A.l-S.u.r-D.e.l-C.o.r.a.z.o.n - Cap 50

  • 3 ay önce
A.l-S.u.r-D.e.l-C.o.r.a.z.o.n - Cap 50
00:00Now, I think I found everything.
00:02Check it out. I'll leave the vitamins there.
00:06Oh, thank you.
00:08Oh, this cream is exquisite. Let's see.
00:14Smell it.
00:18It's like for the firmness of the skin.
00:22Did you find that I look shorter?
00:27It's the same as being so attentive to me, isn't it?
00:30Don't you get bored?
00:32No, because...
00:33Look, taking care of you is taking care of the baby too, so...
00:36It's all good.
00:37Yes, but now I could be preparing you for the Cinderella party.
00:41Judith told me you were going to the whole town.
00:43Yes, no, it's the same.
00:44Really, Vale, it's not a problem.
00:48Thank you.
00:49It's fine.
00:50Well, anyway...
00:52I'm going to bed.
00:53Good night.
00:54Good night.
00:55Well, anyway...
00:57I wanted to tell you that for me...
01:00this is very important...
01:03that you're here despite everything that has happened between us.
01:09Accompanying me, supporting me, everything.
01:13I already told you, there's nothing to thank you for.
01:15I'm sure our baby will be very proud of you.
01:20I hope so.
01:21Yes, that's how it's going to be.
01:23I'd like it to look like you.
01:25And that if it's a man, it has your name and your father's.
01:28Felipe Manuel.
01:29Or Manuel Felipe.
01:31And if it's a woman, it has the name of the lady who took care of me when my parents left.
01:38Hey, and...
01:40Aren't you going to tell your parents that you're pregnant?
01:44Do you think that if I don't care about them, they'll care about my baby?
01:48I don't know, maybe...
01:50No, they never wanted to have a daughter.
01:53Look, I'm going to be very different as a mother.
01:57I'd like my baby not to live the same as I lived.
02:03Uh, yeah.
02:04Do you need anything else?
02:05If you want, I can go get, I don't know, more juice, something to eat, something sweet.
02:09We could watch a movie.
02:11Do you think?
02:13Yes, yes, yes.
02:14Good idea.
02:16Yeah, I'm going to go get something to nibble on then.
02:49But be careful of what?
02:50If you're not going to find anything, there's nothing.
02:54Oh, yeah?
02:58I saved a...
03:01A thing.
03:03What did you save?
03:04I don't know, I just wanted to have a memory, you know?
03:07Oh, thank goodness Nico was my first love, my first kiss, my first everything.
03:19I wanted to get rid of this, but I couldn't.
03:23But what?
03:25Show me.
03:30In this little box...
03:33There are...
03:35Several things.
03:38A letter that he wrote me when we were dating.
03:42Well, don't read it.
03:43No, if I'm not going to read it, it's just like that.
03:46Here's a picture.
03:50This drawing he made me a portrait.
03:52Oh, and he was an artist.
03:55Yes, he was cute.
03:57And he was super cute, Nico, and he was romantic.
04:00Well, he played the guitar, he wrote me poems.
04:04We were so happy, us at that time.
04:07Yes, Po.
04:08Until he got pregnant, Po.
04:10And things changed.
04:13He never knew he was pregnant, Po.
04:16When I found out, I called him, but the phone didn't exist.
04:20I tried to find him and nothing, it was as if the earth had swallowed him, Nanita.
04:23Just like a summer love, Po.
04:29I never thought I was going to get pregnant, Po.
04:32How silly, kid.
04:35Oh, no, when you fall in love, you do things like that, without thinking, Po.
04:41I told you that Trini has the same eyes as Nico.
04:46No, you never told me that.
04:48The same, the same look, Nanita.
04:51You know that's why it hurts me when Trini looks at me angry.
04:55Because it's as if Nico, from afar, knew what I did, knew the lie and looked at me with anger.
