18+ Fingers 2019 English Full Movie

  • 4 months ago
Fingers 2019 English Full Movie
00:03:42Hi, what can I get for you? Can I please get one each of the two fritters?
00:03:51one lemon filled
00:03:57One of the chocolate sprinkles
00:04:00Yeah, and then can I get one each of the cakes the blueberry and the cinnamon
00:04:14What is that on your hand
00:05:00What is missing a pinky
00:05:06What Walters pinky is gone and he just wrote like hey, no big deal and I thought you should know because it's gone
00:05:16Get him out of here
00:05:23I can't do I'm just an intern and I don't have that kind of power
00:05:59You doing all right?
00:06:14Lizzie told me what happened.
00:06:15We're not firing our programmer.
00:06:19We will schedule a meeting.
00:06:20We'll talk about whatever needs to be talked about.
00:06:23He'll tell us what's going on, and then he'll go back to making us money.
00:06:28Let's get someone else.
00:06:32Make a mental health app.
00:06:34Use it.
00:06:42You know, it's like he didn't want anybody to notice.
00:06:44Like, if he just ignored it, then we all would ignore it, too.
00:06:48It was that weird.
00:06:50The bone was showing.
00:06:52No bandage?
00:06:53No bandage.
00:06:55No, there's nothing wrong with you, okay?
00:06:56If that happened to me, I would react exactly the same way.
00:06:58I wouldn't be that far behind.
00:06:59I hope he gets hit by a bus.
00:07:07Last week, there was this one day I walked into this shabby little store, and the ring
00:07:12fell, and I just kept waiting, and I kept waiting, and I kept waiting, and then this
00:07:19little guy just came in.
00:07:21Can I help you?
00:07:23He was just so small, and he was so dark, and I just flipped out, and I turned around,
00:07:27and I ran out.
00:07:31What did he do?
00:07:33He blocked me into this parking space.
00:07:42Look, Amanda, I, um, I know somebody that could really help you.
00:07:48All right, Dr. Scotty, all you have to do is look at me and tell me you want help.
00:07:53Now, I'm not gonna go into details with what I was struggling with, but it was a struggle,
00:07:57you know?
00:07:58It was bad.
00:07:59It was real bad.
00:08:00But, Amanda, you gotta know that fear is a monster, and you have to be willing to destroy
00:08:08the monsters.
00:08:09If you're willing, then you'll get better.
00:08:13Just, uh, let me know when you're ready for him.
00:08:16Or we can just get better by ourselves.
00:08:18No, I'll text you his number.
00:08:21What do you, what do you do, Pete?
00:08:23What do you do again?
00:08:24We make a mental health app.
00:08:25Okay, so you guys can work together.
00:08:27No, well, maybe not.
00:08:33What the fuck is your real problem?
00:08:36I don't think I'm in love with Peter anymore.
00:08:38Yes, you are.
00:08:39No, I'm not.
00:08:40And I have something growing inside of my body.
00:08:43I'm pregnant.
00:08:44Well, is it Peter's?
00:08:47Yes, of course it's Peter's.
00:08:49Thank Jesus.
00:08:50I can't keep it.
00:08:52Why not?
00:08:53Because I'm a monster.
00:08:55Amanda, you're not a monster, okay?
00:08:58You, you need help.
00:09:00You're thinking stupid thoughts, but you can be smart.
00:09:03It's your choice.
00:09:05I, I don't think I really understand your problem.
00:09:09I, I don't think I really understand what the real issue is exactly.
00:09:12I already told you, I'm not ready to have a baby.
00:09:15What, what if there's something wrong with it?
00:09:17Maybe I wouldn't love it.
00:09:18You would.
00:09:19No, I read a story the other day about a woman who, who thought that her son's penis was true.
00:09:24You are not that woman.
00:09:26She held her son in a bathtub.
00:09:29She drowned her own.
00:09:30Amanda, stop.
00:09:33I'm not ready for this.
00:09:38You are.
00:09:39You're having false realities in your mind.
00:09:43You don't understand.
00:09:44These thoughts explode inside of me.
00:09:46If, if these thoughts are real things, I'd be missing body parts.
00:09:50They'd be all over the floor, and that would be really bad.
00:09:54But you have us.
00:09:56You have family.
00:09:58Open up.
00:10:03Look, Derek used to...
00:10:08eat his hair when he was little.
00:10:11And after we met, I caught him eating dirt at a family reunion.
00:10:18And once I caught him eating...
00:10:23You know.
00:10:29It doesn't matter.
00:10:30He's cured.
00:10:33The sky is gonna change everything for you.
00:10:39Don't tell Derek, okay?
00:10:41This is our secret.
00:10:45I swear on my nipples.
00:10:48Both of them?
00:10:58When I was a little girl, I used to raise my finger and point at people and laugh.
00:11:02What I used to laugh at...
00:11:04now scares me.
00:11:06This next part is going to sound racist, but know that I am not a racist.
00:11:09Short black men freak me out even more.
00:11:12The darker their skin color, the more my stomach turns when I look at them.
00:11:16I saw a tall woman with a short man the other day,
00:11:20and I instantly felt this pity for her.
