SASMOS | S03 | EPS. 144 HD | ΣΑΣΜΟΣ | Σ03 | ΕΠΣ. 144 HD
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00:00:30🎵Που πριν ανοίξει ο σαλαθός🎵
00:00:40🎵Και πριν ο σκότως βοηθήσει🎵
00:00:50🎵Τη γρήγια γέρας και καπνός🎵
00:01:01🎵Και αύριο νεμό ζωή🎵
00:01:11🎵Που πριν ανοίξει ο σαλαθός🎵
00:01:41🎵Και πριν ο σκότως βοηθήσει🎵
00:02:01🎵Και πριν ο σκότως βοηθήσει🎵
00:02:21🎵Και πριν ο σκότως βοηθήσει🎵
00:02:42Κοιτάς Παναγίστρο, κάνε και εσύ ότι σε φωτίσει ο Θεός.
00:02:46Δεν ξέρω ποιος από τους δυο μας χρειάζεται αυτή τη φώτιση.
00:02:50Καλή συνέχεια.
00:02:52Ωστέ έτσι λοιπόν, η Καλλιόπη και η Μαρίνα σχεδιάζανε να πάρουν τα πράγματα στα χέρια των.
00:03:20Το έχουν πάρει απόφαση, παπά μου.
00:03:22Να μαζευτούμε, λέει, μια αντιπροσωπεία γυνακών, να πάμε να βρούμε τις γυναίκες των μουντάκιδων.
00:03:29Να τους μιλήσουμε, να τους φέρουμε πρώτον ευθυνόν τους.
00:03:32Ωραία, κι εσύ ήδη απάντησες.
00:03:34Θα συνταχθείς μαζί τον, ε?
00:03:36Εγώ, παπά μου, δεν απάντησα.
00:03:38Είπα θα το σκεφτώ.
00:03:40Γιατί ήθελα να το συζητήσω μαζί σου πρώτα.
00:03:42Μπράβο, Κατερίνα.
00:03:45Και ξέρω ότι εσύ δεν συμφωνείς με το τόνα.
00:03:52Δεν ξέρεις πράγμα, Κατερίνα.
00:03:55Τι εννοείς, παπά μου?
00:03:59Εδώ αρχίζουν οι ειρηνικές διαπραγματεύσεις.
00:04:06Μόνο ένα γυναικείο μυαλό μου θα μπορούσε να το σκεφτεί ετονά.
00:04:11Να πάω, δηλαδή.
00:04:13Και να πας.
00:04:15Θα πας ως εκπρόσωπος της εκκλησίας.
00:04:18Δηλαδή, δικός μου.
00:04:21Εσύ δεν μου έλεγες, παπά μου,
00:04:23να μην συνταχθώ μαζί τους εδώ που βγαίνουν ομπρός.
00:04:27Ναι, το έλεγα τότε σας που σκεφτόταν να βγούνε με τα όπλα.
00:04:32Εδώ όμως θα είναι πρέσβηρες ειρήνης.
00:04:38Και πώς θα το κάνουμε τώρα, παπά μου?
00:04:41Θα μαζευτούμε όλες οι γυναίκες στην άνοποργιά,
00:04:44θα μπούμε σε ένα πούλμαν και θα πάμε στο Ιράκλειο
00:04:47να βρούμε τις μουντάκαινες.
00:04:50Αντιπροσωπία είπαμε, μωρέ.
00:04:53Δεν είπαμε να φύγετε όλες οι γυναίκες από το χωριό.
00:04:57Και πώς, θα τις διαλέξουμε αυτές που θα πάμε, δηλαδή με κλήρο.
00:05:03Θα πάει η Καλλιόφη, η Μαρίνα και εσύ.
00:05:09Φτάνουμε εμείς.
00:05:11Φτάνει, αρκεί να έχετε μια σωστή ατζέντα διαπραγματεύσεων.
00:05:17Να μη βουλιάξουν οι διαβουλέψεις αυτές και μαλλιοτραβηχτείτε.
00:05:22Αυτό εξαρτάται από τις μουντάκαινες.
00:05:24Όχι, όχι.
00:05:26Εξαρτάται από εσάς.
00:05:27Είντα θα πείτε και πώς θα το πείτε.
00:05:30Θα βοηθήσω κι εγώ.
00:05:33Με τι τρόπο θα βοηθήσεις, παπά μου?
00:05:35Εγώ, παιδί μου, Κατερίνα, θα σας δώσω τις κατευθυντήριες γραμμές.
00:05:43Εσείς θα το αναπτύξετε. Κατάλαβες?
00:05:47Ό,τι πεις εσύ, παπά μου.
00:05:49Μπράβο, παπατιά μου. Μπράβο.
00:05:54Είμαστε σίγουροι πως είναι εδώ.
00:05:56Αφού σου λέει τον εισταμπάραν στην αστυνομία από το τηλεφώνημα που κάνεις τον παπά σου.
00:06:01Είναι δέμα χρόνου να εμφανιστεί μπροστά μας ο Αντρέας.
00:06:04Μα δεν φοβάται καθόλου. Όλη η αστυνομία τον κυρνιδάει.
00:06:08Ε, τον δεν νοιάζει καθόλου, μαρένα μου. Καθόλου.
00:06:11Τον έχει κυριέψει τόσο το κακό, που έχει χαθεί κάθε ήχνος λογικής από το κεφάλι του.
00:06:18Θέλει να ξετελέψει με εκείνο που ήρθε από την αρχή να κάνει.
00:06:21Να βγει και οι φίτσες τα ματάκιδες. Τινό είναι που τον τρώει.
00:06:26Εμένα δεν μου το βγάζει από το μυαλό πως ξέρει ότι ο Ρούσος είναι εδώ.
00:06:30Κι έτσι όλοι οι στόχοι του έχουν συγκεντρωθεί στο ίδιο μέρος.
00:06:34Θα συνασπιστεί με τους μπουντάκιδες, είναι σίγουρο.
00:06:38Το Ρούσο πως τον είδες ψυχή μου, ανησυχή.
00:06:42Πόνο τον εδώ, μωρέ θεέ μου.
00:06:44Πρέπεται. Έχει αναλάβει όλη την ευθύνη πάνω του για αυτό που έχει γίνει ο Αντρέας.
00:06:50Έπρεπε λέει να του μιλήσει τη σωστή στιγμή, να του πει την αλήθεια.
00:06:54Σωστά λέει. Τώρα όλα θα ήταν αλλιώς.
00:06:57Μην του λες με τόση σιγουρία, Μαρίνα.
00:07:00Μπορεί να είχαν γίνει χειρότερα τα πράγματα.
00:07:03Πόσο χειρότερα, μάνα.
00:07:05Ακούτε, ο παπάς με συμβούλευσε να πάω να βρω τον Ρούσο.
00:07:09Και λέω να τον καλέζω στο Ινωπίο, να το βάλουμε κάτω από πάνω και να βρούμε καμιά αλήθεια.
00:07:14Καλά λέει ο παπάς.
00:07:15Εσείς τώρα είστε πρώτα στην ιεραρχία.
00:07:18Γεια σας.
00:07:19Καλώς την εγγονιά μου.
00:07:21Τία μου, εδώ είσαι.
00:07:23Έφαγα αργυρούλα μου. Έχω ξανάγηση.
00:07:26Σε ευχαριστώ, θα τα ξαναπούμε.
00:07:28Ωραία, καλή πάλι. Είσαι το καλό.
00:07:32Παιδί μου, θες κάτι να φας ή να ψάσεις.
00:07:34Όχι, μαμά. Ευχαριστώ.
00:07:36Να σας πω το πρόβλημά μου θέλω.
00:07:37Δεν κάνει ψυχή μου. Ήδη απαραίνει την καρδούλα σου.
00:07:40Λοιπόν, αποφάσισα να μην ξαναπάω στο ξενοδοχείο.
00:07:43Να μην είστε κι εσείς μέσα στην αγωνία,
00:07:45με τους μουντάκιτες να κεροφυλαχτούν.
00:07:47Παιδί μου, καλά θα κάνεις.
