• 4 months ago
00:00:45Paul, you getting a signal?
00:00:47We got a signal. You're good.
00:00:50Perfect. Let me know if that changes.
00:01:02Well, he's away.
00:01:05Is it still transmitting?
00:01:06Uh, so far.
00:01:08Want him to go yet.
00:01:10Great. Radio Dr. Woods.
00:01:12Make sure she's getting data on her end.
00:01:14I'll get the director set up.
00:01:17RV Hypatia to Dr. Woods. Come in.
00:01:20RV Hypatia to Dr. Woods. Come in.
00:01:24Go for Dr. Woods. Over.
00:01:26Data buoys are in the water.
00:01:29Are you receiving their signals?
00:01:31Yeah, all except the drifter,
00:01:33but the rest of the buoys are perfectly aligned
00:01:35with the plate so far.
00:01:37Drifter is going next.
00:01:40And that's good to hear.
00:01:41If the big one hits in the next five years,
00:01:44we'll know it's coming.
00:01:46All right. Get the drifter in the water
00:01:48and head back to port.
00:01:50Nice work, guys.
00:01:52Thank you.
00:01:54See you soon. Over and out.
00:01:57See you soon. Over and out.
00:02:27RV Hypatia, respond.
00:02:35RV Hypatia, I am getting massive seismic readings
00:02:37from the buoys. What's your situation? Over.
00:02:42Rough water, but we're okay.
00:02:48Is it on?
00:03:00Huge wave coming in from the starboard side.
00:03:03We have to move now.
00:03:15Dr. Woods to RV Hypatia. Come in.
00:03:21It's getting closer!
00:03:23Rex, now!
00:03:27Chloe, are you okay?
00:03:51Chloe, are you okay?
00:03:55Big wave.
00:03:57We're okay. What happened?
00:03:59Uh, it looks like there was an earthquake
00:04:02along the Red Canis Ridge,
00:04:04roughly 2,000 miles off the southwest coast of Iceland.
00:04:08It looks like it hit Greenland, Norway, the U.K.
00:04:13The buoys are detecting a bottom disturbance.
00:04:16I don't know what this is,
00:04:18but I think you need to get back to port now.
00:04:21You don't need to tell me twice.
00:04:24Turn into port. Over and out.
00:04:27Make sure everything on deck is secure.
00:04:43Oh, no.
00:04:51What in the world?
00:05:30Chloe, come in!
00:06:00Thank you.
00:06:02One sugar.
00:06:06They were good scientists.
00:06:09Good people.
00:06:13Don't beat yourself up over this.
00:06:17It's not your fault.
00:06:21I sent them.
00:06:23Well, could have been them, could have been anybody.
00:06:26You can't control plate tectonics.
00:06:28It's like trying to get a cat to walk across a keyboard.
00:06:31I'm just trying to wrap my head around it.
00:06:33None of it should have happened.
00:06:35No. They didn't deserve that.
00:06:37No, I mean, none of this. None of this should have happened.
00:06:40I can understand an underwater quake causing large waves,
00:06:43but oceans don't just freeze over like that.
00:06:46But it did.
00:06:49And it's our job to figure out why.
00:06:52Come on, we can brainstorm on the chopper.
00:06:57Hill called.
00:06:59He wants a meeting, face-to-face.
00:07:02Hill? As in Homeland Security?
00:07:04Why would he be interested in this?
00:07:06He didn't say.
00:07:08But I figure anything that can affect the shipping lanes in the ocean worldwide
00:07:14could also affect Homeland Security.
00:07:17All right. Let's go.
00:07:19We've got work to do.
00:07:30Yes, Mr. President.
00:07:32The NOAA scientists just arrived, sir.
00:07:35Yeah, we're working with the USGS and the DOC to prepare a response.
00:07:39Understood. Thank you, sir.
00:07:44Dr. Woods, Dr. Johnson, my sincerest condolences for your team.
00:07:49We understand about the earthquakes
00:07:52and the idea that the ocean's temperatures have severely changed.
00:07:56We just don't have any details.
00:07:58On the ride over here, we discussed possible scenarios
00:08:01that align with the available data.
00:08:03Well, does it include why ships that used to be able to travel through ice
00:08:07are now being frozen out?
00:08:11So the earthquake originated in Iceland,
00:08:14off the southwest coast near the Reykjanes Ridge.
00:08:16This area is very geologically active.
00:08:19However, that was the largest earthquake they've ever experienced
00:08:23with a magnitude of 10.2.
00:08:25Right, but I'm getting reports of aftershocks of 7 and 8.
00:08:28Sir, aftershocks are to be expected.
00:08:31Yeah, but temperatures at 75 degrees below zero
00:08:34and rapid ice sheet formation between Greenland and Iceland is not.
00:08:39No, they aren't.
00:08:43I'm going to have to explain this to the president later,
00:08:45so please keep it simple.
00:08:49Okay, so in normal conditions,
00:08:54colder, saltier water in the poles sinks to the bottom, right?
00:08:59Warmer, less salty water moves from the equator north and replaces it.
00:09:03This circulation helps maintain climate patterns.
00:09:06This disruptive circulation caused by the sea quake
00:09:09has led to a partial blockage,
00:09:12causing the ice to expand rapidly.
00:09:15Well, what happens if the blockages aren't removed?
00:09:20The ice and cold will continue to spread,
00:09:23and eventually it will encompass the world's oceans
00:09:26and affect land masses, sir.
00:09:29Well, you have a plan for this, right?
00:09:31What we need is a submarine
00:09:33that can withstand extremely freezing temperatures
00:09:36so that we can collect intel on the debris side
00:09:38blocking the volcanic vent
00:09:40and clear it to stop the oceans freezing up.
00:09:45Okay, well, the Navy has a prototype sub, the Dallas.
00:09:48It's getting retrofit in Reykjavik,
00:09:50and it has extreme thermal protection
00:09:52and next-gen communications for underwater.
00:09:55It seems like it'll fit the bill.
00:09:57How soon can it be deployed?
00:09:59Well, let me make a call and find out.
00:10:04Let me Reykjavik.
00:10:11Captain's on the bridge.
00:10:13How do you do, everyone?
00:10:15Commander Rodriguez.
00:10:17She got a call from Washington.
00:10:19We have new orders.
00:10:22This is a great time for us to test
00:10:24our new communications system.
00:10:26Sir, the reactor is still offline,
00:10:28and we haven't finished our resupply yet.
00:10:30Noted, XL.
00:10:35Tension crew, this is your captain speaking.
00:10:39We just got new orders from Washington.
00:10:41We'll be doing intel on a debris field
00:10:43which we believe is impeding the normal flow
00:10:46of hot and cold water here in the North Atlantic.
00:10:50Lieutenant Gardner,
00:10:52please map the best coordinates
00:10:54to reach 58.68 degrees north
00:10:57minus 30.66 degrees west.
00:11:00Aye-aye, sir. Calculating best course.
00:11:04Course plotted, sir.
00:11:06We will reach 58.68 degrees north
00:11:09and 30.66 degrees west
00:11:11in approximately 2.95 hours.
