"Unveiling Systemic Corruption: Challenges and Injustice Faced by Ordinary Indians" . #HumanRightsAbuse

  • 3 months ago
When grievances are escalated to the Honourable President of India, Prime Minister, or Home Minister, they often redirect them to state authorities, citing constitutional clauses. However, this process frequently results in state administrations colluding with vested interests, such as land sharks, altering ground realities for personal gain. This manipulation is akin to filling a pond with black sand under cover of darkness, transforming it into land deemed fit for lucrative multi-storey developments. Such changes are validated through skewed soil and water tests, despite public outcry and silent media.

In West Bengal, the tragic discoveries of citizens found decomposed post-mortem label them as 'psychics', silencing families who lack the means to challenge the narrative. These victims, often highly qualified with commendable credentials, fade from media spotlight, highlighting a skewed justice system favouring the influential.

Contrastingly, while opposition leaders receive state protection during protests against government malfeasance, common citizens lack similar safeguards. They face exploitation by opportunistic elements, including those within the legal fraternity, betraying public trust for personal gain. Instances like the Kanchan Janga train accident, where blame unfairly shifted to a vulnerable goods train driver, underscore the absence of human rights advocacy and impartial press scrutiny.

High-ranking officers enjoy promotions and foreign junkets despite involvement in ongoing legal disputes, exemplified by incidents at illegal roadblocks. One such event saw an officer openly mocking a sub judice case involving a local family, leading to harassment and physical violence against the family members. This impunity reflects a broken system where justice is elusive and power prevails unchecked.

Additionally, the manipulation of apartment records and the covert transformation of renters into owners highlight systemic flaws perpetuated by local clubs and political patrons. This control extends to education, employment opportunities, and even street-level commerce, depriving ordinary Indians of fair opportunities and perpetuating a cycle of injustice.

The plight of ordinary Indians underscores the urgent need for systemic reforms to restore justice, protect civil liberties, and ensure equitable opportunities for all. This ongoing struggle demands widespread awareness and concerted efforts towards a fairer, more accountable governance system in India.

#CorruptionInIndia #PoliticalExploitation #SocialInjustice #HumanRightsAbuse #StateAdministrativeMatter #MisuseOfPower #SystemicCorruption #JusticeDenied #WestBengalCrisis #CommunityProtection #VoiceOfThePeople #IndiaToday
