WhenCallstheHeart S11E11

  • 3 months ago
WhenCallstheHeart S11E11

WhenCallstheHeart S11E12 >>> https://dai.ly/x90ul02
00:00Previously on When Calls the Heart.
00:07Hi, everyone.
00:10I'll just have to ask your brother.
00:11Well, you're gonna have to find him first.
00:13He's always at sea or some port halfway across the world.
00:16Casimir Shaw. He shot you when Jeanette was there?
00:19Find someplace safe and stay there.
00:22Goodbye, Jeanette.
00:25Lily, your grandma said that you can live here if that's what you really want.
00:29Thank you, Grandma.
00:33Not a moment too soon, in my opinion.
00:35I thought you were all for the resort.
00:37Well, until the mayor's made their public statement opposing it.
00:39That's what swayed me, too.
00:41If Lee and Maisie could agree it's a bad idea, it really must be.
00:44I hear this means the end of the town's merging.
00:47No point being hip to hip when you're no longer dance partners.
00:54Seems your article's causing quite the stir.
00:58I'll be the first to admit it raises more questions than it answers.
01:01I don't understand.
01:03You wrote that Lucas shut down the resort because it wasn't financially viable.
01:06Politician talk for I don't want to tell you the real reason.
01:13Nathan and Henry seem to be quite preoccupied.
01:16Bill, too.
01:18Ever since Lucas cancelled the resort so abruptly.
01:22There is something going on. I am certain of it.
01:32Elizabeth, I know you and Nathan want to get things just right, but this is beyond slow and steady.
01:38It's downright trepidatious.
01:40It's not trepidatious. There have just been a lot of distractions.
01:45Tom's visit, Nathan needing to focus on Allie.
01:48All right, but what's holding you back now?
01:54Nothing, I suppose.
02:12Phone lines are down, as well as the telegraph lines.
02:15Nan says that the repair crew has to come all the way from Buxton.
02:18Well, so much for modern conveniences.
02:21Anything more on this Casimir Shaw?
02:23Headquarters has issued a warrant for his arrest.
02:25Well, attempt his assassination on the governor, that'll do it.
02:28It's a territory-wide alert, but still, no sign of him.
02:31So there's really not so much as a photo on this guy?
02:34He came out of nowhere a few years ago.
02:36Word is that he controls the rum running in the Northwest.
02:39All we've got to go by is Lucas' description of him the night that he was shot.
02:43Heavyset, middle-aged.
02:45Well, that could describe a thousand men.
02:47Types like that tend to stay hidden in the city.
02:49It's unlikely he's going to blow his cover here in Hope Valley, but still.
02:53I wish Lucas would let me bring him reinforcements.
02:55Lucas still wants to keep this quiet, huh?
02:59I think Rosemary should know about this.
03:01Uh, no.
03:03No, if you tell Rosemary, she'll tell Elizabeth.
03:05So you're saying you haven't said anything to Elizabeth?
03:08No. Why would I?
03:12Well, it's not like you two are anything more than casual acquaintances.
03:17What are you saying?
03:18Well, it's none of my business, but you really do move like molasses in January, pal.
03:22You know, nothing ventured, nothing gained.
03:25You know, the last time I ventured, it didn't go that well for me.
03:29So I'm just letting her take the lead this time.
03:33Well, time is a finite resource, my friend.
03:42Just who I was looking for.
03:44I was actually hoping to see you too.
03:47Yeah, I wanted to, um, just wanted to say I'm sorry for being so busy lately.
03:51It's alright. Is there something going on?
03:54Nothing I can't handle.
03:58But you, uh, you wanted to see me?
04:02Um, I was wondering, since we have Allie watching little Jack and Goldie, and, and I need to take Sergeant out for some exercise anyway.
04:19Do you want some company?
04:25If you're sure you can get away.
04:28I think I can get away, yeah.
04:30I say we meet at the stables at three.
04:32I will be there.
05:01Thank you.
05:20Sheriff, what's that?
05:21You going somewhere, Ed?
05:23I'm, uh, taking an interview for a new position in Capital City.
05:28You're leaving Asaria?
05:31I can see.
05:33Nothing personal.
05:35No, nothing personal about abandoning a ship when water's coming over the side.
05:40Rosemary's article was kind. Facts are facts. Lucas didn't get the job done and his approval rating's going to be rock bottom.
05:48We'll see.
05:50Hm. Let's be frank. Lucas stopped listening to me a long time ago and you made sure of that.
06:02No hard feelings.
