The King: Eternal Monarch Ep 3-kdrama
TV ve DiziDöküm
00:02:00Go to talk and she's human. I just want to oh, yeah, I got my hands. He's on her bottom
00:02:05Can I put a cookie? Come on? Can you get a chicken? What are you gonna get it? He's got a kiss. I took a bite. He's on it
00:02:10He knows he took a ship
00:02:17Not an issue to do
00:02:19Younger guys on jaw. I don't think I am a soldier. I just saw
00:02:22Yeah, they're gonna go got us up
00:02:28So she's a little bit of a gun. Yeah, what don't you do? No Kim is on board?
00:02:32You can't go now. What was he can you go?
00:02:35Papa is a human body. I don't wanna have a sugar. I need a
00:02:37do you know you can't go
00:02:40Look to our neck. I've seen so far. It was possible
00:02:43Dr. Gaja, say what can I got gonna?
00:02:47절대 권력을 가진 수인 영을 만나거나
00:02:50자는 늘 바쁘고 난 안중에도 없어
00:02:55덕분에 난 이곳에서 무력하였으나
00:02:58다 괜찮았어
00:03:01자네 내가 상상했던 것보다 훨씬 멋지고 내가 갇힌 루트 앞에
00:03:07이렇게 서 있으니까
00:03:12진심이 아닌 질문에 답이었어
00:03:15증명이 됐나
00:03:18뭐가 증명돼 진심이냐고 진심으로 계속 그렇게 헛소리 할 거냐고 물은 거잖아
00:03:28자넨 문과가 아니라 고음과였군
00:03:35어 막 전국 실리니까 인신공격
00:03:38아무 막 아무 곰이나 막
00:03:40혼인해도 되겠어 황제가 곰이랑 한다면 반대하겠지 황실도 내각도
00:03:46반대가 대단하겠지
00:03:48그래 가자 가보자 나도 너네 평행세계 한번 가보자 가서 내가 이 나라의 고음호다 한번 해보지 뭐
00:03:56앞장서 어디로 간대
00:03:58앞장 쓰라고
00:04:15왜? 너네 세계로 가는 주소가 여기가 아니니?
00:04:20주문 같은 거 외워야 되는 거면 외워 창피해 하지 말고
00:04:24문을 찾는 중이야 근데 역시 빈손으로 오니까 안 열린다
00:04:29아 뭘 좀 사올 걸 그랬다 그치? 죽고 싶냐?
00:04:35죽고 싶어?
00:04:38죽고 싶어?
00:04:40아 뭘 좀 사올 걸 그랬다 그치? 죽고 싶냐?
00:04:46믿기 어렵겠지만 원래는 저만치 당간지주가 서 있어야 해
00:04:52설정이 자꾸 는다 절에 있는 돌 그거 말하는 거야?
00:04:57맞아 신과 인간 세계의 경계에 세우는 기둥
00:05:02비릿소리가 들리고 전동과 번개가 일고 거대한 당간지주가 나타났었어
00:05:10근데 오늘은 그 문이 허락되지 않나 봐
00:05:20한가해? 심심하니? 허락되지 않는데 왜 와?
00:05:27한 번은 확인이 필요했는데 마침 자네가 앞장서라 해서 난 좋았지
00:05:33아 내가 전생에 무슨 죄를 지어가지고 추워 죽겠는데 이런 또라이 같은 대화를 하고 있지 지금?
00:05:41김개똥씨 내 말 잘 들어 내일 정도면 국과수에서 DNA 결과 나올 거야
00:05:50다행히 연고자를 찾는다면 좋겠지만 못 찾는다고 해도 내가 도와줄 수 있는 건 여기까지란 이야기야
00:05:58은섭이도 더 이상 불러내지 마 이해했지?
00:06:01은석군도 동의한 건가?
00:06:02걔는 국가 소속 재산이라 자유 의지 따윈 없거든?
00:06:05은석군과 영희는 정말 DNA가 같을까? 쌍둥이조차 세포 수준에선 다른 법인데
00:06:12혹여 연고자를 찾는다 해도 내 가족은 아니란 뜻이야
00:06:17연고자를 찾았는데 왜 네 가족이 아니야?
00:06:22내 아바마마마 오마마마께서는 일찍이 돌아가셨거든
00:06:27황제의 첫 집문은 아이러니하게도 선황제의 국장이야 난 여덟 살 때였고
00:06:35오래된 일이야 그만 갈까?
00:07:35그 자네 이름이 뭐야? 외동인 자네 형님이라는 자
00:07:41너네 이름이 뭔데? 지 이름도 모르면서 남의 이름을 왜 물어?
00:07:46모른다고 안 했어 말해줘도 부를 수 없다고 했지
00:07:51니가 무슨 김소월이야?
00:07:53김소월이 누군데?
00:07:55설정에 구멍이 없네
00:07:58심중에 남아있는 말 한마디는 끝끝내 마저 하지 않을테니까
00:08:02김계통에도 내 인생에 관심 갖지마
00:08:11그 형님이란 자가 자네 인생식이나 되는거야? 이보게
00:08:16태권도의 5대 정신은 예의, 인내, 염치, 극기, 백절, 불구리입니다
00:08:20유급자 품세는 태극 1장에서 8장까지 유단자 품세는 고려에서 1여까지입니다
00:08:25니가 사범이야?