00:11:23Maybe they're happy, but it just doesn't look right.
00:11:25I had a friend who had a baby, and I drove eight hours to see him.
00:11:28But he has Down syndrome.
00:11:30When I was ten minutes away from her house, I just couldn't see him.
00:11:33She has Down syndrome.
00:11:34When I was ten minutes away from her house, I just turned around and drove away.
00:11:38Do you speak with your friend?
00:11:40Did you ever see her baby?
00:11:42How long were you friends with her?
00:11:44I just caught her out of my life.
00:11:46I want to kill these things that slip in my head like a snake.
00:11:49Each and every time they show up and leave, they take a part of me with them.
00:11:53They own me.
00:12:04You wrote this?
00:12:06You look at that.
00:12:08It's just ink and paper, right?
00:12:10But know that there's ideas in there, little seeds you pick up with your eyes.
00:12:17You plant them in your brain, and you let them grow.
00:12:23I want you to read that.
00:12:29It's only $50.
00:12:31But you're not paying for the words.
00:12:33You're paying for the seeds.
00:12:37The conversation we will have after you read that book will change your life.
00:12:41That's what books do.
00:12:43Just by that book being in your hands, you're already changing.
00:14:01Are you going to be okay working with Walter today?
00:14:48Is he here?
00:14:53Is everything all right?
00:14:57He's missing another finger.
00:15:17You're asking me to break this window?
00:15:22I can't see him.
00:15:23I cannot see him, okay?
00:15:24I need you to get rid of him.
00:15:26Get him out of here.
00:15:27I don't care.
00:15:28I just need you to get him out of here, okay?
00:15:31I can't see him.
00:15:32Get him out of the hallway.
00:15:33I've been testing when he's gone.
00:15:58Come here.
00:15:59He's missing another finger.
00:16:05He's missing another finger.
00:16:07Calm down.
00:16:08Give me a stir.
00:16:09I need you to go.
00:16:25I need you to go.
00:16:26Get away.
00:16:29I need you to go.
00:16:31He's missing another finger.
00:16:54The guy sliced off another finger.
00:16:58Some people never learn.
00:16:59I'm not Jesus.
00:17:01I'm never gonna be a carpenter now.
00:17:03I mean, who needs ten fingers, right?
00:17:07Eight is enough?
00:17:09I used to watch that show all the time with my sister.
00:17:14We loved it.
00:17:18You did this to yourself.
00:17:19That's your answer.
00:17:21That's my answer. Don't worry about my hand, please. Just ignore it.
00:17:41He's missing another finger. It made me so sick. I had this sharp pain in my abdomen.
00:17:47It felt like a worm with razors for legs crawled up my body and burrowed into my stomach through my belly button.
00:17:53I couldn't stand up straight. I have something for you to sign.
00:18:08Tomorrow, you and your friend with the fingers will have a meeting.
00:18:13I have the perfect place in mind. Did you start my book yet?
00:18:20You've got to do that.
00:18:26Sometimes, what we feel or what we see on a stage like this can make us laugh.
00:18:35Sometimes, it can scare us.
00:18:40It can even cause anxiety for a little bit.
00:18:46But I want you to know that there is nothing to fear. There should be no fear.
00:18:55Amanda, I want you to close your eyes and you're going to feel something.
00:19:03Whatever you feel, it's not real.
00:19:34Open your eyes, Amanda.
00:19:38No! No, no, no, no, no!
00:19:43No, I can't! No!
00:19:51I can't, I can't, I can't.
00:20:04One day, you're going to open your eyes and see the truth and you will not be scared.
00:20:11It might even put a grin on your face.
00:20:15Walter, tell Amanda there's nothing to be afraid of.
00:20:21Please, don't be scared of me.
00:20:25Don't be scared of me.
00:20:28Walter, Amanda's being brave.
00:20:34We want you to be brave too.
00:20:37So go ahead, Walter.
00:20:40Tell us the truth.
00:20:50I recently bought a table saw.
00:20:53Oh, Christ, no!
00:20:57I wanted to make those edible shapes to put around my yard.
00:21:03And Jesus was a carpenter. I thought, maybe I could be a carpenter too.
00:21:15Walter, you're saying you had an accident.
00:21:20First, you lost your pinky.
00:21:24You had another one.
00:21:26And then, you lost another one.
00:21:32Tell us the truth, Walter.
00:21:51They keep coming back.
00:21:57They just show up.
00:22:00Out of nowhere.
00:22:05They slip in like they're going to eat you.
00:22:09And they eat you.
00:22:12And they eat you.
00:22:15And they eat you.
00:22:18They slip in like a snake.
00:22:23Once they're there, they just laugh.
00:22:28They play.
00:22:30They dance.
00:22:33They just show up.
00:22:36And when they leave, they take a part of me with them.
00:22:47They take a part of me with them.
00:23:07Okay, Walter, I need you to sign something for me.
00:23:10Maybe you could use the other hand.
00:23:16He's cutting off his own fingers.
00:23:19Would you like to help me save him?
00:23:22But what were those things that he was talking about?
00:23:24It's his psychosis. They're not real.