05:00Oh, no, don't think sad things.
05:03You know what? Be happy.
05:05Get a good costume for the party tonight.
05:08For the sentinela?
05:09Yes, for the sentinela.
05:10It's going to be very entertaining, full of costumes.
05:13Cheer up.
05:14Get a good costume and go to the party.
05:16Because nothing ever happens in this town.
05:18It's a reform.
05:20Cheer up.
05:22Cheer up.
05:37Welcome to my party.
05:40Thank you, thank you for being here, at this party,
05:45initiated by Juan Alvarez, son of Loreto Sánchez de Alvarez, mayor of Puerto Vallarta.
05:52And I...
05:54I have to go.
05:55Yes, but I couldn't go to the party.
05:57I'll scream.
05:58No, no.
06:02Come in.
06:03Come in.
06:09How are you?
06:10Your dress is beautiful.
06:12Thank you.
06:13I told you, I don't care.
06:17You didn't understand the dress code of the party.
06:20The people of that time were sober, humble to dress.
06:23And you, you think you're opaque with so much gold.
06:26Hey, you look like pirates of the Caribbean.
06:29Come on.
06:30Come on.
06:31Don't be sad.
06:32Look, I'm Juan Leto.
06:34I can't believe you're all here.
06:37Oh, thank you.
06:38Come in.
06:39Come in.
06:40Come in.
06:41How nice.
06:42How nice it is.
06:43You know how important all this is to me.
06:46How nice, my love.
06:47Yes, but...
06:48Come in.
06:49Come in.
06:50Come in.
06:51Come in.
06:52Excuse me.
06:53Hey, hey.
06:54Don't pay me.
06:55Don't pay me.
06:56Don't pay me.
06:57Don't pay me.
06:58Come on, Rodri.
06:59Hey, you're not going to get upset about that.
07:01Of course, because you had time to overcome Pablo.
07:04Instead, I didn't have any time.
07:06Hey, it still hurts.
07:07But let's dance.
07:08Let's take off our clothes.
07:09Let's go.
07:10Come on, please.
07:11How are you?
07:12Come on, please.
07:13Juan Alvarez.
07:14Oh, how nice.
07:15We came with my wife from Pollegua.
07:16From Pollegua?
07:17Yes, but I have friends who come from Borranque...
07:18...who had to get a truck.
07:19Yes, this is the event of the year.
07:20Tell him, tell him that Juan Alvarez, son of Loreto Sánchez de Alvarez, the future mayor...
07:21Come on, come on.
07:22Come on, come on.
07:23Come on, come on.
07:24Come on, come on.
07:25Come on, come on.
07:26Come on, come on.
07:27Come on, come on.
07:28Come on, come on.
07:29Come on, come on.
07:30Come on, come on.
07:31Come on, come on.
07:32Juan Alvarez...
07:33Juan Alvarez...
07:34Juan Alvarez...
07:35Juan Alvarez...
07:36Juan Alvarez, son of Loreto Sánchez de Alvarez!
07:37The future mayor of Puerto Rico.
07:38Just go ahead and come in!
07:41People are asking too much, we mustn't disappoint them.
07:44This is just starting here at the club.
07:44This is the event of the year.
07:50Wait a minute.
07:53Hut, hut, huddy huddy.
