When Calls the Heart Season 11 Episode 12

  • 3 months ago
When Calls the Heart Season 11 Episode 12
00:00Previously on When Calls the Heart.
00:02Will you marry me?
00:04You and I shouldn't be keeping things from one another, Bill.
00:06And in this case, you're just gonna have to trust me.
00:08You remember my colleague, Randall Rockwell?
00:10Colleagues now, is it?
00:11The handwriting is the same.
00:13Jeanette O'Quam.
00:14Jeanette is Shaw.
00:24Nathan, I'm in love with you.
00:26You have never stopped loving me.
00:28I have never stopped loving you.
00:33He kissed you!
00:36And now you're together.
00:37Oh my goodness, Elizabeth.
00:39I'm so excited for you.
00:40I'm excited too, but keep it under your hat for now.
00:43We still haven't told the children yet.
00:46My lips are sealed.
00:47Nobody will hear about it from me.
00:49Except for Lee.
00:51I can tell Lee, right?
01:01You look beautiful.
01:07Hello, Nathan.
01:08Well, I suppose I should get going.
01:11I have to get Goldie to daycare.
01:13I like to make sure I give her a kiss goodbye.
01:17I can't keep anything from Rosemary.
01:19Oh, no one can.
01:21It's a gift.
01:22Don't worry.
01:23Mum's the word.
01:28Would you like to come in?
01:36Oh, well, sorry.
01:38Couldn't resist.
01:40I know the feeling.
01:41But, um, until I find a way to tell little Jack about us.
01:44We should keep things under wraps.
01:46Mountie Nathan!
01:48Hey, Jack.
01:49Yeah, you ready for your riding lesson?
01:51I can't wait!
01:52Okay, well, let's go saddle up pal.
01:54But first, go get your hat, please.
01:56Okay, Mama.
02:02I was thinking about that land that we sold Lucas.
02:06See, the thing about the resort is it was supposed to be a legacy project.
02:09Something for Goldie's generation to enjoy.
02:13Well, and Goldie's children, too, one day, I suppose.
02:15I can't imagine you having kids.
02:17Imagine us as grandparents.
02:20Actually, let's not rush things.
02:22No, let's not.
02:23Anyway, I had a few thoughts about what Lucas could do with that land.
02:28Oh, grand vision of your own.
02:30Care to share?
02:34Oh, you're going to get that out of me anyway.
02:36I will.
02:37It's a gift.
02:38It is a gift.
02:39Yes, that's what we do, don't we, Goldie?
02:49You're glutton for punishment.
02:51Seems it's all that's on the menu.
02:52Lucas, this will blow over.
02:55Wait for the trial.
02:57Papers are never going to let this go.
02:59Well, you can count on the Valley Voice to support you.
03:01Rosemary's no muckraker.
03:03The rest of them are going to have a field day with this.
03:05It's not as dire as all that.
03:08It was a mistake, trying to keep this quiet.
03:12Jeanette had a lot of people fooled.
03:14I just keep asking myself, how did I get this all so wrong?
03:18How can I be an effective governor when I'm not sure I even trust my own judgment anymore?
03:25I think we need to, uh, find him some lighter reading.
03:47Can I go get pal?
04:07You sure can.
04:08You just got to remember to clip his lead to his halter before you untie him, okay?
04:11Okie dokie.
04:18I'll be right back.
04:32Lucky for us you were able to take the morning off.
04:35Hey, maybe finally we could go on that picnic together.
04:38A picnic?
04:41I love picnics!
04:44Is Allie coming too?
04:46Yeah, uh, yeah. I'll ask her.
04:51We're going on a picnic. We're going on a picnic. We're going on a picnic.
05:04Hmm. You seem mighty calm for someone who's getting married tomorrow.
05:08I guess I'm supposed to be nervous, but I'm just so happy.
05:11You think I'm jinxing it? By being too happy?
05:16There's no such thing, Michael.
05:18We're breaking with so many traditions already. No bachelor party.
05:23Yeah, I'm not sure I'm totally on board with that one yet.
05:27Mae insisting she doesn't need an engagement ring?
