Clarissa (1991) British Drama BBC TV E. #01 Miniseries | Sean Bean Saskia Wickham

  • 3 months ago
#clarissa #seanbean #miniseries #barrybostwick
Clarissa Harlowe is a young 18th-century Englishwoman. Her family have aspirations to move into the aristocracy and want her to marry the repellent Mr. Soames as part of their plan. Clarissa manages to escape from them with the help of the handsome Lovelace, whose intentions towards her prove to be less than entirely honorable.
01:46Whereas my two sons
01:47James and Antony
01:49Have both achieved uncommon wealth
01:52The elder from the newfound minds on his estates and from the handsome dowry he received on marriage
02:01the younger from his East India trade and
02:04successful business ventures
02:06So the blessings be to God there never was a family more prosperous in all its branches
02:31Whereas my son James will make it up to his son James and to his daughter Arabella
02:38To whom I intend no disrespect
02:41For she is a very dutiful child and as my son Antony seems not inclined to married life
02:56All these reasons and because my beloved
02:59granddaughter Clarissa has been from infancy a matchless creature in her duty to me and the delight of my old age I
03:08Give and I devise the bulk of my estate to the said
03:15Clarissa Harlow
03:21Mr. Lovelace again
03:37He seems keen
03:41Pinch your cheeks Bella your face must be your fortune now
04:08Miss Arabella, mr. Lovelace
04:11Do you care to walk?
04:41Mr. Harlow
04:54They are to a peerage a splendid paternal estate
04:58to unmarried aunts
05:01Mark that and an army of whores and bastards
05:06Mark that father you can manage the estate far better than I can. Yes
05:11Property is always safest in men's hands
05:15Since I have no desire to marry where is the man who could deserve you?
05:20Just let me have enough to tend my charities. I have no desire for wealth if she had the money she'd give it all away
06:12Yours I believe
06:33I know I know Jack. I have boasted. I was in love before what about the Matthews girl?
06:38The real thing had the time I thought and the one in Richmond this better, but they were never like this truly
06:46When I remember what I felt then and compared it with how I feel now
06:49Yes, I'm sure the first I had to find a way to rid myself of the confounded system
06:59There are so many stimulus to such a spirit as mine in this affair such
07:04Opportunities for stratagems and contrivances and fatigue
07:09Well, why go to all the trouble hmm and expense virgins in season are as plentiful as ripe figs
07:17the exhilaration of it
07:19To carry off such a girl as this Clarissa Harlow in spite of all her purity and virtue
07:25so tantalizing
07:27What a triumph over all the sex. I won't have it your way
07:33Remember I want all the juicy details just now my charming frost pieces with her friend miss how
07:44How cruel of you to report Bella of the only lover she ever had
07:49It wasn't me. She refused him
07:52most reluctantly though
07:54The man works her up into such a rage
07:57And then puts the question
07:59What could she do?
08:01She was practically speechless
08:03Just managed to stutter something about her disinclination to change her state
08:08What you might call a consenting negative
08:13Poor Bella
08:15Such a handsome man
08:18But wild
08:20Very wild
08:46But do you never mean to marry sacrifice my independence
08:50love honor and obey
08:52Could you honestly promise that?
08:54Promising is not the problem
08:57Promise what I would not practice
08:59Me it's just the opposite that little reptile word obey doesn't bother me a bit happy to pronounce it as meekly as you please
09:07but afterwards
09:11I have everything I need my books
09:15My friends your grandfather's estate. I told you I gave it to my father
09:21How very obedient
09:23It was that entirely wise
09:26Such glaring displays of virtue you know tend to look a little like policy
09:35To miss Clarissa Harlow your swains pursue you everywhere
09:42Leaving all the family paintings to her just because she used to tittle with them
09:48And wipe and clean with her own dainty fingers dainty
09:52Whose fingers could be daintier than these you might just as well have left them to the maid
10:02Which of your heartbroken suitors is this from I wonder you've rejected so many
10:08For mr. Wiley mr. Mullins
10:14Or do you have a new one
10:16Mr. Lovelace
10:18Throw it away, I don't want it nonsense
10:23Dearest miss Harlow
10:27Believe me when I profess I'm not listening the sincerity of my soul
10:31There is nothing I so much desire as the chance to prove myself worthy of your
10:38Insinuating way of hers of stealing in when anyone else is talking with her bewitching
10:44meekness and humility
10:46Until everyone else is forced to listen to miss Larry's superior opinion
10:53Don't you like him at all not just a teeny bit
11:05I cannot admire a man with no morals
11:09Men put on their morals like we put on our stains. He has no heart
11:15No true feelings, mr. Lovelace does not know how to love