10:30You can't see him for sure. I come with you. Yeah, he's in Sapa no como la
10:35Bruta de tu mamá que ya perdió el norte el sur del este el oeste
10:40Te vamos a regalar una brújula ver si se ubica si un gps
10:44Oye, y por qué querís juntar tantos postones
10:49Algo que tengo que hacer pero tú
10:51Muy bien la rueda nadie lo puede saber que está haciendo con el rifle
11:00Oye uno tiene que estar preparada porque cuando menos se piensa salta la liebre
11:06alguna objeción señora tránsito
11:11Ninguna señora Hilda
11:51La ruta
11:59Es un maravilloso
12:09Había que venir a apoyar a la rita
12:12Y a mi papá también
12:15Hablando de broma familia
15:05Estoy afuera de tu casa
15:16Quieres puede salir
15:25No puedo ya me acosté
15:32Tan temprano
15:38Es que me acuesto con la gallina
15:45Entonces vengo mañana al amanecer te tinca aunque capaz que me salga persiguiendo un gallo
15:56Más que un gallo te puede salir persiguiendo mi abuela
16:03Entonces a la hora mejor yo te espero
16:07De que
16:13Tú no te cansas de perseguirme
16:18No no me canso de pensar en ti
16:24Es tan difícil de entender que no tenemos que vernos más
16:28Yo sé bien
16:32Es que el amor no se entiende simplemente se siente por favor sale un ratito
16:46Me viniste a buscar
16:50No no a buscarte no porque porque que no tengo la plata
16:54Eso porque no nos vamos
16:56Y solucionamos después de esto
17:09Tenés que confiar en mí aguantarse aguantarse un cachito ya aguantarse un cachito porque porque si nos vamos sí
17:13A tonta ya loca tus hermanos nos van a pillar y hay a ella que ya a quien van a darle la pata a mí
17:19hasta usted se quiere
17:21So you're going to have to live before you get married?
17:27Are you telling me that we're going to get married?
17:32Of course, but not right away.
17:34I mean, you know that I'm trying to break up.
17:36So the divorce isn't that easy.
17:39Oh, Claudio, you've been separated from your wife for a long time.
17:43I've been holding on for months.
17:46Hold on for a little while.
17:48Just a little while, please.
17:50And then I'll be all alone.
17:52All alone, all alone, just for you.
17:54And I'll have the money.
17:56And we'll go together.
17:59To live together.
18:04Why did I have to fall in love with my brother's best friend?
18:07And get married?
18:10Precisely because I'm your brother's best friend.
18:14We're going to take care of each other.
18:17So until I'm not alone, alone, alone...
18:23We'll die together.
18:25I love you.
18:27I love you, mamita.
18:29I love you.
18:48Oh, auntie!
18:51It's not what you're thinking.
18:53I'm not thinking anything. I just saw it with my own eyes, Evelyn.
18:56You're going to have to explain this to me in hell.
18:58No, no, there's nothing to explain.
18:59What happens is that you're hallucinating because you probably drank too much.
19:02Auntie, I have to go to the bathroom. Excuse me.
19:04Oh, I love you.
19:07Evelyn, come here!
19:18Evelyn, come here!
19:19Evelyn, come here!
19:25Who would have thought, hey?
19:27Looks like my boss was blown away.
19:30What do you say about Mrs. Emilia?
19:32It looks like he forgot even the curse.
19:34I hope the curse forgets her.
19:37Maybe I'm like a scoundrel, whatever can happen.
19:40Oh, don't be a cuckold, Judy.
19:42Do you want something to drink?
19:44A little meal, a little beer?
19:46Bring me some Macaé, don't play!
19:48Don't start!
19:49I won't!
19:50Excuse me!
19:54Hey, these two seem to have stopped playing hide-and-seek.
19:57I love that couple.
19:58They're a little older, they can do whatever they want.
20:00I think you can congratulate them.
20:02No, I don't know who they are.
20:03Come on, congratulate them.
20:04Come on, come on.
20:06Manuel, Emilia, I want to congratulate you.
20:09Really, you make a very nice couple, really.
20:14Thank you.
20:15I'm really happy.
20:23I'm disappointed.
20:24No, I'm not.
20:28What a tremendous place!
20:30It's beautiful!
20:33I didn't know it inside, I thought it was outside.
20:37I don't know, Juanito, but they say it's a shame here.
20:40I'm telling the truth, that's what I heard.
20:43A shame?
20:44Yes, it's true.
20:45It's true?
20:46Of course it's true.