05:32She says that our wedding bands are enough to show the world how we feel about each other.
05:37Hmm. That's, uh, that's sweet. Yeah. And practical.
05:43But is it bad luck?
05:48I don't know, Michael.
05:51I'll tell you what I do know. Mae is an amazing woman, and she loves you to bits.
05:57So why don't you just try and relax and enjoy the moment, all right?
06:02Good man.
06:15Minnie, your icing's delicious.
06:17No fuss is one thing, but I refuse to let Mae and Mike get married without a proper wedding cake.
06:22Anti-faith, when it's a surprise happening.
06:26Very soon.
06:29Here comes the bride!
06:32Stop. We can't help it. Like it or not, you're glowing.
06:36Well, I am really excited my brother's going to be here.
06:39I haven't seen him in so long.
06:41Is that all you're excited about?
06:43And about marrying Mike.
06:46But you know we want to keep it as simple as possible.
06:49I just wish that you would let us throw you a shower.
06:51Why do you want Miss Mae to get all wet?
06:54Oh, no. Lily, a wedding shower is a party for the bride.
06:59And as your bridesmaids...
07:01And flower girl.
07:02And flower girl.
07:03Thank you.
07:05We feel like we're neglecting our duties.
07:08Although, we do have one surprise.
07:16Oh, my gosh!
07:19You didn't think I'd miss your wedding, did you?
07:22I admit it. You were right to meddle.
07:24Welcome home, Fiona.
07:26Well, you are the reason Mae and Mike got together in the first place.
07:31Come here, you.
07:36Sight for sore eyes.
07:40And you must be Lily.
07:42I am.
07:44It's nice to finally meet you.
07:46You too. Empty face talks about you all the time.
07:52Well, that's because I've missed you so much.
07:54We all have.
07:56I've missed you, too.
07:58But look, Mae, your dress arrived. Florence sent it over.
08:03Let's see.
08:08I want to see.
08:13What do you think?
08:15It's beautiful!
08:20Atta boy, Jack. Sit up nice and tall.
08:23When can I go up?
08:24Oh, easy, cowboy. Let's see if you can make them stop first.
08:28Well done!
08:30All right, dismount.
08:34Good job!
08:36Here, why don't you take him for a drink of water? I'll be right there, okay?
08:38Okie dokie.
08:44He's a good kid.
08:46You're really good with him.
08:48You know, if it's all right with you, I'd like to spend more time with him.
08:54I would love that.
09:05I found this in my office. I thought you may want it as a souvenir.
09:14Pike's case file.
09:16Are you sure you trust me with it?
09:19Okay, okay, Rosemary.
09:22I probably owe you an apology.
09:25I wish I could have told you what was going on.
09:27I had to find out. Lucas remembered who shot him from Ginetto Quan.
09:31But my hands were tied. The governor had sworn me to secrecy.
09:34You asked me to trust you as a partner.
09:37But you didn't trust me.
09:39Well, I can see that's how it looked.
09:43Okay, okay.
09:47I let you down.
09:48And for that, Rosemary, I am truly sorry.
09:55We would have figured out that Ginette was posing as Shaw Latsuna if we'd been working together.
10:00Well, I couldn't agree more.
10:02We made a good team, you and I.
10:04We did.
10:09I talked to Mrs. Thornton about Teachers College.
10:12Just planning ahead.
10:13She told me about the school for the blind in Hamilton, where you learn to teach other blind people.
10:17Hamilton? But that's so far away.
10:20It's just an idea, Mama.
10:22Oh, good, Allie, you're here.
10:24Hi, girls.
10:25Hi, Minnie.
10:27Allie, we're going on a picnic with you and Mountie Nathan.
10:32We were hoping Mrs. Canfield could make us a lunch.
10:34Uh, come on inside.
10:36I've got some sandwiches already made.
10:39Why don't you wait with the girls?
10:41Okay, Mama.
10:42Are you guys drinking lemonade?
10:45We are.
10:48Well, chicken salad do, they're friskly made.
10:50That's perfect.
10:53Minnie, is there something troubling you?
10:57Angela says you suggested a school for her in Hamilton.