00:07:48Είναι πιγνίδινο να κυκλοφορείς τώρα έτσι μόνη σου.
00:07:51Ναι, απ' την άλλη θα κάνω σπίτι όλη μέρα.
00:07:55Εντάξει, λύνει και ο σταθμός.
00:07:57Και θα έχεις όλη μέρα τον παιδί στο σπίτι.
00:07:59Δεν έχω μάθει να κάθομαι.
00:08:01Έχω μάθει να δουλεύω.
00:08:05Βρε Γιώργο, εσύ θα πας καλά με τους ξένους.
00:08:08Τόσα χρόνια είσαι στο ξενοδοχείο.
00:08:10Ναι, και ειθοδόρα τους τελευταίους μήνες.
00:08:13Δεν δουλεύεις στις ξεναγές, είναι μόνης η Τζένου.
00:08:16Δεν έρχεσαι εσύ.
00:08:17Ναι, ψυχή μου.
00:08:18Θα σου πήγαινε πολύ εντουτονά.
00:08:21Για να δεν το λες στον Παυλή.
00:08:24Θα πετούσε τη σκούφια του να σε έχει κοντά του.
00:08:28Ποια κακή ιδέα.
00:08:30Χαρήκαμε πάρα πολύ που είδαμε τη Σοφία, Τάσο μου.
00:08:33Εκεί ήσασταν μαζί τόσο αγαπημένοι, τόσο ταιριαστό ζευγάρι.
00:08:36Να σε καλάνω μου.
00:08:38Μία που ήρθε και μία που εξεφανίστηκε, μωρέ Τάσο.
00:08:41Δεν κάνεις παντρελία, έχει και τις δουλειές της.
00:08:43Εκεί έξω δεν καταλαβαίνουμε ούτε από γάμους, ούτε από πανηγύρια.
00:08:47Να'ναι καλά η γυναίκα και να έχει καλό ταξίδι.
00:08:50Το αναψυχτικό σου, Τάσο.
00:08:51Σε ευχαριστώ.
00:08:52Τι έγινε την κυρία Σοφία, όλα καλά?
00:08:54Ναι, ναι, όλα καλά. Περίμενα την απογείωση και μετά έφυγα.
00:08:58Την επήγες και στο αεροδρόμιο να τσιγκουνίσει το μαντήρι δηλαδή.
00:09:01Και τι να κάνει ο άνθρωπος, να την αφήσει να πάει μοναχή της στο αεροδρόμιο.
00:09:05Όχι, να την εκλειδώσει μέσα και να μην την αφήσει να πάει ποθές.
00:09:09Η επαέννη θέση, τσί.
00:09:10Δίπλα στον κύριο, τσί, και στο σπίτι, τσί.
00:09:13Δεν έγινενται αυτά τα πράγματα, Παντελή μου.
00:09:15Κάθε άνθρωπος έχει δικαίωμα στην αυτοδιάθεση και στην ελεύθερη βούληση.
00:09:19Καλά σου λέει, Παντελή μου, αυτοδιάθεση.
00:09:21Έχουν γίνει αγώνες για την ελευθερία, έχει χυθεί αίμα.
00:09:24Δηλαδή θα έρθει η γυναίκα μου έτσι ξαφνικά να μου πει
00:09:28θα πάω στη Ρώμη να γίνω καρδινάλιος
00:09:30και εγώ θα πάω στην Ελλάδα να κάνω κάτι τέτοιο.
00:09:32Δηλαδή θα έρθει η γυναίκα μου έτσι ξαφνικά να μου πει
00:09:35θα πάω στη Ρώμη να γίνω καρδινάλιος
00:09:37και εγώ θα πρέπει να τσιτώκω και την ευχή μου.
00:09:39Κανονικά, Παντελή μου, αυτό θα έπρεπε να κάνεις.
00:09:42Εγώ το τανά τάσο μου δεν τα καταλαβαίνω.
00:09:44Εσύ που τα καταλαβαίνεις, κάτσε πάει και κλαίγει.
00:09:47Θαμάτα, μωρέ, Παντελή.
00:09:49Του λέω που έχασε τη συμφία του, μωρέ.
00:09:51Εγώ μια χαρά τον έβλεπω τον άνθρωπο.
00:09:53Εγώ μια χαρά τον έβλεπω τον άνθρωπο.
00:09:55Εγώ μια χαρά τον έβλεπω τον άνθρωπο.
00:09:57Μια χαρά είναι, μια χαρά είναι.
00:09:59Σε λίγες μέρες φεύγω και εγώ για Μασαλία.
00:10:01Πάω να βρω τη Σοφία μου.
00:10:03Αλήθεια, Τάσο μου, για πόσο καιρό.
00:10:05Μέχρι να τελειώσει η δουλειά για την οποία πήγαινα.
00:10:07Αυτά είναι πολύ ευχάριστα νέα. Μπράβο.
00:10:09Και τι θα κάνεις, Τάσο, εσύ στη Μασαλία.
00:10:11Η Σοφία έχει τη δουλειά, έτσι.
00:10:13Εσύ πώς δεν τον επερνάς το χρόνο σου, μου λες.
00:10:15Έλα, μωρό μου, κάτι θα βρω να κάνω.
00:10:17Αλλού είναι το πρόβλημα τώρα, δεν έχει.
00:10:19Γιατί, Τάσο, μου υπάρχει κάποιο πρόβλημα.
00:10:21Δεν θέλω να κρεμάσω τον Παύλο.
00:10:23Πρέπει να βρω ένα λογιστήριο για το είν' οποίο είναι στη θέση μου.
00:10:29Μα υπάρχει εδώ, στην Αναποριά, ο καλύτερος.
00:10:44Ωπα, τι κάνεις εκεί.
00:10:47Εσύ πώς και ήρθες τόσο νωρίς.
00:10:49Καλά έκανα και ήρθα.
00:10:51Γιατί κουράζεσαι.
00:10:52Δεν μπορούσα να περιμένω.
00:10:54Πρέπει να γεμίσω το μπουκάλι με το λάδι.
00:10:56Εντάξει, θα σου το γεμίσω εγώ σαλίβο, εντάξει.
00:10:59Δεν κουράζεις, δεν έχουμε τίποτα άλλο τώρα, τελευταία στιγμή.
00:11:02Σε πειράζει που λίγο ανήσυχο έχει γίνει κάτι.
00:11:06Κάτσε να σου πω.
00:11:07Ήρθε από το μαγαζί ο Τελέμαχος.
00:11:10Τα νέα δεν είναι καλά.
00:11:13Ο Αντρέας.
00:11:14Είναι στην Ελλάδα.
00:11:18Και πώς το ξέρει αυτό.
00:11:20Τον εντόπισε η αστυνομία.
00:11:22Από το τηλέφωνο του.
00:11:26Και μπορεί δηλαδή να βρίσκεται εκεί εδώ στην Κρήτη.
00:11:30Και πώς το ξέρει αυτό.
00:11:31Τον εντόπισε η αστυνομία.
00:11:32Από το τηλέφωνο του.
00:11:34Και μπορεί δηλαδή να βρίσκεται εκεί εδώ στην Κρήτη.
00:11:37Δεν νομίζω ακόμα.
00:11:38Αλλά σίγουρα εδώ έρχεται.
00:11:40Γι' αυτό πρέπει να προσέχουμε.
00:11:42Εσύ πρέπει να προσέχεις μαθιό μου.
00:11:44Με σένα τα έχει αυτός ο άνθρωπος.
00:11:46Με όλους τα έχει.
00:11:48Αλλά πιστεύω ότι αυτή τη στιγμή δεν έρχεται για εμάς.
00:11:52Άλλη είναι η προτεραιότητα.
00:11:53Ο Ρούσος.
00:11:56Ο Ρούσος το ξέρει.
00:11:57Όχι ακόμα.
00:11:59Αλλά πρέπει να το μάθει για να φυλάγεται.
00:12:01Ναι πρέπει.
00:12:02Όπως πρέπει να μάθει και κάτι ακόμα.
