• last year


01:14Beef steak, beef stew, beef loaf, beef rolls, beef hash,
01:18beef tongue, beef livers, beef a la mode, beef, beef, beef.
01:22Don't anybody in this town eat anything else but beef?
01:26Anything in Rome, you gotta do what your Romans do first.
01:28Sure, read the rest of it.
01:32Broiled beef, chopped beef, canned beef, corned beef,
01:36brisket of beef, ribs of beef, tenderloin of beef, dried beef, pickled beef,
01:40braised beef, beef, beef, and more beef!
01:44Boys, you decided what you're gonna eat?
01:46There ain't nothing on that menu I want.
01:48What about you, Billy?
01:50Jeff and me ain't so particular.
01:52First he's done so much beef in all his life, he can't eat any of it.
01:54According to the law, we're supposed to have anything we want for our last meal,
01:56and I'm assisting on my ride.
01:58Pay no attention to him, Sheriff.
02:00Fuzzy's bark is worse than his bite.
02:02Take it easy on yourself. Give us anything you have.
02:04Well, name your poison and I'll try and get it for you.
02:07I have an egg, it's my favorite.
02:09You can have it and all you can eat.
02:11And be sure there's plenty of ham gravy.
02:13And fried eggs, straight side up, that's the way I like it.
02:16Boy, I can taste them right now.
02:18Somehow or other, I don't relish this job of hanging you boys at sundown.
02:22Neither do we.
02:24In spite of the evidence that showed you boys killed Art Lake,
02:27somehow I can't believe it.
02:29That's mighty nice of you to say that, Sheriff.
02:31As a matter of fact, we never even set foot on the Lake Ranch.
02:34We never saw the man alive.
02:35Art dead.
02:36That's right.
02:37Too bad you couldn't prove that in court.
02:53I wonder what all the shooting's about.
02:55This key will open the cell door.
03:00And here's your guns.
03:06You'll find your horses out in the back.
03:08Now get to them, quick.
03:09Who is it?
03:12It's the sheriff.
03:13The sheriff?
03:14Yes, the sheriff.
03:15The sheriff?
03:16Yes, the sheriff.
03:17The sheriff?
03:18Yes, the sheriff.
03:19The sheriff?
03:20Yes, the sheriff.
03:21Come on, boys.
03:22Let's get out of here.
03:51Come on.
04:16They sure put one over on me this time.
04:21Let's go.
04:42I've run up against a lot of funny things in my time,
04:44but this tops them all.
04:45This must mean that we have friends we don't know about.
04:48I wonder.
04:49Well, I'll have to buy my ham and egg.
04:51I can't wait to learn to play that harp.
04:53Let's move.
05:16You're sure the three of them got away clean?
05:18I doubt it.
05:19That's good.
05:20Now we can go to work again.
05:21While they were in jail, there was no use to us.
05:24Look, Montana, get Pete and Charlie,
05:26put on those funny duds, and get busy.
05:43Here she comes, Pete.
05:48Come on.
06:18Come on.
06:44Come on, you.
06:45Throw that box down.
06:48Come on.
06:57Well, it's a nice going, boys.
07:18Come on.
07:19Come on.
07:48Come on.
08:07What's your hurry, fuzzy?
08:08What's biting you?
08:09Look at that.
08:15They'll be accusing us of starting a civil war next.
08:17We never robbed or killed anybody.
08:19Nevertheless, we came within two shakes of getting our necks stretched
08:22for the murder of a man we never even saw.
08:24Jab is right, fuzzy.
08:25Now sit down and cool off.
08:27We've got all we can do to clear ourselves of this murder charge.
08:30I'm getting tired of this, and I'm going to do something about it.
08:37Well, uh...
08:38Go ahead, fuzzy.
08:40Name something that we can do.
08:42Well, uh...
08:43You and Billy could, uh...
08:47Go on.
08:49Go ahead and laugh.
08:50I'll think of something.
08:51I'll, uh...
08:53What did I smell?
08:55Yeah, better have yourself a cup.
08:56Maybe it'll help you think.