06:06To you or Lucas.
06:11So long, Edwin.
06:13Don't tell the voters otherwise.
06:16You can still call him governor.
06:20The thing is, the resort may have gone away.
06:22But the shooting of the governor still remains a very active mystery.
06:25A mystery in which Bill seems to have completely lost interest.
06:29I know exactly what you mean. I was hoping things would be a lot less secretive.
06:33But Lucas has barely been out of that office since he made the announcement.
06:36I asked for a follow-up interview. Henry, turn me down flat.
06:42Speak of the devil.
06:51So Edwin jumped ship.
06:54I'm glad he quit. Looking back, he was always too focused on the next election. I think I let that cloud my judgment.
07:02No, you made the right choice by canceling the resort.
07:05Yeah. I just wish I'd done it sooner.
07:09No, the concept had merit. You had no way of knowing that it was going to get hijacked the way they did.
07:15But now, I mean, people are talking about your other initiatives perhaps going the same way.
07:21Well, we're going to have to rebuild confidence.
07:24Can I count on you to help me do that, Henry?
07:27Of course you can.
07:29For myself, my biggest concern is your safety.
07:33Nathan have any word on Shaw?
07:35No. No. The man loves the shadows.
07:38Well, let's hope he stays there.
07:41Because we have work to do.
07:46I thought I might find you here.
07:49Hi, Lee. I know we agreed to walk home together, but some things come up.
07:55More secrets.
07:57Just taking the horses for a ride.
07:59Horses? Plural?
08:01Sergeant and Newton.
08:06They need exercise.
08:08Of course they do. They're horses.
08:10One neglects equine exercise.
08:13Exercise at one's peril.
08:15One does.
08:17Anyway, if you could please tell Ali I may be home late.
08:19I will be sure to pass along the message.
08:21Thank you.
08:25So cute.
08:29That's pretty, Lily.
08:31It's Grandma's house.
08:33I'm going to give it to her when we visit on Sunday.
08:36She'll love that.
08:38At Grandma's, we used to count the stars outside my window at night.
08:44Your bedroom here doesn't have a very good view of the sky, does it?
08:50Do you miss counting the stars?
08:54Excuse me.
08:58You know, Cooper used to be afraid of the dark when he was little.
09:02Joseph made him a nightlight that projected stars onto the ceiling.
09:06We'll see if we can find it.
09:08That would be wonderful, Minnie.
09:10Thank you.
09:11Anything for our Lily.
09:14Thanks for doing this for me.
09:16No problem.
09:18It's probably just the lever.
09:20It does get sticky.
09:24Oh my gosh.
09:26It's from Beau.
09:28Your brother?
09:30Yeah, he hasn't written in ages.
09:32Remember I told you he's been at sea with the merchant marines for years?
09:34He travels all over the world.
09:36What does he have to say for himself?
09:38Well, um...
09:40He says all is well.
09:42Many adventures.
09:44He's mailing this from his last port of call.
09:49Oh my gosh, he's coming to Cape Blurton!
09:54He'll only be there for a few days.
09:56I should go see him.
09:58Or we could both go.
10:00You'd come with me?
10:02Sure, I'd love to meet Beau.
10:04Well, I think you're going to really hit it off.
10:06And who knows when we're going to have the chance to see him again.
10:17Come talk to me!
10:21You and I both know that Lucas cancelling the resort had nothing to do with it being financially feasible.
10:26This is nothing you have to concern yourself about.
10:29Excuse me?
10:31I thought this was something we were both concerned about.
10:33Especially because it's all happened so suddenly.
10:34Now Lucas barely leaves his office, refuses to speak about it?
10:40You and I shouldn't be keeping things from one another, Bill.
10:43We're supposed to be a team.
10:45You're right. We are a team.
10:47And a team doesn't work without trust.
10:49And in this case, you're just going to have to trust me.
10:51Trust you about what?
10:53You have a visitor.
11:17Randall Rockwell.
11:19What on earth are you doing prowling around Ho Valley?
11:23I came to congratulate you.
11:25You scooped me this time.
11:27I tried to get an exclusive with the governor, but he said he was already working with you.
11:29Well, that's one for me and about five hundred for you, so.
11:34I noticed that your article didn't get into the specifics of why the governor scrapped the resort.
11:39Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
11:41That there's more to the story.
11:43Well, why don't you just ask your so-called source, who seems to know everything about everything.
11:48Or has it dawned on you that they've been sending you on a wild goose chase this entire time?
11:52The gun, Clayton Pike, Montague's involvement?
