Travis Scott Arrested for Disorderly Intoxication in Miami, Sparked by Yacht Argument | TMZ Live

  • 3 months ago
Travis Scott got arrested for being drunk in public out in Florida -- and his mug shot is a sobering one.


00:00Travis Scott who ended up taking a little photo this morning that would be a mugshot
00:05Because he was arrested in Miami
00:08after an incident on a yacht
00:11And incident where he got into can I tell you?
00:15That the similarity with with with Justin Timberlake glassy eyes
00:21glassy eyes yet another yet enough glassy eyes
00:27Travis Scott was not driving
00:29But he was arguing with someone on a yacht and the argument got loud enough that
00:35and intense enough that someone called the police and
00:39The police were actually just they weren't arresting Travis Scott at first
00:43They were just escorting him away from the yacht where this argument had broken out with I
00:48believe that they were staffers on the yacht, so
00:52He was supposed to just leave and they walked him to a car he got into a car that was chauffeur-driven
00:57But he came back, and that's where the problem came. That's right
01:01They say he came back about five minutes later
01:03And then attempted to go back to the yacht to presumably keep on yapping keep on arguing
01:09Maybe whatever who knows but they they stopped him they say
01:13And that's when they say they cuffed him took him to jail they ended up booking him for disorderly intoxication and trespass
01:20And he posted the mugshot like you said
01:22Travis Scott's not sweating it after the fact he has been posting memes and just kind of like laughing it off literally he posted
01:30And he also kind of posted like a little photoshop version of his mugshot with like headphones on this is on brand for him
01:37I'm sure his fans love this
01:39And again like Travis Scott's been in trouble with the law before he's been arrested for inciting a riot and a light
01:45You know different things none of those charges ever stuck by the way you always say this talk about rich people's
01:49Problems getting getting too angry over a yacht argument. Yeah, I mean, I don't know what they were arguing
01:55I don't think they were arguing about the size no
01:57I understand that but it's just funny that that is definitely a rich people and by the way we talked about this in the morning
02:02Meeting I still don't have an answer to this. It's basically public intoxication, right?
02:08But they don't do breathalyzers, and they don't do feel sobriety tests
02:12So how do they know you're actually and I literally could have had one drink you could have glass of wine
02:17Are you are you then one is it public intoxication if you start arguing smell alcohol on you, but that doesn't mean you're drunk
02:23No, I agree. I just have a problem with the intoxication part. Yes, I and I've been thinking about that all morning. So there
02:32Hey, I'm Orlando your heart and I'm from Memphis, Tennessee
02:35And I just feel as if with Travis being a public person. I feel like he should
02:44Apologize and you know kept it pushing and also he went to social media making memes about it and everything
02:51And I understand like it's a ha ha kiki and everything
02:54But you were taken away from that situation and you put yourself back into that situation which caused you to get arrested
03:01So I feel like he should have just you know
03:04Apologize make a public statement of apology and just kept it going that way
03:08You know, yeah, I mean the the law has gonna have a voice in this
03:12I just remembered this is two months in a row last month and can he got into there was no police weren't involved
03:18But then we got to the brawl, right? You got into the brawl with the AE right shares boyfriend, right? Right, right
03:23Yeah, nobody got arrested there. No one arrested and that seems more intense than the yacht. Yeah, the French let things go