08:57I can't.
08:59What do you make of it, Billy?
09:01It's the old story, Jeff.
09:03Give a dog a bad name and...
09:18Sounds like it's coming from over that ridge.
09:20Hey, maybe we'd better go have a look, huh?
09:22There we go again.
09:23I don't know.
09:24Every time you fellas hear a shot, you want to get in.
09:26Come on, fuzzy.
09:27Let's go.
10:38Time for taking a hand in that game.
10:39Yeah, three against one is too many.
10:46Jeff and me can handle them coyotes.
10:53Billy, you take care of that fellow we shot.
10:56Go ahead.
11:29Stay away from me, kid.
11:35Easy there, old-timer.
11:58Hey, Jeff, did you see that?
12:27Did you see that?
12:32What's the matter with you?
12:54Hey, Billy!
12:56Did you see anything?
13:01Hey, this is me!
13:02Are you going crazy, too?
13:04Well, you're not going to get away with it.
13:22Looks like you've been collecting a little lead there, Sheriff.
13:27And you donated it.
13:32But I ain't through yet, kid.
13:37Now, wait a minute.
13:38Wait a minute.
13:40I didn't shoot you.
14:05Am I dreaming or who am I?
14:16Look at that.
14:18Forty-five hole in my best hat.
14:21Well, if they think they're kidding me, they're crazy.
14:48I don't get this.
14:52We're a long way from anywhere, Sheriff.
14:55That wound's going to fester if we don't get that bullet out.
14:59You're a fool if you take it out, kid.
15:02Yeah, I know.
15:05I'm going to do it anyway.
15:07I'm warning you, kid.
15:09If you do and I pull through, I'm tracking you down.
15:17It's going to hurt.
15:19I can stand it if you can.
16:14How do you feel?
16:16All right.
16:20You'll be in shape to ride again in a week or so.
16:34How'd you make out?
16:35They got away.
16:37How's he?
16:38He'll be all right.
16:47Put up your gun, you're among friends.
16:49I'm not so sure of that.
16:50What's eating you now, Fuzzy?
16:52I don't like to be shot at by fellas that call friends.
16:55Most of all, being shot at by myself.
16:58Look at that.
16:59Look at that.
17:00A bullet hole put in there by me, shooting at me.
17:03And you, my friend, is doing it first.
17:06You must be touched by the sun.
17:07I've been right here all the time.
17:09I haven't seen you since we separated until right now.
17:11I'm Fuzzy Jones, ain't I?
17:13Sure you are.
17:14I don't know whether I am or not.
17:16Hey, give my Westers a yank, will you?
17:18I want to see if they're real.
17:20Go on, go on, give me a yank.
17:21You mean that?
17:22Certainly I mean it.
17:23The only way I can tell whether I'm asleep or awake.
17:25Okay, here goes.
17:28Well, I guess me is me.
17:33Well, if you three didn't jump me,
17:35then it was three fellas that looked exactly like you.
17:40You mean they were dressed like us?
17:43Exactly like you.
17:46That explains it.
17:47I wasn't dreaming.
17:49We're getting blamed for all those things we wasn't doing.
17:51Say, maybe that's the reason our would-be friends saved our lives.
17:54That's right.
17:55You remember, Sheriff.
17:56We denied being anywhere near Odd Lake's place when he was shot.
18:01Yeah, I remember.
18:03You claimed that.
18:06Maybe I can help you.
18:07Looks like we're going to need help, Sheriff.
18:09I know where they hole up.
18:12They know that I know it.
18:14That's why they tried to finish me off.
18:18Mesa City's the place.
18:21Mesa City?
18:22It's out of my territory, but I notified the Sheriff there and...
18:31but I shouldn't be telling you.
18:34It's my job to get them and...
18:37you too.
18:39If you're outlaws and...
18:44We better get him someplace where he'll be taken care of.
18:47There's a line right a shack over on the slope.
18:49We'll leave him there with plenty of food.
18:51Then we're heading for Mesa City and our three friends.
