WhenCallstheHeart S11E07

  • 5 months ago
WhenCallstheHeart S11E07

WhenCallstheHeart S11E08 >>> https://dai.ly/x8z5dlm


00:00 Previously on "When Calls the Heart".
00:04 So you're saying Pike was framed or took the fall for Montague?
00:12 Get on board, Mr. Doyle. This resort is a wonderful opportunity.
00:16 Word around town is that you can't be trusted not to just turn around and take all the profits.
00:20 You and Jacob used to be close.
00:22 And then he decided that somehow I crossed him and he didn't want to speak to me anymore.
00:26 Congratulations, Lee.
00:28 Yeah, thank you.
00:29 Lucas just made me mayor.
00:31 What?
00:32 I'd rather have her as a friend than not have her in my life at all.
00:35 May, I want to be a part of your life. Your whole life.
00:39 I want that too, Mike.
00:41 Thank you for being here.
00:44 There's no where else I'd rather be.
00:46 At what point did I stop feeling only grief when I thought about you?
00:58 And begin feeling gratitude instead?
01:01 Gratitude for the time we had together, for our wonderful son, and for the sense that you were always with me.
01:09 I'm ready, Mom.
01:11 Look at you. You look so awesome.
01:14 Here, let me help you.
01:16 Should we bring balloons?
01:23 Balloons?
01:24 For Daddy's birthday.
01:26 I think that's a great idea.
01:28 I was thinking we could bring some flowers too.
01:30 Let's go.
01:31 Today of all days, I feel you near. I know Jack Jr. does too.
01:35 And I hope you know you'll always have a special place in my heart.
01:39 No matter what the future brings.
01:41 Hmm.
01:47 Hmm? It's more than just hmm. That's a solid lead.
01:52 Clayton Pike worked for Union City Holdings, which happens to be owned by Bernhard Montague.
01:57 Our lead suspect.
01:58 We may think that he's a suspect, but as far as the rest of the world is concerned, Montague has been cleared and Pike acted alone.
02:04 But it's a connection between the two. And we both know a connection like that deserves a follow-up.
02:09 But where's the proof?
02:11 And honestly, right now headquarters has got bigger fish to fry.
02:14 Who's Casimir Shaw?
02:17 Chicago papers are full of him. A big time rum runner.
02:20 This is a transcript of an interview done with Clayton Pike's mother.
02:24 Buried in there is an alibi for him. Now why hasn't that seen the light of day?
02:28 The investigators considered this, but then Pike confessed.
02:32 Besides, it's from his mother. And they were worried that she didn't have all her faculties.
02:37 Still, it may be worth looking into.
02:47 Well, if someone were interested, she lives in Union City.
02:53 Where are all the bids for the resort?
03:02 It doesn't help that someone's spreading slander about it.
03:05 We have to put a stop to these rumors.
03:08 No, the rumors are like mushrooms. You think you got them all ferreted out and then they just pop up somewhere else.
03:14 Montague might still be interested. And there is the bid from Ms. O'Quinn, her associate. I mean, it is quite substantial.
03:21 Edwin, as I have already stated, those two bids are off the table.
03:25 Might I remind you that this resort is the centerpiece of your grand vision? You've promised prosperity and jobs.
03:31 And I am committed to fulfilling that promise. Just not with either of them.
03:35 I understand your aversion to Montague. I share it.
03:39 Why is it you are so against Jeanette O'Quinn? I mean, other than your personal relationship.
03:44 You're just gonna have to trust me when I say we do not want to get into business with her.
03:48 Even if it means the resort doesn't happen?
03:51 That's not an option either.
03:57 Do you think Daddy can see us, Mama?
04:08 I like to think he's always watching over us, Jack.
04:12 Me too.
04:14 How do we make it so the balloons don't float away?
04:25 That's a very good question. Maybe you could find a rock somewhere to tie them to.
04:29 Okay.
04:30 Okay.
04:35 He's really been looking forward to your birthday. It's all he's talked about for days.
04:40 You'd be so proud of him. Our boys growing up.
04:44 Who are you?
04:50 Tom!
04:53 Hello, Elizabeth.
