Matin infos - 22/06/2024

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MEDI1TV Afrique : Matin infos - 22/06/2024


00:00The information is continued on Medea TV Africa, thank you for finding us for this round of news, here are the titles.
00:18Burkina Faso places high expectations on the Atlantic initiative launched by His Majesty the King Mohammed VI to promote the access of the Sahel states to the Atlantic Ocean.
00:28The position is supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Regional Cooperation and Burkina Faso.
00:39Antonio Guterres renewed his call to cease the immediate humanitarian fire in Gaza.
00:44The UN Secretary-General also pleaded for a real way towards a two-state solution to the conflict in the region.
00:51The waves of heat are inviting this weekend in Morocco with a temperature between 37 and 42 degrees Celsius in several provinces of the kingdom.
01:03The National Water and Forest Agency calls for vigilance and predicts an extreme risk of forest fire.
01:10We meet again right away for the development.
01:14Welcome ladies and gentlemen, Burkina Faso reaffirms its constant support for the territorial integrity of Morocco on the whole of its territory.
01:24At the end of his interview with his Moroccan counterpart Nasser Bourita Karamoko Jean-Marie Traoré, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Regional Cooperation and Burkina Faso,
01:36he reiterated the support of his country to the autonomy plan presented by Morocco as the best solution that actually restitutes the position of Burkina Faso.
01:45Shaima Fekri does the count for us.
01:49The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Regional Cooperation and Burkina Faso, welcomed this Friday his counterpart Karamoko Jean-Marie Traoré.
02:00He reiterated in Rabat the constant position of Burkina Faso for the support in favor of the territorial integrity of Morocco on the whole of its territory.
02:12This visit is part of the solid relations that bind the two countries and of exceptional interest carried by His Majesty King Mohammed VI.
02:19As for relations with the Sahel countries, especially Burkina Faso, during our meeting we addressed the subject of our solid bilateral relations
02:28characterized by their historical depth and their diversity.
02:32Traoré did not fail to salute the excellent work done within the United Nations.
02:37I salute the excellent work done within the United Nations.
02:44Morocco has submitted an autonomy plan that we have always supported and which declines and which actually restitutes the position of Burkina Faso.
03:00This is a regularly reiterated support in favor of the territorial integrity of Morocco on the whole of its territory.
03:15For this reason, we call on this plan, which is a whole and which really allows us to go towards a happy outcome, as I said,
03:29that this plan can benefit from the support of all so that we can finally, between Africans, find ourselves in a sufficiently integrated space, a space of dialogue and a space of peace.
03:44As a reminder, Burkina Faso opened a general consulate in Darla on October 23, 2020, thus marking the indefatigable support of this country to the Moroccan Sahara.
03:56Present in Sierra Leone, Omar Hidal participated in a meeting on the fight against the growing terrorist threat in West Africa and in the Sahel.
04:06The permanent representative of Morocco to the UN put forward the vision of solidarity of His Majesty Lord Mohammed VI in the prevention and fight against terrorism in Africa.
04:18Omar Hidal assigned the essential role of the Arab Regional Bureau of the United Nations against terrorism in terms of training and strengthening the capacities of African countries in the fight against terrorism.
04:33Pelerinage 2024 in La Mecque. The Ministry of Habeas and Islamic Affairs stated yesterday that there was no abnormal situation in the ranks of Moroccan pilgrims.
04:47During the current season of Rage 445, 20 deaths have been recorded to date. In a statement on the deaths among the pilgrims, the Moroccan Ministry indicates that these cases of deaths have been recorded among the pilgrims,
05:03making them part of the official organization and the organization of travel agencies, which is almost the same number compared to the same period of the season of Rage last year.
05:45In conclusion, there are two components. There is a component where we have dialogues with the countries that are taken into account by the regional economic communities.
06:05And we also have a technical work that is being done so that everyone can contribute and have their voice taken into account in these dialogues.
06:25Today we are here because the region of Maghreb is going to do its consultation with the leadership of the OMA and we are here to accompany them so that the priorities of the countries of Maghreb and the priorities of the non-state actors of Maghreb, the priorities of the Maghreb peasant organizations, the priorities of the private sector of Maghreb are taken into account in the next agricultural policy of the continent.
06:55In the conflict in Gaza, 22 people were killed and 45 others injured during shots that damaged the office of the International Committee of the Red Cross, surrounded by some displaced people, according to the organization.
07:10These new violence intervenes while the Israeli army intensifies its strikes on the Gaza Strip, in which at least 30 Palestinians were killed in the day yesterday, according to doctors, and which exchanged new cross-border shots with the Lebanese Hezbollah.
07:26Faced with the growing tensions in the Middle East, the UN Secretary-General has underlined that Lebanon cannot become another Gaza, a situation described by Antonio Gutiérrez in front of the press in New York. Details are with Shayma Fikri.
07:46Faced with the multiplication of Israeli-Lebanese cross-border shots and the threats posed by Israel and Hezbollah, the UN Secretary-General, Antonio Gutiérrez, spoke about his fears of a regional incitement.
08:00I felt compelled today to voice my profound worries concerning the escalation between Israel and Hezbollah along the blue line. This escalation is translated by continuous exchanges of fire and by a belligerent rhetoric on the part of both parties, as if a total war was imminent.
08:27After the Israeli army announced that operational plans for an offensive in Lebanon had been validated, Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah warned that no place in Israel would be spared by the missiles of his movement.