00:08:27이렇듯 배움의 길은 멀고도 험한 비포장 장거리입니다
00:08:30하지만 걱정할 필요는 없습니다
00:08:32본 사범은 예의를 갖고 인내하며 염치와 극기와 백절을 불구리합니다
00:08:37그의 정신은 예의, 인내, 염치, 극기, 백절, 불구리입니다
00:08:42유급자 품세는 태극 1장에서 8장까지
00:08:44본 사범은 예의를 갖고 인내하며 염치를 알고 극기하여 마침내 백절 불구리할 수 있도록 그 길 끝까지 함께합니다
00:08:51그 검은 티 진짜야?
00:08:52반말하지 말고
00:09:01방심하지도 말고
00:09:03인내는 내가 아니라 제작하는 겁니다
00:09:07비싼 돈 내고 누워만 있으면 돈이 아깝습니다
00:09:10벌떡 일어나 낙법부터 배워봅니다
00:09:12그럼 그냥 넘어가
00:09:15넘어지는 건 수도 없이 했어
00:09:17앞으로도 수도 없이 넘어져야 되는데
00:09:20안 다치고 넘어지는 법 가르쳐줍니다
00:09:45야 너 그거 선입견이야?
00:09:47야 생긴 것만 이래 나쁜 사람 아니야 나
00:09:55그래 니 얘기였네
00:09:57너 잘생겼다 야
00:10:00너 신분 없지? 어?
00:10:04야 사람 치겠다
00:10:47자네 이력서를 보니 가족들은 모두 캐나다에 거주하는 모양이던데
00:10:53집은 좀 사나?
00:10:57아 뭐 부족함 없이 잘 한 편입니다
00:11:02돈 때문에 헛짓거리는 안하겠군
00:11:05친구들은 많은가?
00:11:07It hasn't been long since I came from Canada, so I see one of my kindergarten friends often.
00:11:13You must have been forced to move.
00:11:16The reason I passed you is...
00:11:20Did I pass?
00:11:22All of a sudden?
00:11:23It's not all of a sudden.
00:11:25You've been applying for four years, and I've been watching you for four years.
00:11:30Oh, you've been watching me?
00:11:37I enjoyed your fan pic.
00:11:41I was happy in the world you created.
00:11:46I'm going to do something very important to improve your ability to create things.
00:11:55Do you know how to deal with Epic and Photoshop?
00:11:59Oh, my God.
00:12:02I'm sorry.
00:12:04I've prepared your seat in the study room.
00:12:08As usual, I'd like to ask you to post a story and a hashtag.
00:12:34You're trying, Mr. No.
00:12:48Mr. Go, are you honest?
00:12:53Honesty is the right of a high-ranking emperor who doesn't need to be supported.
00:13:00I'm a politician.
00:13:01I'm a politician.
00:13:02I would like to thank the people for voluntarily deciding to pay taxes.
00:13:07I'm a politician, and I'm going to use your honesty.
00:13:11I heard that you played the role of a turtle in Shanghai.
00:13:17Can you win?
00:13:19Am I going to be a joker in that fight?
00:13:22Don't you know what kind of card you are?
00:13:24You're always the king card.
00:13:27I'll fight well.
00:13:29Please keep an eye on me, Your Majesty.
00:13:32I've always been.
00:13:34You said you'd keep an eye on me, but you're going out of the house?
00:13:38Are you attending today's meeting?
00:13:40Oh, yes.
00:13:41As much as the case is a case, all the members who went on a business trip returned in the morning.
00:13:47You have to steal a bowl of rice to be diligent.
00:13:49That's why.
00:13:52The budget for the National Assembly is the first time in three years since it was discussed at the last Cabinet meeting.
00:14:00The price has risen so much in the meantime, and it's not enough to get the right impression.
00:14:08Isn't the vice prime minister in our party?
00:14:11Mr. Vice Prime Minister, aren't you going to do your job firmly by paying the price of fair labor for the members of the party?
00:14:20Yes, I wasn't going to say that.
00:14:24Vice Prime Minister, isn't that too much right now?
00:14:30Honestly, I think the party made a good image and put it up there.
00:14:38That's right.
00:14:40Makeup is getting darker.
00:14:45If this is a place where you put on makeup and take off your clothes, you should take off your clothes and draw an eyeline.
00:14:51Put it on, Vice Prime Minister!
00:14:56The emperor has been paying taxes since last year.
00:15:00Is it okay for our party to be like this?
00:15:02The gap between high-income people and middle-income people like politicians is widening.
00:15:07Of course, we can't reduce the gap with this one violation.
00:15:13But one thing is for sure.
00:15:15The value added by our party works for all people.
00:15:21If you understand why the party's support rate is still low, please explain it to the person next to you.
00:15:28Don't be alone.
00:15:33And one more thing.
00:15:37I am the Prime Minister of the Republic of Korea, not the representative.
00:15:56Oh, it's refreshing.
00:15:58Oh, it's refreshing.
00:16:00Oh, it's refreshing.
00:16:04I just heard the original story.
00:16:06Shin-jae's salary went through the car again.
00:16:10You didn't say anything to Shin-jae, did you?
00:16:12I didn't say anything.
00:16:13If I wanted to talk, I would go to the office and talk to him right away.
00:16:15What are you doing in front of the shit?
00:16:16Good job.
00:16:18But Shin-jae's mother hasn't been able to gamble yet, has she?
00:16:21Isn't that too much?