00:23:27But what if they are?
00:23:28He called the cops.
00:23:29But what if he was too afraid?
00:23:31He'd call them anyway.
00:23:33Amanda, I need you to sign something for me.
00:23:37He'd call them anyway.
00:23:39Amanda, what is this worth to you?
00:23:42I mean, think about this morning.
00:23:45Think about yesterday.
00:23:46Think about right now.
00:23:48It could be anything.
00:23:50From $100 to $2,000.
00:23:53It's whatever you want.
00:23:56More or less.
00:24:11You're gonna be alright.
00:24:16I'm not being an asshole. Clearly something is wrong.
00:24:19This book is starting to help me think.
00:24:24Read a passage out loud.
00:24:28Now that you have the key, I want you to get close to it.
00:24:33Now that you have the key, I want you to get closer.
00:24:36Shock yourself.
00:24:38If God himself was watching you, I want you to shock him too.
00:24:43What does that even mean?
00:24:45It's saying be brave.
00:24:47You are brave.
00:24:48It's telling me to get close to my fears, to look at them.
00:24:52I froze when I saw Walter come onto that stage.
00:24:55But when we left, I didn't feel cold anymore.
00:25:02This is a bear.
00:25:07I saw it today and had to get it for you.
00:25:10Bears are warriors.
00:25:14You're a bear now.
00:25:16A brave bear.
00:25:19And you can fuck up whatever it is that you want to fuck up.
00:25:23I love you.
00:25:26I'm sorry for being a dick.
00:25:29Throw away the book.
00:25:53If you fear flight, spend a day at the airport.
00:26:11Spend all day at the airport.
00:26:14Think about every soul that passes by.
00:26:17This will be the last page you read today.
00:26:20You have an assignment now.
00:26:22Go out and chase the fear.
00:26:52The End
00:27:13Hey, Walter.
00:27:16Walter, don't fight, don't run, goddammit.
00:27:19Get him up here.
00:27:22me around the water, gonna cut his thumb off.
00:27:52How old are you, Walter? Huh? I mean, what I'm getting at there is, aren't you a little
00:28:04old to be jumping around on a trampoline? It's kind of weird, but it's fun. I'm having
00:28:11fun. It's gonna be fun. Hey! Come on. I'm wearing myself out here. Come on. It's there.
00:28:22There we go. In you go. Ready, breathe.
00:28:52No! No! No! No! No! No! No!
00:29:22I followed them home last night. I know where they live.
00:29:53There you are. Fucking dork. This shit is so dope, man. Yeah. I'm making some more.
00:30:14You make this shit? Yeah.
00:30:23What? Nothing. It's just, you know, if I didn't
00:30:26know you. I mean, if I saw you doing this, I... You'd what?
00:30:33I would think you were a real faggot. Maybe I am.
00:30:43Shit. My grandma used to do this.
00:30:53So, uh, I got a question. Before I go again, I need to get paid.
00:31:02You know how much this beer costs? You ever spend $14 on a beer?
00:31:09Yeah, I'm a Natty Ice guy. Not as expected. I don't drink that pussy shit.
00:31:27Yeah. You see, people look at me and they see one thing. You know, the way I live, the
00:31:35way I look. But then, you know, I can sew and spend $14 on a 12% alcohol German beer
00:31:45that's been aging for four years and it's complicated. I'm a complicated person.
00:31:51Yeah, you are. You're not. You're simple. You do what you're
00:31:56told. You'll drink whatever piss they put in a can. Isn't that right?
00:32:03So... You want to try it?
00:32:07Nah, I'm good, man.
00:32:14Oh, fuck! What the fuck, man? Oh, fuck!
00:32:20Can't say faggot anymore, man.
00:32:24Oh, fuck!
00:32:33Oh, fuck!
00:32:55I got him.
00:32:57Sit down.
00:33:03You're one of three things. Stupid, which will get you killed. Funny, and that'll get
00:33:18you killed last. Or just crazy, which is okay, as long as you don't get yourself killed.
00:33:28You know, everybody saw you walking across the lot with this baggie of fingers.
00:33:34Nobody saw shit. All right, I'm not stupid. I am funny, though.
00:33:41Let's see.
00:33:44An index, a middle, a ring finger, and a pinky. Where's the thumbs?
00:34:06I need these fingers for what I'm doing.
00:34:10Okay, it's kind of a funny story about the thumb, actually. Let me tell you.
00:34:23I like my stories like my women, short and sweet.
00:34:30Okay, look, this kind of work that you got me doing, it's not me.
00:34:40Okay, you know, this is not who I am.
00:34:46I don't do this. I have to build up to it. I have to get there.
00:34:53Short and sweet.
00:34:57Where's my fucking thumb?
00:35:01Oh, that was a little much. There's a bone in there.
00:35:04I don't need any bone in me.
00:35:06Oh, the nail. Oh, come on, man.
00:35:10Mind over matter.
00:35:13I ate the thumb. Right in front of him, I just...
00:35:21When I hired you, I wasn't sure you were right for this job.
00:35:29Clearly, I was wrong.
00:35:34Thank you.
