• 4 months ago
(Adnkronos) - “Il nostro impegno all’interno di questo progetto è quello di supportare questa organizzazione con la struttura della Cittadella dello sport che sta nascendo a Tortona che sarà un contenitore per i contenuti di questa community e anche per organizzare grandi eventi.”. Lo ha dichiarato Ferencz Bartocci, CEO di Gestione Cittadella, la società del Gruppo Gavio specializzata nella gestione di impianti sportivi ed eventi, in occasione della presentazione dell’Accademia dei Campioni promossa dall'Osservatorio Nazionale Bullismo e Disagio Giovanile.


00:00The Academy of Champions is the desire to bring together champions of sport, but also of culture, of show, of music, in front of a camera to tell their experiences, their fragility, to a young world that can then transfer these concepts and this way of approaching life to their peers.
00:28So a peer-to-peer project that will start with the involvement of 100,000 students initially, but that we want to spread more and more.
00:36Our commitment is to support this organization, both with a structure, which is the Citadella dello Sport that is being born in Tortona, a container to carry out all the contents of this community and also to organize great events and above all the possibility of showing it to other large companies so that this system can be replicated in the various sustainability projects.