00:16:22It's because my mother lived a beautiful life while listening to my wife.
00:16:26She doesn't know the world.
00:16:28Even if you don't live a beautiful life, it's fun to gamble.
00:16:30Oh, I'm dying.
00:16:32Oh, what are we going to do?
00:16:41This is a list of treasures in Eungpyeong, Seodaemun, and Junggu.
00:16:45I went all the way around Seongbuk, Dongdaemun, and Seongdonggu in the morning, but I didn't make any money.
00:16:50I'm sitting on a treasure table.
00:16:53When are you going to pick our team's youngest?
00:16:55In the morning.
00:16:57It's five minutes now.
00:17:00The sun has set.
00:17:02I went to work early in the morning, so I applied for this team.
00:17:08Oh, my God.
00:17:09Is it our youngest to catch the criminal and come in?
00:17:26Oh, my God.
00:17:31Oh, my God.
00:17:42You're good-looking.
00:17:44Nice to meet you, Young-rae.
00:17:45Be brave and say your name.
00:17:49I'm Jang Michael.
00:17:50Sir, have a seat.
00:17:52Answer the detective's question clearly.
00:17:55Is that teacher a detective?
00:18:01I'm Jang Michael, assigned to Team 3.
00:18:05I really wanted to catch the criminal and give him a handcuff.
00:18:11I won't do it again.
00:18:12Once is enough.
00:18:14Do you have a second dream?
00:18:16Don't say anything.
00:18:19What's your name?
00:18:22I'm Jang Michael.
00:18:23It's my baptismal name.
00:18:25Just call me Jang-mi.
00:18:27That's what all my friends call me.
00:18:30You have a lot of friends.
00:18:32I'll share the menu, so give me the address tomorrow.
00:18:35Rose 93, Whelk.
00:18:39Oh, I'm sorry.
00:18:44You're not surprised because you're good at English.
00:18:50I was fine with Rose, but I was surprised at 93.
00:18:52Yeah, keep going.
00:18:55Rose 93, Whelk, Unicorn, 4 o'clock.
00:18:59I'll do my best with passion and sense of duty.
00:19:02Look pretty!
00:19:05Hey, our youngest.
00:19:07Passion and sense of duty are too much.
00:19:10Let's throw one of the two away.
00:19:11It's hard for both of you.
00:19:13Copy this list and follow your seniors passionately.
00:19:17Stick, is it possible?
00:19:18Oh, I'm sorry.
00:19:20I'm 93.
00:19:23I'll drive 87.
00:19:25I'll drive 90.
00:19:28Rose 93, Whelk, Unicorn, 4 o'clock.
00:19:49Look for it.
00:19:51If you go straight to the right, you'll come out.
00:19:55There are a few bars.
00:19:57This time, the weapon is a bar.
00:19:59Why is the world so dangerous?
00:20:03You're lucky.
00:20:05I couldn't hand it over because it was too simple.
00:20:08Look for it.
00:20:09I'm sorry.
00:20:29I found it!
00:20:30I think I found it!
00:20:39I think this is right.
00:20:40Are you a shaman?
00:20:42Leave it to the department.
00:20:43Finish the rest by two.
00:20:44Why do you finish it by two?
00:20:45You have to do it at 3 o'clock.
00:20:47What does this blood know?
00:20:49In the end, it's me.
00:20:50If you understand, it's okay.
00:20:53Pack it up.
00:20:54Where are you going?
00:20:55Where are you going to get your money?
00:20:57It's a disappearance.
00:21:00Your jokes are just my style.
00:21:06It's not a joke.
00:21:09Are you the type to only get paid?
00:21:15Take him.
00:21:16Take him!
00:21:17Why do you believe everything he says?
00:21:19Where do I have to teach you?
00:21:29I picked it up on the way.
00:21:30No one saw it.
00:21:33You're supposed to give it to the police.
00:21:35Detective Kang?
00:21:38Please find the owner.
00:21:39Oh, is it the owner?
00:21:46I've been investigating Detective Kang's debt these days.
00:21:49He was a conglomerate, but he failed in his third year of middle school, and he's going to have that debt for the rest of his life.
00:21:54Yeah, I lived in Pyeongchang-dong.
00:21:56Why? Are you jealous?
00:21:57Oh, I'm jealous.
00:21:59I lived in Sonyun-heung-bi-dong.
00:22:03But I'm much better now.
00:22:05What's better?
00:22:07Do you have a small house?
00:22:08Then I'm very jealous.
00:22:09I have a monthly rent.
00:22:11I'm just curious.
00:22:13Why do you live honestly?
00:22:15You're so curious.
00:22:18I don't live honestly.
00:22:20Someone I know is trying to be the one at the end of the bad road.
00:22:25That's why I live like this.
00:22:28I was touched.
00:22:31Then you should make a lot of money.
00:22:34They don't give this much in the country.
00:22:37There's nothing special about it.
00:22:39Give me a call in advance before the crackdown.
00:22:41If you get caught, give me a hand.
00:22:44Then it's good for each other.
00:22:46Is it okay for a civil servant to be so sensitive?
00:22:48What kind of era is it these days?
00:22:50Report it if it's like that.
00:22:51I joined the company a long time ago.
00:22:53All right, all right, all right, all right, all right.
00:23:00Calm down.
00:23:02You son of a bitch.
00:23:08If you get caught, make sure you stay here.
