise your ass just like you bruised mine.
30:06Oh, that's just not nice.
30:09You just blew it, Christina.
30:11You just blew your best shot you had.
30:12No one can bite ass like I can.
30:16And our next contestant is Kelly Mortensen.
30:21I need to win this challenge
30:22because I need some alone time with Connor
30:24away from Rebecca
30:25so she can't just, like, keep flaunting all her assets.
30:29What the hell?
30:31Oh, this one here is a little kinky.
30:33This is leather here.
30:36A little bit kinky.
30:37You know, hearing Shawna talk about my dad's butt
30:40has kind of thrown me off a little bit.
30:42Yeah, it wasn't my proudest moment
30:44having my butt in a hole,
30:46especially in front of my son.
30:49The woman who performed the best today is...
30:58And our next contestant up is Shawna.
31:02Yeah, Shawna!
31:04Go, Shawna!
31:05Go, Shawna!
31:06Go, Shawna!
31:07Uh, yeah, I wouldn't mind Crystal or Shawna rubbing my butt.
31:13Okay, this one is big here.
31:17Nice apple.
31:19It was a lot of firm butts in this lineup.
31:22These men are working out.
31:24Oh, this one here is a little kinky.
31:26This is leather here.
31:28You know, hearing Shawna talk about my dad's butt
31:31has kind of thrown me off a little bit.
31:33Yeah, it wasn't my proudest moment
31:35having my butt in a hole.
31:38A little bit kinky.
31:40Especially in front of my son.
31:42It's like crazy.
31:44Next up is Crystal.
31:51I don't think me and Stacey are moving at the pace
31:54that we need to be moving,
31:56so I really want to win this challenge
31:58because now Shawna's here,
32:00and I think that he might be a little bit interested in her.
32:03I want to get him alone
32:05so I can kind of dissect his feelings
32:07and see how he feels about me
32:09and maybe how he may feel about her being in the house now.
32:13Oh, God.
32:15I'm trying to think of who this is.
32:19These are some nice butts for real.
32:22They're nice butts, right?
32:24Oh, wow.
32:26Come on, hurry up.
32:28Let's write a name down.
32:30Crystal was probably the most handsy of them all.
32:33She stayed the longest.
32:36This is a hard butt.
32:38This butt is hard.
32:40Got it?
32:43Nicely done.
32:45I don't know if I want your hands touching me after all that.
32:48And our next contestant is Kelly Mortensen.
32:54Brace yourself.
32:56Number 5 is moving that booty.
32:58Wow, what the hell?
33:01I need to win this challenge
33:03because I need some alone time with Connor,
33:05away from Rebecca,
33:07so she can't just, like, keep flaunting all her assets.
33:10Okay, hmm.
33:13Oh, I think I know who this is.
33:15Very firm.
33:17Hmm, this is super hairy.
33:21Scratch and snap.
33:24Smells fresh.
33:30Last one, you guys.
33:32Let's go!
33:34Come here, Barbie.
33:36Wait, what?
33:38Barbie, that ass!
33:40Go get in there, girl.
33:42Are these even real?
33:44Yeah, okay, they are. Hold on.
33:46This was asking for attention.
33:48There's, like, juicy booties in these seven holes,
33:50and I think it's gonna be a lot tougher than I thought.
33:53I feel like this one's, like, it's a playful butt.
33:56That's a playful butt.
33:58That's a playful butt? Yeah.
34:02I know my man's ass when I see it.
34:06I'm just hoping that's not my thong he's wearing.
34:08He's a little kissy.
34:10Hey, now we're even.
34:12Okay, ladies, let's take those masks off.
34:14Yeah. Finally.
34:16Wow. Can't see.
34:18Butt hole number 1,
34:20please reveal your second best asset.
34:24I didn't get that right.
34:26He was a pickle one.
34:28Oh, God, Jesus.
34:30I thought I knew whose butt I bit.
34:32I mean, it was a good-sized ass,
34:34and I just saw it.
34:36Sam had a smaller tush. Smaller tush.
34:38And butt hole number 2.
34:42I was close!
34:44Camouflage in Texas. They go head-to-head.
34:46I bit it.
34:48Butt hole number 3.
34:50I didn't get that one.
34:52Butt hole number 4.
34:56How we doing, ladies?
34:58I knew it.
35:00Butt hole number 5.
35:02Butt hole number 6.
35:06Damn, you had the biggest one?
35:12And butt hole number 7.
35:14Let's see that leather daddy.
35:16Watch it.
35:18Oh, my God!
35:20I think I was most surprised to see
35:22Anthony's butt.
35:24Listen, I'm into BDSM,
35:26and he comes out in the leather.
35:28Damn, that's hot. Yeah.
35:30It's time to find out
35:32which woman correctly identified
35:34the most butts to win
35:36a super romantic solo date.
35:38I really, really want to win
35:40this because I want to go out with Stacy.
35:44Anthony is the only guy I'm interested in,
35:46so I'm very nervous.
35:48I should be having the opportunity
35:50to go out and spend more time with Anthony,
35:52not Rebecca.
35:54I've got to win.
35:58We're gonna hit the steam room. I'm coming.
36:00What do I wear? As little as possible.
36:02Perfect. Nothing.
36:04Rebecca is what we call thirsty.
36:06Have the best night of your life.
36:08I'm like, bitch, you need to, like, step off.
36:10All right, all right.
36:12Actually, you better run.
36:16All right, everyone.
36:20The woman who correctly identified
36:22the most butts
36:36I realize straight away
36:38that I'm a butthole girl, so...