00:11:14Take us out, lieutenant.
00:11:16Aye-aye, captain.
00:11:32Give me some good news.
00:11:34The Dallas is about 40 miles away from the debris slide.
00:11:37Excellent. How long before we'll know more?
00:11:39As soon as they get there,
00:11:41they should start transmitting data.
00:11:43I've given them the frequency
00:11:45for the NOAA data buoys as well.
00:11:47Will do, sir.
00:11:52Sir, we are approximately 15 miles from the location.
00:11:55Lieutenant Gardner, prepare to dive.
00:11:57Prepare to dive. Aye, sir.
00:11:59Please secure our outside hatches and equipment.
00:12:02Aye, sir.
00:12:04All hands prepare to dive.
00:12:06Secure external equipment and hatches.
00:12:09Verify ballast tank readiness.
00:12:11Ballast tanks verified. Ready for flood, sir.
00:12:14Clear for submergence.
00:12:16Crew, prepare for submergence.
00:12:35Yes, sir.
00:12:37Yes, Mr. President, everything is going according to plan.
00:12:40I will absolutely keep you updated
00:12:42as the situation progresses.
00:12:44Yes, sir. Understood.
00:12:47Okay, well, he has scheduled a press conference at 1200,
00:12:50so that gives us six hours to come up with something.
00:12:53Well, hopefully the Dallas can tell us something
00:12:55more than we already know.
00:13:15Sir, we're approaching the target coordinates.
00:13:17Estimated height of the debris slide
00:13:19is approximately 3,800 meters.
00:13:21Thank you, Thompson.
00:13:23Please verify our location using the satellite data.
00:13:28Position confirmed, sir. It's our slide.
00:13:30Thank you, Thompson.
00:13:32Please begin scan.
00:13:34I need all the information on the debris slide field.
00:13:37I want information on the geological floor
00:13:39and anything regarding mass
00:13:41and any other geological components of the subsea floor.
00:13:44Aye, sir. Initiating scan now.
00:13:47Captain, the debris slide
00:13:49covers an area of approximately 4,200 cubic meters
00:13:52and reaches a height of 3,700 meters.
00:13:55Also, sir, the sea composition
00:13:57is primarily basaltic rocks and small fissures.
00:14:00What are the temp variations
00:14:02of the north and south side of the debris fluid?
00:14:05North of the slide,
00:14:07temperature is minus 56 degrees Celsius,
00:14:09and south of the slide,
00:14:11it's minus 48 degrees Celsius and falling.
00:14:14Sir, at this time of year and depth,
00:14:17usually the temperature is minus 5 degrees Celsius.
00:14:20Sir, temperature south of the slide
00:14:22just dropped to minus 49 degrees Celsius.
00:14:24The water is starting to freeze around us.
00:14:27Sir, if this keeps going,
00:14:29we're going to see drastic changes to climate and weather.
00:14:32Noted, XL.
00:14:34Thompson, patch me into the Pentagon on a secure line.
00:14:37Aye, aye, sir.
00:14:39Transfer all data.
00:14:41Yes, sir.
00:14:48This is Carter. Captain Price?
00:14:50Secretary, debris field is massive.
00:14:52Temperature is dropping.
00:14:54Permission to use torpedoes?
00:14:56To break up encroaching ice.
00:14:58Hold on just one second.
00:15:00You're the geologist. What do you think?
00:15:03It's worth a shot.
00:15:05It'll be their best chance to stay mobile.
00:15:08Okay, do it. And update me.
00:15:11Thompson, relay targeting coordinates.
00:15:13Damby, update firing solution
00:15:15and prepare two tubes for firing.
00:15:17Aye, sir. Aye, sir.
00:15:19Firing solution updated.
00:15:21Prepping two tubes for torpedo launch.
00:15:26Tubes prepped and ready, sir.
00:15:28Launch torpedoes.
00:15:30Launching both tubes.
00:15:36Fifteen seconds to impact, Captain.
00:15:49Thompson, status report.
00:15:51No change, sir.
00:15:53The torpedoes struck the target, but...
00:15:55Wait, sir.
00:15:58Captain, we have incoming.
00:16:00I need full reversal.
00:16:02All hands, full reversal.
00:16:15All right. Shut those valves.
00:16:17Turn off those switches.
00:16:19You, get that sailor to sick bay. Now!
00:16:22XO, I need a damage report.
00:16:26Sonar is offline.
00:16:28Checking other departments.
00:16:30This is Captain to engineering.
00:16:32Engineering here.
00:16:34I need a status report.
00:16:36Well, I have several crew members
00:16:38in sick bay with broken bones.
00:16:40I've got various leaks. I've got pipers.
00:16:43Assessing damage, but I do have an initial report.
00:16:46Power surge in the propulsion control system.
00:16:49Damn! It's offline, huh?
00:16:51How long until we're back online?
00:16:53Well, I'm not gonna know what it is
00:16:55until I take it apart.
00:16:57Half my day crews are in sick bay.
00:16:59I need every able-bodied person out here now.
00:17:01We gotta get this thing back online.
00:17:03Copy that. O'Neil out.
00:17:14Becca, that's not right.
00:17:16The cold is expanding even faster now.
00:17:19The torpedoes, they didn't blow up the debris slide.
00:17:23It looks like they did.
00:17:26But they made it even worse.
00:17:35XO, sonar is back up.
00:17:37Thompson, order ship-to-shore communications online.
00:17:40Yes, sir.
00:17:42Pass me in the secretary card immediately.
00:17:44Aye, sir.
00:17:46Uh, no, Mr. President.
00:17:48We haven't heard anything from the Dallas yet.
00:17:51No, we're continuing to monitor, and we're following her.
00:17:55Uh, the scientists?
00:17:59No, they're civilians, sir.
00:18:01I-I've just never...
00:18:05I understand, sir.
00:18:07Yes, sir. I'll take care of it.
00:18:09Thank you, sir.
00:18:13This is Carter.
00:18:15Secretary Carter, we have a problem.
00:18:17It didn't work.
00:18:19What happened?
00:18:21Well, we lost the torpedoes, but instead of destroying it,
00:18:23it made it more massive.
00:18:25Okay, um, stand by while we figure out what our next move is.
00:18:29Thank you, Captain.
00:18:32The torpedoes have created a bigger problem.
00:18:34What is it?
00:18:36According to the data buoys, the larger debris slide
00:18:38is now completely blocking the currents.
00:18:41This is verified with satellite thermal imagery.
00:18:44Well, does that alter our timeline?
00:18:46Yes. The cold is spreading faster.
00:18:50We don't have a month.
00:18:52We have less than 48 hours.
00:18:56All right.
00:19:12We need to come up with a plan B.
00:19:14It is going to get dangerously cold. Fast.
00:19:19I mean, while we're ready, the Pentagon has backup systems,
00:19:21and we have supplies stored in secure locations,
00:19:23and we can sustain ourselves for up to two years.
00:19:29God damn it!
00:19:34This is Secretary Carter.
00:19:36This is an emergency Pentagon lockdown.
00:19:38No one in, no one out.
00:19:40Seal the doors, seal the windows.