04:56 I'm sorry.
04:58 I'm sorry I didn't come to see you.
05:01 I'm sorry I didn't come to see you either.
05:04 I'm sorry I didn't come to see you, either.
05:07 I'm sorry I didn't come to see you.
05:10 I'm sorry I didn't come to see you.
05:13 I'm sorry I didn't come to see you either.
05:16 I'm sorry I didn't come to see you.
05:19 I'm sorry I didn't come to see you either.
05:22 I'm sorry I didn't come to see you either.
05:25 Oh, here, let me take these. It's so good to see you.
05:33 You too.
05:35 Oh, here, Jack. Come meet your uncle.
05:38 It's nice to finally meet you, Jack.
05:42 Jack, this is your Uncle Tommy, your daddy's brother.
05:45 Nice to meet you.
05:47 You too.
05:50 You look so much like your dad when he was your age.
05:52 How do you know?
05:54 Because we grew up together.
05:57 So this is it.
06:01 I'm so glad you were finally able to visit.
06:04 It's Daddy's birthday.
06:08 I know.
06:10 Jack, why don't we give your Uncle Tommy a moment?
06:17 You and I can tie these balloons to your rock, okay?
06:20 [♪♪♪]
06:24 [♪♪♪]
06:28 [♪♪♪]
06:31 [♪♪♪]
06:42 [♪♪♪]
06:55 [♪♪♪]
06:58 Hey, baby.
07:03 Jacob hasn't responded to your letter.
07:08 No, he has not.
07:10 You did the right thing.
07:13 It would be wonderful if you two started speaking again after all these years.
07:17 Would be, if he bothered to write back.
07:20 In this letter, did you apologize?
07:23 No, but I left the door open. No reply.
07:27 Give it time. He may surprise you.
07:30 Not gonna hold my breath.
07:32 That's for you.
07:34 Thank you.
07:36 Sorry I didn't call first.
07:40 Oh, that's all right. School's out, I got plenty of time.
07:43 Just wish we could have convinced you to stay with us.
07:45 Thanks, Elizabeth. I've already checked in the hotel with all my wares.
07:48 Got myself a real job. Kind of a salesman these days.
07:52 What do you sell?
07:53 Happiness.
07:54 Oh, my.
07:56 That's what they tell us to say. It's actually sheet music.
07:59 I play songs for people, and if they like it, I sell them the music.
08:02 I'm actually pretty good at it.
08:04 Jack always said you had a lovely voice.
08:06 When I wasn't wasting it singing in bar rooms.
08:09 Or, I mean, the bathtub.
08:11 It all sounds very exciting.
08:14 J.B. Sweeney Publishing and Musical Promotions is quite the place to be.
08:18 New York, San Francisco, Hamilton. Very impressive.
08:22 Yeah, Mr. Sweeney is the best.
08:24 I actually help him scout new acts.
08:26 I've been signing up some local choirs for a festival in Salt Lake City.
08:29 Oh, is that right?
08:31 I can go on myself, Mommy.
08:33 I know that you can. Go on in, have fun with your friends.
08:36 I'll see you at lunch.
08:38 Bye.
08:41 So, I read about the governor and you breaking up.
08:47 Yes. Big news.
08:49 We're friends. I'm really happy with how my life is now.
08:53 I'm glad.
08:54 Is that Nurse Carter? She's still here.
09:01 Well, she's a doctor now.
09:04 I guess I shouldn't be too surprised.
09:06 She took good care of me after...
09:08 After you took my father's car on a joyride with my sister?
09:12 Yeah, I was kind of hoping you'd forgot about that.
09:16 You know, Jack may never have told you this, but he always knew you'd find your way.
09:20 And when you did, the sky would be the limit.
09:23 He believed in you. I believe in you.
09:27 And I'm really glad you're here.
09:30 When did this happen?
09:37 It's been in the works for a while.
09:39 They say you can't stop progress.
09:41 I like it. You know, it rolls off the tongue.
09:45 They're not changing the uniforms, are they?
09:47 Over my dead body.
09:49 Tom Thornton!
10:08 Rosemary. Hi.
10:11 Hey, man. When did you roll into town?
10:14 I just got here.
