Presse monde - 11/07/2024

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MEDI1TV Afrique : Presse monde - 11/07/2024


00:00Good morning, welcome to Mediain TV, here is your international press report.
00:09The silence of Emmanuel Macron is finally broken, silent since the results of the legislative
00:15On Sunday evening, the French president finally addressed his compatriots.
00:18This morning, without any statement, on Sunday evening, the Elysée had made it clear that
00:22the heads of state were going to wait for the structuring of the new National Assembly
00:26to take the necessary decisions and respect the sovereign choice of the French.
00:30In a letter sent to the daily regional press, Emmanuel Macron called on the Republican
00:34forces to build a solid majority, the one that is recognized in the Republican institutions
00:40the rule of law, parliamentarism, a European orientation and the defense of French independence.
00:45For this, he leaves a little time to the political forces to build these compromises with serenity
00:51and respect for each.
00:52Of which some can inherit the left, which does not understand his refusal to accept the resignation
00:57of his Prime Minister Gabriel Attal, while the new Popular Front accuses the president
01:01of not respecting the vote of the French, with his missive published just before his
01:05arrival in Washington on the occasion of a summit of NATO, Emmanuel Macron, in time
01:10comforted, a position of surplus, ensuring, incidentally, that no one won it at the end
01:15of the scrutiny.
01:17We stay in the American capital, Washington, with the 75th summit of NATO, which continues
01:23today, which strengthens its support for Ukraine.
01:26The United States and their allies of the Organization of the North Atlantic Treaty have agreed that
01:31Ukraine must follow an irreversible path towards adhesion, reports the New York Times,
01:35by writing this sentence in a document published on Wednesday at the summit of the alliance
01:41in Washington.
01:42Although there is no consensus yet on the adhesion of Ukraine to NATO, the reinforcement
01:46of the formulation shows that there is a movement in this direction, observes by the way the
01:50daily American, several NATO countries have announced that they have begun to transfer
01:55F-16 combat aircraft to Ukraine and anti-aircraft defense batteries to repel the Russian assaults.
02:01We reaffirm that we will be in a position to address an invitation to Ukraine to join
02:05the alliance when the allies will agree and the conditions met, reports the
02:10joint statement, which has not yet been adopted by the leaders of NATO.
02:15The Superior Court of Justice of Ontario authorizes a collective appeal against the government
02:21in connection with the incarceration of migrants for administrative reasons, reports Radio-Canada.
02:26The collective action represents 8,360 people who have been detained in 87 provincial or
02:32territorial prisons by the Canada Border Service Agency between 2016 and 2023.
02:37In his decision made at the end of last week, the court rejected each of the 15 objections
02:42raised by the lawyers of the Canadian government who tried to stop this appeal, the foreign
02:46resources and permanent residents who are detained by the SFC by law on immigration
02:52and the protection of refugees are not accused of crime, which has led to this collective
02:56action of former detainees.
02:58One of them, detained for escape risks but not considered as a danger, also
03:03deplored the conditions of detention, even describing his life in prison as hell, where
03:07he cried almost every night.
03:09Since 2022, most provinces have withdrawn from their agreements to detain foreign
03:15resources, some claiming that the practice is contrary to Canada's obligations in
03:21terms of human rights, concludes the Canadian media.
03:24In a context of tension between Taipei and Beijing, Taiwan detects 66 Chinese military
03:32aircraft around the island in the last 24 hours.
03:34Taiwan News takes up the statements of the Ministry of Defense, which reported an increase
03:39in activity of the Chinese Air Force, claiming on Thursday to have detected 66 military aircraft
03:44operating around the island in the space of 24 hours after the passage of a Chinese aircraft
03:48carrier south of Taiwan on its way to exercises in the Pacific, the information portal indicates.
03:53Taiwan, which China considers as its own territory, has been full of Chinese military
03:58aircraft over the past four years, while Beijing seeks to exert pressure on the democratically
04:03governed island, explains the Daily, which specifies that the Chinese Ministry of Defense
04:08has not responded to requests for comment on the activities of the Shandong, a Chinese
04:12province in the east of the country.
04:14Finally, a word of sport, England has turned the tide against the Netherlands to qualify
04:20for the final of the European Football Championship in Germany, reports The Guardian this morning.
04:26The Daily even focuses on the hero of the evening, on the side of the Three Lions, Ollie Watkins.
04:31Entering the game at the 80th minute, Aston Villa's striker waited for the start of
04:35the extra time to crucify the Oranges and offer a second final to the English, after
04:40being lost in the shootout against Italy in 2021 at Wembley.
04:43After the meeting, the native of Newton Abbott relied on this special move, while he did
04:48not even think of disputing the German Euro, despite his successful season with the Villains,
04:52with 27 goals scored during the season that has just passed.
04:55I worked hard to get there and I'm going to take advantage of every moment.
04:59I don't want to lie to you and tell you that I dreamed of it, of course, scoring for England
05:03is incredible, but I didn't think I would do it in a tournament like this.
05:07Ollie Watkins now hopes to live the same scenario in the final against Roja this Sunday.
05:13The Three Lions have still not won a major trophy since the World Cup in 1966, 58 years
05:19later, the selection of Gareth Southgate has an appointment with history on the side
05:24of the Olympia Stadium.