11:01The Schwarzman School.
11:03They train teachers for the visually impaired.
11:05And people come from all over the world to study there.
11:09It's just Hamilton.
11:12I know.
11:14But there's still plenty of time to explore other options.
11:18Minnie, I'm so sorry if I overstepped.
11:21You didn't.
11:22I'm overreacting.
11:23No, you're not.
11:25I can't imagine Jack leaving home.
11:27These are precious years.
11:29I'm reminded of that every day.
11:35Thank you.
11:36Of course.
11:42So, we're going on a picnic?
11:44Yeah, um, I'm just finishing up here.
11:46Why don't you have a seat for a minute, Allie?
11:53Uh, Allie.
11:58Miss Thornton and I.
11:59Dad, I know.
12:01Yeah, no, I know.
12:02But we, um...
12:06Well, I guess we are, uh...
12:07A couple?
12:13Yeah, um...
12:16Yeah, I guess we are.
12:20Is that okay with you?
12:21Of course.
12:24It's really nice seeing how happy she makes you.
12:28And nothing is going to change between you and me.
12:30We are still going to spend just a lot of time together.
12:38This picnic, was it just supposed to be the two of you?
12:43Well, yes, it was, but...
12:47It's fine, really.
12:49It's okay.
12:50You're sure?
12:52Because I could watch Jack.
12:55Thanks, kiddo.
12:59What could be better than being with my favorite people in one place?
13:10So, tell us everything.
13:13How's Nashville?
13:14I like Nashville fine, but we should be focusing on May.
13:17No, not at all.
13:19I want to hear about all your work with the Suffragettes.
13:23They're exciting times, all right.
13:25But there's still so much more work to do.
13:27My sister and I are campaigning to get the first woman from Tennessee elected to Congress.
13:33That's amazing!
13:35You must feel so...
13:37filled with purpose.
13:39What about you, Faith?
13:41You said in your last letter Lily's staying with you permanently.
13:44That's right.
13:45She's a doll, by the way.
13:48I can tell how much you love her.
13:51I really do.
13:55Then I guess there's no point in asking.
13:58Asking what?
14:00Nashville's growing so fast.
14:02They're desperate for doctors, and they just built a brand new hospital.
14:06You're not suggesting Faith moves there, too?
14:12I was going to.
14:14I mean, we could sure use your help in the movement.
14:17May, Ned sent over a telegram that arrived for you.
14:29What's wrong?
14:31It's from my brother.
14:35You know, there are more sandwiches, if anyone's interested.
14:38Oh, I'm stuffed.
14:43Yes, please.
14:45Hey, Jack.
14:48Remember those blackberry bushes we passed on the way up here?
14:52Want to pick some?
14:55Remember those blackberry bushes we passed on the way up here?
14:59Want to pick some for dessert?
15:04I love blackberries.
15:06Yeah, I can't get enough of them.
15:09But we've already got dessert.
15:12Well, I guess I'm just going to have to pick them all by myself.
15:20Wait for me!
15:22Ali, wait for me!
15:42That was very sweet of Ali.
15:44Want to take what you told her about us?
15:47Want to go?
15:48She's very happy for us.
15:51Actually, I didn't have to say much.
15:53Apparently, I'm an open book.
15:58I don't know. I think there's a lot that you don't show.
16:02Me? No, you.
16:06I think it's a lie you hide behind those eyes.
16:09Believe me, I'm not that mysterious.
16:13But how about this? I will tell you a secret about me if you tell me a secret about you.
16:20I'll have to think about that one.
16:23Take your time.
16:26So I hear there's a wedding tomorrow.
16:30You want to be my date?
16:34I would love to.
16:39I just feel like I need to tell Jack about us first.
16:44Well, until you do.
16:49Can we count as each other's secret?
16:53Nice try, Constable.
16:57You're not getting off that easy.
17:07Michael, we need to talk.
17:10I asked for too much time off for my honeymoon, didn't I? I'll talk to May.
17:13No, no, no. You take as much time as you want.
17:15Does that apply to today? Because my mom wants me to come to Benson Hills.