10:15 He was in the area at today's Jack's birthday.
10:17 Of course it is.
10:19 And I had no idea you were such a good singer.
10:21 Oh, he is. Of course, I was always more of a soloist, but growing up, Tom preferred duets, particularly with a Mary Winfield, as I recall.
10:31 Amongst others.
10:32 Lucas, come say hi to Tom.
10:35 This is Jack Thornton's little brother. Tom, this is Governor Lucas Bouchard.
10:39 Governor. Pleasure.
10:41 The pleasure's all mine. Your brother's quite the legend around here.
10:44 Yeah, I'd imagine.
10:46 So, what brings you to town?
10:48 Well, Tom is working for a big fancy music publisher, selling sheet music.
10:53 Oh, you don't say. Hey, you wouldn't happen to have a copy of "When Irish Eyes Are Smiling," would you?
10:58 Oh, that's one of Lee's favorites.
11:01 Yes, it is. I'm putting it in your hands every time you sing it to me.
11:04 Well, then by all means, we should get a copy.
11:07 I think I might have one.
11:08 Excellent.
11:09 You weren't kidding when you said you sold happiness.
11:13 There you go. Good luck.
11:18 Thank you.
11:19 Well, don't forget to meet Lucas.
11:21 By the sea, by the sea, by the beautiful sea, you and I, you and I, oh how happy we'll be.
11:34 Thought I heard music. I didn't know Hope Valley was such a hotbed of talent.
11:38 Aren't they great? Girls, this is Mr. Thornton, it's little Jack's uncle. And he also works in the music business.
11:44 As a matter of fact, I'm scouting choirs for a festival in Salt Lake City.
11:48 We have a choir. My mother's the director.
11:50 Is that right? You didn't mention this.
11:53 You should scout us.
11:55 Well, well.
11:57 Oh, Scout must have thought you were calling him.
12:00 Oh, Dad, guess what? Mr. Thornton's a musical talent scout.
12:04 Thornton?
12:06 Tom is Jack's brother. Tom, this is Nathan Grant.
12:11 Pleased to meet you, Constable.
12:13 Same.
12:15 He's going to scout the choir.
12:16 Oh, girls, Mr. Thornton did not say that.
12:18 Angela, let's go tell your mom.
12:20 Did you know Jack well?
12:26 No, I never met him. I was assigned here after he passed.
12:32 And Hope Valley has been lucky to have you here.
12:35 Uncle Tom, race you?
12:38 Ready, set.
12:40 Hey, no fair!
12:43 Go get him!
12:44 Come on, Jack, I'm going to beat you. I heard you were fast.
12:48 He seems like a nice guy.
12:52 He is. He's here because today is Jack's birthday.
12:57 Oh. Elizabeth, I'm sorry.
13:01 It's all right. Tom surprised us. This is the first time he's visited Jack's grave.
13:07 Really?
13:09 I think it's complicated for him. He and Jack didn't always see eye to eye.
13:14 Tom had some run-ins with the law when he was younger, so I think maybe he feels like he's still in Jack's shadow.
13:21 Well, I can sympathize with that.
13:23 I don't think of you as being in anyone's shadow.
13:30 Really?
13:34 I should, um, I should go catch up with Tom and little Jack.
13:43 Yeah, um, I'll see you later then.
13:48 I'll see you later then.
13:49 Hope so.
13:51 That stinks.
14:11 Oh, I know, sweet pea.
14:13 Hmm.
14:15 There we are.
14:19 Grandma always kisses. Always better.
14:23 There you go.
14:26 While you're here, why don't we check to make sure everything else is okay?
14:32 Turn your head to the side.
14:34 Everything looks pretty good in there.
14:39 Except, wait, Lily, your brain. It's huge!
14:46 I don't believe you.
14:49 I am not kidding. I have no idea how you fit it all in there.
14:53 Okay, now listen to my heart.
15:02 Wait a minute. Where is my...
15:08 You! You stole my stethoscope!
15:13 Do you know what the penalty is for crime in Hope Valley?
15:16 Twenty tickles!
15:19 Tom?
15:26 I wasn't sure you'd remember me, Faith.
