Presse monde - 18/06/2024

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MEDI1TV Afrique : Presse monde - 18/06/2024


00:00Good morning, welcome to Median TV, we meet again for the international press conference.
00:11And we start this little tour of the world with the Burkina Faso where strange events
00:15question the fate of President Ibrahim Traoré, world title.
00:19The French daily wonders if the regime of Captain Traoré would not be fading.
00:24Since the explosion of a rocket last Wednesday on board the presidency
00:28located in the city center of Ouagadougou, rumors of a growing contest
00:32within the army against the president of the transition persist, we can read.
00:36Minimized and described as simple shooting incidents, this attack created a brief panic
00:43since for 48 hours no news of Ibrahim Traoré, which has fueled many rumors
00:49of the capital's exfiltration after an attempt to putsch.
00:53He finally appeared last Friday giving his blood.
00:56However, netizens doubt the authenticity of the latest appearances
01:00which they consider as trafficked to reassure the country.
01:04However, the existence of a growing front within the army against Captain Traoré
01:08is not to be neglected following the attack perpetrated on June 11
01:12against the military camp of Mansila in the northeast of the country
01:15with 107 soldiers killed in this attack claimed by the group of support to Islam
01:20and Muslims affiliated to Al-Qaeda.
01:24In Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu decided to dissolve the war cabinet
01:29more than a week after the resignation of Benny Gantz.
01:32The Guardian analyzes the dissolution of the first Israeli by a will
01:37on his part to tighten his grip on the decisions concerning his war against Hamas and Hezbollah.
01:43The dissolution of the war cabinet has been confirmed by Israeli officials
01:47in a context of growing discontent with the conduct of the war in Gaza
01:51and the call of anti-government groups to a week of daily demonstrations
01:56explains the English daily.
01:58After the departure of Benny Gantz from the government, the cabinet did not remain.
02:02These functions will be resumed by the security cabinet
02:05and even declared the spokesman of the head of the government, David Manser,
02:09to justify this decision.
02:11Only a small committee of ministers defined by Netanyahu
02:14will pursue consultations on the war in the Gaza Strip.
02:17These dissolutions probably have no significant impact on the conflict
02:21but the political ramifications could be more important,
02:24says the Guardian.
02:28Corey de la Serra, on the other hand,
02:30comes back on the terrible shipwreck of a Ionian sea boat
02:33south of Italy, having made many victims.
02:36The news is given by the NGO Reschip on its social networks.
02:39The ship Nadir managed to put 51 people on board
02:43but for 10 others, the rescues arrived too late.
02:4610 dead were found in the hull of a wooden boat,
02:49explains the Italian newspaper.
02:51There were 61 migrants on board, explains the NGO Reschip.
02:5451 were evacuated, including 2 unconscious.
02:5710 others were found lifeless on the lower deck of the ship.
03:01The rescues arrived too late.
03:03The NGO team also intervened with an ax
03:05to break the hull and penetrate inside the ship
03:08in order to minimize human damage.
03:10A second rescue operation took place offshore of Rochella Jonica
03:14following the shipwreck of a sailor with migrants on board,
03:17probably from Turkey.
03:19Among them were Afghans, Iranians and Iraqi Kurds.
03:23According to the first testimonies of the rescued people,
03:26about 50 of their companions died
03:30on the boat they were traveling on in Chavire, including 26 children.
03:34Research in the area is currently underway
03:37with the help of coast guards and Frontex.
03:41In sport, the Belgian press is still not giving up
03:45on the failed start of its selection
03:47in the European Football Championship in Germany.
03:50The Diablos Rouges fought against the Slovak wall
03:53at the start of the last hour
03:55to qualify for this inexplicable comeback
03:57which does not hesitate to go around the international media
04:00to criticize the performances of the men of Domenico Tedesco.
04:03However, announced as a favorite of Group E,
04:06the Belgian team was beaten on the smallest step
04:09by Slovakia last night in Frankfurt
04:11with two goals rejected by Romelu Lukaku,
04:14one for offside and the other for a hand from the passer Olojs Openda.
04:18Coups de théâtre, maladroit, malheureux, grossière erreur, cauchemar
04:22are the words that come back the most
04:24to talk about the performance of the Diablos Rouges
04:26from the four corners of Europe.
04:28On the other hand, the Slovak press rejoices
04:30and even affirms its astonishment at the final result
04:33that it even considers as the biggest surprise of the tournament.
04:36Since the start of this competition in Germany,
04:39the Belgian team will absolutely have to win their match against Romania
04:42this Saturday to hope to continue its European adventure
04:45and avoid elimination from the group stage
04:48as it had already happened to them
04:50during the World Cup 2022 in Qatar.
04:55This is the end of this international press review.
04:57Thank you all for following it.
04:59The news continues on Mediantv.