• last year
Mount Eba is situated 700 kilometres from Adelaide and is a working sheep and cattle station.
00:00Hello, I'm Pete Whittlesey from Mount Eber station. I'm one of the co-owners of Mount Eber. We've been here for
00:082015 so we've been here nearly nine years. Some of the good things I guess I like are probably our campaign. So we have shearing and
00:17Landmarking and crutching. So there's three major campaigns on the property when it's all action
00:22So there's nothing but action a lot of organizing to get done a lot of logistics
00:26But we're also bringing in all the livestock and handling them and yeah, it's just a good time to be
00:32On the station. We've got when we're doing that sort of stuff a lot of especially when it's good
00:36You know, it's obviously not quite as good when it's in a drought
00:39but certainly while we've had a good string of a couple of good years in a row now, it's
00:45good to see fat healthy and
00:48Stock that look good and a joy to be out here. I guess the worst thing is we do live in a desert. So
00:54When it we can get extreme weather
00:56So probably you can get extremely hot during summer and in 18 and 19 when we had the drought
01:02We had 40 or 60 mils of rain in those two years or 41 year and 60 the other pretty tough going
01:07So the drought scenario and the workload doesn't increase it only increases in that period and you're not seeing
01:14The opposite of what I was talking about the good times in regards to fat stock
01:18You're seeing skinny stock and stuff that's struggling. So that's never ever good. The lifestyles a good lifestyle. You're up here
01:25I think if someone is prepared to have a bit of a crack at working on a station and
01:30You're you're sort of pretty much self motivated a little bit that you can't get much better
01:34Lifestyles that we don't get weather wise up here in particular. We get good weather this time of the year during winter
01:39It's fantastic can get a bit hot
01:41But it's a good career path for a young one to have a have a crack at there's not a shortage
01:47but there's certainly plenty of
01:49opportunity for people to to grow within the station lifestyle and
01:54Opportunities out here to make a living and it's not for everybody but certainly those that it does suit it
02:00It's a really rewarding
02:03rewarding job