17:20One last afternoon tea together while I'm still single.
17:23Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's fine.
17:24No, no, Hickam. This is regarding the edict around no bachelor party.
17:28At least let us organize a poker game for you.
17:30Yeah. Might even let you win.
17:32Thanks, guys. If you insist.
17:35Hi, Mike.
17:36Well, if it isn't my best woman.
17:39Best woman?
17:40It's the 20s. What are you going to do?
17:42Fiona, it's so good to see you.
17:44Well, you have been missed.
17:46And I've missed all of you. But, uh, Mike, May has had some bad news.
17:51What's happened?
17:52Her brother's ship is leaving Cape Fullerton early and he can't make it here for the wedding.
17:56Oh, no. We planned the whole thing around him being here.
17:59Well, that's a shame.
18:00Well, at least you have Fiona.
18:02Of course. And that means the world.
18:05I just... I wanted our wedding day to be perfect. In every way.
18:10I should have bought her a ring. No matter what she says.
18:14He thinks he's jinxing the wedding because he's breaking with too many traditions.
18:20Well, if you're that worried, you can choose a best man instead of me.
18:23No, no, no, no, no. I want you.
18:25I'm just nervous, I guess.
18:28Well, at least that's traditional.
18:30Oh, yeah. Very true.
18:36Care to join us for poker tonight?
18:38Sure. Deal me in.
18:41Did you enjoy the picnic, Jack?
18:43Allie and I picked so many blackberries.
18:46You sure did.
18:49What would you think if we started spending more time with Allie and Mountie Nathan?
18:55And would it be alright with you if sometimes I see Mountie Nathan just by myself?
19:02Sure. But why?
19:04Sometimes we have things to talk about just between us.
19:08Like what?
19:10Like grown-up things.
19:12You mean boring things.
19:15You'll understand better when you're older.
19:18Just don't grow up too quick, okay?
19:20Okay, Mama. I'll try not to.
19:26I hope you're not letting that cheap sensationalism get to you.
19:30It's hard not to.
19:32It's hard not to.
19:34Listen, I need to apologize to you both.
19:39I should have been more honest and open about what was going on.
19:45Apology accepted.
19:48I'm sure it seemed like the right decision at the time.
19:52Well, apparently I still have a lot to learn about how to be governor.
19:55About that.
19:57I had a thought.
19:59What if you were to go in a different direction with that resort land?
20:04Like what?
20:05Well, I was thinking a national park.
20:12A resort without the resort?
20:13No, no. Way more than that.
20:15Lee's really thought this through. Lee.
20:17Okay. No, I'm talking about something very special.
20:21A place where wildlife and trees are left undisturbed.
20:24With trails for hikers and campsites for families.
20:28A place where people can enjoy the outdoors in its natural state.
20:33For generations to come.
20:35Now, it's true. It won't be the moneymaker that the resort was going to be.
20:41And, well, it might not draw as many tourists.
20:45And it might not create the same employment opportunities.
20:48The local towns will still benefit.
20:50Maybe not as much, but they'll still benefit.
20:54But, we will be preserving something important.
21:01We want Goldie, and in fact all the children of Hope Valley, to have this kind of legacy.
21:07We would still be facing the same old issues with Maisie.
21:11You leave Maisie to me.
21:13I think I've got her under control now.
21:16Sorry to interrupt.
21:17Well, that's alright, Mae.
21:18Oh, and I'm sorry to hear about your brother not being able to attend the wedding. That's terrible.
21:22Oh, no. What a shame.
21:24I'm very disappointed.
21:27Have you seen Mike?
21:28Uh, yeah. As a matter of fact, he went to Benson Hills to visit his mother.
21:32Oh, that makes sense.
21:34Why? Are you worried that he's got cold feet?
21:36Why would I be worried about cold feet?
21:39Does he? The wedding is tomorrow.
21:42No, no, no, no. No, of course not.
21:44If there's anyone you can rely on, it is Hickam.
21:48His feet are always warm.
21:49What? Huh?
21:51You're right. Marriage is based on trust.
21:55Well said.
21:56Mm-hmm. Yes.
