
  • 4 months ago


00:01What happened to the doctor the doctor took you to safety he paid a price
00:06It's temporary look at me. I don't I can't I really can't I
00:12Can't look at anything
00:15I'm still blind
00:19Death is an increasing problem
00:25Over a billion intelligence species active in this galaxy alone
00:29It is an ever greater challenge to know how to kill all of them
00:35On this planet, we're proud to serve as executioners to every living thing
00:42The destruction of a time Lord, however is a particular honor
00:48This technology is precisely calibrated
00:51As you can see
00:53it will stop both hearts all three brainstems and
00:58Deliver a cellular shockwave that will permanently disable regenerative ability. I
01:05Know how it works. You certainly will in a moment
01:11Following termination
01:13The body will be placed in a quantum fold chamber under constant guard for no less than a thousand years
01:19In case of shall we say
01:24Life can be a cunning enemy an additional stipulation of the fatality index
01:32Is that the sentence must be carried out by another time Lord apologies for our choice, but your people are not easy to come by
01:44Doctor I didn't expect you
01:48Thought you'd retired
01:50domestic bliss on derilium
01:53That's the word among the Daleks
01:55What happened?
01:59Oh, I see
02:02My condolences
02:13The prisoner will kneel
02:29Thank you
02:40They can't know I'm blind missy no one can know memories are so much worse in the dark
02:56Quantum fold chamber is prepared great. The sentence will be carried out
03:16Please I'll do anything just let me live
04:28Hello hello, who's there good evening doctor?
04:39Have come here today
04:42Director from the Vatican. All right, that's nice. Well, if you've got a collecting tin, I'm sure I can find something
04:49Leaky roof, is it?
04:52No, no, no, no, no stop talking stop now, please just listen to them. It sounds important
05:00We have come here to see you because your services and wisdom are recommended at the highest level
05:13You can see this is a personal recommendation of Pope Benedict the ninth in 1045
05:21Pope Benedict
05:23Lovely girl one at night. I knew she was trouble, but she will overspell with her castanets doctor
05:30on behalf of every human soul in this world of any creed of any faith with the utmost respect and
05:37Incomplete secrecy His Holiness the Pope the Bishop of Rome request most urgently a personal audience
05:45Well, if he's so keen to talk me, why did he just come here himself easier? He's standing right in front of us
05:52Hello, ah
05:55The Pope I'm sorry that I didn't recognize you there
06:00You don't do this
06:02Hope doesn't zoom around the world and the Pope would be on surprising people
06:08Why would you do that? I'm under kill of a chum
06:19There is an ancient text very deep in the most secret of the Vatican libraries text older than the church itself
06:32This text is lost to us
06:35Thanks to the work of an early Christian sect the title
06:41Has survived
06:44Okay, so what's the title oh
06:48Yes, I can see that it says very TAS
06:54Literally the truth
06:57Obviously the sect they understood to the language it died with them and all copies of their translation
07:03Disappeared shortly after their mass suicide
07:06Few months ago after many centuries of work
07:10The veritas was translated again
07:16And what did it say?
07:19No one knows everyone who worked on the translation and everyone who subsequently read it is now dead
07:29Dead the doctor by their own hand
07:33Veritas is a short document a few pages only and yet contains a secret
07:40Drives all who know it
07:42To destroy themselves confirm suicides often in every case beyond doubt all bodies recovered
07:48Except one, but we naturally assumed assume nothing assumption makes an ass out of you
07:54Indumption karma one of your translators is missing doctor. Those translators were devout believers
08:01They took their own lives in the knowledge of that suicide is a mortal sin
08:06They read the veritas and chose hell
08:13Will you read the veritas
08:23Later I thought you moved out from me. Yes slightly didn't work out the second attempt on the way
08:40Thought you were going out with Harry tonight Howard. I don't like knowing the names only get attached. Did you bring someone home?
08:50I'm a grown-up. I can do that. Can I of course not I have very strict rules about men probably not as strict as mine
09:03Hello, you Moira. Oh
09:05You're a girl. Mm-hmm. I'm penny. Oh, oh, oh, I see. Oh, I'm sorry
09:10Here's me thinking that she dragged some poor terrified man home
09:15Well few
09:18Right you to come up to the pub don't do anything. I wouldn't do
09:26Well alone at last
09:39God what's up
09:44It's the pipes in my bedroom be warned. Sometimes I shout at them
09:53You're okay
09:55Yeah, sorry. I'm just not quite used to all of this. Well
09:59whatever this is
10:04Actually, it's not anything yeah
10:07It is absolutely nothing to feel guilty about
10:13Hey, okay
10:20He said he would do it I got some money so I'm gonna need to clean. What's that?
10:23I saw you open something. Come on. I'm a ton. I don't know what he can. Oh, what's on a patsy?