11:27You do if I thought if
11:31Will you love upon condition who said anything about love? I speak only of liking
11:37If I thought he were a moral man, I might admit a conditional kind of liking. Sorry
11:44If I didn't know you better, I might almost mistake that for a consenting negative
12:12I thought it was Bella. Mr. Lovelace was intent on
12:15But from the point of view of the estate so long as Bella don't object me
12:22Why should I object she's welcome to my leavings
12:28Suppose she were to resume her grandfather's estate wish to seem worried about his morals. I shouldn't worry
12:35I'm sure Clary will cure his morals if any woman can
12:40The man's a thoroughbred
12:43Cultivated well-traveled rather too well-traveled from what I hear
12:48Noblesse oblige and so on not some vulgar nature
12:52just suppose
12:54With her grandfather's estate. Mr. Lovelace's inheritance and just suppose I were to throw in the revenues from mine
13:02You will live to see your daughter a Paris of the realm
13:05You see how it is this little siren is in a fair way to out-uncle us. She has already out-grandfathered us
13:14We must find a way to clip her wings
13:21So not satisfied with one sister you want to bag them both no only the one that struggles
13:27Well, I might do for some men yours, I think
13:36Damn it
13:38Birds are like women Jack
13:41Patience, that's the thing
13:44Observe the lie of the land shift of the wind the rival predators
13:49article one of the Rake's Creed
13:51Importunity and opportunity no woman can withstand the artful fowler marks his prey
13:57spreads his snares
13:59sets up his stalking horse plants his decoys and
14:02Ends up with a crow
14:06But the sport Jack a sport well, she is the hollow heiress pocks on their money
14:13Girls not gold Jack
14:15Hollow places sprung up from a dunghill
14:18Trade I'd trade the lot of them for one sweet kiss and tomorrow. I mean to have it
14:24There's nothing sweeter than a virgin humbled
14:28article two of the Rake's Creed
14:30Keep them guessing
14:41Mr. Lovelace has honored us with another visit
14:44The honor is all mine
14:47I'll leave you
14:49I'm sure mr. Lovelace wouldn't want me to monopolize the honor that he pays us indeed madam stay a
14:56Conversation of two such charming ladies as yourselves is a double delight
15:00I had always heard you preferred not to confine your pleasure to one lady entirely
15:05That's madam would depend upon the lady
15:09Mr. Harlow
15:11mr. Lovelace
15:13Again if you were hoping to see my sister, then I'm afraid you'll be disappointed. She's indisposed
15:21I'm sorry to hear it. Perhaps you might like to leave a message. I'm sure Clary would be happy to take it
15:27I'm sure Clary wouldn't wish to deprive our guest of both your sister's company
15:32I very much doubt whether Bella's indisposition is infectious
15:38May I
15:43Such fine detail
15:46It's easy to see where your daughter gets her own exquisite taste which daughter might that be or is the compliment general
15:54You must mean Bella
15:56She was always far handier with a needle than me
15:59In a family like this all praise must be general. I
16:03Have the profoundest admiration for a family that has raised itself so high by its own conspicuous merits
16:08We have prospered sir deservedly
16:11We have prospered by knowing our own worth what we have we hold we own no man a debt
16:18You are fortunate we sir are prudent
16:22No man whose soul is mortgaged should ever presume to take a Harlow on lease for life
16:34We are not a family for rent
16:45This incident will be squired as my instrument I play upon him as I please
16:51There is one thing I am resolved upon if I have not the system I will have him
17:29Have a care, mr. Harlow
17:35For your sister's sake I warn you
18:38Know kneeling to make Larissa Harlow, but with the knee of duty and compliance
18:44Your heart not your knee must bend you are aware of the outrage committed against your brother
18:50I am aware of a rash dispute. Do you deny you have received this fellow's letters?
18:55I deny I have either responded or encouraged do not
18:59equivocate with us girl
19:01Do you understand that you are never to see or write to this man again? I?
19:09Understand sir that you are my brother and only my brother
19:13And not the one to instruct me in my duty
19:16It is not your brother, but I your father who instruct you
19:18It would be a very shameless sister who encouraged a man to wade into her favor through her brother's blood
19:24Sir, what have I done to deserve these accusations?
19:28Clarissa Harlow
19:30You have always been a dutiful daughter and if you remain so will continue your rightful place in the affections of all your family
19:39Roger Soames will wait upon you tomorrow
19:41And it is our wish that you should prepare to receive his proposals of marriage his generous proposals
19:49Mr. Soames
19:54Come in
19:57Bella come in I've nearly finished still writing
20:03Such a pity. What will you do to amuse yourself now?
