Sanpellegrino, 125 anni di valore per l’Italia

  • 4 months ago
(Adnkronos) - Nel 2023 Sanpellegrino ha contribuito alla crescita italiana con 2,54 miliardi di euro di valore economico condiviso. Lo attesta uno studio condotto da Althesys Strategic Consultants intitolato “Sanpellegrino crea valore per l’Italia” che evidenzia le ricadute che le attività del Gruppo hanno generato lungo la filiera e sull’economia italiana.


00:00It was on May 21, 1899, when San Pellegrino began a successful path that would lead the company to position itself on the Italian market as a reference in the sector of mineral waters and non-alcoholic beverages.
00:20In 125 years, San Pellegrino has contributed to the Italian economy, winning a leading role in the national economic scenario.
00:28To highlight the gains that the group's activities have generated along the line and on the Italian economy, the study was conducted by Altesis Strategic Consultants, entitled San Pellegrino creates value for Italy.
00:41In 2023, San Pellegrino contributed to the Italian growth with 2.54 billion euros of shared economic value, which corresponds to 0.12% of the domestic product of the national order.
00:55This result is the result of our corporate policy oriented to the creation of shared value, which is based on strategic choices and investments capable of favoring, in addition to the development of our company, also an economic, environmental and social growth.
01:13Compared to the other 2.5 billion euros of shared economic value, I want to specify that for each euro of fallout from the production phase, San Pellegrino has generated 5.3 euros on the line, for the benefit of the Italian economic system.
01:30From the results of the analysis, it emerges that San Pellegrino and its industry have generated 819 million euros of tax contribution, or 0.1% of the national tax revenue. The impact of the company's activities on employment is significant.
01:46For each of its employees, San Pellegrino creates about 28 jobs, 21 of which are within the sector and 7 in the industry, for a total of over 42,200 employees. And I will go into more detail, most of the employment is created in the sector, and about 30,000 jobs are in the out-of-home sector.
02:11On the wage front, San Pellegrino has contributed to generate 792 million euros along the line, which correspond to the average annual consumption of 27,000 families.
02:22San Pellegrino has played a key role in the national economic scenario thanks to its products, capable of meeting the various consumption requirements, products that over the course of more than a century of the company's history have become ambassadors in the world of the values of their territories of origin, contributing to make known and appreciated the excellence of Made in Italy.