00:12:08Πρέπει να του πεις την αλήθεια για τον Στεφανή.
00:12:14Δεν γίνεται αλλιώς.
00:12:16Ο Αντρέας το ξέρει ήδη.
00:12:18Το έχει μάθει από την Εύα.
00:12:19Θα πάει και θα του το πει.
00:12:21Και θα είναι πολύ χειρότερο να το μάθει από εκείνον.
00:12:24Γιατί θα σε παρουσιάσει σαν έναν εγκληματεία.
00:12:26Θα σε βγάλει σκάρτο.
00:12:28Έτσι και αλλιώς.
00:12:30Σε λίγο καιρό θα το ξέρουν όλοι.
00:12:35Θα είναι πολύ χειρότερο όμως να μην το μάθει από σένα.
00:12:39Του είπαμε τόσα πικρά λόγια.
00:12:41Κατηγορήσαμε το γιο του ότι έχεις το αίμα της ίδιας του της οικογένειας.
00:12:44Όμως εκείνος δεν ήξερε ότι είναι σταματάκης.
00:12:49Πώς θα νιώσει ο Ρούσος όταν μάθει ότι εσύ έκανες το ίδιο και χειρότερα.
00:12:53Γιατί εσύ ήξερες ότι το αίμα που έχεις εσύ ήταν του ξαδέρφου σου.
00:13:02Δεν θέλω να σε αντιμετωπίσεις έναν κοινό εγκληματία.
00:13:06Θέλω να το εξηγήσεις στους λόγους σου.
00:13:09Όσο σκληρή και ήταν αυτή η πράξη.
00:13:10Μπορώ να του μιλήσω και εγώ.
00:13:12Να του πω τι περνούσαν στα χέρια αυτού του ανθρώπου.
00:13:16Αυτά του το έχουμε πει ήδη.
00:13:18Δεν υπάρχει άλλος δρόμος.
00:13:19Αυτός είναι ο καλύτερος.
00:13:22Όλα τα άλλα είναι πολύ χειρότερα.
00:13:23Πρέπει να του πεις την αλήθεια.
00:13:29Αντώνη, ο άνθρωπος το είπε ξεκάθαρα.
00:13:31Στο είπε στην ψύχρα.
00:13:32Ότι εγώ ευθύνομαι για την αλλίωση του αποτελέσματος του DNA.
00:13:35Βρε δεν μου το είπε.
00:13:36Με ρώτηξε.
00:13:37Μα είναι ακριβώς το ίδιο, Αντώνη, λοιπόν.
00:13:40Βρε αν ήξερε ο Χρήστος,
00:13:41αυτή τη στιγμή δεν θα μιλούσαμε επαίθεση.
00:13:43Είχε αποπέψει.
00:13:44Αντώνη, άκουσε με για μία φορά.
00:13:46Άκουσε με για μία φορά.
00:13:47Ο άνθρωπος γνωρίζει, απλά επιμένει,
00:13:49να το επιβεβαιώσεις εσύ.
00:13:51Και βλέπει,
00:13:52ότι δεν είναι γύρις και προσπαθεί να σε σπάσει με κάποιο τρόπο.
00:13:54Δεν δέχεται το όχι σου, λοιπόν.
00:13:56Ε, θα το δεχτεί και θα πει να τραβολεί.
00:13:58Γιατί το να σπάσω πρόκειται,
00:14:00ούτε να λυγίσει από μένα,
00:14:01δεν πρόκειται να πάρει λέξη.
00:14:02Ο κόσμος είναι για γύρια ενάποδα.
00:14:04Βρε αυτό το πω εγώ, λοιπόν.
00:14:06Κάτσε εκεί που βρίσκεσαι.
00:14:07Θέλει να μάθει την αλήθεια,
00:14:08να την ακούσει
00:14:09και θα την ακούσει.
00:14:10Γιώργο, κάτσε, είπα.
00:14:11Ή να θες μόνο να το κάνεις στο χατήρι.
00:14:12Κανένα χατήρι δεν θέλω να κάνω.
00:14:13Δεν θέλω να πάρω άλλους αθώους στο λαιμό μου αυτό.
00:14:19Κι αν ένα δεν πρέπει να πάρει στο λαιμό σου,
00:14:21κι αν άλλοι είναι αθώοι,
00:14:22όσο και να ψάξει ο Χρήστος,
00:14:24δεν πρέπει να βρει πράγμα για εκείνους σας.
00:14:26Αν όμως εσύ,
00:14:28δεν θέλω να σε χάσω, Γιώργο,
00:14:29από το τμήμα,
00:14:30αν δεν με καταλέπεις.
00:14:32Έχουμε τόσους δελμούς να χειριστούν.
00:14:35Της Μουντάκης,
00:14:36τον Αντρέα.
00:14:38Έρχεται καταιγίδα, Γιώργο.
00:14:41Σκοπέδες να μ' αφήσουν μοναχό μου.
00:14:59Ο ίδιος.
00:15:05Γεια σας.
00:15:07Σας ψάχναμε σε όλη την Κρήτη, ναι.
00:15:12Αν βρίσκεστε εδώ,
00:15:15φυσικά και μπορούμε να βρεθούμε, εννοείτε.
00:15:17Πού θέλετε.
00:15:18Ναι, το γνωρίζω το μέρος.
00:15:20Σε μία έρθαμε εκεί.
00:15:21Ευχαριστώ πάρα πολύ.
00:15:22Είναι, ναι, ξεχαριάστηκες.
00:15:24Είσαι φροντική υπάλληλος.
00:15:25Είσαι φροντική υπάλληλος που ψάχναμε.
00:15:26Α, ναι. Και.
00:15:27Θέλει να βρεθούμε, λέει, στη Γεωργίου πόλη.
00:15:30Έχει να μου πει πολλά.
00:15:31Ωραία, να έρθω μαζί σου.
00:15:32Αντώνη, όχι.
00:15:56Καλά έκανας.
00:15:58Τι γίνεται, είσαι λίγο αγχωμένος ή μου φαίνεται.
00:16:01Προβληματισμένος, εγώ, όχι αγχωμένος.
00:16:04Τι σε προβληματίζει.
00:16:05Η στάση του Αντώνη.
00:16:07Τι έκανε.
00:16:08Καλύπτει το Γιώργο.
00:16:10Σε ποιο πράγμα τον καλύπτει.
00:16:11Έλα, Στέρα, δεν με ρωτάς κι εσύ.
00:16:13Τα έχουμε πει τόσες φορές.
00:16:14Ναι, εννοώ ότι υποψιάζεις ακόμη το Γιώργο,
00:16:16ότι αλείωσε τα στοιχεία.
00:16:17Δεν τον υποψιάζομαι.
00:16:18Είμαι σίγουρος ότι το έχει κάνει αυτός.
00:16:20Του Αντώνης, γιατί σε προβληματίζει.
00:16:22Γιατί του έχω δώσει κάθε φορά το δικαίωμα της επιλογής
00:16:24να με βοηθήσει και δεν το έχει κάνει.
00:16:25Οπότε από εδώ και πέρα θα προχωρήσω μόνος μου.
00:16:29Όπως ορίζω νόμος.
00:16:31Τι θα κάνεις να πετάς το Γιώργο μου μυθαρχικό.
00:16:34Στέρα, καταλαβαίνω ότι σε στενοχωρεί, ρε, αυτή η κατάσταση
00:16:36και ότι θα δώραινε φίλους σου και κουμπάρα μας.
00:16:38Ωραία, άκουσε με.
00:16:40Ίσως είναι μια σοβαρή στιγμή να σου το πω αυτό.
00:16:43Θεωρώ ότι είναι λάθος να το κάνεις αυτό στο Γιώργο,
00:16:45να του δημιουργήσεις αυτό το πρόβλημα,
00:16:47γιατί κατεπέκτασες και στη Θοδώρα.
00:16:49Γιατί η κουμπάρα μας δεν κάνει να ταράζεται.
00:16:52Με καταλαβαίνω.