18:55Maybe we can clear ourselves of that Odd Lake murder.
18:57I want to get that guy that's wearing my beard.
19:00Come on, give me a hand, Jeff.
19:09Come on.
19:36What are you doing here, Montano?
19:38I told you...
19:39Wait a minute, Stanton.
19:40I had to see you.
19:41We had a slip-up.
19:43Where's Pete and Charlie?
19:44They're in the hideout.
19:45We're clear on that.
19:46What happened?
19:47Well, the Sheriff showed up.
19:48We tried to get rid of him.
19:49Who stopped you?
19:50That real Billy, the kid, and these pals caught up with us.
19:53We had to take it on the run.
19:55I told you if you turned them loose, we was going to get in trouble.
19:57I had to if I expected to keep operating.
20:00I suppose they run you right back here to Mesa City.
20:02Oh, not as bad as that.
20:04We just got to stay undercover for a while, that's all.
20:07We always pulled our jobs a long ways away.
20:09Nobody would ever think of looking for us here.
20:11Maybe you're right about that.
20:13Tell Pete and Charlie to keep undercover.
20:15Me too, boss?
20:16Nobody will ever recognize you in that outfit.
20:19Besides, I need you here.
20:21Now, here's an angle I've been working on.
20:38I've heard of this Mesa City.
20:40It's a robber's ruse if there ever was one.
20:42There must be some good people in this town.
20:45Look at all them stores.
20:47Not many, I'm afraid, Fuzz.
20:49Is that good or bad, Fuzz?
20:51I'll tell you more about that later.
20:53Take my horse into that blacksmith's shop and get a new set of shoes.
20:57What have Thunder's shoes got to do with it?
20:59If they don't take a shot at me, then we have nothing to worry about.
21:02We can hide out here for a while until we pick up the trail of those masqueraders.
21:06If someone does take a shot at you, then what?
21:09I don't have to tell you boys what to do. Come on, boys.
21:37Check these shoes all around, will you?
21:39All right.
21:42Come on. Come on.
21:45Come on. Come on.
21:48Get over here.
22:17And that's the setup.
22:18With that gold shipment in my safe, I'll have this town sewed up tight.
22:22You've got it pretty well buttoned up now.
22:27Who is it?
22:29Who is it?
22:30It's me, Kelly.
22:33Something's come up over at the sheriff's office.
22:35Come in.
22:37Well, let's have it. What's he up to?
22:39He got a letter from that sheriff down south at Lariat,
22:42telling him about your Billy the Kid business.
22:44He suspects you already, you know.
22:46And I heard him say he was coming over here to have it out with you.
22:49I've been expecting something like that.
22:51We gotta act quick before he gets a chance to talk.
22:53Because if he does, you know what that means.
22:55You mean...
22:56You got it. And right now.
22:58Get some of the boys together and start a rumpus outside.
23:01When the sheriff shows up, let him have it.
23:06Come on.
23:25Hello, Dave. Have a nice trip?
23:27Coming back to Mesa City where I can see you always makes a good trip, Sally.
23:31How many times must I tell you not to say things like that?
23:35Get me the mail.
23:38Oh, hurry up, Dave. I've got a lot of work to do.
23:42There you are.
23:52What's all the commotion?
23:54Just some of the boys letting off steam.
24:04Hold it, boys. Hold it.
24:19Here he comes.
24:26I'm getting myself a pigeon.
24:31Dave, they shot your brother.
24:49What's the matter? You seen a ghost?
24:51That hombre that just sided with young Evans is Billy the Kid.
24:54Why, you're crazy. The kid's in New Mexico.
24:56I tell you, it was him. He must have followed you.
25:00Maybe you're right.
25:02I'm getting out of here.
25:05Let me get over there.
25:06Take it easy. Take it easy.
25:08Those fellows shot my brother.
25:10Yeah, stick your nose out there and they'll kill you.
25:12Maybe, but some of them will go along with me.
25:15Somebody's got to arrest those men.
25:17Who volunteered to put those killers where they belong?
25:19Take it easy, fuzzy.