15:28 Of course I do. It is so good to see you.
15:32 You too.
15:33 And who's this?
15:35 I'm Lily.
15:37 Nice to meet you, Lily. Figures you'd make a great mom.
15:41 Oh, no, I... Lily is not my...
15:44 She's staying with me for the time being.
15:48 How long are you in town?
15:50 Only a few days. Maybe we catch up before I leave.
15:53 How about lunch?
15:55 Lunch it is. Maybe you could come too, Lily?
15:58 Sure!
16:00 Great.
16:01 The cafe, one o'clock?
16:04 See you there.
16:05 Bye.
16:07 Bye.
16:08 Hey, you wanted to see me?
16:17 Yes. I, um... I might need your help.
16:21 Sure, anything. You know that.
16:23 We need more bidders for the resort.
16:26 Okay, um... So how many you got?
16:30 Yikes.
16:34 Okay, um... Well, what about the big developers?
16:38 I mean, with the water project, I must have had a half a dozen that contacted me for a lumber bid. Did you try them?
16:43 We have. And they all declined.
16:45 Declined? Really?
16:48 We need someone, anyone to build.
16:53 You know the business. I was hoping you might help me scare up some bidders.
16:57 I can certainly try. Sure, yeah. I'll start asking around today.
17:01 Thank you, Lily.
17:03 Of course. Yeah.
17:04 Oh, and one more favor.
17:06 Stop. I don't tell Rosemary everything.
17:09 Thank you.
17:10 Quick lunch and then right back to daycare, right?
17:18 I love it when we have lunch together.
17:21 Well, you can thank Mr. Thornton.
17:23 Thank you, Mr. Thornton.
17:26 Hello, Faith. Lily, glad you could both make it. Please.
17:30 Ah, right over here.
17:33 There you go.
17:34 Now here, the special today is hot turkey sandwiches.
17:38 Yummy.
17:39 Coffee, Faith?
17:41 Please.
17:42 Minnie? What's going on?
17:49 Hmm? Nothing. More coffee?
17:53 I'm fine, thanks.
17:54 Is something...
17:59 I'm Minnie Canfield, the director of the Hope Valley Choir.
18:02 I met your lovely daughter today.
18:04 Yes, I heard. Angela mentioned something about a choir festival in Salt Lake City, and some choir members and I were wondering if you'd let us audition for you.
18:13 Yes, we should, absolutely.
18:16 Mrs. Canfield.
18:17 Oh, Minnie, please.
18:19 Minnie, I'm so sorry, but the festival's only a couple weeks away.
18:21 Oh, but you haven't heard of us.
18:23 We're really very accomplished.
18:24 Everyone says so.
18:26 Thanks to our wonderful director.
18:28 It's all of us together. Everyone's worked so hard.
18:31 It does sound awfully exciting.
18:34 Look, there is one spot left.
18:38 And I do have a call with my boss tonight. If you really are that good...
18:42 Oh, we are, truly. We'd be so grateful for a chance to try out.
18:46 Maybe you could audition for him over the telephone.
18:48 But please, don't get your hopes up. Mr. Sweeney has very high standards.
18:53 Of course.
18:54 As do we.
18:55 Oh, indeed.
18:56 Oh, come on, Lawrence. This is a good deal.
19:01 The government donates the land, you put up the resort, then you sit back and you reap the profits.
19:06 Well, I'm sorry to hear that.
19:11 Is there anybody else that you could recommend?
19:13 No, no, no, no, we already tried them.
19:18 Yeah, I know, I know. I appreciate that.
19:21 Um, okay. Well, thanks for taking my call.
19:25 Yeah, bye.
19:27 Who's ever heard of an emergency choir meeting?
19:34 Minnie said something about a festival in Salt Lake City, of all places.
19:38 Oh, Tom.
19:39 Tom is involved?
19:40 Let's hope he knows what he's doing.
19:42 Give him his history.
19:43 We'll give him the benefit of the doubt.
19:45 Maybe he'll surprise us.
19:48 We can't be ready to audition by tonight.
19:51 Or maybe ever.
19:52 I need something to wear.
19:53 It's over the telephone.
