Hokey Wolf S01 E006

  • il y a 4 mois
00:00Un an plus tard...
00:30Yes, I caught you this time.
00:32It's the farmer Hokey.
00:33There's no problem big, I'll take care of him.
00:35You no good egg snatching pesky wolf.
00:37This is the last time you steal any of my eggs.
00:41Hold it down please.
00:42They're all asleep the little dears.
00:44How do you expect these chickens to lay eggs?
00:46If they don't get their rest, they'll turn neurotic.
00:49Oh, I wasn't thinking.
00:51You no good egg snatching pesky wolf.
00:54I'm gonna blast you.
00:55That's better, much better.
00:57But if you shoot that gun off, the blast.
00:59Will throw those sensitive chickens into a state of shock.
01:02Then they'll never lay eggs again.
01:04I'm just not thinking clearly I guess.
01:06And you need some rest too sir.
01:08If I may say so, you should be in bed.
01:10Not running around in the night air.
01:12You're right.
01:13Thanks Hokey, and good night.
01:18That Hokey seemed real concerned about me.
01:21He's a nice wolf.
01:23Nice wolf.
01:25Oh, he did it again.
01:27He talked me out of blasting him.
01:29Well tomorrow is another day.
01:31I'll fix him.
01:38There, it's finished.
01:40The do-it-yourself robot wolf destroyer.
01:42Is ready to go into action.
01:44As soon as I feed the correct information into his electronic brain.
01:49Here it is.
01:53And destroy.
01:57I'll test him on the dummy wolf I hid in the horse's stall.
02:01Here goes.
02:08He found the dummy wolf.
02:13What an awful display of ferocity.
02:16That's too much to do even to Hokey Wolf.
02:20What am I saying?
02:22There's nothing too much to do to Hokey.
02:25There, we're all set.
02:27He's facing the woods where Hokey lives.
02:29Now, I'll insert the card into his electronic brain.
02:34Hokey Wolf.
02:43I'll finally be rid of that pesky wolf.
02:49Aren't we going out today, Hokey?
02:51No, not today.
02:53Today, we rest.
02:54We got plenty of eggs from the henhouse last night.
02:56So this shapes up to be a very quiet day, ding-a-ling.
03:01Up until now, that is.
03:03I'll go see who it is, Hokey.
03:05Just tell him we don't want to buy any.
03:07Whatever it is.
03:11Hokey, there's a tin man out there.
03:14A tin man, Hokey, a tin man.
03:16You mean thin man, not tin man.
03:18A thin, thin, thin man is out there.
03:21Okay, Hokey, a thin, thin man is knocking on our door.
03:25A thin, thin man.
03:27Oh, boy, what an imagination you got, ding.
03:31Knock off the knocking.
03:32I'm coming, I'm coming.
03:34Okay, who are you?
03:39Open the door, ding-a-ling, quick.
03:43What is it, Hokey?
03:44It's from outer space.
03:45A man from Mars or something.
03:47Let's go out the secret way.
03:52Cours, ding-a-ling, le Martien nous suit.
04:00Et pour le truc de bois, traverse la ravine, ding-a-ling.
04:02Okay, Hokey.
04:09Maintenant, j'ai tiré l'arbre et il ne nous retrouve pas.
04:17Hey, Hokey, on ne peut pas continuer à courir pour toujours.
04:20Qu'est-ce qu'on va faire?
04:21On va arrêter maintenant, ding.
04:23Et on va le faire sortir.
04:24Okay, Buster, tiens-le.
04:27Maintenant, rentre dans ton vaisseau spatial et bats-le.
04:30Ou pour toi, c'est un gros coup.
04:33C'est lui, Hokey.
04:35Je vais couper à trois et tu dois être parti.
04:37Un, deux.
04:41Aide, ding-a-ling, aide.
04:43Je viens, Hokey, je viens.
04:49Il a arrêté de battre mon ami.
04:52C'est un bon travail, ding-a-ling.
04:53Tu l'as calmer.
04:55Il a arrêté de bouger quand cet arbre est sorti de sa tête.
04:58Il dit, Hokey, bouge.
05:00Trouve, attaque et détruis.
05:02Je comprends, je comprends.
05:04Ce n'est pas un Martien.
05:05C'est l'une des trucs des agriculteurs.
05:07Je ne comprends pas, Hokey.
05:08Mais l'agriculteur le comprend.
05:10Laissez-moi l'arbre, ding-a-ling.
05:11J'ai une idée.
05:13Voilà, c'est fini.
05:15Tu vois?
05:16Hé, c'est l'image de l'agriculteur.
05:18C'est vrai.
05:19J'ai simplement inscrit l'agriculteur
05:20où était ma photo avant.
05:22Il a mis l'arbre à l'intérieur de cet arbre.
05:27Et c'est parti.
05:28Après l'agriculteur.
05:32Je me demande comment Hokey a réussi
05:33à détruire cet arbre.
05:37Qui est-ce?
05:38C'est ding-a-ling.
05:40C'est bon, c'est bon.
05:41Ne bougez pas la porte.
05:42Je viens, je viens.
05:44Oh non.
05:47Pas moi, tu fou.
05:48C'est le loup.
05:49Le loup.
05:55Ils sont allés vers le côté de la maison.
06:02Quelqu'un arrête ça.
06:03C'est ding-a-ling.
06:04Il ne va pas faire mal à l'agriculteur,
06:05n'est-ce pas, Hokey?
06:06Non, ding-a-ling.
06:07La batterie de l'agriculteur
06:08n'est pas garantie pendant une semaine.
06:09Elle risque de s'échapper.
06:11C'est l'agriculteur, j'espère.