25:20If I were only a man, I'd show that crowd where to get them.
25:23A plain, long man is a little out of my line, miss.
25:26But if you feel that way about it, I'll see what I can do.
25:30I can handle it, Jeff. Just cover me.
25:35Hey, how about trying to warn him to keep out of this?
25:39Don't be fooled because his hands ain't near his guns.
25:42He's fast.
25:54It ain't healthy to be strolling around this town, kid.
25:57Never felt better in my life.
26:05He's getting away with that bluff.
26:07He ain't bluffing.
26:08Who is he? I haven't seen him around these parts before.
26:11He's a stranger to me, but I hope he stays in Mesa City.
26:16Well, what do you want?
26:19For what?
26:21For shooting a man.
26:25I suppose you're going to throw me in the hoose, gal.
26:28That's right.
26:30But I'd much rather plant you in Boot Hill.
26:35I'm waiting.
26:38What's it going to be?
26:47The next one that tries that will be committing suicide.
26:50You better get your brother to a doctor. Come on, Fuzzy.
26:59I heard these men are off to jail, Fuzz.
27:00What are you going to do?
27:01Now, to date with a coyote, got to teach him a lesson.
27:03Go on.
27:05You know where the jail is. Go on.
27:11Give me a drink of birth.
27:31Come on.
27:59I found that gun outside.
28:01It seems to fit your holster.
28:03I wonder how I lost that.
28:05Well, thanks anyway.
29:02Come on.
29:23Looks like you can stand a little drink, partner.
29:25You want to join me?
29:27You're going to pull a stunt like this once too often, kid.
29:30Well, when that time comes, it'll be my hard luck
29:32and a break for Uncle Sam.
29:35Meaning what?
29:36That he's the best publicity man in this country
29:38and he's got your face plastered all over the landscape.
29:42Well, from what I've heard,
29:43that doesn't make any difference here in Mesa City.
29:46Clean up the place, boys.
29:50Well, usually, that would be so.
29:52There's some angles here you don't savvy.
29:55Such as?
29:56Such as?
30:04Hiya, Judge.
30:05What's going on?
30:08Say, ain't you taking a chance hanging around here?
30:12Judge, meet Billy the Kid.
30:14Kid, this is Judge Clark.
30:16You didn't expect to see the real thing in Mesa City, did you?
30:19Well, you've been making things pretty lively since you hit town.
30:23Well, it seems like a pretty lively town, Judge.
30:26It is.
30:27Oh, uh...
30:28I just turned Curly Montana and the rest of the boys loose.
30:31There's another thing I want you to do.
30:33When Barton wakes up, give him Steve Evans' badge.
30:35You know, he's Throob's sheriff.
30:37Barton always did want to wear that hunk of tin.
30:40I got some legal matters to take care of.
30:42I'll be seeing you.
30:46I suppose that's one of the angles you spoke about me not knowing.
30:49Yeah, and there's others.
30:52You seem to have this town pretty well sewed up.
30:54I have.
30:55And if you string along with me,
30:56I might be able to protect you and your pals from that murder charge.
31:01What murder charge?
31:02You know what I'm talking about.
31:06And if I don't?
31:07You saw what happened to Steve Evans.
31:09I mean, the same thing is liable to happen to me.
31:13Well, I wouldn't go so far as to say that.
31:16What's your proposition?
31:18You know the Oklahoma Badlands, don't you, Billy?
31:20Sure, sure. Who doesn't?
31:21Well, I'm setting up Mesa City the same way.
31:24Any wanted man is welcome, provided...
31:26Provided what?
31:28That I get my cut for the protection I give.
31:30And it looks like you could stand a little protection right now.
31:33Come on, let's have a drink.
31:34No, no thanks.
31:36You know, I've always played a lone hand.
31:38I'd like a little time to think it over.
31:41Go ahead.
31:42But don't take too long.
31:45I won't.
31:50Give me some bourbon, Gus.
31:54Damn it.
31:59Hey, what do you think happened?
32:00I know, I know. Judge Clark turned him loose.