00:19:42Please move yourself to the nearest access point
00:19:45to the emergency bunkers.
00:19:47Let's go.
00:19:53Let's go.
00:20:04Nailed it, Captain.
00:20:12Bryce here.
00:20:13We'll have a bit of good news.
00:20:15The propulsion system is back online,
00:20:17but we won't be going anywhere fast.
00:20:20I hope that was able to get you some maneuverability.
00:20:23I can work with that.
00:20:25Yeah, but unfortunately, the good news comes with a bit of bad.
00:20:28It usually does. Go ahead.
00:20:30The oxygen generators are offline.
00:20:32The CO2 scrubbers are still working,
00:20:34but we won't be able to replace the oxygen that we're using.
00:20:39All right. Well, how long do we have
00:20:42if we can't get it back online?
00:20:44Fifteen hours, tops.
00:20:47Captain, an ice sheet has formed above us.
00:20:50Well, if you got into the ice before,
00:20:52why is that a problem now?
00:20:54Sir, it's formed very quickly, and it's very thick.
00:21:07No, no, no, no, no.
00:21:09I know there's a private elevator to the bunker down this hall.
00:21:12Come on.
00:21:15Thompson, give me a report on the ice conditions.
00:21:19Sir, the ice sheet varies between 6.8 to 8.5 meters in thickness.
00:21:24There appears to be a thinner patch dead ahead.
00:21:28Shall I relay coordinates to the helm?
00:21:30Yes, relay coordinates.
00:21:32Coordinates received.
00:21:34There's never an icebreaker around when you need one.
00:21:37That's too thick for us to surface through, Captain.
00:21:40Well, we don't have much time left before the air runs out.
00:21:43Sir, might I suggest we consider initiating
00:21:45emergency oxygen conservation protocols
00:21:47in case we are down here for a while, sir?
00:21:49That's a great idea, Exo. Make it happen.
00:21:52Well, if we're gonna save the world,
00:21:54we're gonna have to be creative.
00:21:56Creative, sir?
00:21:58Lieutenant Danby, prep two torpedoes for launch.
00:22:01Aye, sir. Torpedoes locked.
00:22:03We'll use them to break through the thinner section of ice.
00:22:06Launching torpedoes one and two.
00:22:08Launching torpedoes one and two.
00:22:14Torpedoes away.
00:22:16Closing in on target.
00:22:18Impact in 5...
00:22:32Eddie offers Thompson to report.
00:22:34It's thinner, but we did not make a hole.
00:22:37There is a 76-square-meter area
00:22:40where the thickness is between 3.7 to 5.1 meters thick.
00:22:44Captain, that's still too thick for our capabilities.
00:22:47Exo, you need to be positive.
00:22:49Engineering always gives a little leeway.
00:22:51Sir, that leeway is safety margin for the sub.
00:22:54All right.
00:22:55Tell General Quarters for ascent.
00:22:59General Quarters, General Quarters, all hands prepare.
00:23:02We are going to make a controlled ascent
00:23:04through the surface ice.
00:23:07Engineering, this is the Captain.
00:23:09Lanilla here.
00:23:11I need information on the ballast tank readiness.
00:23:14Aye, sir. We'll be gentle with her.
00:23:16Lanilla out.
00:23:18All right. We have to hurry before the ice thickens.
00:23:22Navigator, I need to plot a course to ascent.
00:23:25Aye, sir. A course already plotted and laid in, sir.
00:23:28All right. Prepare for ascent.
00:23:32Exo, damage report.
00:23:34Sonar online. Communications offline.
00:23:36We have helm control navigation online.
00:23:38We did not reach the ice, sir.
00:23:44Bryce to Engineering.
00:23:46Engineering here.
00:23:48All right.
00:23:50We're going to make a controlled ascent
00:23:52through the surface ice.
00:23:54Aye, sir. We'll be gentle with her.
00:23:56Navigator, I need to plot a course to ascent.
00:23:58Aye, sir. A course already plotted and laid in, sir.
00:24:01I need a damage report.
00:24:03Preliminary assessment suggests damage
00:24:05to the hull and the sail.
00:24:07DCT is sealing off the affected compartment.
00:24:10How are we doing with getting O2 back online?
00:24:13We're still working on that, sir.
00:24:15All right. Try to get it as soon as you can.
00:24:18Bryce out. Aye, aye, aye.
00:24:21You, over here.
00:24:23Sir, maintenance required on torpedo hatches.
00:24:25We can't launch again until it's fixed.
00:24:27How many subs within sonar acoustic range?
00:24:30One, sir.
00:24:32And based on its sonar signature,
00:24:34looks like it's one of ours.
00:24:38We're going to have to communicate the old-fashioned way.
00:24:40We're going to tap on their hull.
00:24:51This is amazing.
00:24:54I didn't know there was anything below the basement
00:24:56level of the Potomac.
00:24:58Yeah. We are totally self-contained.
00:25:00You'll be able to continue working and communicate
00:25:02with any of your teams that are still out in the field.
00:25:04This is your desk.
00:25:06We will need to set this up as soon as possible
00:25:08because we have a lot to do and no time to do it.
00:25:16What's the message?
00:25:26What was it?
00:25:28Dallas is trapped under the ice sheet.
00:25:30It's running out of air, and it can't generate anymore.
00:25:33If we don't help them, they won't be able
00:25:35to destroy the debris slide.
00:25:37Is there an icebreaker nearby?
00:25:41The ice sheet is still too thick for them,
00:25:43and because of the thermal gel insulation
00:25:45that the Dallas is using, it's the only submarine
00:25:47available to deal with that type of extreme temperature.
00:25:49The Dallas is trying to breach from below.
00:25:52Maybe we can give them help from above,
00:25:54with a land-based missile strike, maybe?
00:25:58All of our non-nuclear missile silos,
00:26:00they're all ice-locked.
00:26:02We can't launch from there.
00:26:04However, we have defense contractors
00:26:06who have created what we call a K-bomb.
00:26:08It's the smallest, most powerful
00:26:10non-nuclear weapon we have.
00:26:12And you have them here.
00:26:14We do.
00:26:16How do we deploy the K-bombs
00:26:18if there are any ships or planes in the area?
00:26:21You fly it out there.
00:26:23Fly it?
00:26:25I thought all aircraft was grounded
00:26:27because of the cold.
00:26:29This is Dr. Eva Wilson.
00:26:31She helped develop the liquid aerogel
00:26:33that's being tested by the Dallas.
00:26:35It's also being used in a thermally modified helicopter.
00:26:37The fuselage and rotors
00:26:39have a layer of thermogel
00:26:41sandwiched between the outer and inner metallic skins.
00:26:43Additionally, micropumps circulate
00:26:45heated propylene glycol
00:26:47in a wire mesh just below the thermogel.
00:26:50So the fuselage and the rotors don't ice up.
00:26:52That's brilliant.
00:26:54Has it been tested?
00:26:56It's flown over Antarctica in the winter,
00:26:58at night, twice,
00:27:00and docked with the Dallas in Newcomb Bay
00:27:02to rescue a critically ill sailor.