00:16:55Θυμάσαι που σου είχα πει ότι ο Γιώργος και η Θοδώρα
00:16:57είχανε κάποια ζούρια.
00:17:20Τέλος πάντων,
00:17:21θα σου το πω, γιατί θα το ανακοινώ σ' εκείνη σήμερα.
00:17:25Αγαπημό μου, η Θοδώρα…
00:17:28είναι αγγείος.
00:17:35Here we are!
00:17:37Are you sure I'm not going to help?
00:17:39Not now. Sit down.
00:17:41What did we say? Sit down.
00:17:43This day is dedicated to you.
00:17:45We celebrate things.
00:17:47Why don't you tell us?
00:17:49Because we are waiting for one more person.
00:17:51To be exact, one.
00:17:53A chosen person of the Church.
00:17:57You are the best.
00:17:59It all looks like you.
00:18:01It doesn't look like me.
00:18:03We invited
00:18:05the best of our hearts.
00:18:07Best, huh?
00:18:11I am also the best?
00:18:13Come on, Diakomanolis. Aren't you the best?
00:18:15You, Diakomanolis, are the best of the news.
00:18:17Reuters office of the
00:18:19Minister of Foreign Affairs, Diakomanolis.
00:18:21That's the truth.
00:18:23Excuse me.
00:18:25I'm late.
00:18:27We have business to discuss.
00:18:29Come on, father. Let's start.
00:18:31Don't bother him.
00:18:33Let's not wake him up.
00:18:35Ladies and gentlemen,
00:18:37please pay attention.
00:18:39We invited you tonight
00:18:41because in the Angelaki family
00:18:43we invite our own people
00:18:45and we want to announce
00:18:47something great.
00:18:49And what you are going to tell us,
00:18:51do we learn first?
00:18:53Apart from God and the family,
00:18:55yes, you all learn it first.
00:18:57So, the Angelaki family,
00:18:59as you know,
00:19:01is a historical family.
00:19:03Founders and funders of Anoporia.
00:19:05Imagine, my dear,
00:19:07my great-grandfather, Manolis Angelakis...
00:19:09Father, do we need to catch him
00:19:11from the prehistory now?
00:19:13Right. Should I say it?
00:19:15Yes, my girl. Tell us, please,
00:19:17why won't you let us go?
00:19:19Right. So, how many inhabitants does Anoporia have
00:19:21according to the last record?
00:19:25Good. So, in six months from now
00:19:27we will have 453 inhabitants.
00:19:29Are we going to get Tortias?
00:19:31Yes, we are going to get Tortias.
00:19:35Not 453,
00:19:39We are going to have another girl.
00:19:41From where?
00:19:43From me.
00:19:47How does this happen?
00:19:49You are healthy.
00:19:51I am in the fourth.
00:19:53My dear, congratulations.
00:19:55Thank you.
00:20:05How did you catch him?
00:20:07In the bag?
00:20:11It's ok.
00:20:15Did they tell you who put him?
00:20:17It's done.
00:20:19Antonis, please, if you have a younger one,
00:20:21let me know.
00:20:23Thank you very much.
00:20:27What happened, mom?
00:20:29Tell me what Frakiadakis said.
00:20:31He was waiting for Mathios to come
00:20:33to tell you.
00:20:35Where is he?
00:20:37He went to Vasiliki.
00:20:39I will tell you the bad news.
00:20:41Who is going to Agios Agios?
00:20:43What do you mean?
00:20:45To Greece.
00:20:49I didn't know that.
00:20:51We found out a little while ago.
00:20:55What did we find out?
00:20:57What are you doing here, mom?
00:20:59She found out about Andreas.
00:21:01I didn't know.
00:21:03I came to tell you.
00:21:05But there were others.
00:21:07Don't worry, mom.
00:21:09He wasn't going to step on the podium.
00:21:11They have set it up.
00:21:13Be optimistic, son.
00:21:15What can I do, mom?
00:21:17It's so obvious.
00:21:19I can't go to court.
00:21:21I can't be next to her.
00:21:23We have Nuntakis and Andreas.
00:21:25We have good news.
00:21:27What is it?
00:21:29They caught Vasiliki in the car.
00:21:31He smiled at her.
00:21:33The one in the sketch?
00:21:37They have him in custody.
00:21:39We took a step forward.
00:21:41Antonis says he will soon
00:21:43hand over the rest.
00:21:47I think I have to do what Vasiliki says.
00:22:01Why are you angry?
00:22:03Because I knew it.
00:22:05How did you know it?
00:22:07Are you kidding me?
00:22:09I knew you were pregnant.
00:22:11But I did the test
00:22:13to see how far you would go.
00:22:15How did you know it?
00:22:17I was sleeping.
00:22:19You don't have to tell me.
00:22:21A mystery was going on
00:22:23in the village for a long time.
00:22:25You disappeared.
00:22:27You locked yourself in your house.
00:22:29You stopped going out.
00:22:31From what I heard,
00:22:33you didn't even dance at the wedding.
00:22:35Who? Thodora?
00:22:37Thodora didn't dance.
00:22:39Why are you doing this?
00:22:41You know how hard I tried
00:22:43Why are you doing this?
00:22:45Do I make you sad?
00:22:47Don't make me sad,
00:22:49because I will break your head.
00:22:51But you are hiding it from me.
00:22:53I don't trust you.
00:22:55It's not that I don't trust you,
00:22:57you are just jealous.
00:22:59Are you calling me jealous?
00:23:01Don't listen to him.
00:23:03It's none of your business.
00:23:05Listen to me.
00:23:07No one else knows it,
00:23:09except your family.
00:23:11I'm not your family.
00:23:13Come on, let's talk seriously.
00:23:15Do you know what I mean?
00:23:17Instead of giving me
00:23:19your best wishes,
00:23:21is it possible for me to sit down
00:23:23and comfort you?
00:23:25Is it right?
00:23:27I made the most beautiful
00:23:29announcement of my life.
00:23:31This doesn't show that you are my friend.
00:23:33It just shows that you are selfish.
00:23:35No, I'm not.
00:23:37I'm really selfish.
00:23:39You misunderstood me.
00:23:41I misunderstood you?
00:23:43Did Thodora tell you
00:23:45that you are in your fourth month?
00:23:47Instead of giving me your best wishes,
00:23:49you have pushed me to the bottom
00:23:51and now you are talking about family.
00:23:53That's how families are.
00:23:55Let's talk about it another way.
00:23:57Let's talk about it from the beginning.
00:24:01I'm pregnant.
00:24:03It's the first time in my life
00:24:05that I'm in my fourth month.
00:24:09is the best news
00:24:11I've ever heard.
00:24:15My baby.
00:24:17Yes, I'm worried too, really.
00:24:19I love you.
00:24:31Come, let's celebrate!
00:24:33I miss you.
00:24:35Give him the glasses.
00:24:43Are we ready?
00:25:14Will you tell me what Vasiliki told me?
00:25:17She wants me to talk to Roussos about Stefanis.
00:25:21And this girl insisted.
00:25:23I told her the reasons why she shouldn't do it.
00:25:26And what are those reasons, mother, that you can tell us?
00:25:30Roussos is a hundred years older than my daughter.
00:25:33He was the first girl born in the family.
00:25:37And he had a weakness. I saw his growing up.
00:25:41Mother is not wrong.
00:25:42What are you saying? That I shouldn't even talk to him?
00:25:45I'm not saying that, Mathios. I'm telling you to think about it.
00:25:48I understand Vasiliki's logic, but I also understand my mother's anxiety.
00:25:52But you have to learn the truth from me.
00:25:55You have to learn my version.
00:25:57Otherwise, others will say whatever they want.
00:25:59Do me a favor, son, and give me some time.
00:26:03Because if you thought I hid the truth from him,
00:26:06you would turn your back on me. And you would be right.
00:26:09Since I became a girl, your father's brother,
00:26:14I will see how he turns his back on you, along with a piece of your father.
00:26:28Roussos, come and sit with me, son.
00:26:34We had a lot of ups and downs.
00:26:37You insisted on catching up with the ups and downs.
00:26:39Yes, but I made it.