19:54 There's no time to rehearse and we're short a tenor.
19:57 Well, we'll perform one of our favorite standbys.
20:00 And the tenors will just have to sing louder.
20:03 Yes, Rosemary, Elizabeth, what do you think of auditioning?
20:06 I take it you've spoken with Tom?
20:09 Oh, of course. We'll be singing for his boss over the telephone tonight.
20:12 Tonight?
20:13 Imagine taking the stage in Salt Lake City.
20:17 Why rehearse twice a week if we're not willing to shine our light?
20:20 But we all have to agree.
20:22 Can I see a show of hands?
20:24 Well, Elizabeth, Rosemary?
20:40 Salt Lake City, here we come!
20:46 [applause]
20:50 Wonderful.
20:51 [music]
20:55 [singing]
21:19 [chatter]
21:22 Mr. Sweeney, what did you think?
21:25 That's what I think, too. There's something special.
21:29 Yes, sir.
21:32 I'll get right on it.
21:34 So long.
21:36 You're in.
21:41 [cheering]
21:43 Oh, my goodness.
21:44 I can't believe it.
21:45 So proud of you.
21:47 I'm proud of all of us.
21:48 Oh, so what happens next?
21:49 First I take down your names, and then I collect the entry fee. $65.
21:53 $5 each.
21:56 Oh.
21:58 Do we have to pay for the train on top of that?
22:00 Look, I know this is a lot of money. There's no pressure to sign up at all.
22:03 But J.B. Sweeney wants us!
22:06 We may never get another chance like this again.
22:10 Still, it's $5.
22:12 There are prizes. $300 if you win.
22:16 When you put it that way.
22:18 Tomorrow is the deadline, though, so if you want to do this, you'll have to act fast.
22:22 I'll have to borrow some from my brother.
22:24 Florence and I can lend the money to anyone who's short.
22:27 Oh, that's so kind.
22:28 Looks like we're going to Salt Lake City!
22:31 Great.
22:36 Oh, yeah.
22:37 Well, what do you think?
22:41 He does have business cards.
22:42 So what's the bet?
22:43 I don't know. You're the performer.
22:45 Maybe you're right.
22:46 Maybe the Tom we once knew is the Tom of old.
22:48 Time to take a leap of faith.
22:50 All the way to Salt Lake City.
22:52 Exciting, isn't it?
22:55 Well, it certainly is.
22:56 It's one of the biggest festivals in the country!
23:04 And Mr. Thorne's boss thinks we're good enough to compete!
23:07 Wow, that's very exciting. Salt Lake City.
23:12 Um, tell me more about this Mr. Sweeney.
23:15 Also, I need five dollars.
23:17 How much?
23:20 The entry fee for the festival. Everyone is pitching in.
23:23 Allie, hold on.
23:25 Dad, this can't wait!
23:26 Five dollars is a lot of money.
23:28 Mr. Thornton, Tom, he needs to get the money to Mr. Sweeney by tomorrow.
23:35 Who is this Mr. Sweeney?
23:40 He's this big music promoter.
23:42 I told you we had to audition for him and he's really good.
23:47 And if you don't believe me, ask the choir.
23:52 They're meeting tomorrow.
23:54 Mayor Coulter?
24:06 Hey.
24:08 Okay, what have you got for me?
24:09 Any bids?
24:10 Well, I don't know what to tell you, Lucas.
24:12 I just talked to three different guys who would normally jump at this kind of an opportunity.
24:16 And sadly, no takers.
24:19 I see.
24:21 Did they give any particular reason?
24:23 No, no. In fact, they were all very vague.
24:26 You know, I've been thinking.
24:30 What about a local bid?
24:32 Hmm, local.
24:35 Well, the only people with the resources to make a local bid would be you, me, or Henry.
24:41 And unfortunately, we all have conflict of interest issues.
24:44 I'm the mayor, you're the governor, and Henry works for you.
24:47 Well, I'll just have to think of something.
24:52 I'm sure you will.
24:54 And that is all but one of us paid up.
25:03 We are just waiting on... Oh, here's Nathan now.
25:07 Uh, so Allie says that this choir festival costs money.
25:11 Yes, it's five dollars each.