00:27:06With a sub.
00:27:10How far away is this impressively modified bird?
00:27:12Within walking distance.
00:27:14It and its pilot
00:27:16are downstairs in the underground helo bay.
00:27:19Now, doctors,
00:27:21I'm gonna need the Dallas to be freed
00:27:23so it can destroy the debris field.
00:27:25And I'm gonna need an advisor on the Dallas
00:27:27in case we lose communication with them again.
00:27:29Ergo, you're both drafted.
00:27:36But you can't do that.
00:27:38Well, actually,
00:27:40during a national emergency,
00:27:42I can, Admiral Woods.
00:27:44And I've just spoken with the president,
00:27:46and this is...
00:27:48National emergency.
00:27:50All right, Carter,
00:27:52what do you need from us?
00:27:54I need you to deliver the K-bomb,
00:27:56blow a hole in the ice sheet so the Dallas can surface,
00:27:58dock with the Dallas,
00:28:00board, and advise.
00:28:02That is way beyond our area of expertise.
00:28:04Yeah, I know, but I don't have anyone else.
00:28:06I've got one pilot,
00:28:08three seats on a thermo chopper,
00:28:10and I need you on the Dallas,
00:28:12and we're running out of time.
00:28:14Now, Doctor, please escort Admiral Woods
00:28:16and Admiral Johnson to the armory.
00:28:28These two should fit you well enough.
00:28:32These feel pretty light.
00:28:34Are you sure they're gonna protect us?
00:28:36Yes, just mind sharp edges.
00:28:38The prototype material
00:28:40is thin for mobility but cuts easily.
00:28:42How long is the thermogel effective?
00:28:44The thermosuit backpack includes a heating element
00:28:46that powers a layer of heat mesh
00:28:48surrounding the upper and lower torso
00:28:50beneath the thermogel layer.
00:28:52How are we doing?
00:28:54Just getting them dressed and up to speed.
00:28:56Your helmets have built-in EMU radios
00:28:58so you'll be able to talk to each other
00:29:00and anyone else within radio range.
00:29:02Okay, what about the rest of our equipment?
00:29:04Don't worry about it.
00:29:06Anything you need, including the remote detonator
00:29:08or the three K-bombs, one for the ice sheet,
00:29:10two for the Dallas,
00:29:12they're all being loaded as we speak.
00:29:14Come on.
00:29:24Sir, we have about
00:29:26seven hours of air left.
00:29:28I need you to generate a list for me
00:29:30of all non-essential personnel.
00:29:32Aye, sir, but to what purpose?
00:29:34I believe we can conserve our air supply
00:29:36if we sedate all the non-essential personnel.
00:29:38All but day crew
00:29:40are already on energy conservation measures, sir.
00:29:42Yeah, but it's not enough.
00:29:44Sedating non-essential crew
00:29:46could buy us some time, sir,
00:29:48perhaps until help does arrive,
00:29:50and if help doesn't arrive in time, sir,
00:29:52then the sedated personnel...
00:29:54Doesn't suffer with the rest of us.
00:29:56So there is a bright side to all this.
00:29:58How would we manage this, sir?
00:30:00Send them all to crew quarters.
00:30:02We'll seal off the deck
00:30:04and we'll flood them with holothane.
00:30:06Holothane is a potent anesthetic, sir.
00:30:08It could have an adverse effect on some crew members.
00:30:10Death is an adverse effect.
00:30:14That's where we're all headed.
00:30:24We're coming up on the coordinates now.
00:30:28Once we land, we're gonna have to move fast.
00:30:30I don't want to put these suits
00:30:32to the full test out there.
00:30:36Coordinates found!
00:30:38Take us down!
00:30:40We have to set the K-bombs out of the way of the rotor wash.
00:31:06But I don't understand
00:31:08Drop it from the copter and blow it up from there because impact with the ice sheet could damage the arming circuitry
00:31:15Well, I still don't like it
00:31:18This should be far enough away
00:31:25It's not Perry give me a sec
00:31:41What do you mean it won't pair the cold must have damaged it, okay, so we can we can contact the pilot
00:31:48He can talk to Carter. Maybe he's got another remote detonator one of those the old-fashioned one
00:31:52There is a time for another detonator and the crew of the Dallas
00:31:58Least the gas
00:32:09Okay, there has to be another way there is
00:32:16We have to detonate it manually
00:32:20Okay, okay, okay, how do we do that one of us stays behind and triggers it
00:32:31Okay, I don't I don't I don't know how to do that you know how to do that
00:32:41Show me show me show me how to do it. I'll do it
00:32:46And I wouldn't show you if I could
00:32:50You couldn't stop me
00:32:53Hardly anyone can
00:32:56But I need to do this and you need to get back to the Dallas
00:33:05Know I know
00:33:59Go for bridge
00:34:00What's the Dallas
00:34:02Captain price here
00:34:04Captain what's the ice sheet is blown you have 35 seconds to surface before the hole refreezes
00:34:10Understood doctor. Thank you
00:34:30Sir the ice sheet is broken. We have much time XO prepare for emergency resurface
00:34:41All crew prepare for emergency surfacing secure all hatches
00:34:47XO have damage control standing by damage control team standing by
00:34:52Where the ballast takes throwing the chicken switches
00:34:56Where the ballast takes throwing the chicken switches
00:35:06XO once we stabilize I need you refill the ballast tanks
00:35:10Let me get some air in here
00:35:12Sir, we can't remain at the surface for long. We will get freezed in
00:35:16Noted XO go as fast as possible
00:35:20Captain it's from dr. Woods. Let us hear Thompson. Hi, sir
00:35:26Welcome back to the land of the living captain price
00:35:29Permission to dock and come aboard
00:35:31Thank you, doctor. Good to be back
00:35:34permission granted
00:35:38XL wake up the crew we have work to do
00:35:59Take these little babies to the fish tank now if you'll excuse me
00:36:06Admiral woods
00:36:07Welcome aboard secretary card informed me. They were sending the country's top geologist as an advisor
00:36:15We're pleased to finally make your acquaintance
00:36:17Thank You captain, but I was drafted not promoted so you can call me doctor not quite used to the other title yet
00:36:24Yes, doctor you're by yourself ma'am I
00:36:31Dr. Johnson the remote detonator wouldn't work in the cold. So he had to manually trigger it
00:36:38Very very sorry for your loss
00:36:40Thank you
00:36:42How much longer till we're ready? Well soon as you refill the ballast fill the ship up with air. We'll be on our way
00:36:50Good we don't have a lot of time left
00:37:11Give me Kevin price Kevin's on the bridge
00:37:20Communications are back up and I have secretary Carter online. Thank you Thompson pass him through
00:37:29Captain good to speak with you again. Did our package arrive?
00:37:33We resurfaced thanks to dr. Johnson
00:37:37We have the package and we're also here with dr. Woods
00:37:40We've heard about dr. Johnson. Dr. Woods. I'm very sorry. He's a very good man
00:37:46How far are you away from the target their current propulsion system? We're about 30 minutes away until we reach the target
00:37:55Captain the ice is freezing over. We have to go now
00:37:59Gardner secure all external hatches prepare to dive. I sir preparing to descent
00:38:06Secretary I have run the simulations if the math is correct
00:38:11We have about 20 hours before the oceans freeze over
00:38:15Did you say 20 hours you're breaking up
00:38:21Secretary do you can you hear me?