21:58That's why I'm counting on you two as his groomsmen to make sure that he's at the altar on time tomorrow.
22:04Yep. Piece of cake.
22:16Oh, Minnie? This is so pretty.
22:19Wow. Seems like someone had a productive day.
22:24Minnie, what's wrong?
22:26Nothing, really.
22:28I just overheard Angela telling her friends that Elizabeth recommended a college to her in Hamilton.
22:34Hamilton? That's so far away.
22:36That's what I said.
22:37Does Angela seem serious about this?
22:39It's hard to say. It's a ways off, but sooner or later we'll have to face the fact that she's growing up.
22:46It's like the poet says, it's our job to give them roots and wings.
22:52At least we can take comfort in knowing that our love made her strong.
22:56Come here.
23:07I've seen my previous optimism. It's misplaced.
23:12Why's that?
23:13Editorial from the evening edition of the Chronicle. You might want to brace yourself before you read that.
23:20While Governor Bouchard continues to hide away in Hope Valley, his future in the capital is becoming increasingly untenable.
23:28You're calling for my resignation?
23:30It's only one newspaper.
23:31You know, it isn't until somebody tries to take something away from you that you realize how much you still want it.
23:47Hi. Is Jack asleep?
23:50He had a very busy day.
23:53Apple juice?
23:56I'd love some.
24:02Yes, by the way.
24:06I had a talk with Jack this afternoon about us, and so I would love to go with you to the wedding.
24:15I had a talk with Jack this afternoon about us, and so I would love to go with you to the wedding.
24:22Well, that's great.
24:25How did he, um, how did he take it?
24:29Do you want the good news or the bad news?
24:34The good news.
24:35He's thrilled about spending more time with you and Allie.
24:39Now the bad news.
24:41He thinks you and I are boring.
24:45We're not boring.
24:46I know.
24:47We've got, we've got secrets.
24:51Secrets are boring.
24:52So have you come up with one?
24:54I have, yeah.
24:55But you go first, it was your idea.
24:58Okay, fine.
25:03When I was a little girl, my sister Viola told me that if I kissed a potato, I would find my heart's desire.
25:11Kissed a potato?
25:12I kissed a potato.
25:15And I didn't even get a puppy.
25:16My mother was allergic, which is very disappointing.
25:18And Viola never lets me forget it.
25:20Your secret is you kissed a potato.
25:23That's, that's more of like an embarrassing story, I'd say, than a secret.
25:29Your turn.
25:30I can't now.
25:31You have to.
25:32Well, not after what you just said.
25:33Me then.
25:34We had a deal.
25:35You remember when I was offered that inspector position in Union City?
25:40Yes, you turned it down.
25:44But you were the reason that I wanted to take it.
25:49Things were complicated.
25:51I found myself falling for you, and...
25:59I didn't know what to do.
26:01Falling for you, and...
26:05I felt wrong, because the reason I asked to be assigned here was to protect you after...
26:12After Jack died.
26:17I'm sorry I messed this up. You, you wanted something funny, and I...
26:21I never wanted anyone to know this.
26:25But I dreaded the idea of a new Mountie coming here.
26:31I was convinced I would despise whoever it was just because they were alive, and Jack wasn't.
26:40And when you found out that Jack took my place at the training mission...
26:45Nathan, you are not responsible.
26:52If I hadn't been so afraid of what I was feeling for you...
26:58If I hadn't stayed, if I hadn't gotten to know you...
27:06Here we are.
27:16I love you.
27:19I love you too.
27:22This was a fun game. We should play this game again.
27:27Maybe not.
27:35Oh, thanks, Gustav. Let me know if he turns up.
27:40Still no Michael.
27:42What do you mean, no Michael?
27:43Well, I called Maisie to find out why he didn't show up at poker last night.
27:46She said he didn't turn up to see his mother either.
27:48Nobody's seen the guy since yesterday.
27:50Well, the wedding is in three hours.
27:53I know.
27:54Where could he be?
27:55He is never going to forgive me if I don't find him.
27:57I wouldn't want to be in Hickam's shoes either.
27:59All right, how can I help?