32:02You must be a mind reader.
32:04Find out anything else?
32:06We have to work fast to turn up those mavericks...
32:08that are using us for a front before it gets too hot around here.
32:10It can't get too hot for me. I'm a two-gun whipster.
32:12Yeah, or maybe you'll whistle another to them...
32:14when you find out the setup we run into.
32:16You got any plans?
32:17No, we have to catch them red-handed.
32:19We can't do it in town. Come on.
32:24Come on.
32:54Come on.
33:14You know, I'm beginning to think...
33:15when that sheriff told us to go to Mesa City...
33:17he sent us on a wild goose chase.
33:19You're wrong, Jeff.
33:20Stanton made me a proposition to join up with him.
33:23He's a jackpot.
33:24Now, I think the answer to all our troubles is right here.
33:34Listen, if we don't turn up anything by sundown...
33:36why don't you head back to town and watch things there?
33:38That's an idea.
33:39Jeff and I can take care of things out here.
33:41Okay, I'll do that.
33:43All they've been doing is snooping around, nothing else.
33:45I'm convinced the only reason Billy the Kid returned to Mesa City...
33:49was to find the murderer of Ark Lake...
33:51and clear himself of the murder charge.
33:52Well, they might as well be looking for a needle in a haystack.
33:55Well, I'll feel a lot safer when he's out of the way.
34:03Who is it?
34:04Hey, Montana.
34:06The Indian just brought this in.
34:12Well, this is a break.
34:14There's $15,000 coming in from Laird on today's stage.
34:17This is our chance to kill two birds with one stone.
34:20You're telling me.
34:21Montana, get Pete and Charlie to put those phony duds on...
34:24and knock that stage over before it gets to town.
34:26Won't that give the whole setup away?
34:29When Dave sees you, he'll think it's Billy the Kid and his pals.
34:32He'll get away clean and they'll be blamed.
34:35Yeah, I get you.
34:38And Barton, just to make it look legal-like...
34:41get on this badge.
34:43Boy, am I gonna like this.
34:51Let's go.
35:21Come on.
35:27Come on, hand me down that mail sack.
35:31You fellas won't get away with this.
35:33If it's the last thing I do, I'll...
35:35I get it.
35:36You're talking to Billy the Kid and his pals.
35:38And don't make us mad, partner.
35:41Looks like we hit the jackpot, Fuzzy.
35:43Boy, is this gonna be fun.
35:51Hey! Hey!
36:21And with the appointment of Red Barton as sheriff...
36:34we're about ready to quit.
36:36I'd hang on a little longer if I were you.
36:39Maybe we will, now that you're back.
36:42Dave and I thought you'd left town.
36:44No, no, we just sort of...
36:46been scouting around, looking things over.
36:49Are you figuring on settling down in Mesa City, Mr...
36:54You never did tell us your name.
36:56My friends call me Billy. Bill Bonney.
36:58I'm Sally Crane.
36:59Yeah, I know.
37:10Things should begin to pop in a few minutes.
37:12I'll get a posse together and round up the kid.
37:19I was held up in the past by Billy the Kid.
37:21He's the fellow we thought would...
37:23put him up.
37:31Dave, what are you doing?
37:33He's one of the fellows that held me up.
37:35It's Billy the Kid.
37:36I don't know whether or not he's Billy the Kid...
37:38but I do know he didn't hold you up.
37:40And I know he did.
37:41But why would he do that?
37:43I don't know.
37:45But I do know he didn't hold you up.
37:47And I know he did.
37:48What fancy are you talking about?
37:49I've got a good one.
37:50Dave, answer his question, please.
37:52Rocky Pass, you're going to deny you were there?
37:54He doesn't have to.
37:55I'll deny it for him.
37:56I tell you, this man held me up less than an hour ago.
37:59He couldn't have, for the simple reason...
38:00he's been here in the office with me since noon.
38:16Stay where you are.
38:18You keep them covered.
38:19They're the other two that were with him.
38:20Billy, you missed the show.
38:21Yeah, we ran into those hombres.
38:22We were looking for them.