25:12 Why the rush?
25:14 Well, there's only one slot left, and Tom needs the money today.
25:17 There'll be travel expenses on top of this, though.
25:19 Train fare, accommodations.
25:21 Well, we can ask the other towns how they're raising funds.
25:24 Maybe a bake sale.
25:25 Or a churchyard fair.
25:27 Or something at the school.
25:29 Elizabeth?
25:32 I have to say, I agree with Nathan's concern about how quickly we're being asked to decide.
25:37 Well, Tom says things move fast in his business.
25:40 And we have to wire the money by four.
25:42 Okay.
25:46 Here you go.
25:48 Thank you.
25:49 Thank you.
25:50 I still have some questions.
25:53 Then let's go find Tom.
25:55 Yeah.
25:58 Oh.
25:59 You said Tom had history.
26:05 Yeah, but that was a long time ago.
26:07 Well, maybe I'm overthinking things.
26:10 But it is my job to overthink things.
26:12 He would never do something underhanded.
26:15 Though he did get in over his head sometimes.
26:18 Well, maybe we could just go ask for some assurances.
26:22 Okay, but can you just try not to be such a bounty just this once?
26:28 There you are. Thank you so much. Enjoy.
26:37 Hi.
26:40 Hi. Everything okay?
26:42 We just have some questions about the festival.
26:45 Oh. I thought I'd explained everything already.
26:48 Ali keeps talking about a Mr. Sweeney.
26:51 Who is that?
26:52 Oh, he's a big impresario. Everybody wants to work with him.
26:55 How long have you worked for him?
26:58 A few months.
27:00 What are you really asking?
27:04 Tom.
27:06 Once a screw-up, always a screw-up, right?
27:11 No. I wasn't assuming.
27:13 Look, your choir approached me. They wanted me to sign them up.
27:17 That's true. You're absolutely right.
27:20 I swear everything's on the level.
27:22 Elizabeth, you gotta know I would never do anything to put you at risk.
27:26 I know.
27:28 I'll take your word for it.
27:33 Ned should have the money all together for you.
27:36 Okay.
27:38 I'll let Mr. Sweeney know it's on its way.
27:42 Well, I hope the trip to Union City is worth it.
27:44 Do you really think you're going to get anything out of Pike's mother that isn't already in that report?
27:49 Well, I won't know unless I ask her.
27:52 Now, Lee. Don't be late picking up Goldie from daycare.
27:57 Rosie, Goldie's going to be just fine.
27:59 It's just a matter of time before she gets back.
28:02 I'm sure she'll be fine.
28:04 I'm sure she'll be fine.
28:06 I'm sure she'll be fine.
28:09 Goldie's going to be just fine.
28:10 It's just it's the first time I've ever not been in the same town as her.
28:14 Wasn't it you who about an hour ago was trying to convince me that this was nothing?
28:18 True.
28:20 I suppose I should take my own advice.
28:24 Well, if there's one thing I've learned in my eight years of marriage to you, it's that it's usually spot on.
28:29 Usually?
28:31 Yeah, usually. And you're lucky to get that.
28:33 Well, here it is.
28:38 Be sure to give Goldie an extra hug and a kiss from me, please.
28:41 Be back in no time and you can hug her yourself, okay?
28:44 Hold on there.
28:46 Bill, what are you doing?
28:48 What does it look like? I'm going with you to meet Mrs. Pike.
28:50 But I'm right here.
28:52 Hazel Pike?
28:54 That's me.
28:56 What are you doing here?
28:58 A lady reporter invited me.
29:00 She's going to prove that my son Clayton is innocent.
29:06 Oh. Well, uh, Mrs. Pike?
29:08 Mm-hmm?
29:10 Meet Lady Reporter.
29:12 Take this.
29:14 Rosemary Coulter. At your service.
29:18 Oh.
29:20 Mrs. Pike, I'm sorry if there was any confusion. Here, have a seat.
29:29 But when we spoke on the telephone, I did say that I was coming to visit you.
29:35 Oh, dear. I knew I should have written it down.
29:37 My memory's not like it used to be. Not that it was ever very good.
29:41 Well, you are here now. That's all that matters.