10:28Don't worry, baby. I put that away
10:32That was the Pope bill that was the Pope
10:39Yeah, yeah, give me a minute I am about to have a truly
10:51Oh my god
11:00You're all going to hell
11:04Doctor here's a tip
11:06When I'm on a date when that rare and special thing happens in my real life do not
11:14Do not under any circumstances put the Pope in my bedroom, okay?
11:20Now I know
11:22They're cleared now. Don't will explain what's going on
11:32I think it's pretty serious. What's happened? Well, you
11:39You know the Vatican yeah the one in Rome
11:45And what is that it's a sort of a
11:48Reading aid
11:50It looks dangerous
11:53Completely deadly, but you know
11:56swings and roundabouts
11:58Pope Benedict said that you were more in need of confession than any man breathing, but when the offer was made
12:04You replied it would take too much time
12:08On behalf of the Catholic Church the offer stands
12:17Seem like a man with the regret on his mind
12:25If you requested a priest I haven't
12:32Probably I am I shall seek consultation
12:43There are 412 precedents in the fatality index
12:48Divine intervention therefore is permitted for a maximum of five minutes five minutes
12:55The executioner may now discuss his immortal soul and any peril thereunto
13:07Greetings sinner only in darkness are we revealed
13:12I'd ever sent for you
13:14Is not goodness that seeks advantage
13:18Good is good in the final hour in the deepest pit without hope
13:24without witness
13:25without reward
13:27Virtue is only virtue in extremis. This is what he believes and this is the reason above all I
13:36Love him my husband
13:38My madman in a box my doctor
13:47Your missus wouldn't approve
13:50Followed you from derelium on the explicit orders of your late wife River song warning. I have full permission to kick your ass
14:13Okay, so you're blind and you don't want your enemies to know I get it
14:18But why does it have to be a secret from bill because I don't like being worried about all right me people should be worried
14:23About themselves. Yeah, shall I tell you the real reason?
14:26No, because the moment you tell bill it becomes real and then you might actually have to deal with it. Good point
14:33Well made definitely not telling her now
14:36You an idiot
14:45We did it proceed with the sensitive me the cardinal angelica condor a la Bibliotheca here you must go without me
14:53Cardinal Angelo will conduct you to the library. No reilluminare. It was to come in
14:58May God light your path
15:01Where could suddenly give it a go
15:11Entrance to the heretic coma the library of forbidden and heretical texts
15:18first instituted by your old friend the Pope Benedict
15:23Who still guards the door you old dog
15:48Very few know this place exists
15:54The library of blasphemy the erratic
16:06Stay close to me
16:08the layout
16:09Is designed to confuse the uninitiated sort of like religion, right?
16:16You happy in those shades not dark enough for you the darkness we are revealed
16:31Regret gentlemen
16:33This consultation is over. I regret it too. The sentence must now be carried out
16:39We'll take a few more minutes if you like knock yourself out actually do do that knock yourself right out
16:59'll be good. I promise I'll turn I'll turn good, please teach me teach me how to be good
17:10Without hope without witness
17:15That reward
17:21Who was your date that penny
17:31The very center of the analytical
17:34Home of the veritas for over a thousand years
17:39and death
17:41in the art of truth
17:43You'd be wizard at right and Christmas crackers you turn
17:53Look it's a
17:56Mysterious light shining around a corner approximately 10 feet away
18:03Who's there?
18:08This library is forbidden. No, wait, who are you?
18:11Oh, what are you doing here speak
18:20Speak to me
18:26Let's do that, what's your door there's no door there it's a wall
18:41Quite impossible
18:44Let's take a look at the penthouse if I feeling the answers might be there I have to check if there is a breach in
18:49the wall
18:51And I love the cage in a moment
19:14God what's wrong?
19:21Oh, hang on I
19:25Think there's someone in there. Yeah, we are very slightly getting that. Sorry
19:32I'm sorry. I
19:37Sent it
19:39Send what I sent it. Yes said what where
19:49You'll just get lost carl angelo someone just broke into your bookcase
19:55Priest by the look of him shut out the lock. Oh, he hasn't gone far
20:03So much for your forbidden library cardinal
20:11Doctor look at this must have been his laptop
20:19His wi-fi down it
20:21It's a library
20:24Reading chair with a safety belt. What's that?
20:27Sure. Yeah, the European Organization of Nuclear Research the largest particle physics laboratory on this planet. Why?
20:34Because four hours ago someone that priest presumably emailed them a copy of the veritas translation from this computer
20:40And what he said said I sent it
20:44He sent the veritas and sir, I've just replied what they say
20:50Pray for us. I don't want to signs itself for prayers the same time anyone does and a very very afraid
20:59Particle physicists and priests
21:02What could scare them both?