00:23:11Make sure you get caught by me.
00:23:13Let me get promoted thanks to you.
00:23:31Children's spirit
00:23:34Children's spirit
00:23:35Children's spirit
00:23:41Jung, Si-on
00:23:44Call me.
00:23:46Yang Seo Joon
00:23:49Jung Si-on
00:23:51The answer is short, but it's only once.
00:23:56Jung Seoyoon
00:23:59Jung Ji Min
00:24:00In Taekwondo, the five spirits are courtesy, patience, humility, and...
00:24:10You bastards, be quiet!
00:24:13If you're going to talk about your wife, you should listen to me!
00:24:23Why are you crying?
00:24:25Don't cry!
00:24:28Don't cry!
00:24:41Hey, Shin-joo.
00:24:44You know what?
00:24:48From now on, quit number four.
00:24:51The kids are scared of you.
00:24:54Tell them you're going home.
00:24:56They won't come back.
00:24:58Kids these days don't know how to be patient.
00:25:00You're the one who should be patient!
00:25:03Oh, my.
00:25:04Director, you can't do this.
00:25:06You said you wouldn't make a gangster.
00:25:09If you kick me out now, what am I going to do?
00:25:12Am I nothing but a gangster?
00:25:14If I become a gangster, I'm going to take a lot of money from the building.
00:25:18Think about it.
00:25:19Why don't you talk to the kids nicely?
00:25:23I'll do my best from tomorrow.
00:25:25I can lead the kids the right way.
00:25:27I'm going to make someone else do it.
00:25:29You do something else.
00:25:32Not the one who leads the right way.
00:25:36The one who's standing at the end of the bad road.
00:25:50I'm sorry.
00:25:58I left my weapon at the National Forensic Service.
00:26:00I was very nervous.
00:26:08I got a call from the National Forensic Service.
00:26:11They said you left your cell phone.
00:26:13When did you buy it?
00:26:19Oh, my rose.
00:26:21Can you do this important job?
00:26:25What you have to do from now on is the most important thing for the youngest of the powerful team.
00:26:30Is it an incident?
00:26:31If you can't do this, it's an incident.
00:26:33The activity fee receipt is organized and the work situation report is written.
00:26:36With the sense of duty that you have the time of your seniors,
00:26:40With the passion that I won't let you down even for a minute or a second,
00:26:42I raise the ballpoint pen.
00:26:45You have to listen to the black rose.
00:26:56Yes, this is Lieutenant Jeong Tae-yool of the powerful team 3.
00:26:59The weather is still before going home.
00:27:01That's a relief.
00:27:02Kim Gaet-dong?
00:27:04How did you know your cell phone was quiet?
00:27:07But how did Kim Gaet-dong know my seat number?
00:27:12Eun Seok-hoon.
00:27:13Rose, bring Cho Eun-seop.
00:27:16You can hit him if you're envious of him with handcuffs.
00:27:41Excuse me, Eun Seok-hoon.
00:27:44This is Brazil. Brazil.
00:27:46Do you think you're going to live like this?
00:27:49Don't talk to me.
00:27:50I don't want to be tied up from now on.
00:27:55That's great.
00:28:01What did you say? Handcuffs?
00:28:03I said just one word.
00:28:05Eun Seok-hoon.
00:28:07Eun Seok-hoon.
00:28:08What did you say?
00:28:09I said just one word.
00:28:10Eun Seok-hoon.
00:28:12I told you it was a secret.
00:28:14How can you live like this?
00:28:16It's because you don't know.
00:28:18There's nothing cheap in what I have.
00:28:21So, in the name of my apology, I'm going to appoint you as my leader in this world.
00:28:25You're the best sword in the world from today.
00:28:27That's a great honor.
00:28:32You're crazy.
00:28:37You have to go to another world with me.
00:28:40If you go there, you're a traitor.
00:28:42Oh, yes, yes, yes.
00:28:44What else is there?
00:28:46I don't want to say hello.
00:28:57Noh Sang-gong.
00:28:58Oh, my God.
00:28:59Oh, my God.
00:29:00It's too weak to see.
00:29:02There's a lot of writing going on.
00:29:06If this goes on, there's going to be a speculative article coming up.
00:29:09You're here.
00:29:11You didn't even come out of the library, and you didn't let me in.
00:29:15I'm going to kill you in here.
00:29:20Oh, there's a way.
00:29:24In this case, you can do a water bath.
00:29:27Where is Captain Cho Young of Geumhui University?
00:29:43What are you doing here?
00:29:44Come here.
00:29:46Give me your phone.
00:29:47Unlock the password.
00:29:49Did you hear that I should cooperate with you?
00:29:53Did you hear that?
00:30:03Do you have SNS?
00:30:05I don't.
00:30:06I knew you wouldn't.
00:30:07I'm afraid there's an unofficial account.
00:30:09I'll look at the photo.
00:30:15You must have changed your phone with your father.
00:30:18It's my phone.
00:30:19I know.
00:30:20I was teased.
00:30:23Oh, my God.
00:30:26I'll use this picture.
00:30:44Captain Cho Young's official account.
00:30:46It's official.
00:30:48I thought it would be in the next century.
00:30:50I love you.
00:30:51English, please.
00:30:53English, please.
00:31:11I'm going to investigate everything about him.
00:31:15Of course, it's going to cost a lot of money.
00:31:18Isn't this the identity card you have?