28:01Well, I guess you could run interference with May.
28:03Maybe reassure her that everything is going to be okay.
28:05All right. I'll drop Goldie off at daycare, and then I'm on it.
28:10Who are you calling now?
28:11Well, Nathan. When a man is missing, it's time to call the Mounties.
28:14It's time to call the Mounties. All right. Goldie! Time to get going!
28:19Can you put me through to Nathan, please?
28:23No, he hasn't turned up yet.
28:24Thank you.
28:34Good morning.
28:35Good morning.
28:46I wanted to tell you ...
28:48I wanted to tell you ...
28:54Tell me what?
28:56I'll be going to the wedding with Nathan.
28:59I just didn't want you to be surprised.
29:04Elizabeth, I'm fine. Really.
29:07I know that you are.
29:10And you will pull through all of this.
29:14The calls for my resignation are snowballing.
29:18The Spectator. The Benson Hills Beatle. That one stings.
29:24That territory still needs you.
29:26Now more than ever, Lucas. You'll find another ... G.V.
29:32It's your destiny.
29:35I never used to buy into destiny.
29:38Well, sometimes what's right in front of you is the hardest thing to recognize.
29:48See you at the wedding?
29:50See you at the wedding.
30:00I think Lucas changed his mind.
30:03May, you know that isn't true.
30:05I have never seen anyone as crazy in love as Mike is with you.
30:08Yes, that's the truth.
30:10Then where is he?
30:12Just breathe. Breathe.
30:17Hello, hello.
30:18It's somebody's wedding day.
30:21I'm sorry to intrude, but Lee wanted me to ...
30:24Oh, dear. No.
30:26This won't do. A bride in tears?
30:29Well, has anyone seen Mike?
30:32Has anyone seen Mike?
30:33Lee told me to assure you that he is 100% on top of it.
30:38Any minute now. Culture guarantee.
30:41So ... no?
30:49Now, May, if I know Hickam, and I do, he has an excellent reason for just ...
30:58disappearing like this.
31:00Do you think so?
31:02I know so.
31:04One day, you and Mike will have your grandchildren rolling on the floor with laughter
31:11as you tell them the story of how Grandpa kept Grandma in suspense on their wedding day.
31:19Okay. You're right. I believe in Mike, and I believe he's going to be here.
31:25That's the spirit!
31:28Now, we really need to get the bride ready.
31:32Ladies, I could use some help with hair and makeup, Rosemary.
31:36It would be my pleasure.
31:43So I called the station, and Michael bought a ticket to Buxton yesterday.
31:47Why would he suddenly jump on a train to Buxton?
31:50And on the eve of his wedding.
31:51Maybe he wanted to buy a special gift for May.
31:53What's Buxton got that we don't have?
31:55I think he'd choose a better time to make a romantic gesture.
31:58So I made a few calls. There's been no report of a man with Mike's description being in an accident or anything like that.
32:03Well, thank goodness for that.
32:04I'll be honest, I had visions of him in a ditch someplace.
32:07I hate to say this, though, but just because there hasn't been a report ...
32:10Doesn't mean something hasn't happened.
32:12If he was able, he would be here.
32:14Gee, that sounds serious.
32:15Hickam! Where the heck have you been?
32:18You told me to take whatever time I needed.
32:20You're cutting it close, my friend.
32:22I know, but ...
32:24I need your help with something.
32:28May, you look gorgeous.
32:32Absolutely stunning.
32:34A bride like no other.
32:36You don't think it's too much?
32:38No! It's perfect.
32:41You are perfect.
32:50What's that?
32:52I can't be ...
32:57Ladies, come, come!
33:26Holy smokes.
33:28Mike, you're here.
33:32I'm sorry I worried you, but there was something I needed to bring you.
33:39May, you still want to marry me?
33:44A thousand times yes!
33:52It's beautiful. I love it.
33:56That's not all I picked up.
34:01Oh, Beau!
34:04It's great to see you.
34:06Beau, what are you doing here?
34:08We came to collect the bride. Beau says it's tradition.
34:11No, what are you doing in Hope Valley?