20:14Naughty naughty, you know the rules no letters even to Anna
20:21You'll go between two lovelace
20:24Do run to the ma or why not write her a letter
20:30The servants have been warned your letters will be stopped
20:37I wonder how mr. Soames will take to such a literary wife
20:41I wonder how mr. Soames will take to such a literary wife
21:24Shall I make tea mama perhaps we should sit down Betty can make the tea
21:31So Clarissa Harlow remember that I will have no child but an obedient one
21:42Hey mr. Soames
21:47Mr. Soames
21:51Mr. Harlow
21:55Miss Harlow
21:57Miss Clarissa
22:03Clarissa Harlow
22:08Unusually cold sir for the time of year. Oh, yes indeed it is
22:20Do you find it so miss my sister finds it rather warm I fancy
22:37Inform the gentleman and we are not at home
22:43Leave this to me
22:44No, there's no need of that. Tell mr
22:46Lovelace that the Harlow family are not at home to a brawling street fighter and that our sister is at present in the company of
22:53a gentleman
23:07Perhaps you might prefer our grandmother's jewels reset in deference to the fact that I am a man of my word
23:16Am a man of my word
23:20Am a man of my word
23:24Am a man of my word
23:28Am a man of my word
23:32Perhaps you might prefer our grandmother's jewels reset in deference to your charitable inclinations
24:11The silks are come from London
24:14They're the finest we could procure
24:19Please send them back
24:26Either we must give up our authority, which you know, we can never do
24:30Or you must give up your humor, which we have every reason to expect
24:34You've always been a dutiful girl
24:37Much good. It does me
24:40Have I no duty to myself
24:43Aren't they beautiful
24:46Come and look
24:50And mr. Soames will give you jewels
24:53Quite besides the very handsome allowance he has agreed to you will have more independence than a wife perhaps ought to have
25:01Nothing will ever persuade me to marry that man
25:04terms child
25:07Where people marry to their liking, you know terms are the least thing stood upon. I can't see what you have against him
25:13He's an honest man
25:15Virtuous virtuous what to try to force a girl against her will
25:20We have far too much about your will young lady be told your father's determined you
25:26What about you your father? I know I know determined, but I asked about you
25:32Or has a vow of silence been added to the other marriage vows you must not ask me Oh
25:43Hmm I was required to fetch your letters
26:02Is this all it's enough
26:14Woman has no wind to bend or else she will surely break
26:40This all James, why must you be so spiteful
26:47You do not know how to deal with your own daughter
26:49If she had been left to me to manage we would now be rejoicing in her happy fortunes as the wife of a wealthy man
26:57No, where's she off to?
27:24Not the only one with secrets
27:35In a hurry sister
27:37It may be you are unacquainted with this fellow
27:41lovelaces reputation in
27:43Bath miss Matthews and miss Medley cot who died giving birth to his bastard at Richmond miss James
27:52Mrs. Wilson and two barmaids at the Rose and Crown at Hammersmith miss Oliver her mother and their
28:00Upstairs maid you see he goes for quantity more than quality
28:07Are you so very anxious to add the name of Harlow to this list?
28:13Your spies are very busy, sir
28:16But how come you never thought to warn my sister of his ways your sister Clary had no need of warning
28:23She saw him for what he is
28:25There take it
28:28It may amuse you to see what company you keep
28:58Miss stables the back walk cloister all of these yeah
29:051,200 acres the farmhouse and Grange cottage all with tenancies
29:11I may say so sir. Miss Clary was worth any amount of my acreage
29:17Then we all agreed
29:20Yeah, yeah
29:48Clary anyone about good
29:59Yeah, I know how you love to scribble
30:03Don't tell anybody where you got them dear uncle Clary
30:08Clary I have to talk to you
30:12I've always loved you like my own child
30:15You've always been so kind. I know this is no trivial thing. We ask but then you're no trivial girl
30:22You are a Harlow
30:25It is in the family's interests for you to marry mr. Soames no Clary why me why must it be me
30:33Why not Bella?
30:35Mr. Soames has reasons for preferring you and I have reasons for disliking him does the family honor mean nothing to you
30:41How can honor be founded on falsehood a falsehood is in your heart Clarissa Harlow
30:47You reject an honest man because your heart is whoring after a rake. No, sir. I
30:53Swear to you if there were no such man as mr. Lovelace
30:57If there were no other man in all creation, I still would not have mr. Soames
31:05I look to your conscience girl. The serpent has you in its coils
32:05Thank you
32:30Now get out
32:32Get out of this house you're dismissed
32:36And you didn't apply to your mistress for a reference. You shall be seeing her again. Perhaps you might try miss how
32:46Which dress shall I lay out miss that's alright Betty Hannah will see to it. Oh not Hannah miss Hannah's gone
32:53What do you mean?
32:54Back to her bags and left last night miss. I'm to be your servant now
33:00The blue dress miss or would you prefer the gray without a word I don't believe it
33:07This is my brother's doing
33:10No the gray I'm going to church
33:14Are you to be my jailer Betty?
33:17No, miss. Oh, how am I to ask your leave when I'm disposed to walk into the garden or feed my hens?