00:35:37Uh, my partner's been bothering me about money.
00:35:45Next time, shoot a video. I want to watch him squirm.
00:35:59Yes, sir.
00:36:25Scott, listen to me. We're going to drop the black Dr. Phil thing, okay?
00:36:29Instead of having a whole bunch of people come to you, we're just going to have one.
00:36:33For a whole season, it's going to be you and her.
00:36:37I'm still the main guy, right?
00:36:39I mean, it's still my show, right? Not her show.
00:36:44It's your show, baby. It's called Dr. Scotty, okay?
00:36:47The show is still yours.
00:36:49Listen, close your eyes. I want you to feel something.
00:36:54She's going to be mulling through all her fears, and you are going to be right there with her.
00:36:59Right by her side. Whole way.
00:37:02The audience is going to want to know what's going to happen next with Amanda.
00:37:05What's she going to do? Where are those dominoes going to fall?
00:37:08What's Amanda going to do next? Something scary? Something sexy?
00:37:11Is she going to kill somebody?
00:37:13Is she going to fuck a lot of guys? Let's hope so, but we don't know.
00:37:16Because what I'm talking about right now is suspense.
00:37:20I record all my sessions. I have hundreds of tapes.
00:37:25All kinds of people.
00:37:27It's the Dr. Scotty show. Don't worry about that.
00:37:29Have you seen the guy that eats shit?
00:37:32You should be talking to her right now.
00:37:34We should be on the phone with her, and you should have your camera,
00:37:37and we should be recording her right this second.
00:37:41Scotty? Scotty?
00:37:44What are we missing?
00:38:01Start your journal.
00:39:12It changed me, Walter.
00:39:18We're changing each other.
00:39:23You know, I took a little, a little piece of you.
00:39:27You know, I took a little, a little piece of you.
00:39:32It started growing all those years ago inside your mama's belly.
00:39:37And it's been with you your whole life.
00:39:39And I put it, put it inside me.
00:39:44And then my body took what it needed, took all the nutrients.
00:39:50And just shit the rest out.
00:39:54I flushed a piece of your body today.
00:40:02And I know who I am.
00:40:05I know what that makes me.
00:40:08I'm a monster.
00:40:11I eat people now, I guess.
00:40:17I guess that makes me a cannibal.
00:40:21I'm a cannibal now.
00:40:24I didn't even think about that when I was doing it.
00:40:27It only occurred to me today, when I shit you out.
00:40:37You fight us too much, Walter.
00:40:42I don't want any more fighting from you.
00:40:46That's really the only reason I came over here tonight.
00:40:54God, he's so sweaty.
00:40:59Why do you sweat so much?
00:41:04Jesus, you sweat so much.
00:41:12There we go.
00:41:38Tastes like fear.
00:41:44Don't be afraid, Walter.
00:41:46Why don't we play a game?
00:41:51Hide and go seek.
00:41:56How do you play?
00:42:01Are you being truthful with me right now, Walter?
00:42:06You never played hide and go seek.
00:42:09Not even when you were a kid?
00:42:19Who are you?
00:42:22I'm just a man.
00:42:25I'm very scared.
00:42:27What did you do?
00:42:32No, you did something.
00:42:35No, I didn't do nothing.
00:42:37You either did something, buddy, or I wouldn't be here.
00:42:41Please leave me alone.
00:42:49Let's play.
00:42:51And hey,
00:42:53if you hide well enough,
00:42:56maybe we'll never find you.
00:43:01Go hide, Walter.
00:43:05Go hide.
00:43:06You're first.
00:43:07Come on.
00:43:10I'm gonna count to ten.
00:43:34Ready or not,
00:43:36here I come.
00:43:39Really, Walter?
00:43:42You can't keep hiding in the closet, Walter.
00:43:46You can't keep hiding in the closet.
00:43:49You're ruining the game.
00:43:51You're ruining the game.
00:43:53You just fucking hide, and we find you.
00:43:55Hide somewhere different next time.
00:43:57You know what this fucking reminds me of?
00:43:59It reminds me of this fucking trick I used to know in high school.
00:44:01It's always ruining shit.
00:44:03Ruining jokes. Ruining games.
00:44:05I'm gonna fucking magic trick.
00:44:29Go. Go hide.
00:44:31Don't leave me.
00:44:33Walter, who's that?
00:44:37Go look out the window.
00:44:42You're not fucking moving, buddy.
00:44:46Did you bring your gun?
00:44:52You can talk now, asshole.
00:44:56I'm so fucking scared right now.
00:45:01You're my best.
00:45:10You're my best.
00:45:12You're my best.
00:45:14You're my best.
00:45:16You're my best.
00:45:18You're my best.
00:45:20You're my best.
00:45:22You're my best.
00:45:24You're my best.
00:45:26You're my best.
00:45:28You're my best.
00:45:30You're my best.
00:45:32You're my best.
00:45:34You're my best.
00:45:36You're my best.
00:46:04Shut up.
00:46:08God damn it.
00:46:12Are they gone?
00:46:22They're gone.
00:46:24You must take something from wherever your fear lives.
00:46:32You take this.
00:46:34You keep this.