29:45 When someone says they're ready to listen to me, someone from the press, no less.
29:50 Are you from the press, too?
29:53 No. No, I am just an interested party.
29:59 Oh.
30:02 Good for you, dear. It's rare to see a woman in charge.
30:05 Now, in your statement you gave the police, you said you could prove Mr. Pike didn't shoot the governor.
30:14 Clayton. Why won't anyone call him by his name?
30:18 Of course I'm sorry. Clayton.
30:21 He was my miracle baby, you know.
30:23 They told me I would never be able to have children.
30:26 But then, along came my Clayton.
30:30 My husband and I just had a miracle baby of our own.
30:33 Oh, congratulations.
30:35 Then you can understand how precious he is to me.
30:39 I can.
30:41 So, you believe he couldn't do it, or you know?
30:45 It couldn't have been him. He was with me the night of the election.
30:49 I'd had a bad fall. It was my hip. He was by my side every day.
30:54 Then why would he confess?
30:58 The Mounties must have forced him to.
31:00 They needed somebody to blame.
31:02 And Clayton is a gentle soul. He writes poetry.
31:06 No, it's not common, but there is precedent.
31:16 The grain shortage of '05, the rebuilding of Central Station in Union City.
31:20 Henry, listen to this.
31:23 The Governor's office has access to an emergency fund.
31:25 A large sum of money, if we're unable to secure a viable bid for the resort.
31:29 You're suggesting that Lucas use public funds? That the government build it?
31:34 That's right.
31:36 It would be a temporary loan.
31:38 Since when did your administration decide it was going to get into the hotel business?
31:41 I mean, this thing could easily turn into a white elephant, and then the taxpayers are going to be on the hook.
31:46 Edwin, would you give us a minute, please?
31:52 Edwin.
31:53 Thank you.
32:02 Look, Lucas, I know that you're a gambler, but is this a bet you want to make?
32:11 It would only be temporary. And just enough to get the ball rolling.
32:14 What if you never find anybody to take it over?
32:17 Who's going to pay for it?
32:20 Henry, you and I both know that times are changing.
32:22 I just want to provide a secure future for Hope Valley. I don't want to see it being left behind.
32:28 If you can think of a better way to do that, I'm all ears.
32:34 Well, perhaps the move here is to walk away.
32:36 How does your son feel about the Governor?
32:49 As far as I know, he voted for him.
32:50 Well, that's interesting.
32:53 Mrs. Pike, I hope you don't mind me asking, but your hip seems all better.
33:00 A generous friend of Clayton's paid for the surgery. We could have never afforded it otherwise.
33:05 That's quite the friend.
33:07 Clayton met him at Mass, praying for a cure for me. It's a God-given miracle.
33:13 And when did this "friend" donate the money?
33:17 It was a week before Clayton was arrested. We barely got to celebrate.
33:21 Mrs. Pike, Hazel.
33:25 Oh.
33:27 Has your son ever done any after-hours work for his employer Bernhard Montague?
33:31 Oh, no. No, Clayton's just a shift worker. He's never worked with him directly.
33:36 Although, it was the nicest thing. When I was in the hospital, Mr. Montague sent flowers.
33:45 You don't say.
33:47 I put you through, Tom.
33:54 Thank you.
33:56 Hello, Mr. Sweeney, please.
34:03 Yes, I'll hold.
34:08 Are you nervous?
34:14 About what?
34:15 Singing in Salt Lake City.
34:17 You were the one who wanted to...
34:19 I know, I know.
34:21 Oh, but now that it's actually happening...
34:24 I mean, are we really ready to compete in a big festival?
34:28 Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer, do.
34:36 I'm half crazy all for the love of you.
34:42 It's gonna be a stylish marriage. I can't afford a carriage.
34:46 But you'll be sweet upon the seat of a bicycle built for two.
34:51 Ready or not...
34:54 Here we come.
34:56 That can't be right. I just spoke with him yesterday.
34:59 No, please. This must be some misunderstanding.
35:03 No, don't hang up.
35:06 Everything alright?
35:18 Yeah, fine. Did you happen to wire that money to Mr. Sweeney?