00:26:41Everything is fine.
00:26:42Yes, young man.
00:26:51Where is Andreas' mind running?
00:26:56I'm waiting for him. I'm not afraid of him.
00:26:59My desire to talk to him is bigger than my greed.
00:27:03It doesn't hurt me.
00:27:06The truth is that...
00:27:08Kalliopi paved the way for him.
00:27:11He told him everything.
00:27:14It's been months now.
00:27:16I believe that his soul will be in pain.
00:27:22You can't reveal anything to him anymore.
00:27:26You can only explain it to him.
00:27:31I've learned a lot these days.
00:27:34Bad and heavy.
00:27:39But one thing is bothering me.
00:27:41What is it?
00:27:44The story of Mathios and Vasiliki.
00:27:47That's what bothers you?
00:27:50Isn't it strange?
00:27:52Of course, the children loved each other.
00:27:55Mathios leaves for the navy.
00:27:58His cousin asks her to marry him.
00:28:03Mathios returns from the navy.
00:28:06He stays with them for 17 years.
00:28:1020 years.
00:28:1120 years. Without making his life.
00:28:15And suddenly...
00:28:17Stefanis is murdered.
00:28:22Mathios marries his wife.
00:28:25And after a while he realizes that...
00:28:28Nikiforos is not Stefanis' son, but his own.
00:28:32That's how it happened.
00:28:35Didn't they lie to you?
00:28:39But there's something I don't understand.
00:28:44The police have been looking for him for so long.
00:28:47How couldn't they find him?
00:28:49Is it possible that the murderer is not in the village?
00:28:53Did you tell them not to arrest the murderer?
00:28:59I didn't think that there was a possibility that Mathios did it.
00:29:06But you thought about it.
00:29:11Everyone thought about it, but I...
00:29:14I wish and hope...
00:29:16that it is far from reality, because...
00:29:20He is the one who has been accusing my son for so many days.
00:29:23He committed such a heinous crime.
00:29:29Then, Michalis, I was wrong.
00:29:32This is not my family.
00:29:44So, you are telling me that...
00:29:47Mathios gave you a bottle and you left it at the pharmacy?
00:29:51I didn't know it was poisoned.
00:29:53Let me ask you another question.
00:29:55Is it common for police officers to bring food, water to prisoners...
00:30:01while they don't know people?
00:30:03Of course not.
00:30:05How could I imagine that they wanted to kill her?
00:30:08I realized that they were planning a reaction.
00:30:11I imagined that they were going to take something from her...
00:30:15to help her plan.
00:30:17Plan? What are you talking about?
00:30:19What plan? How is that possible?
00:30:21They may have written something on the label of the bottle.
00:30:25You helped a woman to be poisoned.
00:30:29Why don't you mention this incident to your superiors?
00:30:33I don't know who was involved in this story.
00:30:36I was very scared.
00:30:38I was forced to choose my child's life.
00:30:41When I found out that the girl died, I went crazy.
00:30:45And now, I'm not only afraid for my child's life, but also for mine.
00:30:49I see. That's why you gave up.
00:30:52Someone is watching me. I can feel it.
00:30:56I want to take my child and leave the island.
00:31:00Calm down, calm down. This will happen.
00:31:02Now, I want you to tell me if you are willing to recognize the person...
00:31:06who gave you the bottle.
00:31:08Is that all you can do?
00:31:11The only thing I want is for you to give me an official order.
00:31:26Come here, Mr. Argyros.
00:31:29What are you doing to me?
00:31:32I will have you close to me.
00:31:36It was your mother's idea, wasn't it?
00:31:39Yes, it was my mother's idea.
00:31:44So, you agree?
00:31:46If I agree, I agree.
00:31:49As soon as Jenny comes, she will tell me the details.
00:31:54Ok, we will talk about that.
00:31:56Let me tell you something else.
00:31:58Andreas came back to Greece, that's why he came home.
00:32:01Hello, Mr. Andreas.
00:32:03So, he will come back to the village?
00:32:05No way. There is no chance.
00:32:07He won't dare to come back.
00:32:09As soon as he shows up, he will kill him.
00:32:11He knows it very well.
00:32:12But he doesn't calculate the consequences.
00:32:18How are you, girl?
00:32:20Hello, Mr. Argyros.
00:32:21How are you, Jenny?
00:32:23What are you bringing for us?
00:32:25I am bringing raki from Kourna.
00:32:27I am sending it to Mr. Pantelis to drink for his grandson who is coming.
00:32:31So, there are announcements?
00:32:33Yes, now that he is in the fourth grade.
00:32:35Wow, it's true. I wish it from the bottom of my heart.
00:32:37Jenny, give it to him.
00:32:38Thank you very much.
00:32:39So, we will drink for the boy who is coming?
00:32:42Yes, let's drink.
00:32:44Can I say something nice?
00:32:46We are only for nice things.
00:32:47For what?
00:32:48They caught one of those who set fire to the aluminum.
00:32:51They have him in custody.
00:32:52What are you saying, girl?
00:32:53This is not news. Let's drink to Antonis.
00:32:58God bless him.
00:33:02Thank you.
00:33:14What happened?
00:33:15You are not eating?
00:33:20What are you doing, boy? Are you hungry?
00:33:23When will you finish my lawyer?
00:33:26I am hungry.
00:33:28Listen to me, please.
00:33:31Speak now, when you can, so you can clear your position.
00:33:34I want my lawyer.
00:33:35Who are you covering for?
00:33:37We know who he is.
00:33:38Mountakis is not out there.
00:33:40And you are in here and out there, as you wish.
00:33:42Nobody cares about you.
00:33:45Tell me, boy.
00:33:47Did they give the order to set fire to the aluminum?
00:33:51My lawyer.
00:33:55Grigas, George, I am coming from the police station.
00:33:58I am coming to you.
00:33:59I am sick of being with you.
00:34:02I love you more than anyone, you know.
00:34:05Do you want to be buried in the deepest cell?
00:34:07Under the ground?
00:34:08While you can secure the Remethea?
00:34:20Stella, thank you for thinking of us and protecting us.
00:34:25It is a very nice life.
00:34:28Thank you.
00:34:29I would love to be there.
00:34:30I am sorry it didn't happen.
00:34:34Don't be sorry.
00:34:36As we know, it couldn't have happened.
00:34:39But we love you.
00:34:40It doesn't change.
00:34:41You are our man.
00:34:42We enjoyed your happiness so much, as if we were there.
00:34:46Yes, but we weren't.
00:34:47Don't think about it.
00:34:51My trial is coming soon.
00:34:53How would it look like if people saw me having fun with the prosecutor?
00:34:58I know, I know.
00:34:59This is the truth.
00:35:04What will happen if the child's birth coincides with the trial date?
00:35:10Don't worry.
00:35:11We will cancel the transfer and we will take her.
00:35:13Are you crazy?
00:35:14They will prove it.
00:35:15There is no chance.
00:35:17Yes, I don't think about it.
00:35:18This is not what upsets me.
00:35:21I haven't done anything for nine months now.
00:35:25One blow after the other.
00:35:29And now that the baby will be born, the final blow will come.
00:35:34We will all be by his side.
00:35:35You know that.
00:35:37I know.
00:35:39But where will Mathios be?
00:35:42I will be free in our house to raise the baby.
00:35:47Where will he be?
00:35:49Will he be in prison?
00:35:51All alone in a cell?
00:35:54Will he not be happy?
00:35:55Will he not know what he is thinking?
00:35:57What he is feeling?
00:36:17Yes, father.
00:36:18I know how nice I am.
00:36:19I have gone to the festival.
00:36:21Have a good time.
00:36:23Will we meet at night?
00:36:25It doesn't matter.
00:36:26No, no.
00:36:27Get some rest.
00:36:29We will talk in the morning.
00:36:31I kiss you.
00:36:32Have a good time.
00:36:40Good evening.
00:36:41Come here.
00:36:43Sit down, please.
00:36:47What happened to Pallos?
00:36:50She will give birth tomorrow.
00:36:52She wants to meet the man who gave her the bottle of hydrogen peroxide.