38:25Hey, you shouldn't be pointing that pea-shooter at folks.
38:27It's allowed them to go off and hurt somebody.
38:29They held up the stagecoach, and we held them up.
38:32We got the loot right here.
38:33That monkey that looked like me got away.
38:35But here's the whiskers he was wearing.
38:37Did you get a good look in his face?
38:38You bet I did.
38:39It was that polecat they call Montana.
38:41Yeah, we got the other two staked out in the hills.
38:43What is this?
38:44You three fellas held me up and took that money.
38:46I saw you with my own eyes.
38:48I think there's something behind this we don't know about, Dave.
38:51Isn't there?
38:52Yes, ma'am, a lot.
38:53You've been fooled, same as plenty of other folks.
38:56By three fellas masquerading as Jeff, Fuzzy, and myself,
38:58murdering and robbing people?
39:00Oh, then you admit you're Billy the Kid.
39:02Why should I deny it?
39:04Hey, Billy, look.
39:05There's that Montana now.
39:15Now's our chance to clean out the whole caboodle.
39:17Wait a minute, wait a minute.
39:18Yeah, yeah, that's what I say.
39:19I don't happen to be convinced that I'm wrong about you three.
39:22You're not what?
39:23You heard me.
39:25How many times have I got to tell you not to point that gun at folks?
39:31We'll have her go off sometime, and then you'll be sorry.
39:34Come on, what are we waiting for?
39:36Now, wait a minute.
39:37To figure out a way to force a showdown with Stanton and his gang
39:39without getting shot full of holes.
39:41Yeah, but at the same time, maybe we can convince Sally
39:43and Dave that we're on the level.
39:45That's right, Jeff.
39:46So here goes.
39:47Now, word came to us some time ago that unless we got these three...
39:50Where's Stanton?
39:51In his office.
39:57Now, then, if things work out the way we figure,
39:59we'll be able to square ourselves not only with you, but with the law.
40:03You don't have to clear yourself with me.
40:05I believe you.
40:06Thanks, ma'am.
40:07It's kind of nice to hear you say that.
40:09Fuzzy and I'll slide out the back door.
40:10Yeah, now, wait a minute.
40:11Don't show your hand too early, Jeff.
40:12Don't worry, we won't.
40:13Come on, Fuzzy.
40:14Good boy.
40:17Yes, well, fellas.
40:22You might need this.
40:24Yes, ma'am, I might.
40:42Come on.
41:14Billy, the kid just went into that saloon.
41:16Now, what he's up to, I don't know, and it don't make any difference.
41:19But when he comes out, I want you to start shooting and don't miss.
41:22All right, spread out.
41:28Hello, Sheriff.
41:29Pretty far out of your territory, aren't you?
41:31Oh, Larry, that isn't so far away.
41:34Sorry to hear about Steve.
41:36If you're looking for his killers, you're too late.
41:38Judge Clark turned them loose.
41:40So I heard.
41:41Mesa City's in a pretty bad way.
41:43All the riffraff on the frontier seems to float in here at some time or other.
41:47You looking for anyone in particular?
41:49Yeah, I have a sort of a warrant for Billy the kid.
41:53What makes you think he's in town?
41:55Oh, I've been cold railing him for quite a spell.
41:58Saw him on the street a few minutes ago.
42:00But I need some help, Dave.
42:02You want to throw in with me?
42:04When I tell you what we know about Billy, I'm sure you'll tear up that warrant.
42:08Nothing you could tell me would make any difference now.
42:11Well, what do you say, Dave?
42:12You gonna give me a hand, or do I have to deputize you?
42:15Well, if you put it that way, why, sure.
42:18I've got a special job for you.
42:20One that'll surprise Billy and his pals.
42:22Won't you listen to me, please?
42:24Some other time.
42:25Now, don't do anything foolish.
42:27Bullets are liable to be flying around here promiscuous-like, so you better stay inside.
42:31Come on, Dave.
42:38Come on.
42:54And the only good sense you use for circling back to make sure that Pete and Charlie won't talk.