00:46:37For your journey.
00:47:06Yo, man.
00:47:08You here?
00:47:10Hey, buddy, you in here?
00:47:12Where the fuck did you go?
00:47:38Yo, man, you back here?
00:47:40Yo, man, what's...
00:47:42Oh, shit.
00:47:44God, I'm sorry.
00:47:46Who are you?
00:47:48I'm just a friend.
00:47:50I'm sorry.
00:47:52Hey, wait, listen to me.
00:47:54Come back.
00:47:56If that guy that I fucked last night knew you saw my tits, he'd kill you.
00:47:58I didn't see your tits, lady.
00:48:00What the fuck?
00:48:02If you say that you saw me, he's gonna think we fucked.
00:48:04I didn't say shit, lady.
00:48:10Take the dog.
00:48:22Toad boy!
00:48:26Toad boy!
00:48:30Toad boy!
00:48:33Toad boy!
00:48:41Toad boy!
00:48:47Toad boy!
00:48:57Aw, hell yeah.
00:49:03"'Ey, something wrong, baby?"
00:49:11Give a little love to me
00:49:13Give a little love to me
00:49:15Ooh yeah
00:49:19I been telling you guys that I had you
00:49:21I been telling you guys that I had you
00:49:24I been telling you guys that I had you
00:49:26I been telling you guys that I had you
00:49:28For two nights
00:49:30My whole fucking life
00:49:32Come on, boy.
00:49:39Come on, boy.
00:49:41Come on, boy.
00:49:43Come on, boy.
00:49:48Come on, boy.
00:50:13Buy a new dog.
00:50:15You don't just buy a new fucking dog.
00:50:18A dog is like a person.
00:50:20You kill people.
00:50:22Well, yeah, but I don't kill dogs.
00:50:26Fox, look.
00:50:27Someone's spying on us, okay?
00:50:29Don't worry about it.
00:50:31Just tell whoever it is you brought in on this job.
00:50:34The job is over.
00:50:38Tell them to go away.
00:50:39I'll call you later.
00:50:41No, look.
00:50:42It's the fingers guy, okay?
00:50:43He's talking.
00:50:44He's telling somebody, and he knows who we are.
00:50:47The fingers guy doesn't know shit.
00:50:51He's so meek.
00:50:53I mean, it's pathetic.
00:50:55I mean, is he really that bad?
00:50:57What could he have done to you, huh?
00:50:59I want to know why I'm cutting his fucking fingers off.
00:51:03When you do business with a guy like me, you do business.
00:51:07When the business is over, you take your money and go away.
00:51:11Now go away.
00:51:16I'm going to go.
00:51:17I'm going to go find out where my fucking dog is.
00:51:20I once knew a man who liked to play with fire.
00:51:25I burnt him alive.
00:51:31Oh, you did, did you?
00:51:34You burnt him alive?
00:51:36You're a threat.
00:51:38You're fucking threatening me.
00:51:42I'll burn you alive.
00:51:44Do you hear me?
00:51:45I'll fucking burn you alive.
00:51:47And I'll burn Walter McFuckingfingers alive.
00:51:50I'll burn the whole goddamn world alive.
00:51:54And then I'll saw on the fiddle while it burns.
00:51:57Fuck you, old man.
00:51:58Fuck you.
00:52:01Want your cash?
00:52:12I need that.
00:52:22I'm sorry.
00:52:25This is my fucking dog.
00:52:28Use your head.
00:52:30One of your stupid friends is trying to rip you off for money.
00:52:41Fuck you.
00:52:49It's one of your friends.
00:52:51And that kind of scares me.
00:52:53Pisses me off at the same time.
00:52:57Think about it.
00:52:59Use your head.
00:53:11I don't know who you stole that dog from.
00:53:14But there is no them.
00:53:16It's fake.
00:53:18Amanda, I'm going to say something.
00:53:20And I don't want you to get offended.
00:53:23But did you know that someone's psychosis can be contagious?
00:53:27Walter is cutting off his own fingers.
00:53:30This is what he sees in his mind.
00:53:33And because he's telling you this,
00:53:37you're seeing it, too.
00:53:39They're not real.
00:54:25I didn't see you piss, bro.
00:54:26I swear to God I didn't touch you.
00:54:32Where's my dog?
00:54:36Your dog?
00:54:37Yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:54:38My dog.
00:54:40Where's my dog?
00:54:41What'd you do with my dog?
00:54:43Who rang the doorbell the other night?
00:54:45What the fuck are you talking about?
00:54:48I know what you're doing, you little fuck.
00:54:53And I'm desperate, man.
00:54:55I mean, I'm desperate.
00:54:56My soul is in fucking ashes about my dog, man.
00:55:00I love my fucking dog.
00:55:01You didn't touch your dog, bro.
00:55:02I fucking love dogs.
00:55:03I mean, Amanda's face is fucking dog.
00:55:05Everybody knows that shit.
00:55:13Hey, hey, hey.
00:55:14Look at me.
00:55:16Just tell me you took my dog.
00:55:18Tell me you took my dog
00:55:19to try to make a little extra money, okay?
00:55:21No, hey.