00:36:56But I will tell her on the phone.
00:36:57Is there any other reason for bringing me here?
00:37:06Thank you very much.
00:37:07But I didn't do anything.
00:37:08She called me herself.
00:37:10No, don't say that.
00:37:13About the delivery.
00:37:14She sent it to me.
00:37:15She asked me to tell you.
00:37:19Thank you very much, Andreas.
00:37:22From what you explained to me, you were taught to come this far.
00:37:30You can't imagine.
00:37:31You can't imagine.
00:37:32I'm sorry.
00:37:35We had a very difficult time.
00:37:39It was a very difficult time when Thodora decided to leave me.
00:37:45Because she couldn't offer me, to offer us what we wanted.
00:37:49The family.
00:37:52That's why.
00:37:56This woman is my whole world, Christ.
00:38:00My whole world.
00:38:03And I love her more than myself.
00:38:06And I won't allow this to happen to anyone.
00:38:10I don't want her to go back to these thoughts.
00:38:16That's why we take care of her.
00:38:18That's why I don't let her get up from the glass of water.
00:38:24It's a difficult time.
00:38:26And psychology plays a very important role in my sleep.
00:38:31I wish you all the best.
00:38:33I wish you all the best.
00:38:36This time, always.
00:38:40Do you want anything else?
00:38:41No, no.
00:38:42Let's go, Konstantos.
00:38:46See you later.
00:39:01Pavlos, I won't leave you like this.
00:39:02I'll explain everything to you.
00:39:04I found you a computer at home.
00:39:06With a child.
00:39:07You know everything.
00:39:09Really? Who is he?
00:39:12Good evening.
00:39:13Good evening. How are you?
00:39:15I'm fine. Sit down.
00:39:16What are all these Chinese doing out here?
00:39:19Chinese? I was confused too.
00:39:20They are Japanese.
00:39:21We have the Chinese the other month.
00:39:23They are on vacation.
00:39:25Ah, I see.
00:39:26Tassos, I found you.
00:39:28God bless you.
00:39:29Thank you very much.
00:39:30Thank you.
00:39:31I'm leaving.
00:39:32I'm going to the group.
00:39:33See you later.
00:39:34See you.
00:39:35Sit down.
00:39:37Don't be late. I have work to do.
00:39:39No, kid. Sit down.
00:39:41What happened?
00:39:45I don't know, Pavlos.
00:39:46But I'm stuck.
00:39:47I need your opinion.
00:39:48About what?
00:39:53She wants me to talk to Roussos about Stefanos.
00:39:56My mother doesn't want him to hear it.
00:39:58And Asteris is somewhere in the middle.
00:39:59What's your opinion?
00:40:00I'm sorry for asking.
00:40:04If I were you, I wouldn't tell him the truth.
00:40:09It's better to hear the truth from your mouth
00:40:11than to hear someone else's broken phone.
00:40:15But he has to believe me.
00:40:16If he doesn't believe you, it's his fault.
00:40:18Besides, don't forget that Roussos isn't wrong.
00:40:20Normally, you should have locked him up.
00:40:23But you welcomed him with open arms.
00:40:27So, if he wants to keep the last of his family,
00:40:30he should be careful.
00:40:41You should see how happy Pavlos is
00:40:43that he has me with him every day.
00:40:45Are you going to do it?
00:40:46Are you going to start?
00:40:47Are you going to start again?
00:40:48Yes, my love.
00:40:49Tomorrow, Jane will give me a promotion
00:40:51and from tomorrow on, I'll start working.
00:40:55Why are you so worried?
00:40:58A week ago, they put a bomb in the office.
00:41:00And now you're going to work normally there?
00:41:02Every day?
00:41:03And a few days ago, they set fire to the lamp.
00:41:06And you go and work normally.
00:41:08We can't live in fear and lock ourselves in our homes.
00:41:12Still, I'm worried.
00:41:13Don't worry.
00:41:15I'm telling you again,
00:41:16we can't live in fear.
00:41:19And in any case, women don't accept it.
00:41:21It doesn't seem to bother them that much.
00:41:24Anyway, let's talk about something else.
00:41:26You know that I'm going to get pregnant.
00:41:30And this time, everything seems to be going well.
00:41:33I hope so.
00:41:34You don't deserve to go through the same thing.
00:41:38What's wrong, my love?
00:41:41There's something else I'm thinking about.
00:41:44Mathios and Vasiliki
00:41:47are having a dinner party with Roussos.
00:41:49Yes, and?
00:41:50I'm afraid of a conversation that's very likely to happen.
00:41:54What conversation?
00:41:56Vasiliki believes that Mathios
00:41:58must tell Roussos about Stefanis.
00:42:15How did it go?
00:42:16I did my best with what I found in the fridge.
00:42:18What did you find?
00:42:19I enjoyed it, my love.
00:42:20Let me tell you something.
00:42:21Maybe the world has been justified
00:42:23and gastronomy has given you an amazing set.
00:42:25You think so?
00:42:27If I see you with a brush, what will people say?
00:42:29How about we open our own restaurant?
00:42:33We can make our own food
00:42:36and stop dealing with illegal things,
00:42:39criminals and cases and...
00:42:46Who is it?
00:42:48I was about to say something else.
00:42:53Yes, I've been looking for you for days now, but...
00:42:57I got it. They told you why.
00:43:00I see.
00:43:01So, it was arranged by you.
00:43:07You can meet me...
00:43:09No, no, no.
00:43:10I'll be waiting for you at my office tomorrow.
00:43:13Thank you.
00:43:16What's wrong, my love?
00:43:19This is the man who was the supplier of Hydrocephalus.
00:43:25We have him and Mina Giorgaki in our hands.
00:43:30Amen, my love. Amen.
00:43:48Your tea, mum.
00:43:50Thank you, my love.
00:43:55The day will come when your little girl will be born.
00:44:00And your eye will be betrayed, if you keep your word, of course.
00:44:04I won't. I'm sure of it.
00:44:08Think about the grief your little eyes will suffer.
00:44:13No, to be honest, I'm thinking about Antonis.
00:44:15How he will feel when he finds out.
00:44:19Let's go, Marina.
00:44:25What brings you here at this hour?
00:44:27I have to talk to you, dad.
00:44:30Let's go.
00:44:31The Russian told me that he's going to find out about Mathew's food.
00:44:37Yes, don't worry.
00:44:40I don't believe that Mathew is going to tell him about Stefanos.
00:44:46Don't worry.
00:44:49Why shouldn't my son Russian find out?
00:44:53Will he tell everyone?
00:45:05I brought something to eat for starters.
00:45:08Until the food arrives.
00:45:09Enjoy your meal, Vasiliki.
00:45:11So, what are we having?
00:45:14On the return of the Russian.
00:45:20Now that the three of us are here,
00:45:23I want to tell you something that torments me.
00:45:30It was, tell us.
00:45:32It was what you're afraid I'll feel if I find out.
00:45:37My soul, I heard you talking and he told us something.
00:45:40Did he tell you or not?
00:45:42That Andreas is a liar, my soul.
00:45:46So, why shouldn't I find out?
00:45:49You're lying.
00:45:50Why didn't you tell us?
00:45:52I would have told you.
00:45:54Where is he, Antonis? On the island?
00:45:57No, no, it's still too late.
00:45:59But where?
00:46:00He was found in Alexandroupoli.
00:46:02Two days ago.
00:46:04But why shouldn't I find out that Andreas is a liar?
00:46:08Because you're under pressure.
00:46:10You've got the smugglers, the pressure from the prosecutor,
00:46:13and you've got Andreas on your mind.
00:46:15Let him come and we'll wait for him with open arms.
00:46:18Are you serious, Antonis?
00:46:20And aren't you afraid he'll do something to you in the village?
00:46:24He'll do the biggest mistake of your life.
00:46:26That's what he's going to do.
00:46:29My dear, I'm hungry.
00:46:31I'm going down to eat, because you're right in front of me.
00:46:35Until you're done, I'm going down to serve.