11:59So you have figured that out.
12:02Randall, you really need to go to the police about this.
12:05I have a better idea.
12:07Let's do an expose in print.
12:10You and me?
12:11I think we'd make good partners.
12:13Well, I mean, I do happen to have a recent vacancy.
12:16I come bearing gifts.
12:18Every scrap of research I've collected since my source first contacted me.
12:23Maybe I missed something.
12:25What do you say we find out together?
12:33Good afternoon, Rosemary.
12:35Governor, you remember my colleague, Randall Rockwell?
12:38Colleagues now, is it? I thought the two of you were the fiercest of competitors.
12:42Oh, Rosemary gives me a run for my money, all right.
12:45Why, Randall, is that a compliment?
12:48Surely you know how much I admire your work.
12:50Well, as a matter of fact, no, I had no idea.
12:54So you wanted to talk to me about-
12:56Yes. It's about the shooting.
12:58That subject is closed.
13:00There are still so many questions that need answering.
13:03It turns out a lot of what my source told me wasn't reliable.
13:06Lucas, the fact remains, whoever shot you is still out there.
13:11Rosemary, Randall, I am happy to discuss any other issue with you.
13:16But not that one.
13:17The dark days are behind us, my friends.
13:20The best is yet to come.
13:44What are you doing?
13:46What are you doing here? You're supposed to be a thousand miles away by now.
13:50Lucas, you need to listen to me.
14:00Well, this is a nice idea.
14:03I thought it would be the perfect place to ask you something.
14:08Ask me what?
14:09What would you think if, instead of us going to Cape Fullerton, we asked your brother to come here?
14:15I'm sure. If he has time. I've always wanted to go to Seahawk Valley.
14:20Excellent. Then I have a follow-up question.
14:25Well, as long as he's going to be here.
14:28I mean, it may be years before you have family in town again.
14:35Mike, I'm not sure I'm following.
14:50May I love you more than anything?
14:54I know this is sudden, but with Bo being here and...
14:59I know this is sudden, but with Bo being here and...
15:04I don't know, the time just feels right.
15:08Will you...
15:14Will you marry me?
15:26Are you sure?
15:32I don't have a ring.
15:34I don't care.
15:49Hey. You made it.
15:52Did you think I'd stand you up?
15:54Well, I was worried there might have been some new calamity.
15:56We do seem to have bad luck that way.
15:59Yeah, we seem to get interrupted a lot, don't we? Our timing is not the greatest.
16:04My timing is not the greatest.
16:10Nathan! Could you come with me?
16:13Is everything okay?
16:15All good. The governor just needs him.
16:17Um, I seem to have jinxed things.
16:20Go. I'll see you later.
16:23Is it?
16:24There could be trouble.
16:26We need to find Bill.
16:32Why are you here? You're supposed to be somewhere that Shaw can't find you.
16:36I told you there's no such place. He did find me.
16:39He was angry at first about the resort falling through.
16:43But he still wants to do business with you.
16:46You know that that's never going to happen.
16:48Just listen. All he wants is a few favors. Turning a blind eye here and there.
16:54Just allow him to run his criminal enterprise through the territory.
16:58If you don't cooperate with him, he'll destroy you and this town you care so much about.
17:04He's on his way here.
17:08You've seen what he's capable of.
17:15I saw Mr. Quine coming to town. But there might be trouble.
17:20She says Cassium is shut.
17:22They need to know, Jeanette.
17:25Shaw is on his way here. I'll get word to Mountie headquarters to send some men.
17:31In the meantime, we should keep an eye on the roads. You two lay low until we get this figured out.
17:39I'll get my gear.
17:41I'll meet you at the stables.
17:43Bill, you're just in time. Michael here and May are getting married.
17:46Congrats, Hickam.
17:48You want to join us for a drink?
17:50Another time. Right now I need the two of you to come with me.
17:52Why? What's going on?
17:54Get down early. Make something up, Hickam.
17:58I'm sorry, Marcus.
18:01It's not your fault. But if Shaw wants a fight, a fight he'll get.
18:09Here it is.
18:11Oh, Joseph, it's ingenious.
18:13You know, but I was always worried about the candle.
18:15Right. Safety first.
18:17Yes. Ned, do you think we can wire up an electrical bulb?
18:19I don't see why not.
18:21Hey, Ned. When can we expect these phone lines to be back up?
18:24Oh, it's hard to say. The crew's out looking for the break now, so...
18:27Is everything all right, Nathan?