21:09Mean down here for a while that guy very is I guess the missing translator
21:14That's promising promising. Yeah, at least one person read the veritas and lived
21:24Go and see he's all right both of you. I think we know he isn't
21:29Know nothing of the kind might need help
21:32Whatever you saw information is about 50 feet that way
21:35Are you trying to get rid of us? Why because you're sending us into the dark after a man with a gun?
21:40Ah, well, I thought of that. Thank you. I don't make sure that you walk in front of Bill. Oh, right
21:45You're gonna read this
21:47Is that why you're sending us off? I
21:49Won't read this without you. Really? He won't
21:54Promise trust me. I'll shout if we need you
21:58Me too. Give you the fear when he says trust me if I worked here, I'd cross myself
22:15Stay close by me. There's a man with a gun
22:25Yeah, you don't actually have to do that in fact don't you dare do that
22:31You're to walk behind me now like the doctor said
22:35Really not happening
22:38Okay, bill miss Potts
22:41I'm the only person you've ever met or will ever meet who is officially licensed to kick the doctor's ass
22:46I will happily do the same to you in the event that you do not align yourself with any instructions
22:51I have issued which I personally judge to be in the best interest of your safety and survival
22:57Okay, bill. Okay. Good. Oh, oh
23:04Are you secretly a badass nothing secret about it baby doll
23:15Well, that answers that question
23:23It's a nobody we saw before yeah like a portal
23:32You're right
23:34It will be stupid to go and look
24:19Could do with your help here
24:21I'm not absolutely sure how this is going to work
24:24Either it's going to temporarily fix my eyesight, but it's good to burn out my brain
24:52Am your friend
24:55Makes no difference. I know it does
24:59And then I'm going to die. I have to say it the truth
25:04And I hope
25:07Without witness without reward
25:27On my oath as a time Lord of the praetorian chapter, I will guard this body
25:35For a thousand years
26:00Who are you?
26:01Do you have clearance for floor three floor three of what of what?
26:07of what
26:09The Pentagon
26:24So the Pentagon is free there, yeah, and and and and the Vatican
26:30It's free there. Yeah
26:33Don't wonder what's through here
26:35What is this, how is this possible alien technology, let's see what else they've got Oh
26:43Bill come and take a look at this. Oh
26:56Are you coming?
26:58Coming where oh, we are on the cafeteria. You mustn't miss it
27:06We all go together when we go
27:33Who walked I can see
27:42Think about the universe's whatever you need you can always borrow
27:49Just borrowed from my future. I
27:53get a few minutes
27:55Proper eyesight, but I lose something
27:58Maybe all my future regenerations will be blind. Maybe I won't regenerate
28:03ever again, maybe I'll drop dead in 20 minutes, but I
28:07Will be able to read
28:11No, I have no idea how that is going to affect me so I'd be a bit stupid
28:17To reject the precautions provided. Could you help me, please?
28:22Could you help me?
28:28I've read a lot of books that this chair would be quite useful for Bobby Dick. Honestly, shut up and get to the whale
28:42If you invited friends and family
28:50Oh, it's the old old story
28:54Never looks so good in the morning
28:58Goodbye to the truth I came a long way to meet that book 2,000 years at the last count
29:05Don't want to read it you're gonna stop me anytime you want to why the play act this is not a game
29:49What's his name sent the veritas ladies and gentlemen
29:54Your attention, please
29:59I've been around everywhere. I've checked everything. It's all ready to go
30:06Five minutes
30:08That's orders, please
32:12And you know very tough
32:15You've got explosives we're saving the world
32:19You know, we should go we should probably even run how is blowing yourselves up saving the world
32:25Because he's he's underworld
32:28This isn't what?
32:32You haven't read it
32:34You haven't read the veritas. Sorry love to but
32:40Choose a number
32:42Any number both of you now
32:46And say it when I thought this table
33:00Try again keep going
33:0417 again don't stop every time I tap the table
33:39Really very sorry
34:02Okay, what was that about those numbers how did they do that? Oh
34:10You okay no
34:17Someone's been through here
34:21Could be the doctor
34:24Those things what do they look like
34:29Projectors exactly. Yeah, they're projecting the polls. No, they're not
34:33They're protecting everything those worlds. They're all projected. There's a Pentagon the Vatican CERN. They're not real
34:40No, no, they're holograms. They're they're holographic simulations and the people in them, too
34:45Sorry, what you know like the holodeck on Star Trek or really posh VR without a headset through there those places
34:52That's basically Grand Theft Auto
34:55We copy is look at the tech. It definitely is
35:00But sorry, you're not making any sense when did we end up in a computer game when did that stop?
