• 4 months ago
PT Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk (WIKA) menambah modal Rp81 miliar ke PT Pembangunan Perumahan Semarang Demak (PPSD), Badan Usaha Jalan Tol (BUJT) Semarang-Demak. PPSD adalah perusahaan patungan (joint venture) antara WIKA dengan PT PP (Persero) Tbk (PTPP). WIKA memiliki saham minoritas di entitas asosiasi tersebut. Corporate Secretary WIKA Mahendra Vijaya mengatakan, penyertaan modal tersebut dilakukan untuk mencegah dilusi atas kepemilikan saham WIKA di PPSD.


00:00PT Wijayakarya Persero TBK added 81 billion rupiahs to the construction of the Semarang Demak or PPSD housing
00:07in the business district of Jalan Tol Semarang Demak.
00:10Corporate Secretary Wijayakarya Mahendra Vijaya said
00:13the participation of the capital was done to prevent dilution due to the ownership of WIKA shares in the PPSD.
00:23PT Wijayakarya Persero TBK added 81 billion rupiahs to the construction of the Semarang Demak or PPSD housing
00:29in the business district of Jalan Tol Semarang Demak.
00:32PPSD is a joint venture between WIKA and PT PP Persero TBK.
00:37WIKA has a minority share in the association entity.
00:41Corporate Secretary Wijayakarya Mahendra Vijaya said
00:44the participation of the capital was done to prevent dilution due to the ownership of WIKA shares in the PPSD.
00:50The consideration of this transaction is for the fulfillment of the equity portion of Persero
00:55as the holder of the PT Pembangunan Perumahan Semarang Demak shares.
00:58PPSD previously offered capital addition to the business district, namely PT PP and WIKA.
01:03With the presence of the capital balance, the remaining portion of PT PP and WIKA in PPSD is still 75.1% and 24.9%.
01:12The deduction also increased the equity of PPSD to 327 billion rupiahs.
01:17Mahendra explained that the capital addition will be used by PPSD
01:22to pay for the current or newly completed project.
01:26As information, PPSD has just completed the Semarang Demak toll road,
01:30Sayung Demak area, 16.31 kilometers long.
01:33The toll road has been in operation since February 25, 2024.
01:38The construction of the toll road is planned to be continued for the Semarang Sayung area, which is the government portion.
01:43The length of the toll road is 10.64 kilometers, which was targeted by Rampung in 2027.
01:50Tim Liputan, IDX Channel