00:31:23How do you know that?
00:31:25The king asked me to investigate three years ago.
00:31:27I've already done it.
00:31:29I've searched all the databases.
00:31:31There's no one like this.
00:31:33As you can see, the date of issuance of the ID card is a little strange.
00:31:37There's a good chance it's a fake.
00:31:39Oh, my God.
00:31:40Oh, my God.
00:31:42That's right.
00:31:44He gave me this.
00:31:48Is there a possibility that the woman the king is chasing is this woman?
00:31:55There's no way there's no clue like this.
00:31:59I don't even have an entry record.
00:32:01Don't worry.
00:32:03This woman is definitely not the king's style.
00:32:07I don't think it's going to work with the king.
00:32:09Isn't it obvious from the picture?
00:32:12Captain Cho, do you know your style?
00:32:18Oh, my God.
00:32:22Oh, my God.
00:32:38Captain Cho.
00:32:40Oh, Yoon Soon-kyung.
00:32:41Did you get the DNA results?
00:32:46But the DNA doesn't match the missing person's data.
00:32:54Are you sure?
00:32:56I heard he doesn't even have an ID.
00:32:58There's no way there's nothing like this.
00:33:00I've never seen it before.
00:33:01Wait a minute.
00:33:07Yes, this is Jung Tae-hyuk.
00:33:08Yes, this is Masami.
00:33:10I contacted you through the public domain address.
00:33:13Can we take a look at the word you gave me?
00:33:16Oh, is it a theft?
00:33:21No, there's no theft at all.
00:33:24It's a precious treasure of the Spanish bloodline.
00:33:27It's a word you can never see in Korea.
00:33:31We were wondering how this word was in Korea.
00:33:38Captain Jung Tae-hyuk.
00:33:43Oh, my God.
00:33:52Let's have a drink and talk.
00:33:54I need some alcohol right now.
00:33:56I need alcohol.
00:33:58Why do you mix alcohol with alcohol?
00:34:07This isn't a mix, it's a lot.
00:34:09Is this your first time seeing Somaek?
00:34:11Why? It's the Spanish bloodline, but it's your first time seeing Somaek?
00:34:15There's no soju and beer in your world?
00:34:17There is.
00:34:18But why don't you mix the two?
00:34:19Don't you know MSD?
00:34:22You know MSD?
00:34:24Life is evil.
00:34:34Ducking is one shot.
00:34:38Why are you laughing?
00:34:39The distance between your MSD and my MSD is as far as the universe.
00:34:43And I'll say it again.
00:34:45I don't drink Kimia.
00:34:48Did you really come from another world?
00:34:51I don't believe what you say.
00:34:55That door can be crossed by anyone.
00:35:00It's still a possibility, but there's a possibility that one more person will cross it, not me.
00:35:05Who is that?
00:35:06I have to be a member of the royal family to tell you that.
00:35:09Don't make it up.
00:35:10You have to know that.
00:35:12If I make it up, then it becomes a law.
00:35:14You have to know that.
00:35:16If I hit you, then it becomes a bruise.
00:35:19You're a liberal arts major.
00:35:20Yeah, liberal arts is about imagination and science is about reality.
00:35:24But I don't think you can imagine reality.
00:35:26You said it was the Pyongyang world.
00:35:28But why is the capital Busan?
00:35:30Busan is the capital of culture.
00:35:31The central government is Seoul.
00:35:32Seoul is the political capital.
00:35:33Pyongyang is the economic capital.
00:35:35This is South Korea and North Korea.
00:35:37We call it the North and the South.
00:35:40For your information, the emperor and queen live in the capital of Busan.
00:35:44I'm afraid you're curious.
00:35:45Does that make sense?
00:35:46Why does the emperor live in Busan, not Seoul?
00:35:50I'm not curious.
00:35:55Japan and Korea have been in a stalemate since the Imjin War.
00:35:59It's always just before the war.
00:36:01That's why Emperor Haejong of the Joseon Dynasty
00:36:03declared the military rule of Japan in 1945.
00:36:06He moved the royal family to Busan, leaving the royal family in Seoul.
00:36:11In front of the national land,
00:36:13the royal family is the first to deal with the enemy.
00:36:17So in my world, the statue of Chungmongho is in Busan.
00:36:22It's a symbol that no one can cross the sea of Korea and invade Korea.
00:36:32You've written a lot already.
00:36:36There's nothing in my DNA.
00:36:40But you can't believe me.
00:36:43That's the way it is.
00:36:48So what do you think I am?
00:36:51There's no information about me here.
00:37:02I want your world to be round soon.
00:37:20I'm going to the bathroom.
00:37:22I'll pay and leave, so go ahead.
00:37:31I'm going to the bathroom.
00:37:48What is it?
00:38:01I knew it.
00:38:02I heard it came out more than I ate.
00:38:05When did you wrap this up?
00:38:07Before you came, the representative here
00:38:09asked if there was anything else you needed, so I just said there was.
00:38:13I almost fell for it for a second.
00:38:16What, the emperor? What about the capital?
00:38:20This is a total failure.
00:38:22It's a failure without a second chance.
00:38:25I've missed you for 25 years.
00:38:27Be quiet!
00:38:28You can't stop me.
00:38:29You're a total loser.
00:38:32Go and write what you were writing.
00:38:46Why are you following me?
00:38:47I'm not following you.