18:29Yeah, it's fine. Nothing to worry about.
18:40Casimir Shaw? The gangster? Coming here?
18:43Turns out he's the one who shot Lucas.
18:45Jeanette was there, but he was threatening her, too.
18:48Lucas remembers everything.
18:50And you didn't think to tell Rosemary?
18:52Sorry, Lee. It wasn't my call. Lucas wanted to keep this quiet to avoid any kind of panic.
18:55Telephone and wire are still out.
18:57I need somebody to get to Buxton and call for reinforcements.
18:59I'll go.
19:01Take my car?
19:03Henry, take the south road. Nathan, take the north road.
19:05I'll meet you at the junction to Benson Hills.
19:07Lee, can you take the road to Buxton?
19:09If you see anything, fire off a few shots in the air.
19:11Yeah, but I should tell Rosemary.
19:13No, you shouldn't. Governor's order.
19:15Saddle up.
19:21What are you doing back from your ride so soon?
19:23We had to cancel.
19:25No! Again?
19:27Henry said that Lucas needed to see Nathan about something.
19:29What is going on around here?
19:31I don't know, but it didn't sound like it was bad.
19:33No. Did something happen between you and Nathan?
19:37I don't know.
19:39I have been so happy thinking about a future with Nathan
19:42that I suppose I convinced myself that what happened between us in the past didn't matter anymore.
19:45I think it does.
19:47I need to talk to him.
19:49You need to talk to him.
19:51You ready to head home?
19:53Not quite yet.
19:55Randall Rockwell blew into town wanting to be my partner.
19:59With Bill freezing me off. It's a tempting offer.
20:02Tell Allie I will be home shortly.
20:05Will do.
20:08I hate this.
20:10I feel like a sitting duck. I should have gone home.
20:12Look, it's not too late.
20:15You show him what he wants and then you'll be out of danger.
20:19You could negotiate a cut.
20:21Think of all the good you could do with that kind of money.
20:24Listen to yourself, Jeanette.
20:26It's just business.
20:28Doing business with that man goes against everything I stand for.
20:32Lucas, what happened to you?
20:36Just think about it.
20:38Lucas, what happened to you?
20:42Just be a little flexible.
20:46It could be like old times.
20:50You remember what you told me when we hit bottom back in New Orleans?
20:54That we could be anyone we want.
21:00I believed you.
21:07What I want is to be a good man.
21:12An honest man.
21:18I'm not the person that you used to know.
21:23I don't care what they say.
21:26I can't just sit here.
22:03Nothing ahead.
22:04Nothing ahead.
22:06Makes you question whether Jeanette's information is reliable.
22:09Well, Lucas believes her.
22:13What are you doing here? You were supposed to stay put.
22:16You do realize there may be a gangster after you.
22:18Luckily, I have you two to protect me.
22:24Are you finding anything?
22:26I'm looking at your old leads.
22:28A lot of dead ends.
22:30Well, I didn't have the benefit of a so-called source.
22:33Who is he anyways?
22:35I can't tell you.
22:37I thought we're partners.
22:39We never met.
22:41Everything went through the mail.
22:43Are you telling me you went to print without knowing the identity of your source?
22:47I corroborated everything through the Mounties.
22:50They were duped as well.
22:52This source has been manipulating everything to cover up the truth of the shooting.
22:55Which means...
22:59Your source might be the real shooter.
23:02Or connected to the real shooter.
23:05Do you really think so?
23:07Randall, what's wrong?
23:11A few days ago, my source sent me a letter.
23:14A threatening letter.
23:16Warning me to keep my mouth shut.
23:20Is that why you're here?
23:22You wanted to expose your source in my paper under my byline.
23:27Rosemary, my family knows everything.
23:29It was being threatened.
23:31What about my family?
23:33Randall, you better start telling me everything you know about this source right now.
23:36But I don't know anything.
23:38Well then start digging.
23:40Tomorrow. I'm calling it a day.
23:44Where are you going?
23:46To warn the governor that he's still at risk.
23:49Rosemary, wait.
23:51What's this?
23:53It's just a hotel receipt.
23:56This is the letter my source sent me.
24:01The handwriting is the same.
24:03Jeanette O'Quan.
24:06Who is she?
24:08She's an old flame of Lucas's. Hell hath no fury.
24:12I need to go tell him.
24:16Close my foot.
24:24Mrs. Coulter.
24:30Miss O'Quan.
24:33I came to see Lucas.
24:35He stepped out to deal with some business.
24:38I'm sorry.
24:40It's all right.