00:38:23Captain price
00:38:27We're losing power
00:38:29That's not possible. The bunker has a completely different electrical grid than the Pentagon. We have our own generators
00:38:35Then we have a problem with our generators. I'll get the facility manager
00:38:40Just the man. I was coming to see we have a problem. Yeah. Yeah, we're aware. Can you fix it?
00:38:46Yes, sir, but uh, I'll need some help most of my guys they didn't make it to the bunker in time
00:38:51Well, I can give you a hand sir. Perhaps you just stay behind and monitor the situation here
00:38:56Look, it's been a while, but I think I know how to turn a wrench
00:39:00Where are we going?
00:39:02The outer bunker that's what a power station is one or more of the generators they might not be functioning well in the outer bunker
00:39:08It's it's not as insulated as we are here could get a bit chilly
00:39:12We should get suited up then
00:39:15Okay, I'll grab my tools and get some extra hands. We'll meet you in the armory
00:39:32Found that extra pair of hands
00:39:34Hello soldier
00:39:36Tate, isn't it?
00:39:37You work the reception desk. Yes, ma'am. I'm a greeter. They're training me to guide tours
00:39:42Yeah, you know anything about uh generators motors?
00:39:44Uh, my dad runs an ac business back in mobile. Uh, I used to help him out on the weekends summers, too
00:39:51Should help
00:39:52Okay, these should fit you both take extra care when you're working with the tools
00:39:57Any small tear in the suit will leave your skin exposed
00:40:00Exposed skin is dead skin
00:40:09Thank you doctor
00:40:27All right, okay, so the first two torpedoes initiated another even more massive slide
00:40:33Creating an even bigger blockage now the k-bombs
00:40:37combined with the firepower of the torpedoes
00:40:41Will shatter the barrier and restore the normal current flow
00:40:45The frigid temperatures and the restricted water exchange have increased the salinity and the density at this depth
00:40:50We'll factor that into our firing solution
00:40:52Furthermore the piercing cold poses a threat to the torpedo zone guidance system. We should have backup guidance control in place
00:41:01I agree make it happen. Captain price, please report to the bridge immediately. Let's get to it
00:41:14Captain on the bridge
00:41:16at ease
00:41:17Thompson, I need a report
00:41:19Sonar is picking up multiple large objects ahead, sir
00:41:24All right, we're gonna need to drop 300 meters in order to avoid. Aye, sir preparing to descend to 300 meters
00:41:30Okay, are we clear to descend?
00:41:32Aye, sir
00:41:34All right, let's proceed
00:41:36Steady as she goes
00:41:43Sorry, sir, I didn't see that one
00:41:45I've got limited visibility. There could be more of them out there sir that we won't see
00:41:51Rodriguez, I need a damage report from other sections
00:42:02Dive dive dive
00:42:15Sickbay report
00:42:16Sickbay reporting still gathering numbers of injuries, but o'neal was just brought in with a massive head wound xo. I need reports in all other sections
00:42:26Thompson I need a communication status satellite and long-range communications are down sir. Uh
00:42:31I have sonar capability. All right, I need you to locate another submarine
00:42:36Aye, sir, initiating active and passive sonar for nearby submarines
00:42:40I need you to concentrate your efforts on the indiana's last known coordinates. Aye, sir
00:42:46Rodriguez what's our status still gathering reports sir thermal shielding is holding awaiting update on propulsion sir
00:43:06Hey, can you uh go check where the pipes run in the back and see if there's any fuel leaking yes, sir
00:43:11Where do the generators get their fuel from underground storage tank?
00:43:15Where exactly is this underground storage tank?
00:43:18Uh 500 yards from here
00:43:19Give or take a pipe runs from the tank and then gets to the bunker and the emergency generators. No leaks back here
00:43:25At very low temperatures diesel fuel will start to gel. It'll get too thick to flow through the lines
00:43:30Hence the low fuel pressure warnings. So what can we do?
00:43:33There's inline heaters. They uh right before the jenny's we need line heaters on the pipes closer to the distro hub
00:43:39Can we access the hub or any portion of the fuel lines?
00:43:42Yeah, but the service tunnel that service tunnel isn't heated. That's why the fuel lines are freezing
00:43:47Is there an equipment room down here? Are there more fuel line heaters? Yeah. Yeah, come with me
00:43:55How long will these suits keep us from freezing four to five hours if the temperatures don't drop much lower how much lower man
00:44:02Minus 273 degrees celsius as long as the suit heaters are working
00:44:06Minus 50 degrees celsius once they've lost their charge
00:44:09Anything below that the thermogel degrades quickly. Yeah, but if the temperature is getting lower than that
00:44:14These line heaters won't be of any use. Anyway, then we need to get to the distro hub quickly and install them
00:44:18Yeah, it's 800 feet up this way
00:44:22What was that
00:44:23I'm, not sure
00:44:25It could be a frost quake
00:44:27Did you just make that up? No water in the soil freezes and expands the pressure increases and it explodes we should hustle. Yeah
00:44:47That's right up here
00:44:58Okay, let's get those line heaters up on the top pipe here
00:45:03And dr. Wilson go ahead and torch this
00:45:10So sir what we're looking at here control panel for distro hub it's pretty straightforward
00:45:16Red means hot blue means cold
00:45:19Each pipe feeding pentagon proper cold cold cold
00:45:31Sir, could you hold that?
00:45:41Like that
00:45:46Dr. Wilson, how's that torch coming getting it done?
00:45:52Watch out
00:45:56Sir there's an issue in the depth control system
00:45:59Can we resurface not at the moment, sir?
00:46:02Adjusting the ballast tanks there appears to be an issue with the flood control. All right, we'll do the best you can. Aye, sir
00:46:12Type in the gloves, they don't teach you that at school
00:46:15All right, we have
00:46:17Pressure on one
00:46:19Pressure on two
00:46:21Pressure on three and four
00:46:32What was that frost quake
00:46:44All right, we should get out of here
00:47:20One third of engineering is in sickbay sir with one type of injury or another
00:47:25Thompson, how are we a sonar reporting and other vessels? I haven't gotten anything sir. Keep checking
00:47:31Aye, sir. What did we hit?
00:47:33We hit icebergs the whole forest of them and apparently they're too dense for the sonars to pick up
00:47:38Um, can we travel any closer to the bottom?