00:38:50I'm going to say good night to Maximus.
00:39:01Good night.
00:39:11By the way, why doesn't he eat the carrots I give him?
00:39:14Is Jung Chil-poom just eating canned food?
00:39:17Did Kim give it to you?
00:39:28Why didn't you eat the carrots Jung gave you?
00:39:31Make sure you eat it from now on.
00:39:33If you don't want to, bite it.
00:39:38It's an emperor's order.
00:39:49I'm sorry.
00:40:08Why do you look at this all the time?
00:40:12This is a mammoth.
00:40:14Both the fingerprint and DNA match the name of the enemy.
00:40:19I know.
00:40:20I know, but...
00:40:22This body is a name, but it's like a symbol that can't be a name.
00:40:30Sometimes it's very useful to understand some phenomena.
00:40:36For example, plus itself has no meaning.
00:40:40It symbolizes the concept of adding a part of the object.
00:40:45So, for example,
00:40:47In order to show that this body in the name is dead,
00:40:52A hypothesis that it may be a symbol used.
00:40:56But then there's a bigger question.
00:40:59What is this body with the same DNA?
00:41:03What is it?
00:41:06What else is in the name of the enemy?
00:41:16Where are you?
00:41:20What else is in the name of the enemy?
00:41:33What else is in the name of the enemy?
00:41:39What else is in the name of the enemy?
00:42:03What else is in the name of the enemy?
00:42:11What else is in the name of the enemy?
00:42:20What else is in the name of the enemy?
00:43:28I'm not telling you to do business.
00:43:31I'm not telling you to do business.
00:43:33Watch your mouth.
00:43:35If you're going to listen to this, listen to everything.
00:43:40Hey, kids.
00:43:42Get out of the way. That's my seat.
00:43:44If you don't give me this seat, they'll shoot you.
00:43:47That's because it's me.
00:43:49I've been to the palace.
00:43:51This lady goes there every day.
00:43:53She's Pei's girlfriend.
00:43:57You go play and you go home.
00:44:00Don't keep looking at the kids.
00:44:02I'm looking at all the kids in the neighborhood.
00:44:09Have fun and go when your mom comes.
00:44:13It's okay.
00:44:20Mom, I'm Dongtaetang.
00:44:22Make it spicy.
00:44:26What about the guys outside?
00:44:27Are you going to eat together?
00:44:30Only Secretary Kim.
00:44:32The security team takes care of it.
00:44:35You don't have to worry about it.
00:44:38What's that?
00:44:40Some guest left it before.
00:44:42I'm afraid he'll come looking for it.
00:44:44Take a nap. I'll wake you up.
00:45:28I want your earth to be round soon.
00:45:51What's wrong?
00:45:53It's full of oil.
00:45:57I turned off the engine at this time.
00:46:16Taekwondo Cham Il-se.
00:46:21Are you sleeping?
00:46:25Why is Kim Gaet-dong on this phone?
00:46:39Did you hang up on me now?
00:46:41You do that often, too.
00:46:43Just hang up.
00:46:45Why are you there?
00:46:47I've been here all the time since I came to this world.
00:46:50You didn't know.
00:46:53Change my father.
00:46:55My father is in counseling.
00:46:57Your father gave me coffee and Kim, so I'm going to have a drink.
00:47:02I'll give you something.
00:47:08It's in front of the mart.
00:47:10The car is standing.
00:47:12I want you to see this car until you come to the service center.
00:47:16I can take a taxi.
00:47:18How's the car?
00:47:19How's the car?
00:47:22If I tell you how it is, you'll know.
00:47:25There must be a number.
00:47:27I told you to go to Kim Gaet-dong.
00:47:29Tell me. What should I do?
00:47:30First of all, answer the question.
00:47:32Did you change the engine oil?
00:47:33Of course.
00:47:34What about the fuel filter?
00:47:43What's that?
00:47:44There's something right now.
00:47:45Wait a minute.
00:47:49One water.
00:47:51Wet tissue?
00:47:54Beef jerky?
00:47:56Hair tie.
00:47:57First, take the hair tie and water.
00:48:01Tie your hair and open the bonnet.
00:48:10Wait while drinking water.
00:48:11I'll go.
00:48:13Do you want to die?
00:48:14I'm standing to protect your engine.
00:48:17There's nothing you can do.
00:48:20I'll be right there.
00:48:39I'll be at the service center in 10 minutes.
00:48:42Please take a good look at my car until then.
00:48:44Don't touch anything.
00:48:49I'm going to cry.
00:49:15I'm going to cry.
00:49:45I'm going to cry.
00:50:10I think I gave birth to a baby.
00:50:16I think I gave birth to a baby.
00:50:19Take care of him.
00:50:22He's a gift to me.
00:50:24Do you understand?
00:50:26The time just stopped.
00:50:30Didn't you feel it?
00:50:33Why does time stop?
00:50:35Are you going to get weirder?
00:50:36It stopped except for me.
00:50:38Why are you taking it out?
00:50:41It's a hypothesis, but I think it's a side effect of crossing the door.
00:50:46But thanks to you, I saw a beautiful place.
00:50:53Yeah, I'll see you a lot, and I'll take good care of my car.
00:50:59I'm going.
00:51:01I'm going.
00:51:13There's a car.
00:51:30There's a car.
00:52:01Your Highness.
00:52:06It's been a while.
00:52:08It's peaceful enough to be bitten by the world.