00:46:37Okay, I'm going down.
00:46:43He's lying.
00:46:45Do you think he'll believe us?
00:46:47I feel really bad for what I'm doing to him.
00:46:49Me too, Marina.
00:46:53Antonis, go.
00:47:08I told you.
00:47:10He's going to write us off as a family.
00:47:14That's why you have to catch him red-handed.
00:47:16Don't tell him the truth.
00:47:18We have to win some time, Kalliopi.
00:47:22I'll call him.
00:47:27Damn him again.
00:47:30He's got the smugglers on his back and he's walking.
00:47:33We've said many truths these days, but there's a shadow left that won't let me rest.
00:47:42What does it have to do with us?
00:47:46With Stefanos' death.
00:47:50There he is. He's not talking.
00:47:52He's not talking, the blessed one.
00:47:54Sit down.
00:47:56There he is. He's not talking.
00:47:58He's not talking, the blessed one.
00:48:00Sit down.
00:48:04It seems to me that you know what he's talking about.
00:48:10Am I right?
00:48:18Who is he?
00:48:26Who is he?
00:48:42It's my mother.
00:48:44Tell him something has happened to you.
00:48:46Come on, mother.
00:48:50Can anyone hear me?
00:48:52No, tell me.
00:48:54Say something about Stefanos, Roussos.
00:48:56That's it, mother. It's already done.
00:48:59Come on, tell him.
00:49:03Oh, I didn't make it.
00:49:05Oh, my child, I told you.
00:49:08I'm hanging up now.
00:49:14Roussos, say something.
00:49:16Please, say something.
00:49:19What did your manager do?
00:49:25Everybody knows.
00:49:27What about the police?
00:49:29They'll find out soon enough.
00:49:33I'll tell them.
00:49:35I'll give the money to them as soon as Vasiliki is born.
00:49:38Why after all these years?
00:49:40Because now is the time.
00:49:42Who sets the time?
00:49:46Russo, Russo, please, before you go to court,
00:49:50listen to the reasons that led him to do it.
00:49:53That's what I'm waiting to hear.
00:49:57I'll bring the food and we'll talk about it.
00:49:59It's not time for food.
00:50:01I'll listen to it first.
00:50:09I didn't make it in time.
00:50:12I saw new hair standing on top of my head again.
00:50:15That's it, please.
00:50:17Anyway, whatever happened, happened.
00:50:20For a minute,
00:50:22for a minute I was looking for Trigounis,
00:50:24that's what happened to my phone.
00:50:27Why is my fate turning against me, my father?
00:50:31Don't worry, please, nothing.
00:50:34Anyway, in a few days,
00:50:36the TV would say it and the whole of Crete would know it.
00:50:40Why didn't you tell me then?
00:50:41I would have rushed in and you would have asked me to get the phone.
00:50:44And you would have gained some time, Kalliopi.
00:50:48Because I believe that if Russo had come close to him,
00:50:53with his height,
00:50:56he would have known him better.
00:50:58And when he was exposed to the crime,
00:51:02he would have understood him.
00:51:03I was also turning the wheel of time from my body.
00:51:08But he didn't respect me.
00:51:10Don't study badly.
00:51:13Maybe he will understand him.
00:51:17are you kidding me?
00:51:19Didn't you tell me that you wouldn't treat us like a family?
00:51:25I'm going to open the door.
00:51:29Oh, my head again.
00:51:32I can't do it, I have a body.
00:51:35How can I stand it?
00:51:42How are you?
00:51:44I'm fine, thank you.
00:51:46How are you, Mrs. Pintagina?
00:51:48Sit down.
00:51:51I came to do what you advised me to do.
00:51:54What did he advise you?
00:51:56To catch Russo and talk to him about Andreas,
00:51:58to see what we can do.
00:51:59Where is he?
00:52:00I didn't say that you would see him again.
00:52:02I didn't understand.
00:52:04He is in the hospital.
00:52:05It would be better if he didn't come.
00:52:07What are you talking about?
00:52:09Don't talk nonsense.
00:52:10Don't you know what I'm talking about?
00:52:11What did he say?
00:52:12Oh, my God.
00:52:14He told him everything about Stefanis.
00:52:21What is he saying?
00:52:22Look at me, where am I going?
00:52:24He is right.
00:52:25He advised me.
00:52:26I advised him.
00:52:27You didn't advise him.
00:52:29To go and talk to him, that's what I did.
00:52:31I will catch you both, the advisors, and throw you out.
00:52:46You don't want to go to the bathroom?
00:52:47It's already done.
00:52:49I don't want to go to the bathroom.
00:52:51If he wants to talk, let him talk to a kid.
00:52:57But he looks worried.
00:52:58Yes, he is worried.
00:52:59I told you.
00:53:00But I can't do anything.
00:53:02It's okay.
00:53:06Why did you call Vasiliki and ask him such a thing?
00:53:12On the other hand, I understand her.
00:53:14It makes sense for her to tell him herself.
00:53:16She didn't learn it from somewhere else.
00:53:17However, I am afraid of the Russian's reaction.
00:53:23What, now?
00:53:24In a week?
00:53:25Come on, don't talk to me about this.
00:53:26Say something nice.
00:53:28When will our wedding take place?
00:53:32When will it take place?
00:53:33After the summer.
00:53:34Didn't we say that?
00:53:35Yes, we said that.
00:53:36But when exactly?
00:53:37We have to find a date.
00:53:38Whenever you want.
00:53:39You tell me.
00:53:40Should it take place in September?
00:53:43Do you want it in September?
00:53:44In September.
00:53:45September is after the summer.
00:53:48Okay, then.
00:53:49We will fix it then.
00:53:53And who will be the groom?
00:53:55And who will be the bridegroom?
00:53:59We had promised Tolis, if you remember.
00:54:01So, Tolis.
00:54:04And someone else?
00:54:05Who else?
00:54:06Will we have someone else?
00:54:07What, do we have to have more?
00:54:10Who do you want?
00:54:12I don't know.
00:54:14Let's say Stella.
00:54:16She proposed to me to marry her and I couldn't for unknown reasons.
00:54:21What do you think?
00:54:23It's not a bad idea.
00:54:32Anyway, we can say today that it's a nice day.
00:54:36You got to know each other.
00:54:37Tomorrow you will get to know the other one.
00:54:41Isn't he happy?
00:54:43Is there something bothering you?
00:54:49I talked to him about what you told me.
00:54:58I shouldn't have met this girl.
00:55:01I shouldn't, no.
00:55:02I know what I have to do next.
00:55:04I shouldn't.
00:55:06I'm sorry, I don't understand.
00:55:07Are you thinking about rejecting him and he stops being your boyfriend?
00:55:11It makes sense, doesn't it?
00:55:12I mean, he marries me and I'm jealous of him.
00:55:15Yes, my love.
00:55:16Even this can happen.
00:55:17It's the same.
00:55:18It seems that you are a generous man.
00:55:22Can I tell you something?
00:55:25This is not the reason you are confused.
00:55:28What is it?
00:55:30You are confused by your feeling that is activated, my love.
00:55:34You agreed to it because you found out that Thodoras is pregnant.
00:55:38And now your heart can't do it and your mind is reacting.
00:55:44Your mother must be in pain.
00:55:46I'm fine, don't worry.
00:55:47I'm not worried at all.
00:55:50I mean it.
00:55:51You have fallen right into me.
00:55:53And I really don't know what to do.
00:55:56Look, I'm telling you to put it aside.
00:55:58For now.
00:56:00To deal with the real criminals.
00:56:03As long as you deal with other things,
00:56:05the thugs won't be released, they will kill someone in the village
00:56:08and then your heart won't be able to take it.
00:56:27Where have you been for so long?
00:56:28I've been eating, Pires.
00:56:30What happened, brother?
00:56:31Why are you in a hurry?
00:56:32They caught Minas.
00:56:34What are you talking about?
00:56:35Who told you?
00:56:36His lawyer called me.
00:56:38I see.
00:56:39How did this happen?
00:56:40On the day of the fire, someone saw him in the village.