00:47:41No, we're dead in the water
00:47:43Everything's down our communication system's down and we're trying to reserve energy until we make all the repairs. Okay
00:47:49Maybe we can contact carter at least let him know our situation. It's not gonna happen. We're not close to any other sub
00:47:56How did subs communicate with the surface before we were close to the indiana and then they sent the message up
00:48:02That's how we did it before. Okay, maybe we can send another message to the indiana. We are not close to any other sub
00:48:09Okay, um, well it sounds like we need to focus on getting the comms back up. Otherwise, we're blind
00:48:18How's o'neill he's got a concussion and doctor wants him to stay in sickbay for 24 hours
00:48:25We don't have 24 hours we have less than 15
00:48:31Is there anything I can do to help let's go talk to o'neill
00:48:47I didn't realize how bad we were hit. Well, it could have been worse
00:48:58Hey stand down say hello you have a concussion I need to get back to work
00:49:04I'm not doing the dallas
00:49:06Any good line on my back here? What's our status? Well, that system's down boston system's down
00:49:14Trying to reserve energy while we're making repairs
00:49:19And we're having problems with comms
00:49:23There's no one left
00:49:26I'm it
00:49:28You need me
00:49:29You heard him you need him sir, he can barely even sit up
00:49:32There's no way he was the only one who can fix comms. You said it's priority. We have to get a hold of carter
00:49:38Okay. Yes, I agree with you, but there's no way the doctor is going to sign off on this
00:49:42Is there anyone else in engineering? O'neill is the only one who knows every system in the ship from stem to stern
00:49:48Hey, but sir, if he loses consciousness, this whole thing is for nothing that I will bring him back
00:49:54We have to act while he's up. Dr. Woods. I can do it
00:49:58All right, i'm ready. Come on. Come on, my friend. Let's go, buddy
00:50:06Okay, I got this
00:50:10Sir can you stand
00:50:14Oh doc, hey, how bad is it?
00:50:18Looks like it's only first degree frostbite. No permanent damage. You're lucky your suit tore where it did
00:50:24I don't feel lucky and tate was even less fortunate make it
00:50:31There's ibuprofen in the med kit if your leg bothers you too much. Thank you doctor. I'm gonna be fine
00:50:36I just need to get back see if they've re-established contact with the dallas
00:50:46Okay, I got it I got it thank you
00:50:50All right
00:50:54Running diagnostics. Wait, is there anything we can do to help? No, i'm the only crew member who knows that configuration
00:51:01There it is
00:51:04Gotcha you little fuck
00:51:10The cobs are back I need two medics instructor in engineering
00:51:16Can you stay here until the medics get here meet me on the bridge, of course
00:51:22Thank you
00:51:27Captain's on the bridge at ease
00:51:31Thank you lieutenant
00:51:39Sir has anybody else seen this? No, sir. Good. I want to be honest to know I want anybody to still have hope
00:51:50O'neill's back in bed
00:51:56You okay? Yeah, i'm, okay
00:51:59Thank you for putting o'neill back in bed
00:52:01I know he can be handful
00:52:03Captain I got death control back had to swap out a few circuits
00:52:08Heard word that propulsion is up. We're nearing the site now
00:52:11That's good to know full speed ahead. We have work to do
00:52:20So this is where we are the slide is even more massive than before
00:52:25Okay, but according to the data I got from lieutenant dambe the torpedo struck at an angle of 225 degrees
00:52:34The idea is it would come around to the opposite side
00:52:37Strike here
00:52:39That should blow it
00:52:41Well, it's worth a shot
00:52:43I'll inform carter
00:52:46Captain do you care if I run to the torpedo room check on the progress of refitting the k bombstead torpedoes?
00:52:52Yeah, of course. All right, you know where it is. Oh, i'm sure I can find my way
00:53:10Captain on the bridge
00:53:12At ease everyone
00:53:14Thompson bear to send a message to secretary right sir position 58 degrees 39 minutes 2.4 seconds north
00:53:2230 degrees 37 minutes 50.5 seconds west
00:53:27Position 58 degrees 39 minutes 2.4 seconds north 30 degrees 37 minutes 50.5 seconds west
00:53:34All right
00:53:36We're en route to deliver the package
00:53:40Hope this is not a hail mary
00:53:42Message ready, sir
00:53:49Send it send sir
00:53:57Al I need a full stop once we release torpedo number one, I need full reversal. Hi sir full stop
00:54:03When a torpedo hits the weak point of the debris slide, we need to move fast
00:54:06Fast launch torpedo number one launching torpedo number one pull a certain captain
00:54:19Direct hit captain excellent hold
00:54:27Incoming debris increase reverse speed reverse at full speed, sir
00:54:41Extra I need a damage report. I need to know exactly where that water leak is coming from
00:54:57Oh, we fixed that I thought so too sir, well good free work back in here we got to figure this out
00:55:09Outer hull breach above the engine room i'm detecting structural damage to the inner hull though it currently remains intact
00:55:15Where exactly is the structural damage?
00:55:18Directly above the reactor sir thompson report sir. It looks like part of the slide broke free
00:55:23I don't know if part of it is going to be enough. I have no access to satellite imagery
00:55:29We have to finish this while we're down here. We don't know if we're going to have another chance
00:55:33Captain we have one torpedo left
00:55:36after that
00:55:37Which I know we're going as fast as we can after you have everything prepared. We're gonna launch the second torpedo
00:55:46The line heaters didn't work
00:55:49Okay, they did briefly
00:55:51All right. What if we took all the heaters off the pipes and concentrated them on one pipe along its entire length?
00:55:58It might work
00:56:00You don't sound too positive doc
00:56:03It's just been two steps forward one step back all damn day
00:56:06But dallas is depending on us and we're spinning our wheels positive or not
00:56:10If we're going to do something we need to do it quick if those jenny's we're all screwed
00:56:16Understood doctor
00:56:20Each of the generators powers a different portion of the bunker number one powers underground command
00:56:25the armory medical the launch pad and a few offices
00:56:28The rest of the generators they power the kitchen sleeping areas and some storage rooms
00:56:33Okay, well we're going to need command so we can communicate with the rest of the country the dallas and to download all the satellite
00:56:38Dude, so we take the heaters and we place them on the pipe powering generator number one
00:56:43Sir, gary and I can handle moving the heaters. Perhaps you can coordinate evacuation and supply move to the underground command center
00:56:50Yeah, I can handle that. Thank you, sir
00:56:58Sir ballast control is barely functioning. We need more than barely lieutenant stabilizes boat doing my best sir
00:57:05Dammit, can we proceed with that second torpedo launch? I believe we still have a shot sir
00:57:09So now relay targeting to weapons. Aye, sir targeting data relayed
00:57:14weapons initiate the launch sequence
00:57:22Anytime now lieutenant sir, it's not
00:57:26The torpedo is jammed in the tube. Your torpedo hatches are starting to freeze up, sir
00:57:32Move to the second tube. Aye, sir. We should have launch capability momentarily
00:57:37If this torpedo fails, we are rapidly running out of options
00:57:41We need to come up with an alternative plan. Let's solve this problem first doctor
00:57:46Captain the torpedo is now in tube. Number one. Thank you. Lieutenant
00:57:49Helm reverse our course by 2500 meters affirmative captain reversing course accordingly. You can't afford another impact whether this works or not
00:57:57Weapons prep tube one for launch. I serve tube one prep for launch launch torpedo launching torpedo
00:58:14I didn't hear that her hat's closed and be the hatch failed to open sir
00:58:19Torpedo didn't launch captain weapons identify the issue rectify and then launch the torpedo attempting to troubleshoot captain the outer hatch is jammed
00:58:28Frozen shut or possibly struck by debris and guidance control is offline
00:58:34Captain with the torpedo tube jammed and no way to control the trajectory
00:58:38Could we potentially drop the torpedo onto the slide to do that?