43:00Kid's out in the bar.
43:01Is he alone?
43:03Well, he wasn't with the other two, so he don't know what happened.
43:05Well, that's lucky for you, and not so lucky for him.
43:09We'll play this thing safe.
43:10Charlie and me will stall the kid while you get word to Barton.
43:12Yeah, and make sure he don't see you leave.
43:15Come on.
43:34Well, hello, kid.
43:35Haven't seen you since we had our little talk.
43:37What have you been doing?
43:39Just scouting around.
43:41How'd things strike you?
43:43Well, I tell you, Stanton, you got a pretty smooth organization.
43:47I told you that.
43:56Keep your hand off that gun.
43:59Make one move and you'll wake up playing a harp.
44:05I wonder what you were looking at.
44:08What? You made up your mind about what you're going to do?
44:12In a way.
44:16What do you mean?
44:22It's like this, Stanton.
44:28Stay put and you won't get hurt.
44:36What's the idea, kid?
44:37Just my way of saying no to your proposition, Stanton.
44:40Hold it.
44:43Now put that gun away.
44:46All right, get around the end of the bar.
45:00Hand over.
45:07Light Horseman Jones reporting with a prisoner.
45:09Get in there.
45:10Joe, take Stanton's gun.
45:15Hold everything.
45:18You're riding in the nick of time, Sheriff.
45:23That's a fine way to pay off after we've saved your life.
45:26I told you that I was a lawman and someday I'd catch up with you.
45:32What are you doing, Masters?
45:34Arresting Billy the Kid and his pal.
45:36You have no authority in this county.
45:38Well, I don't need you to tell me that.
45:40Turn your prisoners over to Sheriff Barton.
45:42I'm sorry, but I have first claim on them.
45:44What do you mean?
45:46I mean that if me and my prisoners are interfered with,
45:48there'll be a troop of cavalry on your neck before you can say scat.
45:51Come on, boys, get moving.
46:02Let him go.
46:03There's a surprise awaiting for him outside.
46:07Let's go.
46:13I wouldn't have minded this so much, Sheriff, if we had finished what we started.
46:16Well, you gotta break eggs to make a cake.
46:18What's a thunder egg got to do with it?
46:20Well, keep moving and you'll soon find out.
46:28Hold it, boys.
46:36You, uh...
46:38See what I mean?
46:48What's the answer?
46:50They had the saloon covered with rifles.
46:53You mean they're trying to drag out us?
46:55That's what I figured, but I didn't want it to happen.
46:58Just yet.
46:59Oh, Dave, leave him there.
47:01Let's hide Taylor.
47:06Let's go.
47:27Hold it, boys.
47:29This is as far as we go.
47:30Get down.
47:36Well, I'm turning you all loose.
47:38Hoping you'll help me to do a job I haven't been able to handle myself.
47:42What kind of a job?
47:43Cleaning up Mesa City.
47:45Rounding up those fellas that made you boys a lot of trouble.
47:48Oh, we already got two of them stashed away.
47:51You mean you had two men.
47:53I found them in a shack in the hills loaded with lead.
47:57That kind of changes things a little, don't it?
48:00Yeah, what's to prevent us from agreeing and then heading for the border first chance we get?
48:04Nothing but your word.
48:06I guess you got us figured right, Sheriff.
48:09And after the job is done, look out.
48:11We'll worry about that when the time comes.
48:14It's going to be a little tough getting convictions with Clark and Stanton working together.
48:17Hey, have you noticed these Dodgers nailed up around town, Billy?
48:20Take a look.
48:34I'll be right back.
48:42Seem to have something on your mind, Sheriff. What is it?
48:45Well, McConnell's a circuit judge and a good friend of mine.
48:49Any cases he tries are on the level.
48:51And you figure he might try a few while he's in town?
48:54Well, if Judge Clark was to disappear into thin air...
48:57Yeah, but they're only three days before the fourth.
49:01We'll have to split up.
49:02Jeff, you and Fuzzy work with the Sheriff and Dave.
49:05I'll have a little talk with Judge Clark.