34:13Mike came all the way to Cape Fullerton to get me.
34:16It was a long trip. I had to switch trains in Buxton.
34:19That would explain the train ticket.
34:21Mike talked my captain into releasing me from a contract earlier.
34:24It was touch and go there as to whether we make it back on time, but we made it.
34:30May, you are, without exaggeration, the most beautiful sight I've ever seen.
34:41You're not so bad yourself.
34:43Folks, we have a preacher waiting.
34:49Come on.
35:00As we gather to celebrate the marriage of May and Michael,
35:05we are in the presence of a profound love.
35:09Not just between them, but amongst all of us gathered to witness this union.
35:15Of all of God's gifts, surely love is the most precious and enduring.
35:23Love makes us strong.
35:25Love sustains us.
35:27Love is all that matters.
35:31Now, time for the most important part.
35:35Michael, do you take May to be your wife,
35:39Do you take May to be your wife,
35:41to love and to cherish for all of your lives, whatever may come?
35:46I sure do.
35:48And May, do you take Michael to be your husband,
35:53to love and to cherish for all of your lives, whatever may come?
35:59I do.
36:01We will now exchange the rings.
36:52Now it's perfect.
36:53Thanks for the tip.
36:56Could I make a suggestion?
36:57Something to go on top of the cake.
37:00It means double happiness.
37:04That's exactly what was missing.
37:06Ladies and gentlemen, if I could have your attention.
37:10Um, I believe Joseph said it best, but I'll say it again.
37:14Um, at the end of the day, love is all that matters.
37:20I think our best woman would like to say a word.
37:25Here's to Mike and Mae's everlasting happiness.
37:29The love that the two of you share inspires us all.
37:33To Mike and Mae.
37:35To Mike and Mae.
37:39Now let's have some of that wedding cake.
37:46Oh, my.
37:48Thank you for doing this, Minnie.
37:50My pleasure.
37:54Oh, gorgeous.
37:56Thank you.
38:03They look so happy.
38:05Yeah, they're a great couple.
38:07So did I call it, or did I call it?
38:12You certainly did.
38:14They were meant to be together.
38:17I just wish that you could stay longer than a week.
38:21Me too.
38:23You know, Fiona, about coming with you to Nashville.
38:29Believe me, it is tempting.
38:35But you've found your purpose.
38:38Yes, I really have.
38:42There you go, ladies.
38:46That was a lovely ceremony.
38:48Joseph outdid himself.
38:50Of course, it was for one of our girls.
38:54Excuse me a minute.
38:57Hi, you.
38:59Scooch over.
39:03Now, for the best part of a wedding.
39:07The cake!
39:12I have filled Bill and Henry in on your idea for the national park.
39:16Sounds like something maybe even Maisie Hickam could get behind.
39:22Assuming you're willing to work with me.
39:24Oh, please. Of course we are.
39:26You know, it could get rough trying to bring back everyone's confidence.
39:29Well, if the voters want Lucas out, they can say so in the next election.
39:33Right. And until then, you are officially still governor.
39:37One thing has become clear. If I'm going to turn this ship around, I have to do it from Capital City.
39:42So, Lee, I'm hoping that you'll consider joining me to get the park rolling.
39:47Wait, what?
39:51Okay, you'll be good, okay? Alright.
40:14That was a perfect wedding.
40:16It sure was.
40:18Mae and Mike found their soulmates.
40:20Well, with a little help from their friends.
40:24Do you think they still would have found each other anyway?
40:28Are you asking me if I believe in fate?
40:30I am.
40:32I think fate is taking what life gives you and turning it into what you want.
40:41Or, you could always kiss a potato.
40:48I already have my heart's desire.
40:57Constable Grant!
41:01Mrs. Thornton, I'm Superintendent Hargraves.
41:03Of course I remember.
41:04Sir, what brings you from Fort Clay?
41:06I'll explain. In private.
41:10Can it wait?
41:11No, I'm afraid it can't.
41:13Okay, well, we can speak in my office.
41:15I'm not here to see you, Constable.
41:18Mrs. Thornton, it's about your late husband.
41:27To be continued...
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