35:23 Sixty-five dollars, just like you told me.
35:25 Did he not get it?
35:27 No, he just wasn't in his office, so I just wanted to make sure.
35:30 Thank you. Goodnight.
35:32 Goodnight.
35:35 Oh, such a nice young man.
35:38 So then Mrs. Pike says...
35:51 Hazel.
35:53 Hazel. That she got this money for her surgery right before Pike confessed.
35:56 Clayton. But yes, exactly.
35:58 So you think Pike, Clayton, was paid to take the fall?
36:03 How do we know with deep pockets that has a grudge against Lucas?
36:05 Not to mention the not so insignificant detail that Clayton was employed by Montague.
36:09 It's Montague. It's all right there.
36:11 He even sent flowers to Clayton's mother. How did he know what hospital she was at?
36:15 Unless he paid for the surgery.
36:17 What do you make of her?
36:21 She's quirky.
36:23 But honest. I believe her.
36:25 Is she still here?
36:27 No, she had to go home to feed the cats.
36:29 We gotta talk to Pike.
36:32 I need her answer to Granville this week.
36:33 Maybe I can call in a favor.
36:35 Get him rerouted here for the night.
36:37 Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer do.
36:47 I'm half crazy all for the love of you.
36:51 It won't be a stylish marriage. I can't afford a carriage.
36:55 But you'll look sweet upon the seat of a bicycle built for two.
37:01 That's lovely. I wonder if there's a duet section to the festival.
37:04 Oh, you two have to enter.
37:06 Oh.
37:08 Well, we might just.
37:10 Thank you so much again for advancing me the money.
37:14 What a friend's four.
37:16 Tom seems to be running behind. He did say to meet him here, didn't he?
37:19 Yeah, he said he'd bring our itineraries and the program for the festival.
37:22 You sure he didn't say to meet him at the hotel?
37:25 You know what? I will go see what's keeping him.
37:29 [laughs]
37:30 I'm pretty sure he said here.
37:33 Mike, have you seen Tom anywhere?
37:42 He checked out 30 minutes ago.
37:44 He did?
37:46 Some urgent business in Union City. He wanted to catch the midday train.
37:49 Oh, no.
37:52 [footsteps]
37:54 Nathan!
38:05 What's wrong?
38:07 It's Tom. He's gone. We were supposed to meet this morning about the festival, but Mike said he already left for the train station.
38:12 Get on.
38:20 Hold on.
38:21 I just got word that Benson Hills Oil Company plans to file for bankruptcy.
38:40 What?
38:42 That's hundreds of jobs.
38:47 It's all the more imperative that that resort gets built. I mean, the unemployed are not going to vote for you.
38:50 Edwin, this is not about getting people to vote for me. This is about families not being able to afford to put food on the table.
38:58 We both agree that this resort needs to happen. Now, if you're not willing to consider the Aquapit, then there is only one other person that you can reconsider.
39:05 No.
39:07 Lucas?
39:10 You know he can get the job done.
39:16 [sigh]
39:17 We're out of options.
39:21 I'm sorry.
39:26 [door slams]
39:42 [door slams]
39:43 Lawrence, I need to make a call to Union City Holdings Company for Bernhard Montague.
40:09 [phone ringing]
40:10 There must be some kind of explanation. I can't believe he would do this.
40:23 It's because he didn't.
40:26 Tom!
40:36 I already bought my ticket. I was all ready to board.
40:39 So what stopped you?
40:41 All I ever wanted was rejected. Proud of me.
40:45 Why don't you tell us what happened?
40:46 Sweeney took off with all the money I'd been sending him. No forwarding address.
40:50 All that talk about me having a bright future. Maybe he just recognized the mark. I don't know.
40:56 He was a con man.
40:58 And he's turned me into one too.
41:02 And the money from the other towns?
41:04 All those choirs. I don't know how to tell them it's all gone.
41:10 You did the right thing by not running away.
41:13 If Jack were here, he'd tell me what to do next.
41:17 Well, we're here. And we're going to find a way out of this.
41:22 Find a way out of this.
41:24 [Music]
41:27 [Music]
41:30 [Music]
41:32 [Music]
41:58 you