00:55:22Come on.
00:55:27You took my dog
00:55:29and you sent a friend over to ring the doorbell.
00:55:31Just say that.
00:55:32You're fucking crazy.
00:55:33No, no, no.
00:55:34No, listen.
00:55:35Just say it and I'll let you go, okay?
00:55:37Come on.
00:55:38I know you didn't take my dog,
00:55:41but I want to hear you say it, okay?
00:55:43I want to hear what it sounds like in here.
00:55:46Don't cut my fingers off.
00:55:47It's just energy.
00:55:48Hey, hey, hey, hey.
00:55:49Don't cut my fingers off.
00:55:50Don't cut my fingers off.
00:55:53Tell me that you took the dog, okay?
00:55:56And that it was all a fucking joke
00:55:58and that you didn't hurt him, okay?
00:56:01Just tell me that, all right?
00:56:03And tomorrow he's going to come back
00:56:05and he's going to be fine.
00:56:06Everything's going to be fine.
00:56:07Say it.
00:56:08Say it just like that.
00:56:12Don't cut my fingers off.
00:56:13Say what?
00:56:14Don't what?
00:56:15Don't what?
00:56:16Don't cut my fingers off.
00:56:17Cut your fingers off?
00:56:18Is that what you think I do?
00:56:19You think that's my thing?
00:56:20I'm not going to cut your fingers off.
00:56:24I won't.
00:56:25I promise.
00:56:26I won't cut your fingers off.
00:56:29I know where your dog is.
00:56:31What's that?
00:56:34It was just a prank.
00:56:35Your dog is alive and well.
00:56:40Where is he?
00:56:45Where's he at?
00:56:46You have to find him.
00:56:48He's running the game that the old man you know
00:56:50wanted to play with you.
00:56:53He wanted to fuck with you.
00:56:54I don't know why.
00:56:57Fucking old man.
00:56:58Son of a bitch.
00:56:59Of course, you're telling me the truth.
00:57:01Yeah, man.
00:57:02We're just role playing.
00:57:03No, no, no.
00:57:04Oh, my God.
00:57:05The old man.
00:57:06The fucking old man.
00:57:07Oh, that makes so much sense.
00:57:09No, because you're making shit up.
00:57:10You told me to make it up.
00:57:11Oh, bullshit.
00:57:12You're making it up.
00:57:13No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
00:57:14Come on, man.
00:57:15I was just saying he's set up.
00:57:16Come on.
00:57:17Where's he at?
00:57:20Where's he at?
00:57:21Where's he at?
00:57:22Where's he at?
00:57:23Where's he at?
00:57:26I don't know.
00:57:27Maybe your girlfriend did it.
00:57:28Maybe, maybe she was fucking mad at you.
00:57:29I don't know.
00:57:30A girl that killed my fucking cat when I broke up with her.
00:57:33Girls, you freak it out when you fuck with your husband.
00:57:35Bitches, they freak it out.
00:57:36Bitches, they be freaking out.
00:57:37I know.
00:57:39But I don't got a bitch.
00:57:42I don't have a girlfriend.
00:57:48Just tell me what you said was true, okay?
00:57:50Tell me.
00:57:51I know what.
00:57:52It's over.
00:57:53Just tell me.
00:57:57Tell me!
00:58:07Tell me the truth right now!
00:58:10Your dog's not ready.
00:58:12We got him.
00:58:13Hang on, I'm slow.
00:58:15Your dog is terrified.
00:58:16Hang on, I'm slow.
00:58:18Hang on, I'm slow.
00:58:19Your dog is dead.
00:58:22We burned his eyes.
00:58:24Tell me the truth!
00:58:25We were gonna fuck with you first, but you started fucking your dog with that shit.
00:58:29He was so scared.
00:58:31He laughed so fucking hard.
00:58:33You're telling me the fucking truth, aren't you?
00:58:35You're telling me the truth!
00:58:36Instead of using him for ransom, we were having too much fun killing him.
00:58:41We're the truth, dog.
00:58:43What you did to that fucking guy.
00:58:47One little paw at a time.
00:58:50He deserved it.
00:58:52He deserved it.
00:58:53He's not trying to fuck.
00:58:54He deserves it.
00:58:55You fuck.
00:58:56You're a fucking asshole.
00:58:58You're a fucking asshole.
00:58:59It's the truth.
00:59:00Now we got the truth.
00:59:01You're a fucking tyrant.
00:59:02I don't fucking care.
00:59:03You're a fucking tyrant.
01:01:10Look, it's the guy's house.
01:01:13Just, just protect him.
01:01:17No, don't break in.
01:01:19Wait for him to show up.
01:01:25I have to do that.
01:01:28Do what?
01:01:29Kill my peers.
01:01:33What does that mean?
01:01:36Read the last chapter.
01:01:49Read the last chapter.
01:02:17Sorry, man.
01:02:19I didn't hear you come in.
01:02:21My name's Big Ted.
01:02:22I'm here to make sure you're okay.
01:02:24Make sure nobody fucks with you.
01:02:26Sorry about breaking into your place.
01:02:30Who sent you?
01:02:32I got you.