35:05I don't know. Maybe when we arrived at the Vatican
35:09But I programmed the TARDIS myself. We were on target. We went to the Vatican the real one. I'm sure of it
35:18Those machines they
35:21Project the simulations. Yeah, and I'm just wondering
35:29What happens if
35:31We move outside the light of the projector
35:35Oh, please don't let me be right
36:54Well, is that you
36:58Hello doctor
37:02Is that the president
37:05It was
37:13I'll take it. He read the veritas. So did I
37:20Well, I
37:22Listened to there's this thing on here. It reads a lot. Sure. It's very useful. Who needs not all
37:31Where is not all
37:37Need to know what's real and wasn't real. Oh, we all know play games. Tell me
37:56The veritas tells of an evil demon who wants to conquer the world
38:02But to do it
38:05He needs to learn about it first. So he creates a shadow world a
38:11world for him to practice conquering
38:14Full of shadow people who think they're real
38:17Those are a thing
38:19the shadow test
38:21If you're in doubt whether you're real or not, the veritas invites you to write down as many numbers as you like
38:27very size any order and
38:30And then turn the page all the same numbers in the same order yes
38:41Let's bring the story up to date bill
38:44imagine an alien life form of immense power and
38:50Sophistication and it wants to conquer the earth
38:54so it runs a simulation a
38:58simulation of all of Earth's history and every person alive on the surface
39:05practice us
39:06to assess the abilities of
39:08the resident population
39:11Especially the one smart enough to realize that they are just simulants inside a great big computer game
39:21This is this this this is real I I think
39:29Computers aren't good with random numbers
39:32If you ask a computer simulated person to generate a random string of numbers, it won't truly be
39:42If all the simulated people are part of the same computer program and they'll all generate
39:50the same string
39:52the exact same numbers
39:55The numbers
40:00I said them too
40:06So did I
40:09Trouble is when simulants develop enough independent intelligence to realize what they are. There's a risk. They'll rebel
40:18those deaths
40:20They weren't suicide. Those were people
40:28It's like come
40:31Super Mario
40:33Figuring out what's going on
40:37Deleting himself from the game
40:39Because he's sick of dying
40:44I'm real. I feel real those pretend people you shoot at in computer games
40:53Now you know know what
40:55They think they're real they feel it
40:59We feel it
41:27I'm not
41:31To practice killing
41:36What are you waiting for why don't you kill me now
41:52Turn me off. I have nothing. I'll even hope
41:57But I hope that witness without reward
42:12Funny I
42:17Don't believe much
42:21I'm not sure. I believe anything
42:26But right now
42:30Belief is all I am
42:36But you is only virtue in extremists
42:42I'll take it that your intention is to invade the earth
42:47Simulations have been wrong
42:50Well consider this a
42:55The eve of war. I am the doctor. I
43:01Am what stands between you and them
43:08Have to be real to be the doctor long as you never give up
43:16Long as you always trick the bad guys into their own traps and
43:22And here's the trap you fell into your simulation it's far too good
43:31You see these
43:33They're set to record. I'm blind you see
43:36So I'm psychically wired into these so my memory print of the last few hours will still be intact on here
43:45information about you
43:54Always one thing you can do from inside a computer even if you're a jumped-up little subroutine you can do it you can always
44:09I'm doing what everybody does when the world is in danger. I'm calling the doctor pressing send
44:52I'm doing it. I'm doing it. Yes. Hey, I'm doing it. Are you on a date? No, are you sure?
44:58I think I'd kind of notice. What about penny? Do you know girl called penny? Well, yeah, what's she like out of my league? No
45:06No, no. What does that mean? No, it means I'm a scary handsome genius from space and I'm telling you
45:12No, she's not out of your league. Okay. Well, maybe I'll call her tomorrow. Call her tonight
45:19Something very big and something possibly very very bad. I have the feeling that we're gonna be very busy
45:26Call her tonight
45:44Listen if it comes down to it if you're all I've got left and I need your help you said you were my friend
45:59It's been executed show a little respect she's she's alive
46:13Because she's not dead
46:15She's a friend of mine. I may have fiddled with your wiring a little bit. You swore an oath. I swore an oath
46:21I'd look after her body for a thousand years. Nobody mentioned dead. You cannot do this. You will not leave this planet alive
46:28Do me a favor the fatality index look up the doctor you have an entry just like any other sentient being
46:35under cause of death
46:42You do seem to have an impressive record of fatalities credited to you a
46:54Truly remarkable record
46:57All right, where are you going he's not on you are not always
47:06You stand alone Oh, you're the one who should be afraid have a nice day
47:17Now don't help me move Missy to the vault
47:20Something's coming Missy and I'm blind. How can I save them? Well, I'm lost in the dark
48:12Tell me what you see
48:14Pyramid one little problem wasn't there yesterday those creatures in that pyramid
48:19They have studied you and they have chosen this exact moment and this exact place
48:25What's wrong with the doctor? I lie. I've been blind since Chasm Forge
48:30Coordinate your attacks. It is not coming here in peace