Honey, I Shrunk Myself: Downsizing Disasters

  • 3 months ago
The movie starts by introducing a scientist who has developed a technique called "downsizing," which can shrink humans to a height of 5 inches. This technique was created to address the issue of rapidly increasing population and depleting resources. Smaller humans use fewer resources, ensuring sustainability. However, once downsized, people cannot revert to their original size, and future generations will also be small.

This technique gains popularity worldwide, with some praising it and others criticizing it. Those who embrace downsizing find happiness and a better quality of life. We are introduced to a couple, Paul and his wife, who are struggling financially. Intrigued by the potential benefits of downsizing, they consider undergoing the procedure. Despite his interest, Paul lacks the courage to go through with it until he attends a party and meets a friend who has downsized and is now enjoying a prosperous life. Inspired, Paul and his wife decide to undergo the procedure.

They attend a downsizing conference, where they learn that their property value will increase significantly once they are small. They are informed that any artificial body parts must be removed before downsizing, as only human tissue will shrink. Paul has a metal implant in his tooth, which he gets removed. The couple prepares for the procedure, saying goodbye to each other, promising to reunite in their smaller forms.

Paul undergoes downsizing first, but when he calls his wife, she reveals that she canceled her procedure. She realized she couldn't go through with it, fearing she would never see her relatives again. Paul, now permanently small, is furious and their separation follows. Paul moves to a community designed for downsized individuals, living alone without friends.

Over time, Paul divorces his wife to start anew. He sees a news report about a box from America with 15 downsized people, all of whom died except one girl. The next day, Paul meets the girl, who starts cleaning his house and cooking for him. She has no home, and Paul, also lonely, accepts her. They grow close and develop a bond.

The movie also shows a run-down area for people who illegally downsized. These people didn't benefit from the procedure and live in poor conditions. Paul decides to visit the place where downsizing originated and meets the scientist who developed it. He learns that reverting to his original size is impossible. Accepting his fate, Paul finds happiness with his new partner and decides to live his remaining life joyfully with her. The scientist offers him a safe place to stay, but Paul chooses to return and embrace whatever life remains with his partner, finding contentment in their new start together.


