• last year
Opposition leader Peter Dutton reveals the Coalition government’s nuclear plan.


00:00No other country in the world can keep the lights on 24-7 with the renewables only policy.
00:06We need to make sure that hospitals can stay on 24-7.
00:10We need to make sure that cold rooms can stay on 24-7.
00:13We need to make sure that our economy can function 24-7 and we can only do that with
00:19a strong baseload power.
00:21And today we announced seven locations that we have looked at in great detail over a long
00:26period of time that can host new nuclear sites and that will be part of an energy mix
00:35obviously with renewables and significant amounts of gas into the system, particularly
00:39in the interim period.
00:41It will mean that on those end-of-life coal-fired power station sites we can utilise the existing
00:48distribution network.
00:49This is a really important point.
00:51Labor has promised 28,000 kilometres of new poles and wires.
00:56There's no transparency about where that will go and we've been very clear about the
01:00fact that we don't believe in that model.
01:03We want to utilise the existing assets that we've got and the poles and wires that are
01:09used at the moment on the coal-fired power station sites can be utilised to distribute
01:16the energy generated from the latest generation nuclear reactants.
01:21We have the ability to do that in a way that renewables can't.
01:25I want to make sure that the Australian public understands today that we have a vision for
01:31our country to deliver cleaner electricity, cheaper electricity and consistent electricity.
01:38A vision for manufacturing in this country that will underpin it with the fundamentals
01:42of 24-7 power that means Australian taxpayers don't need to keep subsidising it to keep
01:47it going but we're addressing the fundamentals to give certainty to those manufacturers right
01:52across the country.
01:53It's about a vision for regional Australia, one that isn't covered in solar panels and
01:59wind turbines and transmission lines.
02:01It's one that gives them hope that they can continue to give you the food security you
02:05enjoy every day and continue to try and keep your food prices down.
02:10It's a vision for the men and women who are in our coal-fired power stations across our
02:15country in the La Trobe, in Collie, in Port Augusta, in the Hunter, in Lithgow, in Kallide,
02:24in Biloela and in Taronga, Maya and Electric.
02:27This is a vision and a belief in them that their part in our Australian economy and what
02:32they have made for us, that they're still part of that.
02:36This is a vision for them to know that under a coalition government we're going to change
02:41not only the culture of this country but we're going to leave a legacy to this country.
02:45This is a vision for the men and women who are in our coal-fired power stations across
02:47our country in the La Trobe, in Collie, in Port Augusta, in Lithgow, in Biloela, in Taronga,
02:49in Biloela, in Taronga, in Kallida, in Biloela, in Taronga, in Biloela, in Taronga, in Taronga,
02:51in Taronga, in Taronga, in Taronga, in Taronga.