49:08See what we can do.
49:10Do I have to explain again, Judge, why this climate isn't good for your health?
49:14Why you can't do this to me.
49:16I was legally appointed judge by Stanton.
49:18I've heard all that before.
49:20And I'm still convinced that unless you leave these spots, you're not going to live long.
49:25All right, I'll go.
49:27But you're going to pay for this.
49:33Come on.
49:45Here comes Curley now.
49:47We'll grab him as he passes.
49:52Be careful. Sally's looking this way.
49:55Anybody else?
50:02Come on.
50:20Hey, what are you trying to do to me?
50:22I'm just going to take you out of circulation for a while.
50:33How long do you expect to keep me here?
50:35Oh, until you go on trial before the judge.
50:39Well, the sooner the better.
50:41Yes, but Judge Clark won't be on the bench.
50:43He's taking a little trip.
50:45Hey, Fuzzy, by request.
50:46Yeah, we got a new and honest judge coming in on the stage this afternoon.
50:58We'll have to travel fast if we're going to keep our date with Billy and the others.
51:03I don't know who grabbed him, but they took him behind that building over there.
51:06Well, whoever done it will soon find out they can't make a monkey out of me.
51:13Hey, help!
51:22Help me up!
51:27Somebody get me out of here!
51:31Come on.
51:37All right, partner.
51:38Come on, hurry up.
51:51We've got to get Ford to stand.
52:00So they're in Clark Yard and bringing in Jack McConnell.
52:03I didn't think they were smart enough to pull a move like that.
52:06There's no fixing McConnell.
52:08He's tough.
52:09Now, maybe he is.
52:11But I would show the kid he don't hold all the aces.
52:14Get the men together.
52:15We're going to meet that stage.
52:25Come on.
52:44And that's the way things stand in Mesa City, Judge.
52:47Standing there's quite a stranglehold on the town, isn't it?
52:49It has.
52:50We're banking on you to help us break it.
52:52Well, if things turn out like you figure, we'll have plenty of evidence.
53:03Now, remember, I want McConnell alive so I can trade him for Judge Clark.
53:07I understand.
53:14Here they come.
53:22Go ahead.
53:33Go ahead.
53:34Don't forget what I told you.
53:45All right.
53:46Pull him up there.
53:53All right.
53:54Get out of there.
53:55Drop those guns.
54:01Come on.
54:02Get back.
54:03You boys aren't dressed for the occasion.
54:05You don't look so good.
54:07And you've shaved since the last time I see you.
54:09I haven't worn a beard in 20 years.
54:11All right, Montana.
54:12Who's behind all this?
54:13I don't know what you're talking about.
54:15Who killed Art Lake?
54:16I never heard of him.
54:18Who killed Art Lake?
54:20Who killed Art Lake?
54:23Montana, I never killed a man in cold blood before.
54:25All right, Bill.
54:26Take it easy.
54:27I'll tell you.
54:29Sandler's behind it.
54:33Keep an eye on him.
54:35Think I won't?
54:50Keep an eye on him.
55:20Keep an eye on him.
55:50Come on.
56:09Hop on your feet, Stanton.
56:10You've got a lot of questions to answer.
56:12Get out of here.
56:14With Stanton and his gang in jail
56:16and the clothes they wore impersonating you
56:18safe in your hands as evidence,
56:20it won't be hard to convict them.
56:22Then you won't have to leave town.
56:23No, ma'am.
56:24Not for a while.
56:25Hold everything.
56:27Now that you're a sheriff,
56:28it'd be all right if I used that desk.
56:30For how long?
56:31Six months.
56:3224 hours a day.
56:34What for?
56:37Now that everything's quiet and peaceful,
56:39I'm gonna make up for lost sleep.
56:44Billy the Kid and his pals are holding up the bank.
56:48Hey, wait a minute.
56:50What did you do with those clothes?
56:52The clothes?
56:53Yeah, the clothes.
56:54Oh, I made a swell deal.
56:56I got $10 for them.
56:59Here we go again.
57:18Come on.