00:58:43We have to position ourselves directly over the slide exposing us to the explosion
00:58:47We have less than two hours before the entire globe is encompassed in ice
00:58:55Got an idea. There's a hatch to access a midget sub that sub is not there
00:59:00We can actually drop a torpedo from the hatch
00:59:05Show me
00:59:15Captain's on the bridge
00:59:18Rodriguez crew may I have your attention, please?
00:59:24We'll be heading to the debris field in just a few minutes and would you be dropping an mk48 over the debris field
00:59:31Captain we won't have sufficient time to escape the blast wave. Well, you may be right but we're gonna try
00:59:37Let's go
00:59:46Engine crew, this is your captain speaking
00:59:50In just a few minutes we'll be heading over the debris field
00:59:54That time we'll be dropping over an mk48 over the debris field
00:59:59Here to inform you that there is a chance that we may not be to exit in time
01:00:07I just want you to know it's been my honor to serve all of you aboard this ship
01:00:13Captain out
01:00:15Sir we'll never know if it worked
01:00:18But the world will know and they'll know we did it
01:00:28Anna garner take us to the debris field maximum speed
01:00:34Aye, sir
01:00:35Weapons eta on mk48 readiness. It's being positioned now, sir
01:00:56Directly over the debris slide captain open the hatch outer hatch opening, sir
01:01:05Mk48 deployed sir impacting 40. Get us out of here
01:01:40Stephens I need you to locate my facilities personnel and tell them to report to me here
01:01:44All right, you and you I need you to go and locate people and bring them to the command center
01:01:50Now we're running out of time. Let's get moving
01:02:06XO damage report
01:02:12XO report she's unconscious, but she's breathing
01:02:18Mr. Captain speaking. I need two corpsmen on the bridge. I need a stretcher right fingers have been hurt
01:02:27Did it work?
01:02:28No, sir
01:02:29The debris slide is larger. The bottom topography is altered the temperatures are dropping further water density is increasing
01:02:36The cold is growing at an exponential rate
01:02:38Palm damage report, sir blast debris struck the ice sheet ricocheted off and struck us
01:02:43Another outer hull breached near the ballast compartment. We have 30 battery left and we are now incapable of movement
01:02:51I don't know how he survived
01:02:55Do we have a plan c well mary's been canceled we're not going anywhere
01:03:03All right, hold on keep it organized everyone we're gonna have to find this stuff later
01:03:11I understand
01:03:43There's the backup battery lights for the service tunnel if they're on there's no power to the bunker we need to go now
01:03:54Come on
01:04:14Get the line heaters up along the pipe right here try to concentrate them. Yeah, they'll get more conduction. All right
01:04:21right here
01:04:22Grab this one. Yeah
01:04:39How's that that's good just try to make sure they're nice and tight, okay
01:04:56Just checking to see what the pressure readings look like
01:05:10According to my sonar picture. We appear to be trapped between several icebergs thompson. What's the situation above us?
01:05:16Well, the blast knocked several holes in the ice sheet, but they're freezing up fast. Can we launch a floater antenna before the ice refreezes?
01:05:23I believe we can sir. Well, that's the best news. I heard all day do it. Aye, sir launching antenna
01:05:33Thompson nothing, sir
01:05:37No, wait
01:05:39I have a signal
01:05:41It's up, sir. It's from chile, sir
01:05:43And it's visual
01:05:44Wait on the screen
01:06:00Go north
01:06:06Gonna get back up. I can't sir. They stopped transmitting and find another signal scanning
01:06:15There's nothing on any channel
01:06:18It's all gone
01:06:20We are not giving up initiate emergency action methods
01:06:24We've been hit
01:06:26Suffered a hall breach movement impeded by ice. We urgently request assistance include our id and location
01:06:35Seam transmission ready, sir
01:06:39Is there anyone left to receive the message, I don't know but i'm not throwing in a towel yet
01:06:47Transmit the same message thompson
01:06:57Doctor you with me I have an idea
01:07:02Gardner has the bridge
01:07:23They call that
01:07:37Let me see
01:07:41That's not good
01:07:42Okay, quick damage assessment. Okay outer door on tube one
01:07:46It's damaged from the outside that can't be used now the outer door two
01:07:51Is okay, but it fell to lunch
01:07:53probably from pneumatic failure
01:07:55Okay, uh, can you talk us through what we need to do?
01:08:00Well, I can try
01:08:03First off we need to check every valve and every fitting we need to make sure everything is tight and nothing is leaking
01:08:11Look over in my toolbox. Could you get that leak check for me? It's just right over there
01:08:17Come on, hurry up with that leak check
01:08:23Will the generators come on by themselves or need to start the manually
01:08:26No, they're all at a restart if the diesel's flowing
01:08:29It should start up any minute now
01:08:49Okay people we're back online stephen's give me a secure link to the white house
01:08:53I need you to get all these monitors up and running and get our data back online and I need a secure link
01:08:59to the dallas
01:09:02Come on
01:09:05I think that's it
01:09:07no leaks
01:09:08Okay. Now we're gonna run a system diagnostic and if that checks out
01:09:13Then we got one working tube with the fish already in it ready to launch
01:09:19Look i'm, okay. I got it
01:09:23Look dr. Woods here can help me going back to the bridge sir. We got this
01:09:27Look here look over there turn that one to the left as I turn this to the right one, two, three
01:09:38Thompson which icebergs giving you problems big one 10 degrees off our starboard bow
01:09:43Lieutenant damby, you got that?
01:09:45Aye, sir. Big one 10 degrees off our starboard bow
01:09:48Tube two should be prepped
01:09:51On to my command
01:09:54Launch torpedoes torpedo fish away
01:10:05Target obliterated
01:10:08Hell bring propulsion online set speed to two knots. Aye, sir bringing propulsion online speed set to two knots
01:10:15Two knots
01:10:21Captain propulsion is offline
01:10:30Right to engineering
01:10:34Engineering here the boss is offline. We're not moving on it
01:10:43What's wrong with it
01:10:45Bearing failure the motor seized up. Okay, can it be replaced if I had another one? Yes
01:10:54Shred don't torpedoes have a propulsion system, right?
01:10:58They do they're smaller. The components are smaller. But yeah, okay, are they?
01:11:04Interchangeable. I could they be modified to fit possibly but the motor from a torpedo
01:11:09That doesn't generate enough juice. That's gonna
01:11:12Turn the propeller shaft in a sub
01:11:14How many torpedoes do we have left? We're down to three
01:11:18Would two motors work
01:11:21I don't know
01:11:22It's never been done before
01:11:24Nothing we're doing down here has ever been done before. Of course. I have to make some modifications
01:11:30But yeah, let's give it a shot let's do it
01:11:36Come on we don't have a lot of time
01:11:40Oh, yeah
01:11:42This is gonna take a lot of jerry-rigging to get this thing to work pliers
01:11:46If this works you're gonna win a medal
01:11:48Well, that's what I live for. Come on
01:11:59Here we go
01:12:07Gardner what's the status of the propulsion system?