00:52:11I didn't even know how time was going.
00:52:15It looks like the customers at the bookstore are coming.
00:52:18Yes, I'll be there on time.
00:52:30I'm going.
00:53:01I'm going.
00:53:24That day,
00:53:26I should have known the moment I checked the food key.
00:53:35There is a chance that the food will be alive, and there is a chance that it will go beyond two or three.
00:53:46Even at the moment I pointed out,
00:53:50Before I saw the beautiful thing,
00:53:56It was a conscious key and a lock.
00:54:05How have you been?
00:54:07Your Highness.
00:54:16Attention, everyone.
00:54:21The results are finally out of the national library.
00:54:25Both sides of the victim and the victim have come out.
00:54:29Let's finish with this.
00:54:31Shin-jae, you hit the investigation results.
00:54:34You did a good job.
00:54:35You did a good job.
00:54:36You did a good job.
00:54:37You did a good job.
00:54:39Again, again, again.
00:54:41We're going to have a get-together today.
00:54:44But, sir.
00:54:48Kim Bok-man is not dead.
00:54:50What's a little too much?
00:54:55I'm not dead.
00:54:56None of the guys who say that.
00:54:58He killed them all and said no.
00:55:00There's a weapon left, right?
00:55:02Are you sure you were going to buy it?
00:55:04The victim was in the car trunk.
00:55:05No, what's so different about our detective Lee Se-joon?
00:55:09It's not just this.
00:55:13Someone must have planned it.
00:55:26Why are you looking at me?
00:55:28Look at me.
00:55:31Do you do that there, too?
00:55:35You don't even go all the way.
00:55:37Do you have a get-together?
00:55:38It's been 20 years.
00:55:41Something must have changed.
00:55:43Signal, Cho Jin-woo.
00:55:45Keep talking nonsense while looking at me.
00:55:47You're overdoing it.
00:55:53Good job.
00:55:55Good job.
00:56:26The number you have dialed is not in service.
00:56:30The victim didn't answer the phone.
00:56:32He ran away from the victims.
00:56:35Are you going to keep this case?
00:56:37Kim Bok-man is trash anyway.
00:56:39If it's an illegal gambling murder, you can keep it on the ground for a long time.
00:56:42Is that what the detective said?
00:56:43Anyway, you're here with me.
00:56:45Kim Bok-man.
00:56:46I don't want to make you feel bad.
00:56:47I came to you.
00:56:48Not to make you feel bad.
00:56:52If you're going to keep going, believe the evidence that's coming out now.
00:56:55As you said, if it's a set-up, there's got to be evidence.
00:57:02I was wondering if there was anything, but I was wondering if there was anything.
00:57:04You can check it out.
00:57:14Kang Shin-jae, 2019.
00:57:18Kang Shin-jae, class 2, class 3, class 5.
00:57:26What day is it today?
00:57:28I'm looking for you too much in the past today.
00:57:35Hey, how long has it been?
00:57:38Has it been about three years?
00:57:40What's going on in your neighborhood?
00:57:44Is it a homeroom teacher?
00:57:46No, a classmate.
00:57:48Go ahead.
00:57:49You might kill him.
00:57:51I sent it to the bakery three years ago.
00:57:55I guess your classmate was very successful after he was released.
00:57:59That's a lot.
00:58:01I know.
00:58:02You're the only one I have.
00:58:04I should have just gone all the way over there.
00:58:06I regret it sometimes.
00:58:08Trust me.
00:58:11You're in class 3 now.
00:58:17Hey, teachers.
00:58:19You can't just walk around like this.
00:58:24Are you a lover?
00:58:27Oh, you're a detective.
00:58:29Oh, I'm afraid of our female detectives these days.
00:58:32I'm wondering if I should change my job.
00:58:34I'm afraid I'll be fired.
00:58:38You two came without fear.
00:58:39The three of us are here.
00:58:42What are you?
00:58:43How did you get here?
00:58:44Get in the car.
00:58:46Your bell is open.
00:58:48It's going well.
00:58:53Talk to you later.
00:58:55What's going on with these guys?
00:58:58Are you three going to do it?
00:59:01I'll just watch.
00:59:03I'll only deal with public officials.
00:59:04This is confusing.
00:59:08Class 2, Class 3, Class 5, Kang Shin-jae is definitely screwed.
00:59:12I have a lot of debt.
00:59:41Why did you become a detective?
00:59:44It's dangerous.
00:59:47Not everyone in the world can be brave.
00:59:51I decided to be brave.
01:00:09Catch this bastard first!
01:00:17Don't do that, son.
01:00:19I really hate
01:00:22touching my body.
01:00:41Detective Kang Shin-jae
01:00:44I'm right, right?
01:00:45It's all wet with exercise.
01:00:47I can prove it.
01:00:49Do you want to get wet?
01:00:50Are you crazy?
01:00:51Do you drive?
01:00:52Do you have a driver's license?
01:00:53The emperor doesn't have a driver's license.
01:00:55It's better to issue a driver's license.
01:00:56Oh, crazy.
01:01:00How did you know this place?
01:01:02I went to the police station to see you.
01:01:04He said he was on duty, so I looked at the navigation.
01:01:06I've been here several times.
01:01:08I'm glad I met you here.
01:01:10I almost went all the way there.
01:01:14Here it is.
01:01:20I bought it roughly.