01:02:33You're safe with me.
01:02:37Oh, shit.
01:02:39Oh, shit.
01:02:40Come on, come on, come on.
01:02:41Come on.
01:02:42Get in the back.
01:02:43Get in the back.
01:02:44Let's go in the back.
01:02:45Let's go in the back.
01:02:46Come on.
01:02:47Let's go in the back.
01:02:48Let's go in the back.
01:03:19The gate!
01:03:51I'm impressed.
01:04:02I did this to him.
01:04:04I'll do this to you.
01:04:07Have a seat.
01:04:11You're a pussy.
01:04:15Hey, what's with all this shit?
01:04:18What, are you planning to booby-trap the house?
01:04:21What gave you that idea?
01:04:23I was watching Home Alone.
01:04:28Home Alone?
01:04:31Oh, God, that's so cute.
01:04:33Who are you?
01:04:39Well, listen, Walter.
01:04:41Don't think for a second I'm not enjoying the fuck out of this, because I am, okay?
01:04:46I'm not here tonight as the crazy, talky panda man, okay?
01:04:51I'm here as me.
01:04:53And I need to ask you a question.
01:04:55So you need to sit the fuck down.
01:05:03Sit down, Walter.
01:05:06Holy shit!
01:05:12Oh, look at what you did to Big Daddy.
01:05:15Big Ted's head.
01:05:18Thank you.
01:05:20I mean, this guy was here for me.
01:05:23I mean, isn't it ridiculous that the guy that's paying me to cut your fingers off
01:05:28is paying this guy to come here and stop me from cutting your fingers off?
01:05:31I mean, what the fuck have we gotten ourselves into, Walter?
01:05:39Hey, listen.
01:05:41I know I ain't so pretty without my mask.
01:05:45But just be nice to me, okay?
01:05:48And I'll take this guy with me when I go.
01:05:51Hell, I'll even clean up the mess.
01:05:53Just tell me what you know.
01:05:59Who's calling?
01:06:04I don't know.
01:06:06I don't know.
01:06:11Hello, this is Walter's phone.
01:06:13Ding dong, one more finger and your dog is gone.
01:06:20Who is this?
01:06:22I'm the mama bear.
01:06:27Fucking listen to me.
01:06:28Fucking listen to me.
01:06:33Who the fuck is that inside, Walter?
01:06:36I don't know.
01:06:38Don't you fucking...
01:06:44Call me.
01:06:46Let's go.
01:06:48Let's fucking find out who this is.
01:06:51Ding dong, one more finger and...
01:06:53Fuck you!
01:06:55I own you.
01:06:57And if you don't listen, I can kill you.
01:07:01You're going to fucking kill me?
01:07:02Fuck you!
01:07:03Are you fucking...
01:07:04Are you leaving, Walter?
01:07:05You listen to this?
01:07:08You listen to this?
01:07:09You're going to fucking kill me, huh?
01:07:12Hang on, Walter.
01:07:14Hang on.
01:07:15Give me your fucking hand.
01:07:17One more fucking finger!
01:07:19Give me my fucking dog!
01:07:44Walter, are you okay?
01:07:50Let's go.
01:07:51I'm sorry, Walter.
01:07:53What did I fucking do?
01:07:55Let me see.
01:07:56What did I do?
01:07:58Oh, God.
01:07:59What the hell did I do that for?
01:08:02I'm so fucking stupid.
01:08:06You have one finger?
01:08:08You still have one finger, though, right?
01:08:11Hold on.
01:08:14Hold on.
01:08:15I have a plan.
01:08:16I can fix you.
01:08:17I can fix you.
01:08:18No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
01:08:21I'm going to choke you.
01:08:23But you're not going to die, okay?
01:08:24You're not going to die.
01:08:25You're just going to pass out.
01:08:27And when you wake up, you've got to call your friend.
01:08:29And you've got to tell them that I fixed you.
01:08:31That they can give me my dog back, okay?
01:08:33You guys are going to put your fingers back on.
01:08:35I'm going to put your fingers back on.
01:08:37They're going to give me.
01:08:39They're going to give me my dog back, Walter.
01:08:44Walter, I'm sorry.
01:08:45Walter, I'm sorry.
01:08:47Oh, fuck.
01:08:49Oh, fuck.
01:08:50Oh, fuck.
01:09:20Oh, fuck.
01:09:22Oh, fuck.
01:09:50Oh, fuck.
01:10:07How far is Walter?
01:10:09He's at the trail right here.
01:10:11Why don't we just knock on his front door?
01:10:13We're not here to see Walter.
01:10:15We're here to see the monsters.
01:10:20You don't need that.
01:10:22Yes, I do.
01:10:23Come on.
01:10:42My name is Fox.
01:10:45Not Mr. Fox.
01:10:47Not Dr. Fox.
01:10:48Not The Fox.
01:10:50Just plain old Fox.
01:10:52And I'm here for a reason.
01:10:56What happened to you was supposed to happen to this prick-fuck lawyer.
01:11:05It was a silly mistake.
01:11:09I came here today for your forgiveness.
01:11:11I don't want to just hear your forgiveness.