01:12:09O'Neill's fixing it. Dr. Woods is assisting
01:12:19Bryce here good news the propulsion system is back online
01:12:22But I don't know how long this jerry-rigging mess is gonna run, but it is running. So move while you can sir
01:12:28You heard that lieutenant gardner. We're sat here two knots. Aye. Aye, sir. I had two knots
01:12:40Are we moving lieutenant negative sir
01:12:44Oh, yeah, we're still not moving what we should be sir. Look i'm gonna check on and get back to you
01:13:03Have the white house yet
01:13:09No, absolutely
01:13:12Understood. All right guys. Here's the thing
01:13:17Engineering the bridge
01:13:20This is captain we found the problem sir
01:13:23Our hole sensors were offline when I got them working doc and I found that the outer hole had been breached by an iceberg
01:13:30It's holding us here. There's a way to feed ourselves
01:13:33I mean, what if we gently rock back and forth by increasing our mass?
01:13:37We'd be likely to tear the outer hole even more
01:13:45This sub is equipped with emergency immersion suits, right? It is but it's too cold out there for these suits
01:13:50Okay, the dallas is testing the thermogel. Is there any of it left?
01:13:58We can fortify one of the suits with the thermogel send someone out with an underwater cutting torch
01:14:04Cut the iceberg
01:14:06It sounds ridiculous
01:14:08But we don't have any other ideas let's do it
01:14:12Let's divers always dive in pairs
01:14:16I need a buddy
01:14:20Okay, listen up
01:14:22There's no radios in these suits. So you're gonna have to use arm signals
01:14:26Just tug on the line connecting you to get each other's attention
01:14:29And this is very important
01:14:32Once I close the inner hatch
01:14:35Fasten the jog line inside the hatch and when you're ready for me to flood it just knock three times and if you
01:14:44When you succeed and you're back
01:14:47Just knock three more times and i'm gonna pump the water out
01:14:50Be careful two minutes and the cold will take you. Come on. Go go go
01:15:32What happened
01:15:33He cut us free but I think the cold got to him help me take his helmet off
01:15:37Don't leave his helmet on till we get to sick bay. Come on. Go go go go
01:15:42O'neill the bridge bridge lieutenant gardner gardner captain's order get us out of here now. Hi o'neill getting us out of here
01:15:57We're running out of time and torpedoes
01:16:00Everything that we have thrown at this slide has succeeded in nothing but making it bigger
01:16:04I don't think one more torpedo is gonna have any
01:16:10Kind of
01:16:11Okay, uh right here. We have the rakianus ridge then we have the charlie gibbs fracture zone
01:16:18I remember thompson said after the last explosion it changed the topography
01:16:23which means
01:16:25Plague tectonics. This area is very geologically active
01:16:29Okay, so seismic activity created the slide, right?
01:16:33We can use seismic activity to destroy it
01:16:38So we're gonna find the weakest point nearest the slide we target that with the torpedo
01:16:44That should trigger another earthquake releasing the warm occurrence
01:16:49Would it work
01:16:52I don't know
01:16:53Do we have a better idea? Well other than ramming the debris field and blowing up the reactor
01:16:59I can't think of another option
01:17:02Well, if the torpedo fails
01:17:05We may have to do that
01:17:19Frank gardner bring us about aye, sir bringing us about
01:17:26Prep the last fish for launch. Aye, sir prepping torpedo actor would you help thompson find the best target for a torpedo?
01:17:34Okay, thompson, where would you say the topography changed the most after the last explosion? Well at 58 degrees
01:17:41Uh 42 minutes north and 30 degrees 39 minutes west and how
01:17:46Exactly, was it changed?
01:17:48Well the bottom raised up and a deep fissure opened
01:17:51the fissure
01:17:54That's the target thompson lay this coordinates to weapons
01:17:59coordinates relate sir
01:18:02launch a torpedo
01:18:10We have impact captain the torpedo didn't blow that's the last one
01:18:16Uh, according to my sonar the previous explosion it blew a large chunks of rock debris into the into the ice above
01:18:23What if we knock some of it down?
01:18:25It would fall in the torpedo
01:18:27And then set it off
01:18:33Minus some nice big debris
01:18:36Lieutenant garden once you have the coordinates head full coordinates acquired a head full
01:19:04That compartment close to watertight doors sound the alarm ceiling compartment sounding evacuation alarm closing watertight doors
01:19:19Bridge status report
01:19:21Navigations offline propulsions offline battery 15
01:19:25sonar online
01:19:26Hf communications are offline
01:19:29Blf are online weapons offline torpedo room flooded compartment seal holding no flooding to other decks all crew accounted for
01:19:38Sir, i'm picking up further activity to target
01:19:41Water temperature is increasing at three degrees per minute thompson thompson. Can you scan for 28 kilohertz?
01:19:48Yes, ma'am. Why?
01:19:51We're close enough to my geological survey buoys they can transmit their blf frequencies they can let us know if we succeed it
01:19:59scanning 28 kilohertz
01:20:02I've got it. Okay. Is there any way to display the data?
01:20:08The temperature is going up could be the residual effect from the explosion no
01:20:23Sir navigation and propulsion are back up
01:20:27It's working
01:20:31It's working the buoys are detecting massive seismic activity
01:20:40Sir the ice sheet it's breaking apart
01:20:45Take us out
01:21:12Have you heard anything from the dallas yet?
01:21:27We have breached the ice sir
01:21:36Excellent lieutenant, what is the status of our diesel engines? I can bring them online, sir
01:21:44Light them up starting the engine sir
01:21:48Thompson you have communications back up. Yes, sir. I need to make a call to the pentacon
01:22:06Carter secretary carter
01:22:10I'm pleased to announce that our mission was a success
01:22:14Debris field has been eliminated. They did it
01:22:22Thank you
01:22:24Thank you admiral price
01:22:30Thank you, sir
01:22:34You don't outrank me anymore
01:22:38Look like you
01:22:40your crew
01:22:41Dr. Woods and especially. Dr. Johnson
01:22:45Took this assignment at great
01:22:48personal cost
01:22:50and I
01:22:51The citizens of the united states and the president
01:22:54I want to thank you
01:22:56Thank you, sir
01:22:58We have some repairs to make before we can be on our way
01:23:02We hope to see you soon
01:23:07Safe travels
01:23:13All right guys, let's see if we can get all of our families
01:23:24Attention all crew let's get ourselves patched up. We're going home
01:23:32Thank you
01:23:47Welcome back
01:23:48Ambient temperature has increased to a bommy minus 10 degrees celsius and it continues to climb. Well, it's hardly beach weather
01:23:56But i'll take it
01:23:58lieutenant gard
01:24:00Set a course to fort smith shipyard. Aye. Aye, sir. Fort smith shipyard ahead 10 knots
01:24:07We did it
01:24:11Yes, we did doctor yes we did
01:24:19We're going home
