• l’année dernière


00:03Those are the Hillbilly Hills,
00:05where once were fought the fiercest feuds in history.
00:08But that is a thing of the past.
00:10Today, the Hillbilly families live alongside each other
00:13in peace and tranquility.
00:15Hello? What's this?
00:17Yes, he can.
00:18No, he can't.
00:19Yes, he can.
00:20No, he can't.
00:21My paw can whip your paw.
00:22No, he can't.
00:23He can.
00:24He can.
00:29Grrr! Grrr! Grrr!
00:35Heh, heh, heh!
00:37Blank-eyed peas.
00:41Heh, heh, heh!
00:44Many grits.
00:46Dum-ka-dum-ka-dum-dum! Blue-tailed fly!
00:48Howdy, Shag.
00:50Nice day, ain't it?
00:53Uh-oh! He's showing off!
00:55Blank-eyed peas.
00:57Howdy, neighbor.
01:00We hoppers don't cotton to anybody.
01:04Whooping up on our young'uns.
01:07And if your young'un don't quit it,
01:10our friendship
01:14is gonna come to a screeching halt.
01:19Wait till Paul gets a whip of these here black-eyed peas.
01:22He'll come a-running.
01:29Blanc-seats, Paul. Can't you wait till I get them on the table?
01:33This ain't gonna down but no good hoppers.
01:36Gonna get my rifle and blast them.
01:39Hold on, Paul.
01:40We give our word there'll be no more feuding
01:43and the rug never goes back on his word.
01:49Now, I'm thinking about where I'm wrecking your ride, Ma.
01:53My pa whopped your pa!
01:56My pa whopped your pa!
01:58Ha, ha, ha, ha!
02:13On jowl and turnip greens.
02:18Ham, hock and butter beans.
02:25you is stretching our friendship
02:28to the breaking point.
02:36Funny tongue gone when they're not doing like hoppers,
02:39any shape or size.
02:42Let go my rifle, Ma.
02:44Won't let you do it, Paul.
02:46Ain't gonna be no more shooting in these sharp hills.
02:51Well, Ma thinks you put it that way.
02:56Your pa is a sissy.
02:58Your pa is a sissy.
03:00And you're a sissy, too.
03:02What was that last remark?
03:04I said you're a sissy, too.
03:14Ha, ha, ha.
03:16He wanted that no good Claude Hopper's way.
03:19There's no good neighbor.
03:22I think he's miffed again.
03:28And if Shag don't quit whomping my young'un,
03:31I'm gonna lose my temper.
03:35Funny tongue gone a-fighting in the bunker.
03:37Give me my rifle, Ma.
03:39Nobody stomps on a rug and gets away with it.
03:42Why, sure, Paul. Help yourself.
03:45Reckon that'll put a kink in your feudin' first bell.
03:50Shag's pa's a scaredy-cat.
03:52Shag's pa's a scaredy-cat.
03:54Shag's pa's a scaredy...
03:58Waah! Waah! Waah!
04:10I'm gonna get you.
04:12Heh, heh, heh.
04:14Trouble have a hard time finding me way up here.
04:18Heh, heh, heh.
04:22Oh, no. About time this birdie left the nest.
04:28If I weren't a peaceful sort,
04:31I'd be tempted to lose my temper
04:35and do something fierce to you.
04:38Ooh, that was a nasty one.
04:41Fenton gonna never know, but I did it, Ma.
04:44Word or no word, the feud is on.
04:47Simmer down, Paul. Count to ten.
04:50You know I can't count past five, Ma.
04:52Then count to five twice.
04:54No time for countin', Ma.
04:56When the time's come for a feudin'.
04:59You can't do that, Paul.
05:01I can't count past five, Ma.
05:03Then count to five twice.
05:05When the time's come for a feudin'.
05:07You can't do it, Paul.
05:09Us rugs is not to be walked on.
05:11Your pride will be your downfall, Paul.
05:14Defend yourself, Hopper. This is war.
05:17Happy to oblige, rug.
05:19Y'all wouldn't fight with a lady present.
05:24I reckon they would.
05:29Tsk, tsk, tsk.
05:31What a shameful example to be settin' for us peace-lovin' young'uns.
05:35Yeah. Come on, pal.
05:37This is nothin' for our sweet little innocent eyes to be witnessin'.