24:41I came to see Lucas.
24:43He stepped out to deal with some business.
24:46You seem upset.
24:48Is everything all right?
24:51I'm fine.
24:53I should be going.
24:55Was that Randall Rockwell I saw you with earlier?
24:59I can't imagine what he's been telling you about me.
25:05So you admit you're his source.
25:09Let me explain.
25:12Please do.
25:14All right, Jack. Dinner is ready.
25:17Go wash your hands, please.
25:19Yes, Mama.
25:22Come in.
25:27Hasn't Mrs. Coulter come home yet?
25:29No, and I still can't reach her.
25:31The phones aren't working.
25:33Should I be worried?
25:35No, I'm sure everything's fine.
25:37But I can go and check.
25:39I'll be back soon.
25:41Okay, thanks.
25:45I suppose you and Randall have figured out that I was there the night Lucas was shot.
25:51We assumed his source had a connection to the shooting.
25:56But no, we didn't realize you were there.
25:59I feel terrible about lying to Lucas.
26:03That I was forced to.
26:05By whom?
26:07Casimir Shaw.
26:09When Lucas remembered we were both there that night.
26:13Wait, Lucas regained his memory?
26:16Just before he canceled the resort.
26:18I'm surprised you didn't know.
26:21Yes, well, um, me too.
26:25Believe me, the last thing I would ever do is hurt Lucas.
26:30That was all Shaw's doing.
26:33But you're the one who threatened Randall's family.
26:36I was Shaw too.
26:38I saw the note. It was in your handwriting.
26:42It came from you, not from Shaw.
26:57Mrs. Coulter, meet Casimir Shaw.
27:13Randall, is Rosemary in there?
27:16She went across the street to find the governor.
27:18Are you alright?
27:20I'm fine. It's just, today's been a lot.
27:24I'm heading home.
27:30Mr. Shaw, put that away.
27:33Can't you see you're frightening Mrs. Coulter?
27:36I'm afraid the governor has failed to see reason.
27:39So I'll take care of him.
27:41Leave him to me.
27:43But the plans—
27:45Plans? Change.
27:48What's the situation on the roads?
27:51There's one thing slipping into town on foot.
27:54Getting out by car won't be so easy.
28:02Elizabeth, run!
28:10We meet again.
28:13How much longer before we call it a day, gentlemen?
28:16Well, we should at least wait until the reinforcements get here.
28:31Mr. Rockwell.
28:33Did Rosemary find you?
28:34She did not. Why?
28:36Look, Rosemary and I think we know who was involved in shooting you.
28:42Well, I think it's best you tell us everything you know, then.
28:46Jeanette O'Quon.
28:48Rosemary says you and she are past acquaintances.
28:53What do we do with them?
28:55Two hostages are better than one, don't you think?
29:00We light the road as soon as it gets dark.
29:02Please, just let Elizabeth go.
29:04Rosemary, too.
29:06Unfortunately, my hands are tied.
29:10I'm just following Mr. Shaw's orders.
29:14Aren't I?
29:18If you know Jeanette, then you must know Casimir Shaw, too.
29:22The rumrunner. What's he got to do with her?
29:25He forced Jeanette to muscle the governor.
29:27I don't think my source was being forced by anyone.
29:29Look at these threats.
29:31We match the handwriting with the chit from the hotel, signed by Jeanette.
29:36This is Jeanette's handwriting, all right.
29:39What if Jeanette wasn't his victim?
29:42What if they're partners?
29:44She's been playing us.
29:46It's bigger than that.
29:48Think about it.
29:50No one's even laid eyes on Shaw except for me the night of the shooting.
29:54And Jeanette.
29:55It's fairly obvious who's in charge here.
29:58Whatever do you mean?
30:00You've been calling all the shots, not him.
30:05I don't know who you are, but he is not Shaw.
30:12There's such a thing as being too clever for your own good.
30:16You can be anyone you want.
30:19That's what I told her.
30:20Who'd have guessed she'd take me so literally?
30:26I have to hand it to you.
30:28You're really quite brilliant.
30:32There is no Shaw.
30:34Jeanette is Shaw.
30:51Jeanette and another guy have Elizabeth and Rosemary.
30:56We need a plan.
30:58It's dark enough.
31:00Time to go, ladies.
31:02Where are you taking us?
31:04You won't get far. We'll be missed.
31:06I'm counting on it.
31:08That's why we need you.
31:10For insurance.
31:12Now stop stalling.
31:15I'm not stalling.
31:16For insurance.