08:41The risk for the conflict in the Middle East is real and must be avoided. An unthoughtful gesture, a miscalculation, could trigger a catastrophe that would go far beyond the borders and would be frankly unimaginable.
08:57In Lebanon, media have made statements of Israeli strikes and bombings against several towns in southern Lebanon.
09:06Hezbollah said on Friday that it had launched explosive drones on a military position on the northern border of Israel and carried out rocket and drone attacks against other military front-line targets.
09:19In Tunisia, the Tunisian Minister of Religious Affairs, Brahim Chaibi, who has been dismissed from his post, announced yesterday the presidency of the Republic in a statement published by social media.
09:33The presidency does not explain the reasons for this dismissal, which comes after the end of the rage and the announcement of a heavy 49-death toll among Tunisian pilgrims in the holy place of Islam.
09:44In response to this drama, Brahim Chaibi recognized the possibility of negligence in the management of Tunisian pilgrims, stating that an evaluation will take place at the level of the ministry to determine the responsibilities.
09:58Let's stay in Tunisia, where four months after the end of President Reza Saeed's mandate, the date of the presidential election has not yet been set, an ambiguity that does not serve the political climate of the country. Tunisia's Najwa Bechar reports.
10:19Tunisian presidential elections should take place in October, but many doubts still surround its organization, especially since the Tunisian president has not yet determined the date of his organization.
10:34His meeting with the head of the High Independent Electoral Commission was unexpected, because he did not set an official date for the elections and did not announce whether he would present himself or not.
10:48In a democratic country, where there is a peaceful transition of power, we want to know the candidates for the elections, we want to give them enough time to understand their projects, their programs and their political orientations.
11:06Today, the Tunisian opposition demands that a date be set for the presidential elections, in order to lift any ambiguity, a position supported by the specialists of electoral observation, who underlined the need to set the date six months in advance, so that the political class can prepare and participate in this electoral right.
11:31Nevertheless, the precise date of the elections must be officially announced. The maintenance of this ambiguity contributes to creating rumors and to creating an atmosphere of political tension, because each candidate is waiting for the official date to be able to announce his electoral program.
11:54As for the High Independent Electoral Commission, it confirmed that the legal deadlines are still respected by the Tunisian president, and the official spokesperson of the electoral authority has given three possibilities for the date of the scrutiny, which will be either 6, 13 or 20 October 2024.
12:18Sudan has experienced one of the worst humanitarian crises in decades. According to Doctors Without Borders, the level of suffering is extreme and the needs are growing. Malal Ben Boudinar reports on the situation.
12:33Between dead and displaced, for a little more than a year, the life of the Sudanese is ruled by suffering. Famine is spreading more and more, reaching levels never seen since 1980, when it had affected Ethiopia with 1.2 million deaths.
12:49According to Linda Thomas-Greenfield, ambassador of the United States, this is the largest humanitarian crisis on the planet, and the threat of worsening the situation is getting worse as the rainy season approaches.
13:01This unprecedented situation, where there are already 15,000 dead, pushes even more people to move and suffer the consequences of this devastating war.
13:09We ran in the bush, then we started to move. After a while, we arrived in Nadianger. No food for us. I am tired. There is no way to be taken to the hospital. No possibility to contact or communicate with my brothers who are left behind.
13:29For the Sudanese population, suffering is felt. According to the UN, 5 million Sudanese are suffering from extreme hunger, and there is also a lack of food in neighboring countries where some have taken refuge. In these conditions, the daily life of Sudanese is unbearable.
13:45We are very tired. We need peace. We have suffered a lot. We need schools, hospitals and equipment. We lack everything.
13:55In support of Sudan, the United States announced last week an emergency aid of 315 million dollars.
14:03High-level meeting of the Council of Peace and Security of the African Union.
14:08Yesterday, in Disabeba, Morocco proposed a sustainable political solution to the crisis in the Sudan.
14:13Intervening during this meeting, Mohamed Arouchi, permanent representative of the kingdom to the African Union, affirmed that there is no other solution to the crisis in this brotherly country than a political solution that goes through a serious and constructive dialogue for the end of the suffering of the Sudanese people.
14:32This time in Mauritania, the presidential campaign of June 29 continues. According to its attributions, the Constitutional Council had unveiled a definitive list of seven candidates for the first round, scheduled in eight days, with the case taking a second round on July 13.
14:54Mohamed Ould Sher El Ghazouani is a favorite, with his own succession. The National Independent Electoral Commission has specified that a total of 1.93 million voters are registered on the electoral list, an increase of 8% compared to those registered in the last municipal, legislative and regional elections.
15:17In the direction of Mali, where the president of the Malian Transition will proceed with the inauguration and the laying of the first stone of many infrastructures in the city of Silkasso. A few hours before the start of the event, our correspondent Mohamed Degneco arrived on site.
15:37With its urban streets, its viaducts and multiple exchanges, it is the face of the third administrative region that has changed the great happiness of the population.
15:48If you arrive today in Silkasso after five years of absence, it is certain that you will no longer easily find your way in the city to change infrastructure.
16:00In addition to these road infrastructures, Colonel Gouita will lay the first stone of the very first university in the region, of a value of more than 133 billion francs.
16:12The laying of the first stone of the University of Silkasso is a great relief for us and our children, who will no longer have to go to the capital for higher studies.
16:26On the menu of activities is planned the distribution of 20,000 tons of cereals to more than 2 million people. An action saluted in this early winter.
16:38Giving life in this period is very important.