01:11:14I need to feel it.
01:11:20I'm getting better.
01:11:27This is going to help us with the healing.
01:11:30Let me get a good look at our surroundings.
01:11:33This is Amanda.
01:11:35She's going to show us her fears today.
01:11:38Hey, I'm Amanda Flynn.
01:11:40And today I'm going to kill my fears.
01:11:42All right.
01:11:52Hey, Amanda.
01:11:54I'm going to kill my fears.
01:11:56I'm going to kill my fears.
01:11:58I'm going to kill my fears.
01:12:00I'm going to kill my fears.
01:12:07The work I do...
01:12:10And the people I do it with...
01:12:13Is so wrong.
01:12:17I kill people.
01:12:19I've killed many.
01:12:23But I hate it when somebody who has nothing to do with this gets...
01:12:29Dragged in...
01:12:31And made to suffer the consequences.
01:12:35Innocent people shouldn't know anything about our life.
01:12:43Our job is tough.
01:12:47But we chose it.
01:12:55A coroner, he has a tough job.
01:12:58But he chose it.
01:13:04But it just isn't right...
01:13:07For somebody who has nothing to do with this...
01:13:12To have to suffer like this.
01:13:18I don't know...
01:13:24How I can make this up to you.
01:13:25It's up to you.
01:13:30But I need to...
01:13:32I desperately need your forgiveness.
01:13:35How did this happen?
01:13:37I just...
01:13:39Wrote the address wrong.
01:13:59That's the loaded gun you're playing with right now.
01:14:03Who are you gonna shoot?
01:14:09Where do you want me to hide?
01:14:29It's not real, Amanda. It's fake.
01:14:33Amanda, I'm here to help you. It's all in your head.
01:15:00I'm... I'm Dr. Scotti.
01:15:03You can just call me Ryan.
01:15:06I'm nobody.
01:15:08I'm just a man...
01:15:10Walking down the nature trail...
01:15:13Enjoying the trees and the sunshine, that's all.
01:15:18I'm gonna...
01:15:20Walk right past you and...
01:15:22And you're gonna let me go.
01:15:28This is fascinating.
01:15:31You look... You look so real.
01:15:34What is that?
01:15:38It's a...
01:15:42Hundred dollar gift card to...
01:15:47Best Buy.
01:15:49Best Buy.
01:15:52I, at the time, was thinking ten bucks a finger.
01:15:57After seeing what's been done to you, I can clearly see I...
01:16:03I made a big mistake. I...
01:16:09I was so wrong. I wasn't thinking. I...
01:16:14I just...
01:16:15I... I need to do more for you.
01:16:19You... You're scaring me right now.
01:16:22It's not me you want.
01:16:24I'm nobody.
01:16:26It's her!
01:16:30Right behind you!
01:16:46The only reason you're not dead right now...
01:16:49Is that silly fucking smile on your face.
01:16:53Who are you?
01:16:55I'm the one at your yoke.
01:17:00Oh my god.
01:17:02What would it take...
01:17:04What would it take...
01:17:07What can I do for you?
01:17:15An eye for an eye.
01:17:22An eye for an eye.
01:17:24You... You want my eye?
01:17:30I want nine of your fingers.
01:17:34My husband's pointing a rifle at you right now.
01:17:41I would look, but I don't quite trust you just yet.
01:17:46No, he is.
01:17:48He's got his rifle pointed at you right now.
01:17:53And I'm falling in love with him all over again.
01:17:56Because honestly, I wasn't sure if I did love him, but...
01:18:00I do.
01:18:01I do.
01:18:02You're fucking crazy!
01:18:05Jesus Christ, you're crazy as me!
01:18:07You're like a...
01:18:09You're like a spider.
01:18:12I hate spiders.
01:18:15Always have.
01:18:16I never understood them.
01:18:18You know?
01:18:20They have so many legs.
01:18:22But now...
01:18:24Now I think I'm starting to get it.
01:18:28I want you to do something for me.
01:18:29I want you to do me a favor, okay?
01:18:32I want you to fuck me.
01:18:35And then I want you to eat me.
01:18:41What do you say?
01:18:43Fuck me and eat me?
01:18:48That's my one wish.
01:18:51Fuck me...
01:18:53And eat me.
01:18:59Did you hear what he just said?
01:19:05Found this while snooping through your stuff.
01:19:07Yeah, we're having a boy.
01:19:11I'm scared.
01:19:13I'm not.
01:19:15Of anything.
01:19:22I think Dr. Scottie might be dead.
01:19:25No, he's not.
01:19:26Dr. Scottie didn't really follow me here.
01:19:28He's just a voice in my head.
01:19:44Congratulations, Amanda.
01:19:46You've killed your fears.
01:19:56You want my fingers.
01:20:01Would that...
01:20:04Would that do it for you?
01:20:06Could you be satisfied
01:20:08if I gave you my fingers?
01:20:25You got a sink?
01:20:27Got a garbage disposer?
01:21:47It doesn't work.
01:21:49My hand is too big.
01:21:51It won't fit down the hole.
01:21:55I got a table saw in the shed.
01:21:57You can use that.