01:01:21Let's eat and bandage it.
01:01:23I see you again like this.
01:01:25Is your body okay?
01:01:27I think I got hit a lot earlier.
01:01:28Why are you here?
01:01:29I think it's on that side.
01:01:31What's wrong with you?
01:01:33Eat and do it. Eat and do it.
01:01:36But why did you buy it so roughly?
01:01:38There's something waterproof these days.
01:01:40Waterproof is expensive, man.
01:01:42And why did you buy only one of this?
01:01:45The bigger one is mine.
01:01:47Think about how to cut it in the first place.
01:01:48Don't think about eating a big one.
01:01:49You could have bought two in the first place.
01:01:51There are two people.
01:01:54It was the best.
01:02:09I'll pay for it.
01:02:10I'll pay for it. Get out of here.
01:02:13I'll pay for it.
01:02:14Actually, I need that favor more.
01:02:19You're giving me a big smile every time I see you.
01:02:21You're so shameless.
01:02:24Just stay in front of me.
01:02:27I'll go out first.
01:02:29Get out. Where did you park?
01:02:30You go to work.
01:02:31I'm going to work.
01:02:32I'm going to work.
01:02:33I'm going to work.
01:02:34I'm going to work.
01:02:35I'm going to work.
01:02:36I'm going to work.
01:02:37You go to work.
01:02:38You wait.
01:02:40Go with me.
01:02:48Get out of here.
01:02:52Are you late again today?
01:02:57Why do you ask?
01:02:59I'm going to say hello.
01:03:01I'm afraid I'll wait for you.
01:03:05Where are you going?
01:03:07To my world.
01:03:09I'm the emperor of my country.
01:03:11I've been empty-handed for too long.
01:03:14I only eat two ice creams that look like carrot juice.
01:03:20You said your house was a parallel world.
01:03:22Are you going to Itaewon from Hannam-dong?
01:03:24Oh, did you remember the order?
01:03:27I didn't know how to go.
01:03:31I didn't want to go, so I held on.
01:03:32I'm going to Itaewon.
01:03:37All right, then.
01:03:39I'm late.
01:04:03I'll pay you back later.
01:04:10That horse is yours, right?
01:04:15Where's the production company?
01:04:16Call me.
01:04:18That's a fresh question.
01:04:21What is it?
01:04:22Where's the company?
01:04:23Well, I've never been curious.
01:04:27Even if you know, you can't reach it.
01:04:30Don't talk nonsense.
01:04:33What logo is this?
01:04:35I'm asking because I've seen it.
01:04:38Answer me well.
01:04:39I didn't see it at the party.
01:04:41Wherever I saw it, you were mistaken.
01:04:44That pattern is not this place.
01:04:46It's a pattern of a country called Daehan in another world.
01:04:53But how do you know?
01:04:54Because I'm the emperor of the Daehan Empire.
01:04:56Because I'm the emperor of the Daehan Empire.
01:05:01That woman is a liberal arts major.
01:05:04How long will this surveillance take?
01:05:06I'm really in a hurry.
01:05:07Really, really, really.
01:05:10It's all urgent here, too.
01:05:12It should be fast.
01:05:13Two weeks?
01:05:14No, but...
01:05:15It's all murder, robbery, special robbery, special injury.
01:05:18It's really, really, really.
01:05:22I have a family.
01:05:25I work 13 hours a day.
01:05:28Let's be careful.
01:05:34Cheer up.
01:05:39What? How much do you want to borrow?
01:05:4127,560 won.
01:05:44I have to check out, but the hotel fee is just that much.
01:05:47Don't you have a safe?
01:05:50I don't even have 7,560 won in the water, so I have to borrow all the money.
01:05:54You want me to lend you that big money?
01:05:56You're good at walking, you're good at pronouncing, you're good at talking.
01:05:59This doesn't work with most education.
01:06:02Live a little, man.
01:06:03It's twice as fast.
01:06:07Where is Kim Gye-dong now?
01:06:09He must have gone to his world.
01:06:10He said he was going home earlier.
01:06:16He's the emperor of his country.
01:06:18He's been in the palace for too long.
01:06:21He's going to stop by somewhere and go home.
01:06:48Kim Gye-dong
01:06:49Kim Gye-dong
01:06:50Kim Gye-dong
01:06:51Kim Gye-dong
01:06:52Kim Gye-dong
01:07:18It's a name that's broken.
01:07:20In the name of the one who left me in the middle of the void.
01:07:25In the name of the one who has no owner.
01:07:29In the name of the one who I will die calling.
01:07:33The last word that remains in my heart
01:07:37is that I couldn't say it to the end.
01:07:50In the name of the one who left me in the middle of the void
01:07:57In the name of the one who left me in the middle of the void
01:08:04In the name of the one who has no owner.
01:08:09The one I loved.
01:08:14The one I loved.
01:08:20In the name of the one who left me in the middle of the void
01:08:27In the name of the one who left me in the middle of the void
01:08:34In the name of the one who left me in the middle of the void
01:08:50In the name of the one who left me in the middle of the void
01:09:20In the name of the one who left me in the middle of the void
01:09:40In the eyes, we face each other
01:09:44Our destiny
01:09:51A great daily gravity
01:09:59Can you feel me?
01:10:03The one who left me in the middle of the void
01:10:09In the name of the one who left me in the middle of the void
01:10:16In the name of the one who left me in the middle of the void