Injustice in West Bengal: Exploitation, Corruption, and Systemic Neglect . #JusticeForAll

  • 3 months ago
In West Bengal, appeals for justice to the President, Prime Minister, or Home Minister often redirect to state authorities, inadvertently alerting compromised local police and district administrations. This triggers rapid changes on the ground, like filling ponds with black sand overnight, later declared fit for high-rises despite confirming soil and water tests. Senior women face harassment without witnesses, while politically connected individuals evade scrutiny. Even retired government employees see their wards unfairly labelled, despite ample evidence.

Misuse of power thrives with disappearing maintenance records and manipulative practices favouring select individuals. Essential services like unreliable lifts until 2019 disproportionately affect seniors and the disabled.

This systemic corruption demotivates and distracts our son, impacting his future opportunities, much like the ruined retirements of many parents. These issues reflect a broader pattern of injustice and a lack of protection for ordinary citizens in Bengal.

#WestBengalInjustice #CorruptionInIndia #SystemicExploitation #JusticeForAll