20:48You know, I didn't believe in ghosts before, but now I do.
20:50I'm Cabo's guardian and I've seen her several times.
20:53Who did you see?
20:54The bride!
20:55The bride!
20:58It's so clear!
21:01No one believes me.
21:07Are you dancing for my school?
21:08And you?
21:09Are you tired of dancing for Pablo?
21:11No, I'm crazy.
21:13I'm going to the bathroom, I'm going to see some chicks and I'm going to keep dancing.
21:17Okay, but be careful.
21:19There's a lot of water around here.
21:21You don't want to get bitten by a grape.
21:23Judith, I'm super safe with my partner.
21:26That's good.
21:27I'm glad.
21:28Don't fall asleep at school.
21:32Why did you tell me that?
21:33Did you want to bite me?
21:37No, no, I'm already in another school.
21:39In fact, I wanted to thank you.
21:43Well, because you left me the way to the book with Rodri.
21:46Oh, that's good.
21:48Then I wish him the best.
21:51My love.
21:53Thank you.
21:54Hello, Miracle.
21:57You look good together.
21:59It's just that my Rodri is cuter.
22:04Now, get a piece.
22:08Hey, what was that?
22:11Nothing, it's just that I'm taking advantage of the fake polo.
22:16Let's dance?
22:18Let's go.
22:57What about you?
22:58Nothing, I'm looking for Felipe.
23:01But weren't you watching a movie?
23:03Yes, we were.
23:05But I fell asleep and now I woke up and he's not here.
23:09Maybe he went out.
23:11Maybe he wanted to breathe a little because he was so concerned about you.
23:16Oh, Paula.
23:19I know I made a mistake and I apologized.
23:23But I already did it and I can't undo it.
23:29Can you stop with the indirect ones, please?
23:33Because I'm so sorry to see Felipe's worried face because of you.
23:37Yeah, but I know I messed it up.
23:40I know you're dying to tell Felipe.
23:43Well, maybe you already told him the truth and that's why he's not here.
23:48No, I haven't told him anything.
23:51Thank you.
23:52No, don't thank me.
23:53You have to tell him.
23:56You're the one who has to tell him and it has to be later.
23:59No, no, but Paula, I mean, imagine.
24:02If I tell him, it could be worse.
24:04Felipe is going to go far away from me.
24:07Look, Vale, you know that all I want is to be together.
24:13But not with lies.
24:15No lies.
24:16Yes, I understand you.
24:18That's why I promise you that I won't do this again.
24:22Never again.
24:31I'm not going to say anything this time.
24:33But watch out, because I'm going to be watching you.
24:37Never again a lie.
24:40No manipulations or anything with my son.
24:44Seriously, because if not, I'm going to take my support away from you.
24:53I could ask you a favor.
24:55You could call Felipe to know where he is.
24:59I'm worried and I don't want to bother him either.
25:26What did you want to tell me?
25:28And fast, please, I don't want my grandmother to notice, okay?
25:32If I tell you everything I want to tell you, it won't be fast.
25:36We've talked so much, Felipe and I have nothing else to say.
25:39But I do.
25:43That even if you tell me all the time, I can't stop thinking about you.
25:48I can't, I think about you all day.
25:51And I know that the same thing happens to you.
25:54Do you know what your problem is, Felipe?
25:57That you believe in death.
25:59That's your problem.
26:01Admit that today when we say goodbye, you don't want to give me a kiss.
26:05Admit it.
26:07For the same reason.
26:09We have to stop seeing each other or not see each other for a very long time.
26:13But why are we going to stop seeing each other if it's not what we want?
26:19Hey, thanks.
26:21Listen to me.
26:25Stop running away.
26:28Let's play for this.
26:31Let's fight.
26:33I don't want to be with anyone but you because I love you.
26:37I love you.
26:40Only you.
26:54I love you.
27:12Let go of my granddaughter, you bastard!