33:22No, miss oh
33:24See your authority only extends to the care of my soul not to the care of my chickens
33:30Lay out my gray dress
33:34No, leave it leave me I'll do it myself
33:58Dearest sister
34:01It seems odd that a girl who lays so much stress on church going should
34:08obstinately persist in defying
34:13Which commandment is it the one about the mother and the father?
34:19dearest fellow
34:22So devout
34:26We recommend you to your solitary devotions in the hopes that you may acquire a more
34:41A more humble spirit
34:44We are well aware upon what Savior your pious hopes are pinned
35:21I believe
35:59Oldest ninepence miss your brother says as I you must have cooked it up between you
36:05He says it's a wonder there wasn't a murder done
36:10If you want my advice miss which I don't Betty
36:14No, miss, but all the same miss if you don't mind me saying
36:19All this fine-art to do of yours don't signify that
36:25I mean to make you have mr. Soames
36:28And that's that
37:27Cry out
37:31Go where at your pretty cage back to being spied on and searched and prepared for sacrifice to the charming. Mr. Soames
37:42Go on then
37:46I'm not stopping you
37:48I thought you had more spirit
37:52Don't you know the danger you're in
37:56Would you prefer me to do nothing when I see you insulted wire drawn and ensnared like one of those silly birds
38:03Nothing the dangers that I suffer are not lessened by your making them the occasion for your sport
38:10Save your gallantries for your admires
38:12Madam, you may if you choose compel me to ignore your brother's insults to your dignity
38:18But I cannot overlook the affronts to mine
38:21Sir, do not blot out your own
38:24Tell me how is miss Matthews and miss Medley cot
38:29Whichever enemy has sought to poison your regard for me deserves my endless
38:35Gratitude I
38:37Have been much to blame I confess it. I have committed crimes against your sex
38:43betrayals things it makes me sick at heart to think of
38:47Dearest creature, I would hide nothing from you. I
38:52Insist that you should know the very worst of me
38:55the blackest sins that ain't my soul
38:59Only then will you begin to see how much I am transformed
39:06Inspired by my love for you
39:10Until now all I have ever known is lust
39:14but love
39:16This is the first time I
39:20Beseech you dearest madam if you would let my aunt lady Betty offer you her protection
39:27Trust me
39:30Meet me again here. I'll be waiting
39:34Do not abandon me. I promise you this if they do force you to be that monster's wife
39:40You'll be the youngest and prettiest widow in all the county
39:57Taking the night air sister
39:59Do I need my mate's permission?
40:01Remember this my pretty little flighty one your father's living will shall control your grandfather's dead one
40:24Pink I think would become you
40:27It would be a little insipid for my complexion kindness Bella would suit you better. Oh
40:35Yes, and this I think for your wedding nightgown to match your charming eyes
40:43Don't mr. Lovelace say you have charming eyes. Is that what he told you?
40:53How many hours do you spend in prayer or are your thoughts entirely
41:03to love
41:05How opportune that mr. Soames would pop up to rescue us from your romantic whims
41:11Is it my fault Bella the opportune gentleman don't pop up for you
41:16The fickle head attracts the feckless heart. Oh
41:21Then I will learn prudence from you I will do as you do say as you say in everything
41:29Then say
41:32Lovelace is a villain
41:35So I will
41:37When I believe it
41:39Then you don't believe it now, did you believe it Bella when he kissed you
42:36Mr. Harlow your service
42:41Mrs. Harlow
42:44Mrs. Bella
42:46Mr. Harlow sir
42:48Mr. James
43:23It's Chris
44:11Would if it were in my power have spared you this interview, which can only be painful to us both. I
44:20Failed to see how any man who has the slightest regard for his own happiness could so persist
44:27assist I
44:29Would persist forever and I hope that you would be so kind as to allow me to see you. Thank you
44:35I'm so glad to see you
44:37Thank you
44:39Persist forever and I hope in time time will not change my feelings, sir
44:44Well, I shall be a miserable man better. You were miserable by yourself sir than make us both so
44:51For God's sake
44:53For God's sake what sir? How came God's sake and your sake to be the same?
44:59Madam you may have heard certain things said against me
45:24Then sir correct this fault
45:28Do not attempt to have a woman forced against her will in the most important decision of her life for the sake of motive
45:35she despises
45:49So nice sitting in state like a queen giving audience
45:54Mr. Soames why this distance man? I had hoped to see you on a more intimate footing
46:01You have had your will in everything to now now is the time for obedience you shall marry mr. Soames no
46:08No, never. I would rather starve. I
46:12would rather die who I
46:16Would rather be sealed and bricked up in the family vault
46:23Not going sister we don't want you bricked up yet
46:28Such a pretty little martyrs face
46:31But such an obstinate neck
46:34What will you do for letters in your vault?
46:40Yes, sir, stop sir, no violence