31:18Now stop stalling.
31:37Where would you prefer Mr. Shaw?
31:40I'm afraid you're late to the party.
31:43We were just leaving.
31:44We were just leaving.
31:46You can still get out of this.
31:48He's the one who shot me.
31:51Not you.
31:53That's right.
31:55I'm the one that saved you.
32:01Stop, you idiot!
32:05If it weren't for me,
32:07that second bullet would have hit your heart instead of your shoulder.
32:12I owe you for that.
32:16You do.
32:25This doesn't concern Elizabeth or Rosemary.
32:29Let them go.
32:31Don't be ridiculous. We're all involved in this now.
32:34Put the gun down!
32:37Hands up!
32:39It's over, Jeanette.
32:41Unless you want your governor in one piece.
32:47Oh, let me go!
32:48Get your hands off her!
32:50Get back, or else!
32:54Come on!
33:04There's no escape.
33:06There's no escape, Jeanette.
33:13Nathan, go!
33:16Bill, don't!
33:20Just go! I'll only slow you down!
33:25Up there!
33:29We've got you surrounded!
33:32Hold it!
33:33Get out of my way!
33:35All right, take it easy, okay?
33:42I know you won't shoot me, Jeanette.
33:47don't make me do this.
33:50Okay, let's talk about this, huh? Think about it.
33:52You give us some evidence on Jeanette, and
33:56I'll go easy on you.
33:57You don't know who you're dealing with.
33:58My life won't be worth a plug nickel.
34:00I underestimated you.
34:01I underestimated you.
34:04You always do.
34:06That's why you had to become Shaw.
34:08Because no one would take you seriously.
34:12Including me.
34:13A little late for apologies, don't you think?
34:16It's never too late.
34:19You've made some mistakes, sure.
34:22But this,
34:25this isn't you.
34:31Don't pretend to know me.
34:33But I do
34:35know you.
34:40I know the best of you,
35:09Drop the weapon!
35:18There's no way out.
35:26Drop the gun!
35:31Drop it!
35:57Is she all right?
35:59Yeah, you?
36:01I'm better now.
36:05Oh, goodness!
36:07We're okay.
36:08And you?
36:09Well, considering I almost ended up a headline,
36:12not of my own devising,
36:15I'm fine, thank you.
36:17I should check on the others.
36:28why did you come back here, Jeanette?
36:31You could have carried on hiding behind Shaw.
36:33No one would have been the wiser.
36:35We all have our weaknesses,
36:47How are your ribs?
36:48I'll live.
36:58I should, uh...
36:59I know.
37:05Be safe.
37:07I can say the same thing to you.
37:17After a night like tonight,
37:19all I want to do is count my blessings.
37:24Everyone I care about is safe.
37:31I know in time,
37:32thoughts of what could have been will fade away.
37:37But love will remain
37:40as constant as the stars.
37:52As much a part of our beings as a breath,
37:55or a heartbeat,
37:57or a...
38:06What, um...
38:07What happened with Jeanette?
38:10They've taken them away to Capital City.
38:12Oh, thank goodness.
38:14Elizabeth, if something
38:16would have happened to you today...
38:18But it didn't.
38:19But it so could have easily.
38:21I know.
38:25Nathan, what you said earlier
38:30bad timing...
38:31That was a dumb joke. I'm sorry.
38:33But you were right.
38:35We both had bad timing.
38:38Once you were ready and
38:40I wasn't...
38:42Elizabeth, you don't have to...
38:43Please, just
38:44let me say this.
38:51I am so sorry
38:54for hurting you.
38:55For letting fear get in the way.
39:01If you only knew how my heart lifts
39:03when I think of you.
39:06And I think of you often.
39:09Of the way you've always been honest with me.
39:15gently encouraged me to be honest with myself.
39:20Of the way you
39:21always seem to know when there's something on my mind.
39:26The way your brow furrows when there's something on yours.
39:32You are a good man.
39:36An impeccable man.
39:40You are a man who
39:43looks distractingly good in Surge
39:46or Suspenders.
39:48It's your eyes I look for across a crowded room.
39:52It's your heart that makes me feel
39:59You feel like home to me.
40:06I couldn't say it before.
40:12I'm sorry.
40:14I'm sorry.
40:16I'm sorry.
40:18I wouldn't let myself.
40:24So let me tell you now.
40:31Nathan, I'm in love with you.
40:41Say something.
40:48I'm sorry.
41:18I could never stop loving you.
41:21Not for a single second.
41:48I'm in love with you.