PPATK: Transaksi Judi Online Tembus Rp600 Triliun

  • 3 months ago
Pusat pelaporan dan analisis transaksi keuangan (PPATK) mengungkapkan bahwa perputaran uang dari judi online (judol) di sepanjang 2024 telah mencapai kurang lebih Rp600 triliun.

"Jika dihitung dengan periode beberapa tahun sebelumnya, hingga saat ini, Q1-2024, sudah mencapai lebih dari Rp600 trilliun," ujar Koordinator Kelompok Humas PPATK, Natsir Kongah, dalam keterangan resminya, Selasa (18/6/2024).


00:00The Center for Financial Transaction Analysis and Reporting, or PPATK, recorded online gambling transactions for 2023 up to more than 600 trillion rupiah.
00:09A very large transaction value and very worrisome for the lives of the Indonesian people.
00:19The Center for Financial Transaction Analysis and Reporting, or PPATK, recorded online gambling transactions up to 600 trillion rupiah.
00:27The PPATK recorded online gambling transactions for the last year and a half, has been very worrisome.
00:33The government itself has blocked hundreds of thousands of online gambling sites.
00:37Even the online gambling settlement fund that will be approved by the Minister of Political, Legal and Security Coordinating, Hadith Jayanto, has been formed to block online gambling in the community.
00:46The head of PPATK, Ivan Yustia Fandana, insisted that the online gambling funds that reached hundreds of trillions of rupiah, happened in nine countries with varying values.
00:56The PPATK recorded that in the first quarter of 2024, the transaction reached more than 100 trillion rupiah.
01:01This means that if added to the value of the transaction in 2023, which reached 500 trillion rupiah, the total online gambling transactions so far reached 600 trillion rupiah.
01:11The PPATK claims that the value of the transaction is experiencing a downward trend.
01:14The ground was successfully pressed by our senior institutions that are getting stronger.
01:18Moreover, the government has now formed an online gambling settlement fund.
01:22Even so, the government must continue to exercise strict control over the participants who draw up online gambling practices.
01:28This must be done so that the public is not trapped in the web of online gambling.
01:32From Jakarta, ID Action coverage team.
