Why This Monkey Father Abandoned His Baby to Wolves

  • 4 months ago
In a vibrant jungle, Vania, the newly crowned and tyrannical king, ordered Edward, a young monkey with one arm, to be thrown off a cliff. Ian, Edward's best friend, could only watch in horror. King Simeon, the old ruler, demanded to know who was responsible. Vania deceitfully claimed Edward tried to kill him, but Simeon accused Vania of murder.

Edward woke up alone at the base of the tree. He saw Ian hanging from a vine but left to wander into the desert. There, he met two giant ostriches and learned to stand on two feet by mimicking them. When a pack of wolves appeared, Edward ran alongside the ostriches, impressing the other monkeys who cheered him on.

The trio encountered rhinos that began to charge. King Simeon appeared, fighting off the rhinos to save Edward but was mortally injured. In his final moments, Simeon revealed to Edward that he was his father. Vania took Simeon's body and declared himself king, demanding total obedience from the apes.

A storm raged, and Edward, now an outcast, discovered Lucie in a tornado. They fell in love and became friends. Edward taught Lucie to stand on two feet, and they discovered fire. He brought it back to the apes, but they stoned him on Vania's orders. Disappointed, Edward left with Lucie.

They settled into a cave, using fire to ward off wolves and learning to hunt. Meanwhile, the apes, hungry and desperate, left Vania. They discovered that the feared tree spirit was a witch's trick. Freed from her deception, they moved to Edward and Lucie's cave for safety.

Lucie reluctantly allowed the apes to stay, and they built a new village. Edward and Lucie married and awaited the birth of their son. The witch sought revenge, sending locusts to destroy the village. Sergey led the apes against her, but Edward saved Vania from the mob. The apes set the tree ablaze, and Edward and Vania reconciled. The witch perished in the fire.

With the tree gone, Edward and Vania united the apes, leading them to a lush valley beyond the white mountains. There, they found a new home filled with green trees and water. Edward reunited with Ian, and Lucie watched them dance with a smile, knowing they had finally found peace and a home.