00:56:42He went to the police station and described him.
00:56:46His sketch was all over the place.
00:56:48He didn't want much.
00:56:49Some thug saw him and followed him.
00:56:52Oh no.
00:56:53They will pressure him to give us the money.
00:56:55I'm on my way.
00:56:56That's why I'm in a hurry.
00:56:58You said your boss would handle it.
00:57:00Isn't that true?
00:57:01What can we do, Giannis?
00:57:03If Minas talks...
00:57:04Look what will happen.
00:57:05Will we let him talk?
00:57:07It's better to shut him up.
00:57:09We'll shut him up.
00:57:10No, Giannis.
00:57:11We can't kill him.
00:57:12What if we put him in danger?
00:57:16Minas is a time collaborator.
00:57:18What does he have to say?
00:57:19He has to say that we should give him a chance.
00:57:21What if he talks?
00:57:22He won't talk.
00:57:23We'll warn him with his lawyer.
00:57:25He's our man.
00:57:28He'll tell him.
00:57:29He'll open his mouth and talk.
00:57:31Or he'll wait for him.
00:57:33But we can't kill him.
00:57:35Are you risking a lot?
00:57:38As a collaborator,
00:57:39you can't sell him like that.
00:57:42If you don't want to,
00:57:43he can sell you too.
00:57:57You have so much in your head
00:57:59and you don't give such advice.
00:58:01Did you advise my son to do the opposite?
00:58:06wherever Mathios is,
00:58:07he'll be handed over.
00:58:09What will happen?
00:58:10What will change?
00:58:11Will we keep it a secret?
00:58:13I didn't say that we would hide it.
00:58:16But I wanted some time
00:58:17to get to know him a little.
00:58:19My son, Roussos.
00:58:21I want him to get to know Mathios.
00:58:22To get to know his soul.
00:58:24To get to know my daughter, Roussos.
00:58:27To understand the reasons
00:58:29why they killed Mathios.
00:58:34in a week,
00:58:35or in ten days,
00:58:36the time has come.
00:58:38Nothing will change.
00:58:41I agree with what Kalliopi says.
00:58:43There should be
00:58:45a little time
00:58:46to get to know each other
00:58:48and things will get better.
00:58:52I have no reservations
00:58:54and you know that very well.
00:58:56But when we talk about this,
00:58:58Roussos is not a saint.
00:59:00He may not have used a gun to kill a man,
00:59:02but with his amulet
00:59:04he may have shed blood.
00:59:06Andreas may be the man
00:59:08who gave the order
00:59:10to kill his husband,
00:59:12but Roussos knows very well
00:59:14that the moral guardian
00:59:16is himself.
00:59:18Yes, but I say now
00:59:20that what would happen
00:59:22if Andreas learned
00:59:24the truth from the beginning?
00:59:26Here, of course,
00:59:28we are talking about tips
00:59:30and a man who carries tips.
00:59:32It is impossible for someone
00:59:34to go and speak
00:59:36directly about this.
00:59:38That's why I wanted
00:59:40some more time.
00:59:42Think about my position
00:59:44when I was sitting there
00:59:46with my eyes wide open
00:59:48and I was accusing his son
00:59:50from morning till night,
00:59:52while I was cutting off
00:59:54my son's hair
00:59:56It is too late to talk
00:59:58about tips now.
01:00:00Matios told the truth.
01:00:02Let's hope that you will
01:00:04understand all the tips.
01:00:06I hope so, Panagia.
01:00:10Now you know everything.
01:00:12All the reasons that forced me
01:00:14to do what I did.
01:00:16Now it's up to you.
01:00:18But don't forget, Roussos,
01:00:20that if it wasn't Stefanis,
01:00:22it would have been me.
01:00:26Did you know?
01:00:28Vasiliki didn't know anything.
01:00:30When she found out,
01:00:32she asked me for a divorce.
01:00:34But you didn't?
01:00:36No, Roussos.
01:00:38Because I understood
01:00:40that the path to forgiveness
01:00:42is better.
01:00:44But I don't understand it.
01:00:46What don't you understand?
01:00:48What would you do in my position
01:00:50if the woman you loved
01:00:52got to the point
01:00:54where she prefers to die than live?
01:00:56What would you do?
01:00:58No, I would kill her.
01:01:00But I don't know how.
01:01:02There are other ways.
01:01:04Even if I got to that point,
01:01:06I would call the police
01:01:08to come and get me.
01:01:10Didn't you take an example
01:01:12from your father,
01:01:14who didn't kill to get something
01:01:16that wasn't his,
01:01:18but to protect the family's honor?
01:01:20You don't understand anything
01:01:22I've told you.
01:01:24I opened your heart.
01:01:26What should I understand?
01:01:28You killed your cousin,
01:01:30who you grew up with.
01:01:32And instead of going to the police,
01:01:34instead of mourning
01:01:36for your soul that was lost
01:01:38with Stefanis,
01:01:40you married his wife
01:01:42and live a happy life with her.
01:01:44What do you mean by happy life?
01:01:46We fight every day
01:01:48for the sake of our child.
01:01:50And who is responsible for your son's death?
01:01:52Who? Your son?
01:01:56I hear you throw all the weight
01:01:58on my son every day,
01:02:00like the crooks
01:02:02who load everything on others.
01:02:04You think I'm a crook?
01:02:06You? You?
01:02:08You didn't have the guts
01:02:10to resist your father
01:02:12and take the woman you loved
01:02:14but you let the enemy take her
01:02:16and the child you left
01:02:18to be raised by a stranger?
01:02:20You're going to tell me that?
01:02:22And after you took her life,
01:02:24the woman you loved,
01:02:26you went abroad.
01:02:28You're going to tell me?
01:02:30No, no, Your Majesty.
01:02:32Let him go.
01:02:34I want to see what I can do with him.
01:02:36Are you going to kick him again?
01:02:38Listen to me, please.
01:02:40He's going to surrender.
01:02:42It's too late.
01:02:44It's too late.
01:02:48only shame must rise
01:02:50in our name.
01:02:52Fortunately, your father is not alive
01:02:54to live this shame.
01:02:56At least he left with honor.
01:02:58My father would understand me.
01:03:00I haven't heard anything else from you.
01:03:02From what I've heard,
01:03:04this was the worst.
01:03:08Worse than all these lies
01:03:10your son has made?
01:03:12He was raised by vixens.
01:03:14And if you stop now,
01:03:16you'll end up like Leventis.
01:03:20until you do what you did.
01:03:22We have nothing more to say.
01:03:24I'm leaving.
01:03:26I don't have a job here.
01:03:28God forgive you.
01:03:36This conversation was wrong.
01:03:38It was too much.
01:03:42I love you.
01:03:44It's not your fault.
01:03:46That's not what I want from you.
01:03:52I'm sorry.
01:04:08I don't care
01:04:10if your father is a vixen
01:04:12or not.
01:04:14Deep inside my soul
01:04:16I wish to find no evidence against him.
01:04:20And if
01:04:24he is guilty
01:04:26what will you do, Antonis?
01:04:28And how do we proceed from here, brother?
01:04:30That's not going to happen.
01:04:32We're stuck. I'll fix it with the bomb.
01:04:34Tell me. What's on your mind?
01:04:36I've done
01:04:38a lot of things.
01:04:40It's a job.
01:04:42It's a dream.
01:04:44Yes, hello.
01:04:46I've been waiting for you since morning.
01:04:48Come in.
01:04:50Tell me the truth.
01:04:52The truth.
01:04:54Last night you said
01:04:56horrible things to Mathios.
01:04:58How dare you?
01:05:02What's wrong?
01:05:04What happened?
01:05:06The sky is full of stars.
01:05:08You won't say a word.
01:05:12Moutakides are not joking.
01:05:14Do you know exactly what
01:05:16Giacobagis needs?
01:05:18A hat.
01:05:20A hat.
01:05:22Where are you going?
01:05:24I'm going upstairs. I have no other strength for tonight.
01:05:26Find it.
01:05:28Sit down.
01:05:30We'll solve this tonight.
01:05:36THE END