Nan has shock reaction to 130mph motorbike racing

  • 2 days ago
A man captured his nan's amazing reaction during a motorbike racing event.

Ollie Wildsmith, 29, took his nan Sheila Goodwin, 78, to see the TT Races, an annual motorcycle racing event in the Isle of Man.

Video shows Sheila's shocked reaction as motorbikes whiz past her at 130mph.

Ollie, a marketing manager from Derby, Derbyshire, said: "She was left speechless after all the bikes had gone by and you can see how strongly she's reacting in the video!

"I do really think that you can't put into words what it's like to experience the TT races unless you've been before.

"You can feel the reverberations through the ground and the video doesn't even really capture the speed."

Sheila has been a fan of motorbikes and racing for over 50 years, spurred on by the fact that her late husband was a rider.

She said: “I have been to race meetings over the years but this was a once in a lifetime experience for me.

"The speed and being so close to the amazing, crazy riders just took my breath away, very emotional.

"I shed a few tears. An experience I’ll never forget.”

Ollie previously attended the Isla of Man TT Races in 2022 and urged his grandma to join him this year.

Ollie said: "She had always wanted to go to the TT Races and I told her I thought she should go before she got too old.

"You know, she might not ever get the chance again to see it.

"The race itself is so dangerous I don't know how much longer it can go on."

Ollie and Sheila watched the race from Gorse Lea, a spot where there is a particularly hairy right-hand bend which the riders speed at around 130mph.

Ollie said: "It was incredible. You could see the leaves that were all up the opposite wall just getting sucked off as the bikes went by.

"You can hear the bikes coming for miles down the road as well, and you begin to feel the reverberations.

"It's one of the fastest bends on the circuit so there was plenty of drama for us to enjoy."