36:40I'm a butthole girl!
36:42Give that girl a kiss on the cheek.
36:44Give that girl a kiss
36:46for picking you.
36:48Give that girl a kiss.
36:50I didn't win the challenge,
36:52so I got to figure out
36:54another way to get Stacy's attention
36:56because it can definitely not be on Tashauna.
36:58Let's go on inside,
37:02Great job.
37:06Cooking tonight?
37:08I need more hot sauce.
37:13I feel bad for Lynette,
37:15so I'm gonna make a little dinner tonight,
37:17make a little chicken dinner, you know,
37:19and see how she's doing.
37:21I want to make sure that Lynette knows
37:23that I still have feelings for her.
37:25It's a good idea.
37:29Oh, what is that?
37:31One for you, one for me.
37:33I'm a gentleman. What can I say?
37:35I want to do the right thing, you know?
37:37I don't blame you.
37:39Thank you, babe.
37:41You gonna eat something?
37:43Aw, what is this?
37:45This is chicken with hot sauce
37:47and lime.
37:49And I'm normally not a hot sauce fan.
37:53The workout boys.
37:55The workout boys.
37:57We're gonna hit the steam room
37:59in a little bit.
38:01Don't worry about it.
38:03Can I go to the steam room?
38:05I'm coming.
38:07As little as possible.
38:09Perfect. Nothing. Let's go.
38:11Okay, I'll hold you to that.
38:13Seriously, I'm ready.
38:15Where's the steam room?
38:17No, I'm not talking about the steam room.
38:19I'm talking about the clothing part.
38:21No, that's fine. I came prepared.
38:23What the hell's going on?
38:25Rebecca is kind of crossing the line.
38:27You know, me and Kelly
38:29have formed these connections
38:31with David and Connor.
38:33I'm a girl's girl, and I would never
38:35date other women like that.
38:37Let's go. I want to do that now.
38:39All right, I love it.
38:41Like, girl.
38:43Want to eat? Chicken with a little lemon.
38:45Chicken with lemon?
38:47And a little hot sauce.
38:49Ooh, I love it. Yes.
38:51Sit over there in a second.
38:53In one second.
38:55Sit over there.
38:57You want me to sit over there?
38:59Yeah, one second.
39:01Anthony, he's been building a relationship
39:03with Rebecca and Lynette.
39:05They seemed very close.
39:07But also seems to have a thing for Rebecca.
39:09He does seem to be attracted to Rebecca.
39:13Where's the hot sauce? Put it back.
39:15And basically, Anthony's trying to put together
39:17not a double date,
39:19but one date
39:21with two different women in the house.
39:23When you do something like that,
39:25you're asking for trouble.
39:29Yum. That was really good.
39:31I mean,
39:33I don't enjoy the fact that
39:35he's got a plan A and a plan B.
39:37I like the fact that I'm plan A,
39:39but it makes me
39:41a little insecure that he's interested
39:43in Rebecca.
39:45It doesn't make me feel very special.
39:47We're gonna just drift down and go in, right?
39:49Yeah. Okay.
39:53I'm definitely attracted to both David and Connor,
39:55but I have never dated an uncle-nephew before.
39:57I don't know if that's, like, a thing.
39:59He seemed really cool.
40:01Rebecca, I got your dinner.
40:03I'm coming. I'll be right back.
40:05And I'm also interested in Anthony,
40:07but I guess he's exploring his options,
40:09so I'm exploring my options, too.
40:13Clicquot Manwich. Yeah.
40:15There was a part of me
40:17that was a little happy about
40:19Rebecca totally dissing
40:21Anthony and then hitting it with
40:23Connor and David.
40:25I thought, well, that's what you deserve.
40:27You got a dry towel?
40:29Everybody's got a dry towel?
40:39Ooh! This is amazing.
40:41Rebecca is definitely pissing me off.
40:43Swooping in on Connor
40:45right before my eyes. Like, I don't know
40:47who she thinks she is. She just comes in
40:49and doesn't even, like, see who has a connection
40:51going on here, and then she's just, like,
40:53going from dude to dude to dude.
40:55Having the best night of your life.
40:57Rebecca is what we call
40:59thirsty in California.
41:01I'm like, bitch, you need to, like, step off.
41:03Sorry. Thank you.
41:05All right. All right.
41:07All right.
41:09Actually, you better run.
41:13Before you get to enjoy the delicious wine,
41:15you get to make some yourselves.
41:19To have such
41:21a strong connection with Chris this soon
41:23is insane.
41:29Truth or dare,
41:31Shauna, would you like to go out here
41:33and sit down and have a glass of wine?
41:37He was definitely
41:39stepping on my toes by asking
41:41Shauna out on a date.
41:43I have an attraction to you.
41:45Just keep it real with me, dude.
41:51You're gonna get the booboo, all right?
41:53Oh, f*** me, no.
41:55I ain't dealing with that.
41:57You are a troublemaker. Oh, my God.
41:59You want to get changed and go to the hot tub?
42:01Ooh, yeah, let's go to the hot tub.
42:03Can we go nude?
42:05She's probably
42:07pretty furious right now.
42:09She didn't think the house would blow up.
42:13Rebecca's out with Connor in the hot tub?
42:15Everything's intertwining with one another,
42:17and it's kind of freaking me the f*** out a little bit.
42:19Bye, Rebecca. Bye, bitch.
42:21That's so cute of you.
42:23We might have to break something.
42:25What's up?
42:27Just trying to see where you stand.
42:29Where I stand?
42:31Where she stands.