Milton the Monster E018A - Camp Gitchy Gloomy

  • il y a 3 mois


00:00Secret Laboratory, Professeur Weirdo and Count Cook were in their monstrous glory.
00:08Six drops of the essence of terror, five drops of sinister sauce.
00:12When the stirring's done, may I lick the spoon?
00:15Of course! Aha! Of course!
00:17Now for the tincture of tenderness, but I must use only a touch.
00:22For without a touch of tenderness, it might destroy me!
00:26Oops! Too much!
00:27Better hold your breath, it's starting to tingle.
00:29Better hold my hand, I'm feeling sick!
00:32Hello, Daddy!
00:33What have I done?
00:34I'm Milton, your brand new son!
00:49Stop, thief!
00:52Bang! Bang!
00:54What's going on here?
00:55We're playing cops and grave robbers.
00:58We'll go play somewhere else.
01:00You just woke me out of a wonderful nightmare.
01:04Count Cook! That settles it.
01:06I've got to send my monsters away.
01:08If only for one day, so we can have some peace and quiet.
01:12Good idea, Professeur Weirdo.
01:14I know just the place, Camp Gitchy Gloomy.
01:18We'll drive them tomorrow.
01:20But will they take boys like ours?
01:22Of course! Look what it says.
01:24If your son is a monster, just send him to us.
01:29I've been working in the graveyard
01:32All the living day
01:35I've been working in the graveyard
01:38Just to chase the blues away
01:41That's it!
01:43Yay! Gitchy Gloomy!
01:46Last one out is a rotten monster.
01:52Boy, you smell that poison ivy!
01:55Look at that light! Let's go fishing!
01:57We can't. I ate the bait.
02:01Be careful who you associate with.
02:03Remember, you boys come from the finest plots.
02:06Welcome to Gitchy Gloomy.
02:08I'm your counselor, Ma Wonga.
02:11That's Indian for Harvey.
02:15That's your bunk, boys.
02:17Ready, fellas?
02:18Uncle Harvey, can you help me hang up my sleeping bag?
02:21Certainly, Hebe.
02:24Why is it so heavy?
02:26Someone's still sleeping in it.
02:29Look, Uncle Harvey, I brought my baseball.
02:32Fine, Milton. Did you bring a bat?
02:37Hey, get this cobweb off the wall!
02:39Gee, I just hung it up.
02:44Boy, I'll be glad when this day's over.
02:47Hey, where'd they go?
02:50Join us, Uncle Harvey.
02:55Delicious! What is it?
02:57Spider cider!
02:59Bass bat!
03:01Candy crocodile!
03:06Uncle Harvey, may I go to Arts and Crafts now?
03:09Sure, Milton. And where would you fellas like to go now? Home?
03:13No, we want to go swimming!
03:16All right. Get into your suits and go jump in the lake!
03:21What's that for?
03:23We thought we'd bury you in the sand.
03:26All right. In we go.
03:33It's cold!
03:35It makes my tooth chatter.
03:38I'm going to give you a lesson in life-saving.
03:41I'll pretend I'm drowning and you rescue me.
03:50Well, come on!
03:52We can't!
03:54We leak!
03:56Then get a boat!
04:08Now throw me a rope!
04:12Well, good-bye, Uncle Harvey.
04:15We had a great day!
04:17And I'm glad it's over.
04:19I never want to see another monster!
04:22Uncle Harvey, I made something for you in Arts and Crafts.
04:25Thank you, Milton.
04:27I wonder what it is.
04:31A monster!
04:39A monster!
04:42I'm sorry.
04:44It started out to be an ashtray.
04:48That day at camp did our monsters a lot of good.
04:51They're nice and quiet.
04:55Stop, thief!
04:58Bang, bang! I gotcha!
05:01Let's play hide-and-seek!
05:05Anyone around my bed is it.
05:08I can still hear them!
